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Automated Adaptation of Strategic Guidance in Multiagent Coordination [chapter]

Rajiv T. Maheswaran, Pedro Szekely, Romeo Sanchez
2011 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Our approach outperformed an extensively-trained team coordinating with radios and a traditional command-center organization, and an agent-assisted team using a different approach.  ...  It is challenging because most goals are revealed during execution, where uncertainty in the duration and outcome of actions plays a significant role, and where unexpected events can cause large disruptions  ...  The greater the use of STaC features, e.g., subteaming and reformation (used after making clinics operational), the better the performance.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-25044-6_20 fatcat:apyoirnmwbeurcvtp77lwxy6fm

A Pathway to Carbon Neutral Agriculture in Denmark

Timothy Searchinger, Jessica Zionts, Stefan Wirsenius, Liqing Peng, Tim Beringer, Patrice Dumas
2021 WRI Publications  
How should a country adapt this menu to its own agricultural context?  ...  Can the world meet growing demand for food while sharply reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture – and without converting more forests into agriculture?  ...  Establish a technical team, with subteams to be responsible for the development and implementation of solutions for each major source of emissions.  ... 
doi:10.46830/wrirpt.20.00006 fatcat:r6kqzyw2jnfgbpfdxd4vdqgkiu

D2.1 Needs and Opportunities Definition Report for Renovation based on IDDS Framework

Several Authors
2019 Zenodo  
Description of work generate a general IDDS framework for the development of the renovation solutions for building residential projects covering: i) Potential and needs of improvements in the construction  ...  Known barriers for the implementation of digitized ICT solutions in the renovation domain will be identified, as an essential aspect of the IDDS approach.  ...  adaptiveness.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7123133 fatcat:uifm5esb4razhlbu2kmv2telcq

NetVista: Growing an Internet solution for schools

W. A. Kellogg, J. T. Richards, C. Swart, P. Malkin, M. Laff, V. Hanson, B. Hailpern
1998 IBM Systems Journal  
NetVista™ is an integrated suite of clients and servers supporting Internet access for students and teachers in kindergarten through 12th-grade schools.  ...  , functionality, and user expectations.  ...  Acknowledgments We thank Tom Erickson, John Thomas, John Karat, and three anonymous reviewers for helpful comments. We also thank the members of the larger  ... 
doi:10.1147/sj.371.0019 fatcat:47t57wboajgjddkafuzi7oekeq

Full Issue

2018 The Foundation Review  
Acknowledgments This article was partially funded by a generous grant from the Global Fund for Community Foundations to the Global Greengrants Fund.  ...  While efforts to advocate for reforms of these restrictions directly are crucial, both funders and the organizations they support must adapt to this new environment.  ...  This means replacing the paradigm of pre-determined solutions and "plan the work and work the plan" stewardship with a new style of leadership that encourages bold thinking, tough conversations and experimentation  ... 
doi:10.9707/1944-5660.1419 fatcat:buqvf6osmbhgphdcgh52d545ve

Trends in Vocational Education and Training Research, Vol. II. Proceedings of the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Vocational Education and Training Network (VETNET)

2019 Zenodo  
We thank the Bern University of Teacher Education for the financial support.  ...  A special thanks goes to Sabine Lehmann for her great support in checking all the references and preparing the online version of the book. VET [...]  ...  Concepts such as European Qualification Framework, Bologna teaching methodology, European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance, must be adapted if a  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3457503 fatcat:h4kprpevnfh7znrs3zas37i65q

FedCLASS: A Case Study of Agile and Lean Practices in the Federal Government

Nanette Brown, Jeffrey Davenport, Linda Parker Gates, Tamara Marshall-Keim
The report describes the organizations responsible for creating the software solution, establishing the development process, and structuring acquisition activities.  ...  The final section describes insights gleaned during the research of this case study and includes analysis of the organization's experiences with Agile and Lean adoption, technical approaches, and project  ...  The authors also wish to thank the members of the development team who talked with us openly about the project and allowed us to observe daily standup sessions and whole days of team activities.  ... 
doi:10.1184/r1/12367283.v1 fatcat:dtiemqliinai3aypf7z2htyefa

a need to know

William A. Spencer, Larry R. Gettman, H. H. Bridge, Allan J. Ryan
1983 Physician and sportsmedicine  
Problems with P-Value Reform: Who Can We Blame?-FRegina Nuzzo, Gallaudet University 9:15 a.m. P-Value Overdose in Medical Research: Problems and Solutions-FJ.  ...  Xgboost: An R Package for Fast and Accurate Gradient Boosting-FTong He, Simon Fraser University 3:45 p.m.  ...  Professional Development This year marks the centennial of Statistics of Income (SOI), a principal Federal statistical agency responsible for the statistical policies and programs of the U.S.  ... 
doi:10.1080/00913847.1983.11708423 pmid:27409254 fatcat:7rlbreoerngb3epmighz7l5vr4

The international knowledge base for new care models relevant to primary care-led integrated models: a realist synthesis

Alison Turner, Abeda Mulla, Andrew Booth, Shiona Aldridge, Sharon Stevens, Mahmoda Begum, Anam Malik
2018 Health Services and Delivery Research  
Conclusions Multispecialty Community Providers can be described as complex adaptive systems (CASs) and, as such, connectivity, feedback loops, system learning and adaptation of CASs play a critical role  ...  These are generated if values and incentives for new ways of working are aligned and there are opportunities for training and development.  ...  Minutes will be taken at each meeting and will be shared with the NIHR HSDR programme and, potentially, more widely.  ... 
doi:10.3310/hsdr06250 fatcat:gqvjuazcefchbadxgd6rb5augq

Time Scales for Sustainable Urban System Design - Stretching the Boundaries of Standard Practice

Sebastian Moffatt
Some sort of balancing corrective to the shortsightedness is needed -some mechanism or myth which encourages the long view and the taking of long-term responsibility, where 'long-term' is measured at least  ...  fast food franchises.  ...  While Solution Space Planning is easily adapted to such alternatives, the tool lacks a process for varying the time scales, and for integrating different strategies into a shared solution space.  ... 
doi:10.5445/ir/1000007280 fatcat:txhyx4m2orcznovzrds3kisfxq

Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Programs: Multidisciplinary Projects with Homes in Any Discipline

Behnaam Aazhang, Randal Abler, Jan Allebach, L. Bost, Joseph Cavallaro, Edwin Chong, Edward Coyle, Jocelyn Cullers, Sonya Dennis, Yingfei Dong, Prasad Enjeti, Afroditi Filippas (+33 others)
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings   unpublished
guides for other universities in the VIP consortium so that they can adapt our approach on their campuses.  ...  that tend to incorporate multiple subteams.  ... 
doi:10.18260/1-2--29103 fatcat:77k7fyeogfdphmcmzxrpxtcjue

National trends and local delivery in old age mental health services: towards an evidence base. A mixed-methodology study of the balance of care approach, community mental health teams and specialist mental health outreach to care homes

David Challis, Sue Tucker, Mark Wilberforce, Christian Brand, Michele Abendstern, Karen Stewart, Rowan Jasper, Val Harrington, Hilde Verbeek, David Jolley, Jose-Luis Fernandez, Graham Dunn (+2 others)
2014 Programme Grants for Applied Research  
Priority areas for further study include the costs and benefits for older people of age inclusive mental health services and the relative cost-effectiveness of different models of mental health outreach  ...  Care home outreach: Further CMHT input to build care home staff skills and screen for depression may be beneficial.  ...  Acknowledgements Contributions of authors Professor David Challis (Director of PSSRU at the University of Manchester) was Chief Investigator and contributed to planning the study; was responsible for  ... 
doi:10.3310/pgfar02040 fatcat:zx7c76t6tvevhppxvteugkhlai

Power Distance Perceptions in Post-Soviet Russia: Understanding the Workplace Environment

Olga Kamenchuk
A phenomenological perspective, based on qualitative methodology, guided this research into the meaning of power experiences for individuals.  ...  The researcher developed and conducted several sets of interviews with employees, with relatives/friends of employees, and with country experts.  ...  suggest a solution.  ... 
doi:10.26076/fc7c-0edd fatcat:dt6ptjbjofgytfcsvisnu67hxa

An Executive Role Study: Investigating Expectation Enactment in the Role of the Chancellor of the University of the Nations-Kona

Gene Early
2001 Transformation  
reformation of the Role Incumbent's advisors and establishment of his own team.  ...  I was surprised at how wide and how fast it was opened. He was able to make some radical changes pretty fast. lie operates in the security of it [Le., the relationships with those on the board).  ...  Symbolic Interactionism--a sociological discipline adapted by social psychologists for its usefulness in explaining the social construction of reality. C.H.  ... 
doi:10.1177/026537880101800107 fatcat:lgt5crf4lvcufkyfb3iubftv2q

Social capital and participatory slum upgrading in Bangkok, Thailand

Diane Archer, Apollo-University Of Cambridge Repository, Apollo-University Of Cambridge Repository
This study focuses on those at the core of the upgrading process, and offers suggestions for ensuring that collective action provides the best results for both the urban poor and the state.  ...  Social capital is a valuable resource for the poor, when the formation of horizontal and vertical associations is actively promoted. [...]  ...  I would like to dedicate this dissertation to my parents, Anne and Ray Archer, for their unfailing support from halfway across the world during my time at Cambridge.  ... 
doi:10.17863/cam.16428 fatcat:unhduk7mlzcabfhogsufgqazru
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