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System Infrastructure for Mobile-Cloud Convergence

Kiryong Ha
For these applications, end-to-end network bandwidth and latency matter greatly when cloud resources are used to augment the computational power and battery life of a mobile device.  ...  Finally, we define minimal functionalities that cloudlets must offer above/beyond standard cloud computing, and address corresponding technical challenges.  ...  Additional support for this research was provided by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under grant numbers  ... 
doi:10.1184/r1/6723461.v1 fatcat:jracnbjvxjeizbgozah4qn4i34


Dr Eknath Mundhe
2022 Zenodo  
To provide a premier interdisciplinary forum for Scientists, Engineers, Academicians, Researchers and Professionals to navigate the future research for better mankind.  ...  The book aims to provide a common platform for researchers from the Academia as well as the Industry to publish their research work.  ...  United International Bureaux for the Protection of IP (BIRPI) became WIPO. Conceptual IP rights objects (enterprises) are inherently in appropriable. They are intangible by nature.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7676132 fatcat:zlxikqxc5bgerayylj3uawu6n4

Migration policy networks and migrant-sending states' 3R-policy prioritization

Gulbahor Saraeva
for the variation of the number of organizations and degree of dominance of the advocates across cases.  ...  of three post-Soviet migrant sending states' policy networks.  ...  and Kartuli Dasi (The Georgian Team, excluding the Republican, the Christian Democratic and the Labor parties), and almost all active political groups (the Freedom Party, the New Rights, the Movement for  ... 
doi:10.7282/t3gm89gp fatcat:7bizh6roy5hx7lkuag2mtmb3ge

Optimization of Distribution Network Operation Based on Reconnection, Clossed-Loop Operation and Reactive Power Generation – A Case Study
Primer optimizacije obratovanja distribucijskega omrežja s prevezavami, obratovanjem v zanki in generiranjem jalove moči

Matej Pintarič, Miran Rošer, Gorazd Štumberger
2017 Power Engineering 2017   unpublished
IP naslov se v skladu z ZVOP-1 šteje za osebni podatek (dinamični IP naslovi skupaj s podatkom o času dodelitve oziroma vključenosti v omrežje ali statični IP nasloviker je na njihovi podlagi posameznik  ...  Power distribution enterprises will be able to use such flexibility to reduce peak loads of the network and to narrow the gap between the consumption and the diffuse power generation.  ...  The already mentioned SSSC controlled parameters are mathematically described with (4) for injected voltage, (5) for injected reactive power and (6) for nodal voltage.  ... 
doi:10.18690/978-961-286-071-4.22 fatcat:4nvexu4mynerbmhyj4hc4h5ggq

2016 of the European Association for Chinese Studies Book of ABStrACtS 21st Biennial Conference EACS

St Petersburg, Russia
The EACS furthers the careers of young scholars by awarding a Young Scholar Award for outstanding research.  ...  Since 1995 the EACS has provided Library Travel Grants to support short visits for research in major sinological libraries in Western Europe.  ...  The organizers are most grateful to the scholars, who conducted the evaluation of paper and panel proposals for the EACS-2016:  ... 