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Development of an Iot System for Efficient Classification and Management of Solid Waste in Indian Cities- A Research

In this study solid management system based on Internet of Things is proposed which permits the municipal corporations to supervise the dustbin status over web server remotely and maintain the cities clean  ...  IoT (internet of things) techniques can manage such services efficiently in smart cities.  ...  The study of Rupa et al (2018) proposes a smart garbage management system based on internet of things for urban regions which performs as one of the creative system to manage the cities clean.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijitee.l3903.1081219 fatcat:f2ar3e4wzrggleon33ravofkca

Research on simulation of school uniform supply chain optimal model based on internet of things

Chen Jun
2020 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking  
In this paper, the information sharing platform based on the Internet of things is constructed to improve the efficiency of supply chain, and the flow chart based on the Internet of things of the school  ...  uniform is analyzed, integrated application of Internet of things technology in supply chain to analyze the detail of the system.  ...  Availability of data and materials The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s13638-020-01753-x fatcat:wcr7gzh3avh7tchbiv6srzhooy

مهارات تصمیم بیئات التعلم القائمة على إنترنت الأشیاء لدى طلاب تکنولوجیا التعلیم بإستخدام نظام أردوینو Arduino

أمانى محمد عوض, محمد عبد الرازق شمه, إسراء المحمدى أحمد
2021 مجلة کلیة التربیة بدمیاط  
The Internet of Things And what it mean for librarians. Research Center Internet Project. -Renold, P & Rani,J (2013). An internet based RFID library Management System. IEEE. pp 932 -936.  ...  Application of the Internet of things in Colleges' management. Advanced Materials Research. pp.736-741. -Ma, L (2011).  ... 
doi:10.21608/jsdu.2021.159786 fatcat:zt56ddm4cbdqvmcl3gfh4ggpsi

Self-Powered Wearable IoT Devices for Health and Activity Monitoring

Ganapati Bhat, Ujjwal Gupta, Yigit Tuncel, Fatih Karabacak, Sule Ozev, Umit Y. Ogras
2020 Foundations and Trends® in Electronic Design Automation  
"Securing the internet of things: A standardization perspective". IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 1(3): 265-275. Khamis, M., F. Alt, and A. Bulling (2018).  ...  "The future of sensing is batteryless, intermittent, and awesome". In: Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems. ACM. 21. Hiremath, S., G. Yang, and K.  ... 
doi:10.1561/1000000056 fatcat:cg7ytwu3zffuppzkesw6miyz5e

Industrial Automation using IoT with Raspberry Pi

H. K., D. D.
2017 International Journal of Computer Applications  
IoT is the collection of the sensors data through embedded system and this embedded system upload the data on internet.  ...  All the use full data are access remotely through internet of thing platform.  ...  There are lots of wastage in energy at workstation and industries by hiding the real status of the installed system through workers or may be the middle hierarchy of industries.  ... 
doi:10.5120/ijca2017914277 fatcat:flydvphgyfeixihklyxi526vnq

Application Practice Analysis of Ice and Snow Sports Training Assistance System Based on Internet of Things

Ping Zhang, Juntao Sun, Kalidoss Rajakani
2022 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing  
Before designing the system, this paper plans the system architecture in detail, including the principle of stability, the simplicity and practicality, and the principle of low price.  ...  Using this auxiliary system, the sensitivity of the lower limbs of ice and snow athletes was trained in this paper.  ...  Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Fundamental Research Funds in Heilongjiang Provincial Universities (Nos. 135409338 and 2018-KYYWF-0130).  ... 
doi:10.1155/2022/7548850 fatcat:rd7nn4rrmrhpbepvjefuttv5pi

Conception and Evaluation of Internet of Things Connecting to RFID Framework

M. El Harrak Hajri, A Asselman, M. Yassin Chkouri
2017 Transactions on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence  
The diversity of possible applications at the intersection of the Internet of Things and the Semantic Web has prompted many research teams to work at the interface between these two disciplines.  ...  The notion of the Internet of the Objects designates a network of objects connected to each other and communicating automatically.  ...  T r a n s a c t i o n s o n M a c h i n e L e a r n i n g a n d A r t i f i c i a l I n t e l l i g e n c e V ol 5 N o 4 , A u g 2 0 1 7 C o p y r i g h t © S o c i e t y f o r S c i e n c e a n d E d  ... 
doi:10.14738/tmlai.54.3320 fatcat:jlibmrd5ifflvcsuhrfki6n5ka

Integrating Mechanical Components to the Internet of Things (IOT) in Solid State Additive Manufacturing: An Over View

Sagar K. G
2024 Zenodo  
One major development in the field of smart manufacturing is the incorporation of mechanical components into the Internet of Things (IoT) in solid state additive manufacturing (AM).  ...  The incorporation of mechanical elements into solid state AM systems—such as sensors, actuators, and embedded devices—is then investigated.  ...  Soori, M., Arezoo, B., & Dastres, R. (2023). Internet of things for smart factories in industry 4.0, a review. Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems. 23. Abbas, Z., & Yoon, W. (2015).  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.10853393 fatcat:v44z664da5a4bb45i73tmtr6xu

Industry 4.0 and competitiveness

Meryem Turel, Elife Akis
2019 Pressacademia  
state of preparations for its implementation are very limited for now.  ...  The last industrial revolution of the information society is referred to as Industry 4.0.  ...  , inadequacy of skilled workforce and low R & D expenditures.  ... 
doi:10.17261/pressacademia.2019.1132 fatcat:xurgkt33w5bnrlzwyg5m7lg7i4

Domestic Smart Waste Management Using IOT

S. N. Khendad
2017 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
With utilization of Internet of Things (IoT) devices such as sensors & Smartphone, this paper describes an efficient way of separation of dry, wet and plastic dirt collection using Embedded System and  ...  provides proper analysis of weight of each and every kind of waste material .The system also provides notifications according the status of dustbins which are situated in the cities and vehicles used and  ...  We thank faculties of SBPCOE, Indapur for continuous assistance with paper and for comments that greatly improved the manuscript.  ... 
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2017.11085 fatcat:rh3bot2cmrgzhon2ow4dzuf6oa

A Comparative Study between Operating Systems (Os) for the Internet of Things (IoT)

Aberbach Hicham, Abdelouahed Sabri, Adil Jeghal, Hamid Tairi
2017 Transactions on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence  
For this purpose, this paper presents a comparative study between the popular known operating systems for internet of things .  ...  satisfy to be used and determine the most appropriate .This work will solve the problem of choice of operating system suitable for the Internet of things in order to incorporate it within our research  ...  Much, if not most, of the billions of intelligent devices on the Internet will be embedded systems equipped with an Operating Systems (OS) which is a system programs that manage computer resources whether  ... 
doi:10.14738/tmlai.54.3192 fatcat:3jm5ewffnnd35orgyzcqarfzhy

Impact of Industry 4.0 on Inventory Systems and Optimization [chapter]

Xue-Ming Yuan
2020 Industry 4.0 - Impact on Intelligent Logistics and Manufacturing  
An integrative R&D framework for inventory systems modeling and optimization is proposed, which directs our R&D effort in modeling and optimizing inventory systems with Industry 4.0.  ...  This chapter aims to highlight the impact of Industry 4.0 on manufacturing systems and services, as well as supply chains, in particular, on inventory systems and optimization.  ...  Author details Xue-Ming Yuan Address all correspondence to: xmyuan@simtech.a-star.edu.sg Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Innovis  ... 
doi:10.5772/intechopen.90077 fatcat:xs34vwutc5aqfchzq4kl6o3s2u

Trends in the Global ICT Industry—Globalization, Competition and the Internet of Things [chapter]

Peter Nolan
2021 China and Globalization  
These three behemoths account for 38% of the total R&D spending and 34% of the net sales revenue for the 321 firms in the G2500 ICT software and services sector.  ...  This essay provides an analysis of the Internet of Things. The facts provided differ greatly from the opinions that dominate media both inside and outside of China.  ...  They play a vital role within the 'Internet of Things' that connects embedded semi-conductors across a wide array of machines.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-981-16-5391-9_22 fatcat:qzopovjwmjbv5pp3szjfbhw6zq

Towards Ontology-Aided Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management – Insights from a Foresight Research [chapter]

Stanisław Strzelczak
2015 IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology  
The paper discusses possible novel ontology-aided solutions for managing manufacturing and logistics operations, which result from a foresight research of industries.  ...  Ontologies attract growing interest as a mean for semantic integration of knowledge, applications, models and systems. This particularly applies to the ICT and automation intensive industries.  ...  This work has been co-funded by the PSP 504/02105/1103/ 40.000105 grant of Warsaw University of Technology and by the EU ARTEMIS project no. 332946 "ESCOP -Embedded systems for Service-based Control of  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-22759-7_58 fatcat:jqlrv7metjczrnhccb5ry5phgi


R. Senthil Prabhu, D. Sabitha Ananthi, S. Rajasoundarya, R. Janakan, R. Priyanka
2021 International journal of pharmaceutical sciences and medicine  
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a transformative development, these technologies are a way of boosting productivity, keeping us healthier, making transport more efficient, reducing energy needs and making  ...  In recent years, Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet of Nanothings (IoNT) have drawn significant research attention in numerous fields such as Healthcare, Defence, Environmental monitoring, Food and  ...  Figure 1 :Figure 2 : 12 Global Economic Value of the Internet of Things in 2020 ($ trillions) R. Senthil Prabhu et al, Int.  ... 
doi:10.47760/ijpsm.2021.v06i10.001 fatcat:jgtnyb3cubaldbumxgfkjwrmpa
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