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Efficient terrestrial laser scan segmentation exploiting data structure

Hamid Mahmoudabadi, Michael J. Olsen, Sinisa Todorovic
2016 ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing (Print)  
This paper proposes a novel approach for point cloud segmentation using computer vision algorithms to analyze panoramic representations of individual laser scans.  ...  In the proposed approach, a selected image segmentation algorithm is applied on several input layers exploiting this angular structure including laser intensity, range, normal vectors, and color information  ...  Figure 13 shows the qualitative comparison of the segmentation results applying the proposed algorithm and RANSAC.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2016.05.015 fatcat:7o2hfvw57zh6vouv3bom4h6ptm

Numerical-Sampling-Functionalized Real-Time Index Regulation for Direct k-Domain Calibration in Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography

Sangyeob Han, Oeon Kwon, Ruchire Wijesinghe, Pilun Kim, Unsang Jung, Jaewon Song, Changho Lee, Mansik Jeon, Jeehyun Kim
2018 Electronics  
Moreover, it has been confirmed that dispersion can be simultaneously compensated with noise residuals generated using the proposed technique, and that use of complex numerical or hardware techniques are  ...  image observation through use of an index-regulation technique.  ...  (d) Qualitative illustration of the acquired point spread function (PSF) using the three different techniques.  ... 
doi:10.3390/electronics7090182 fatcat:6fzbg5a6ajegtg7n5zs26uvgua

Algorithmic Solutions for Computing Precise Maximum Likelihood 3D Point Clouds from Mobile Laser Scanning Platforms

Jan Elseberg, Dorit Borrmann, Andreas Nüchter
2013 Remote Sensing  
We present a novel algorithmic approach for calibration with the goal of improving the measurement accuracy of mobile laser scanners.  ...  We demonstrate the capabilities of the two newly proposed algorithms on a wide variety of datasets.  ...  car, TopScan GmbH for providing the Dortmund dataset and RIEGLLaser Measurement Systems GmbH for providing the Salzburg and Vienna datasets.  ... 
doi:10.3390/rs5115871 fatcat:ezknnlphznemtckyprsfm5wche

Laser based intersection detection for reactive navigation in an underground mine

J. Larsson, M. Broxvall, A. Saffiotti
2008 2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems  
We also present an extensive experimental evaluation of the algorithm based on data recorded in a real mine.  ...  The algorithm is faster and has less environmental constraints than similar algorithms that can be found in the litterature.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was partly funded by the Swedish organisation Robotdalen, and partly by the Swedish KK Foundation.  ... 
doi:10.1109/iros.2008.4650911 dblp:conf/iros/LarssonBS08 fatcat:f5g2xgmscrc5vloq6pecj7z4pu


S. Del Pozo, J. Herrero-Pascual, B. Felipe-García, D. Hernández-López, P. Rodríguez-Gonzálvez, D. González-Aguilera
2015 The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences  
The terrestrial laser scanner FARO Focus 3D was used as active sensor, working at the wavelength of 905 nm.  ...  For the case of passive sensors, a Nikon D-5000 and a 6- bands Mini-MCA multispectral camera (530-801 nm) were applied covering visible and near infrared spectral range.  ...  By combining the use of two different data acquisition techniques (active and passive), three sensors were examined: a 3D laser scanner, a multispectral camera and a digital SLR camera.  ... 
doi:10.5194/isprsarchives-xl-5-w4-193-2015 fatcat:wkhaijpahrh2njwkznzbol72uu

Accurate laser scanner to camera calibration with application to range sensor evaluation

Peter Fuersattel, Claus Plank, Andreas Maier, Christian Riess
2017 IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications  
Multi-modal sensory data plays an important role in many computer vision and robotics tasks. One popular multi-modal pair is cameras and laser scanners.  ...  To this end, we first estimate a rough alignment of the coordinate systems of both modalities. Then, we use the laser scanner reflectances to compute a virtual image of the scene.  ...  Acknowledgements We thank PMD technologies for providing the Camboard Pico Flexx time-of-flight camera which has been used in this evaluation.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s41074-017-0032-5 fatcat:7oqzaplwivbphhndupg6eglu6m

Assessing Vehicle Profiling Accuracy of Handheld LiDAR Compared to Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Crash Scene Reconstruction

Jairaj Desai, Jidong Liu, Robert Hainje, Robert Oleksy, Ayman Habib, Darcy Bullock
2021 Sensors  
This paper proposes a methodology and subsequent measurement accuracy comparisons for survey-grade terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and handheld alternatives.  ...  Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) scanning technology in consumer handheld electronic devices, such as smartphones and tablets, holds significant potential for conducting this damage profile mapping  ...  Acknowledgments: The contents of this paper reflect the views of the authors, who are responsible for the facts and accuracy of the data presented herein, and do not necessarily reflect the official views  ... 
doi:10.3390/s21238076 pmid:34884079 fatcat:qgvpdiz6ozfj5nl542dpyqmwyq


C. A. Graham, K. G. Akoglu, A. W. Lassen, S. Simon
2017 The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences  
Taking into consideration repeatability, time and resource implications, qualitative and quantitative potential and ease of use, this paper presents a study of the strengths and weakness of structured  ...  light scanning, triangulation laser scanning, photometric stereo and close-range photogrammetry, in the context of interactive investigation, conditions monitoring, engagement, and dissemination.  ...  COMPARISONS Qualitative and quantitative comparisons were undertaken to evaluate the accuracy and fidelity of geometry and texture for technical applications as well as the success of 3D printing and  ... 
doi:10.5194/isprs-archives-xlii-2-w5-287-2017 fatcat:remt4pnfd5ajnfvllgeu37vgkq

Development of Apparel Using Blocks of Phulkari Pattern

Ms. Chandani Singh, Ms. Savita, Dr. Monisha Singh, Dr. Priyanka Kesarwani
2023 International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences  
India is truly a land of wonders blessed with a myriad of cultures, customs and religions. These cultures have given us some of the best art and craft forms.  ...  & tedious process of manufacturing, usage of coarse fabric, lack of skilled labour, etc., it is not spreading & growing at a broader range.  ...  There are two kinds of laser scanners-Ariel and Terrestrial; short-range and longrange scanners.  ... 
doi:10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i03.018 fatcat:xh34y43wyvchpoedb43urirh4i

Comparison of Forest Attributes Derived from Two Terrestrial Lidar Systems

Mark J. Ducey, Rasmus Astrup, Stefan Seifert, Hans Pretzsch, Bruce C. Larson, K. David Coates
2013 Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing  
Common scanning benchmarks and identical algorithms were used to obtain estimates of tree diameter, position, and canopy characteristics.  ...  Visualization of range images and point clouds showed clear differences, even though both scanners were relatively high-resolution instruments.  ...  This project was supported by the BC Ministry of Forests and Range Forest Science Program.  ... 
doi:10.14358/pers.79.3.245 fatcat:gih2xmgtpfhxxowyvup5j4dwhu


H. Liu, L. Xie, X. Li, W. X. Wang
2022 The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences  
Both qualitative and quantitative cross-sectional comparisons with existing texture mapping algorithms are conducted and presented.  ...  First of all, calculate the density and voxel resolution of the point clouds, the point clouds here can be either dense matching point clouds or laser point clouds.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (42001407, 41971341, 41971354), and the Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation (2019A1515110729  ... 
doi:10.5194/isprs-archives-xliii-b2-2022-417-2022 fatcat:aeyt6i3hafhg7plb4kofd5ntdu

A benchmark for surface reconstruction

Matthew Berger, Joshua A. Levine, Luis Gustavo Nonato, Gabriel Taubin, Claudio T. Silva
2013 ACM Transactions on Graphics  
We present a benchmark for the evaluation and comparison of algorithms which reconstruct a surface from point cloud data.  ...  We propose a simple pipeline for measuring surface reconstruction algorithms, consisting of three main phases: surface modeling, sampling, and evaluation.  ...  We also thank Benedict Brown for the registration code, Miriah Meyer for the particle system library, Jan Möbius for the OpenMesh library, and AIM@SHAPE for providing part of the meshes used in surface  ... 
doi:10.1145/2451236.2451246 fatcat:vvsf7iqs3rgerbofemd3zpjscm

Three-dimensional Scan Registration using Curvelet Features in Planetary Environments

Siddhant Ahuja, Peter Iles, Steven L. Waslander
2015 Journal of Field Robotics  
resolution, occluded, sparse range data that is hard to register without some a-priori knowledge of the environment.  ...  Experimental results on a publicly available data-set of planetary analogue indoor facility, as well as simulated and real-world scans from Neptec Design Group's IVIGMS 3D laser rangefinder at the outdoor  ...  Quantitative and qualitative results for an indoor 3D laser scan dataset are provided in Section 5 with a discussion on suitability of the algorithm for mapping.  ... 
doi:10.1002/rob.21616 fatcat:264hzbxwpbf4lc4q3gtb426qyu

Rail Sensor: A Mobile Lidar System for 3D Archiving the Bas-reliefs in Angkor Wat

Bo Zheng, Takeshi Oishi, Katsushi Ikeuchi
2015 IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications  
The sensor system consists of two main components: 1) a panoramic camera and 2) a 2D 360-degree laser line scanner, which moves slowly on the rails parallel to the reliefs.  ...  In experiments, we demonstrate that our moving Lidar system achieves substantially better performance for accuracy and efficiency in comparison to the traditional stop-and-go methods.  ...  type of range scanners: Leica C10 scan station in (a) and Vivid 9 in (c), and their scan results are shown in (b) and (d) respectively.  ... 
doi:10.2197/ipsjtcva.7.59 fatcat:ycrkndf7pvcytiigkpduq5rxm4

A parallel implementation of a structure-from-motion algorithm [chapter]

Han Wang, Chris Bowman, Mike Brady, Chris Harris
1992 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
This paper describes the implementation of a 3D vision algorithm, Droid, on the Oxford parallel vision architecture, PARADOX, and the results of experiments to gauge the algorithm's effectiveness in providing  ...  navigation data for an autonomous guided vehicle.  ...  The above demonstrates qualitatively the performance of Droid in live situations, but not quantitatively.  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-55426-2_31 fatcat:bp636eqbfngbdjmdpaqafocjpu
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