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Economic Insights from Internet Auctions

Patrick Bajari, Ali Hortaçsu
2004 Journal of Economic Literature  
This creates 4 A number of high-profile incidents of fraud have occurred on online auctions.  ...  Collectibles such as Beanie Babies, first edition books, Golden Age comics, and Elvis paraphernalia are among the thousands of categories actively traded in online auctions.  ... 
doi:10.1257/0022051041409075 fatcat:nohuw5t365gkdjdzjvhlag7jhq

Make It Short and Easy: Username Complexity Determines Trustworthiness Above and Beyond Objective Reputation

Rita R. Silva, Nina Chrobot, Eryn Newman, Norbert Schwarz, Sascha Topolinski
2017 Frontiers in Psychology  
Can the mere name of a seller determine his trustworthiness in the eye of the consumer? In 10 studies (total N = 608) we explored username complexity and trustworthiness of eBay seller profiles.  ...  ) and age of the eBay profiles (10 years vs. 1 year) were tested and ruled out.  ...  Thirty eBay profiles were created using as a basis a screenshot of the standard seller profile image eBay presents next to every product that is auctioned (Supplementary Figure 1) .  ... 
doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.02200 pmid:29312062 pmcid:PMC5742175 fatcat:jvgkqrcmana4le5u435jhs2vyy

Understanding Security Issues in the NFT Ecosystem [article]

Dipanjan Das, Priyanka Bose, Nicola Ruaro, Christopher Kruegel, Giovanni Vigna
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Despite having been popularized only recently, NFT markets have witnessed several high-profile (and high-value) asset sales and a tremendous growth in trading volumes over the last year.  ...  Scammers forged profile pictures with an image of the verification badge overlaid on them, making the profiles appear visually indistinguishable from the verified ones at a cursory glance.  ...  NFTs are often used to sell digital collectibles and artwork, e.g., images, audio files, and videos.  ... 
arXiv:2111.08893v3 fatcat:y75qdudlr5dtxjxzos46z3jfxm

Crowd intelligence in AI 2.0 era

Wei Li, Wen-jun Wu, Huai-min Wang, Xue-qi Cheng, Hua-jun Chen, Zhi-hua Zhou, Rong Ding
2017 Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  
., online-tooffline (O2O) application, real-time traffic monitoring, and logistics management. In this paper, we survey existing studies of crowd intelligence.  ...  In the auction, there is an auctioneer (buyer) who wants to purchase m sensing data, and a group of crowd participants (sellers) who use their mobile devices to collect the sensing data.  ...  Double auction: Unlike the reverse and all-pay auctions in which a single buyer exists, a double auction contains more than one buyer and one seller.  ... 
doi:10.1631/fitee.1601859 fatcat:x6aijr7ud5eojjuelaq3sv4v7a

The status of art in the modern digital space

O. Olenina, O. Protsenko, Y. Pichuhina
2022 Culture of Ukraine  
the definition of aspects of transformation and diversification of the art system in the formation of digital culture of modern society is relevant and scientifically determined, which ultimately gives us  ...  The multifaceted nature of the proposed research topic foresees the use of approaches of a number of humanities disciplines, first of all art history, culturology, social communications and philosophy.  ...  First of all, these are auction houses, the online conducting of which during quarantine has become quite a common thing.  ... 
doi:10.31516/2410-5325.078.02 fatcat:37lbzyubjvffvllohpuvlzvqfq

Market Design, Human Behavior, and Management

Yan Chen, Peter Cramton, John A. List, Axel Ockenfels
2020 Management science  
Using examples from various auction markets, reputation and feedback systems in online markets, matching markets in education, and labor markets, we demonstrate that combining market design theory, behavioral  ...  Online Auctions Many auctions, including online auctions for consumer goods, are often run in continuous time. 1 The simplest rule for ending such auctions is a fixed end time (a hard close), as used by  ...  Before starting to work on any given image, workers were required to report if the image was legible.  ... 
doi:10.1287/mnsc.2020.3659 fatcat:fr3pwvq62je7tiz644ag4ikyaq

Classifying Web 2.0 Supported Applications By Pattern Of Usage: Functional & Technical ISSUES

Dina Hussein, Ghada Alaa, Ahmed Hamad
2009 Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems  
In Web 2.0 applications users are invited to comment, share, edit, classify, as well as remix data from multiple sources.  ...  This leverages online trust and helps sellers establish a profound reputation that will lead to customer loyalty (Walla and Zahedi, 2008) .  ...  running auctions or so called "buy it" now listings that refer to promotions for products of interest.  ... 
dblp:conf/mcis/HusseinAH09 fatcat:kbfrtasilzfy7idena2bxfrmoe

Teaching Case: Paid Search Wars

John Sharp, Des Laffey
2008 Communications of the Association for Information Systems  
Its first decade had seen it revive online advertising and initiate coopetition style situations between Overture and the main portals.  ...  In February 2002, the AdWords CPM advertising model was modified to cost per click with Overture-style auctions being run for advertisers.  ... 
doi:10.17705/1cais.02232 fatcat:l67bxwgtxfdyregt76ah3fje6a

Art Markets and Digital Histories

Sandra van Ginhoven, Claartje Rasterhoff
2019 Arts  
This Special Issue of Arts investigates the use of digital methods in the study of art markets and their histories.  ...  My appreciation also goes to Thomas Jeremy Tait who provided helpful editing of my drafts. Conflicts of Interest: The author declares no conflict of interest.  ...  ArtNet, for instance, uses data from 1600 auction houses and includes online sales results when are available (including what is being sold in ArtNet auctions).  ... 
doi:10.3390/arts8030105 fatcat:fipwlugncvcs5mi3yjesm3fvvq

Technology-Based Strategies for Online Secondhand Platforms Promoting Sustainable Retailing

Yoonjae Bae, Jungyeon Choi, Munguljin Gantumur, Nayeon Kim
2022 Sustainability  
Online secondhand resale platforms are a booming industry involving the growing recognition of various economic, environmental, and recreational benefits in buying and selling used items.  ...  ' perceptions of usefulness, ease-of-use, and enjoyment, increasing users' satisfaction and, hence, the actual usage of these platforms.  ...  : post images and descriptions Sellers: post images and descriptions Experience Buyers: chat and negotiate with sellers Buyers: add items to the shopping cart Appendix B Table A2 .  ... 
doi:10.3390/su14063259 fatcat:wcjq4jo6lrfvtnojh5gfedrzfi

Establishing Trust in Online Advertising with Signed Transactions

Antonio Pastor, Ruben Cuevas, Angel Cuevas, Arturo Azcorra
2020 IEEE Access  
However, the complexity of this ecosystem is a direct cause of one of the most important problems in online advertising, the lack of transparency.  ...  Ads.chain extends the current effort of the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) in providing traceability in online advertising through the Ads.txt and Ads.cert solutions, addressing the limitations of these  ...  Pastor et al.: Establishing Trust in Online Advertising with Signed Transactions FIGURE 4 . 4 FIGURE 4. Image of the landing page of the mock website 7 used for the publisher.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.3047343 fatcat:c56ku4gl7rgyrgvp3zm54ozu5u

Linked Art Provenance

Babette Claassen, Jeroen Borst, Ingrid Vermeulen, Victor De Boer, Chris Dijkshoorn
2020 Zenodo  
The idea behind this is that all the data gathered from both the online and offline sources will be processed in the same format and can help extend the information of available databases.  ...  We validate this method through a case study, where we investigate whether we can capture information from selected sources about an auction (1804), during which the paintings from the former collection  ...  These new online sources can provides us new information to expand the acquired heterogeneous information even further.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4003498 fatcat:a72fc6uqerhb3akaejuh5twpa4

The consumer as agent in neoliberalism

Julio Cesar Lemes De Castro
2016 Figshare  
Here, the link between the user profile and the suggestions he receives in terms of consumption is to some extent more diffuse than in online shops.  ...  The "Statement of rights and responsibilities" of the Facebook user, with the revision date of January 30, 2015, is explicit in this regard: You give us permission to use your name, profile picture, content  ... 
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.3545243 fatcat:2ux7y6hhnzgtjd6qnou2k47naq

Speculative microeconomics for tomorrow's economy

J. Bradford DeLong, A. Michael Froomkin
2000 First Monday  
Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations (London: 1776), Cannan edition p. 423.  ...  When the Wall Street Journal sells a Berkeley economics professor an annual subscription to its e-version, does it envision that a user's identification-and-password could would be used in one day to access  ...  The profusion of auctions has created a demand for meta-sites that provide information about the goods on offer on multiple online auctions.  ... 
doi:10.5210/fm.v5i2.726 fatcat:y5joaqt55zbv5ful5q462laweu

Online platform typologies [chapter]

2019 An Introduction to Online Platforms and Their Role in the Digital Transformation  
MercadoPago competes with traditional online and offline payment methods, particularly cash, debit and credit cards, checks, money orders, and electronic bank deposits; international online payments services  ...  , such as PayPal and Google Pay; local online payment services, such as PayU in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Brazil and Mexico, Bcash, PagSeguro and MOIP in Brazil, and Conecta in Mexico; and money  ...  Taobao is also the entry point to platforms, such as used product auction sites and online travel booking platforms. Those platforms may also be accessed through their own independent mobile apps.  ... 
doi:10.1787/620d0ca9-en fatcat:fbpe4qkkpzfkjgdh4atrn2bzmq
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