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BIST Method for Die-Level Process Parameter Variation Monitoring in Analog/Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits

Amir Zjajo, Manuel J. Barragan Asian, Jose Pineda de Gyvez
2007 2007 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition  
The objective of this test is not to replace traditional specification-based tests, but to provide a reliable method for early identification of excessive process parameter variations in production tests  ...  that allows quickly discarding of the faulty circuits.  ...  Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge the contributions of E. van Tuijl, S. Krishnan, L. van de Logt and G. Gronthoud.  ... 
doi:10.1109/date.2007.364477 fatcat:jid6paxzmzathlkqbhdqpedg3i

Recent Advances in Analog, Mixed-Signal, and RF Testing

Kwang-Ting (Tim) Cheng, Hsiu-Ming (Sherman) Chang
2010 IPSJ Transactions on System LSI Design Methodology  
However, with the higher level of integration and increased diversity of specifications for measurement, specification-based testing is becoming increasingly difficult and costly.  ...  This paper provides an overview of cost-effective test techniques that either enhance circuit testability, or enable built-in self-test (BIST) for integrated AMS/RF frontends.  ...  and RF Testing Recent Advances in Analog, Mixed-Signal, and RF Testing Recent Advances in Analog, Mixed-Signal, and RF Testing  ... 
doi:10.2197/ipsjtsldm.3.19 fatcat:ta4eaij36vft7f6qkjvxbmpz4u

Multi-condition alternate test of analog, mixed-signal, and RF systems

Manuel J. Barragan, Gildas Leger, Jose L. Huertas
2012 2012 13th Latin American Test Workshop (LATW)  
For the sake of validation, the proposed methodology has been applied to several alternate test strategies for analog, mixed signal, and RF circuits.  ...  The ambition of this paper is to be a methodological contribution to the field of AMS-RF test, and formal guidelines are provided that justify the interest of the approach.  ...  INTRODUCTION Nowadays, commercial trends of IC industry have forced the integration of complex SoCs consisting of tightly integrated analog, mixed-signal, RF and digital circuitry onto a single IC substrate  ... 
doi:10.1109/latw.2012.6261248 dblp:conf/latw/AsianLH12 fatcat:udmkzjimhzdgvamt65ld3laqpa

Verification of Complex Analog Integrated Circuits

Ken Kundert, Henry Chang
2006 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference 2006  
Functional complexity in analog, mixed-signal, and RF (A/RF) designs is increasing dramatically.  ...  A/RF designs implement many modes of operation for different standards, power saving modes, and calibration.  ...  Introduction During the past decade, analog, mixed-signal, and radio frequency (A/ RF) design has undergone dramatic changes primarily driven by the competitive pressures of the consumer marketplace.  ... 
doi:10.1109/cicc.2006.320883 dblp:conf/cicc/KundertC06 fatcat:2hkitaoatnfxfc6svwltypdu2q

NSF Integrated Circuit Research, Education and Workforce Development Workshop Final Report [article]

M. Guthaus, C. Batten, E. Brunvand, P.E. Gaillardon, D. harris, R. Manohar, P. Mazumder, L. Pileggi, J. Stine
2023 arXiv   pre-print
As the pace of progress that has followed Moore's law continues to diminish, it is critical that the US support Integrated Circuit (IC or chip) education and research to maintain technological innovation  ...  The NCDC should also provide access and support for chip fabrication, packaging and testing for both research and educational purposes.  ...  Newer technologies are needed to push the boundaries in high-performance digital and wideband analog/mixed-signal/RF circuits.  ... 
arXiv:2311.02055v1 fatcat:qbuvxuzsbbgjbhp6fmepk63nnq

An Integrated Detection Circuit for Transmission Coefficients

Ming-Che Lee, Chi-Yo Huang
2019 IEEE Access  
To verify the feasibility of the circuit, we fabricated the test chips by using the 0.18-µm IBM 7RF process.  ...  The traditional way to measure the S-parameters of RF integrated circuits (RFICs) is by using vector network analyzers (VNA).  ...  Their comments have been very constructive, helping us to improve the quality of the article.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2019.2961943 fatcat:wp3jev2twrdknn2dvkg7riq2hu

Efficient, sound formal verification for analog/mixed-signal circuits

Andrew N. Fisher
With the language for analog/mixed-signal properties (LAMP), one has a simple intuitive language for specifying AMS properties.  ...  The results are known as digitally-intensive analog/mixed-signal (AMS) circuits. Though such circuits have helped the scaling problem, they have further complicated verification.  ...  To cope with this challenge, analog designers have turned to digital alternatives as much as possible resulting in analog/mixed-signal circuits (AMS).  ... 
doi:10.26053/0h-bk08-vsg0 fatcat:4hxq7bln4rhzjeb6z5jglvpqke

On-chip sinusoidal signal generation with harmonic cancelation for analog and mixed-signal BIST applications

Manuel J. Barragan, Gildas Leger, Diego Vazquez, Adoracion Rueda
2014 Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing  
This work presents a technique for the onchip generation of analog sinusoidal signals with high spectral quality and reduced circuitry resources.  ...  An integrated prototype designed in a 180nm CMOS technology is presented in order to show the feasibility of the technique. Results obtained from the prototype show a THD around −80dB.  ...  complex mixed-signal electronics systems consisting of tightly integrated analog, mixed-signal, RF, and digital circuitry onto a single IC substrate.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10470-014-0456-0 fatcat:ydv4aqoonnhs3ks5quot5hmd2a

2003 technology roadmap for semiconductors

D. Edenfeld, A.B. Kahng, M. Rodgers, Y. Zorian
2004 Computer  
These models support extrapolation of future technology requirements for basic circuit fabricsprocessor, analog/mixed-signal, and embedded memory-as well as the SoC products they comprise.  ...  The 2003 ITRS system drivers chapter presents an overarching SoC context for future semiconductor products, along with new discussions of technology requirements for analog/mixed-signal and embedded memory  ...  Acknowledgments We acknowledge the efforts of the many individuals who contributed to making the 2003 edition of The International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors a successful endeavor.  ... 
doi:10.1109/mc.2004.1260725 fatcat:eqstk5zzbzfkbl6upd2jjc4f4m

A Multi-objective Simulation Based Tool: Application to the Design of High Performance LC-VCOs [chapter]

Amin Sallem, Pedro Pereira, Mourad Fakhfakh, Helena Fino
2013 IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology  
In the analog, mixed signal and radio-frequency (AMS/RF) domains, circuit optimization tools have demonstrated their usefulness in addressing design problems taking into account downscaling technological  ...  A CMOS LC-VCO circuit is presented to show the viability of this tool.  ...  Introduction Analog, mixed signal and radio-frequency (AMS/RF) circuit design are becoming more and more complex; there is a pressing need for Electronic Design Automation (EDA) to meet the time to market  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-37291-9_49 fatcat:nnti2pp7sfgtlfhfyeha4shkbq

Analog and Mixed Signal Test Method based on OBIST Technique

Mradul KumarOjha, Shyam Akashe
2015 International Journal of Computer Applications  
This method is built-in self test method appropriate for functional and structural testing of analog and mixed signal circuit. In test mode, the test circuit is converted into an oscillator.  ...  Therefore in this test technique, the test vector generation drawbacks are eliminated and also the test time is reduced because limited number of oscillation frequencies is evaluated for each test circuit  ...  BIST is a design process that provides the capability of solving many of the problems otherwise they can be encountered in testing analog, mixed-signal or digital systems.  ... 
doi:10.5120/19187-0684 fatcat:oetlraypzvhkhb7b2ix5mcwjlq

System-on-Chip: Reuse and Integration

R. Saleh, S. Wilton, S. Mirabbasi, A. Hu, M. Greenstreet, G. Lemieux, P.P. Pande, C. Grecu, A. Ivanov
2006 Proceedings of the IEEE  
The concept of reuse can be carried out at the block, platform, or chip levels, and involves making the IP sufficiently general, configurable, or programmable, for use in a wide range of applications.  ...  Design-for-test methodologies are also described, along with verification issues that must be addressed when integrating reusable components.  ...  Acknowledgment The authors wish to thank their students and research engineers for the significant contributions to the work at the System-on-Chip Research Laboratory at the University of British Columbia  ... 
doi:10.1109/jproc.2006.873611 fatcat:tfwuk4abpjemfec6aswc23orfu

The GBT-SCA, a radiation tolerant ASIC for detector control and monitoring applications in HEP experiments

A. Caratelli, S. Bonacini, K. Kloukinas, A. Marchioro, P. Moreira, R. De Oliveira, C. Paillard
2015 Journal of Instrumentation  
This work presents the GBT-SCA architecture, the ASIC interfaces, the data transfer protocol, and its integration with the GBT optical link.  ...  The future upgrades of the LHC experiments will increase the beam luminosity leading to a corresponding growth of the amounts of data to be treated by the data acquisition systems.  ...  Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the members of the MEDIPIX collaboration for their contribution of IP blocks for the implementation of the DAC circuitry and specially X.  ... 
doi:10.1088/1748-0221/10/03/c03034 fatcat:jukxg7f2qve73m3lh23webntpa

Optimized Test compression bandwidth management for Ultra-large-Scale System-on-Chip Architectures performing Scan Test Bandwidth Management

Vengala Abhilash
2016 International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science  
and application-specific markets.  ...  This paper introduces several test logic architectures that facilitate preemptive test scheduling for SoC circuits with embedded deterministic test-based test data compression.  ...  These designs can include a variety of digital, analog, mixed-signal, infrastructure to unleash full multicore entitlement.  ... 
doi:10.18535/ijecs/v5i10.36 fatcat:ds2yquorzzembhf2hbfmfbzwz4

A new methodology for concurrent technology development and cell library optimization

M. Chew, S. Saxena, T.F. Cobourn, P.K. Mozumder, A.J. Strojwas
1999 Proceedings Twelfth International Conference on VLSI Design. (Cat. No.PR00013)  
We demonstrate several examples of Circuit Surfer applications to cell library design to optimize such objective functions as performance, cell area or yield.  ...  This paper focuses on our approach for concurrent development of new technologies and optimization of cell libraries for these technologies.  ...  The first two examples are a NOR gate and a AND-OR multiplexer from a digital library, the third example is a simple operational transconductance amplifier, which represents a cell in an analog/mixed-signal  ... 
doi:10.1109/icvd.1999.745118 dblp:conf/vlsid/ChewSCMS99 fatcat:gncaatiu5bgzfhwp3hhsa2owqi
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