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4,632 Hits in 5.1 sec

New Generic Design to Expedite Asymmetric Cryptosystems Using Three-levels of Parallelism

Mohamed Rasslan, Ghada F. El-Kabbany, Heba Kamal Aslan
2018 International Journal of Network Security  
Public key cryptosystems depend on complex and time consuming arithmetic operations. Public key cryptosystems require modular operations over large numbers or finite fields.  ...  Researchers are working on improving the performance of asymmetric cryptosystems while maintaining the security of the cryptographic algorithms.  ...  [35] presented a comparison and analysis of General-Purpose computing on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU) and parallel computing on multicore CPU.  ... 
dblp:journals/ijnsec/RasslanEA18 fatcat:wb7nhorqkfhl5ajzjzkhvccqxa

Efficient implementation of elliptic curve cryptography in wireless sensors

Diego Aranha, Ricardo Dahab, Julio López, Leonardo Oliveira
2010 Advances in Mathematics of Communications  
Our implementation of field multiplication and modular reduction algorithms focuses on the reduction of memory accesses and appears as the fastest result for this platform.  ...  We present optimization techniques for arithmetic in binary fields, including squaring, multiplication and modular reduction at two different security levels.  ...  This contradicts the preliminary analysis based on the number of memory accesses executed by each algorithm.  ... 
doi:10.3934/amc.2010.4.169 fatcat:6wdwdw6uujgtlh4t6ksj2oitmm

Toward automatic decomposition of monolithic software into microservices

Jakob Lohnertz, Ana-Maria Oprescu
2020 Zenodo  
Determining the boundaries between the services, where one service ends, and the next one begins, is a notoriously difficult task for which a lot of literature exists that however mainly helps with providing  ...  Next, the four graphs are merged into one before being clustered by specifically surveyed and assessed state-of-the-art graph clustering algorithms — the resulting clusters then resemble the microservice  ...  Its idea is based on maximizing the Modularity of the clustering.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4280724 fatcat:zj4sxauwuramfdyfcbyqdwjnei

Portable library development for reconfigurable computing systems: A case study

Proshanta Saha, Esam El-Araby, Miaoqing Huang, Mohamed Taher, Sergio Lopez-Buedo, Tarek El-Ghazawi, Chang Shu, Kris Gaj, Alan Michalski, Duncan Buell
2008 Parallel Computing  
Compared to full-software implementations, applications using RCLib hardware acceleration cores show speedups ranging from one to four orders of magnitude.  ...  RCLib is a set of portable libraries with over 100 cores, targeting a wide range of applications.  ...  We would also like to thank Dan Poznanovic and Paul Gage of SRC Computers for their tireless efforts in integrating the necessary components to allow for end user library development and deployment in  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.parco.2008.03.005 fatcat:crqdqrnhhfe7dhq7timp7eqzne

Steinmetz: Toward Automatic Decomposition of Monolithic Software Into Microservices

Jakob Löhnertz, Ana-Maria Oprescu
2020 Seminar on Advanced Techniques and Tools for Software Evolution  
However, the latter approach involves significant manual work, specifically in the early stages of the decomposition process, when determining boundaries between the services.  ...  are able to identify the best suitable graph clustering algorithm.  ...  When deciding to move an application to a microservices-based architecture, the decomposition process is a significant challenge: defining where within the existing application one service should end and  ... 
dblp:conf/sattose/LohnertzO20 fatcat:rpgxwpf3bba5dceoqqne2mgu2y

Finding Community Structure in Mega-scale Social Networks [article]

Ken Wakita, Toshiyuki Tsurumi
2007 arXiv   pre-print
The paper introduces three kinds of metrics (consolidation ratio) to control the process of community analysis trying to balance the sizes of the communities being merged.  ...  Another one processes a network with 500,000 nodes in 50 minutes (7 times faster than the original algorithm), finds community structures that has improved modularity, and scales to a network with 5.5  ...  We are also working on analysis of cyber-communities found in social networking services and their dynamics.  ... 
arXiv:cs/0702048v1 fatcat:2hyxvlczkbfdje3itpfdf3r6nq

A Programmable SoC Implementation of the DGK Cryptosystem for Privacy-Enhancing Technologies

Milad Bahadori, Kimmo J¨Arvinen
2020 Zenodo  
In this paper, we present an implementation of the DGK cryptosystem for programmable systems-on-chip and evaluate it in real hardware.  ...  Abstract—Additively homomorphic encryption has many applications in privacy-enhancing technologies because it allows a cloud service provider to perform simple computations with users' data without learning  ...  the service, and so on.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3991581 fatcat:f23rpf7mybhfjds3nduubaezce

Page 7146 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue 89M [page]

1989 Mathematical Reviews  
The author summarizes the Duane-Crow model of reliability growth and Crow’s results on statistical analysis. Based on this, he presents an allocation model of reliability growth.  ...  “The article contains some examples of application including random processes.” 89m:90076 90B25 68M15 Kubat, Peter (1-GTE) Assessing reliability of modular software. Oper. Res.  ... 

Abstracts of Current Computer Literature

1971 IEEE transactions on computers  
Numeric; Number Theory; Enumeration Iterative Array for Multiplication of Signed Binary Numbers 8791 Primes Forming Arithmetic Series and Clusters of Large Primes 8841 -see also Stochastic Numerical Analysis  ...  also Hybrid Computers Analysis; Analytic Algebraic Fault Analysis for Constrained Combinational Networks 8779 Analysis of the Physical Processes in a Lami- nated Feiemte Wafer Storage Element 8805  ... 
doi:10.1109/t-c.1971.223383 fatcat:vz3bijyj7bgjrkwzhjmw3pjzgm

Modularization of smart product service: A framework integrating smart product service blueprint and weighted complex network

Zhihua Chen, Xinguo Ming, Elise Vareilles, Olga Battaia
2020 Computers in industry (Print)  
However, most the existing research mainly focuses on the context of traditional product service, while containing scant study of smart product service.  ...  Keywords: Smart product service Modularization Product service blueprint Rough-fuzzy number Complex network Girvan-Newman a b s t r a c t Modularization of smart product service (SPS) emerges as a priority  ...  In addition, the authors also appreciate the editor and anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and suggestions on this article.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.compind.2020.103302 fatcat:v5ylnw5o5zadxpkacft2hlu2nq

On the Trade-Offs of Combining Multiple Secure Processing Primitives for Data Analytics [chapter]

Hugo Carvalho, Daniel Cruz, Rogério Pontes, João Paulo, Rui Oliveira
2020 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We have implemented a SafeSpark's prototype based on Spark SQL and Intel SGX hardware.  ...  Cloud Computing services for data analytics are increasingly being sought by companies to extract value from large quantities of information.  ...  The second group of solutions uses hardware-based protected environments or trusted hardware as it is commonly known, such as Intel SGX [15] or Arm TrustZone [9] , to process data analysis with privacy  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-50323-9_1 fatcat:rbzfhfnrk5hobkfw26kfswgrs4

Descriptors of Modular Formation of Accounting and Analytical Cluster in Innovation Development of Agricultural Holdings

Zhanna Degaltseva
2015 Eurasian Journal of Economics and Finance  
To improve its work a modular principle of its building based on information technology was introduced.  ...  Practical implementation of modular accounting and analytical cluster revealed its shortcomings.  ...  Analysis of the Functioning of Accounting and Analytical Cluster In recent years there has been a steady process of forming large agricultural companies: agricultural holdings and agricultural units.  ... 
doi:10.15604/ejef.2015.03.04.006 fatcat:qtn24mbru5fl5ltq6lwjjnejdm

Perspective components of cyber-physical systems implementing conversion, coding data exchange, and user communication processes

Yaroslav Nykolaychuk, Ternopil National Economic University, Artur Voronych, Nataliia Vozna, Lyubov Nykolaychuk, Ihor Pitukh, Taras Grynchyshyn
2019 Advances in Cyber-Physical Systems  
Melnyk, implement processes and integrated technologies of measuring information transformation and generalization of the structure of effective coding, digital processing, data exchange, user communication  ...  Emphasis has been made on providing the utmost minimax, systemic polyfunctional characteristics of these components in structures of cyber-physical systems.  ...  based k-bit binary code and a Haar-Krestenson's parallel code of modular arithmetic of residual classes.  ... 
doi:10.23939/acps2019.02.110 fatcat:jt7ii6klpjd7thix5wsrq3doti

Processing of the Residuals of Numbers in Real and Complex Numerical Domains [chapter]

Victor Krasnobayev, Alexandr Kuznetsov, Alina Yanko, Bakhytzhan Akhmetov, Tetiana Kuznetsova
2020 Advances in Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems  
process is carried out at the level of arithmetic operations (microoperations); An alternative solution to the  ...  The chapter focuses on the processing of complex and real residuals of an integer complex number by a complex module.  ...  of variants of system-technical solutions to the tasks of implementing arithmetic modular operations, based on the following principles: adder principle (based on the use of low-level binary adder); tabular  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-43070-2_24 fatcat:763bklihtzchdn5iziu227zec4

A Programmable SoC Based Accelerator for Privacy Enhancing Technologies and Functional Encryption

Milad Bahadori, Kimmo J¨Arvinen
2020 Zenodo  
Many of them are based on additively homomorphic encryption that allows computation of additions on encrypted data.  ...  arithmetic.  ...  We base our modular operations on the Montgomery modular arithmetic [43] that is widely adopted in the literature for implementations of publickey cryptography.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4022569 fatcat:vwjj3cnqubezzovvul3yfrk3ou
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