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Privacy-Preserving Meter Report Protocol of Isolated Smart Grid Devices

Zhiwei Wang, Hao Xie
2017 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing  
In this paper, we propose an efficient privacy-preserving meter report protocol for the isolated smart grid devices.  ...  Thus, the data aggregation mechanism for privacy protection is required for the meter report protocol in smart grid.  ...  This paper aims to propose an efficient privacy-preserving meter report protocol for the isolate smart grid devices.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2017/2539673 fatcat:4q3aytauxjhgxft5udfqi6ux74

SecGrid: A Secure and Efficient SGX-enabled Smart Grid System with Rich Functionalities [article]

Shaohua Li, Kaiping Xue
2018 arXiv   pre-print
Experimental results show that SecGrid is much faster than the existing privacy-preserving schemes in smart grid.  ...  Moreover, the resource-constrained smart meters need to perform heavy asymmetric cryptography in these solutions, which is not applied to smart grid.  ...  The gateway enclave can establish shared keys with smart meters with the help of user device. Smart Meters (SM).  ... 
arXiv:1810.01651v1 fatcat:nei3o6c2ejc6ngd5u7x2lyfwva

Security and privacy preserving data aggregation in cloud computing

Leandro Ventura Silva, Rodolfo Marinho, Jose Luis Vivas, Andrey Brito
2017 Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing - SAC '17  
However, most current approaches fall short in meeting one of several of the requirements for privacy preserving smart metering systems.  ...  Smart metering is an essential feature of smart grids, allowing residential customers to monitor and reduce electricity costs.  ...  PRIVACY-PRESERVING SOLUTIONS FOR OPERATIONAL METERING Basically, privacy preserving proposals for smart metering have adopted one of the two following approaches: anonymization and data aggregation.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3019612.3019795 dblp:conf/sac/SilvaMVB17 fatcat:kn4b7wld65dy3bw576ylmvvqsy

Recommender system for privacy-preserving solutions in smart metering

Juan E. Rubio, Cristina Alcaraz, Javier Lopez
2017 Pervasive and Mobile Computing  
Nowadays, Smart Grid is envisaged to provide several benefits to both customers and grid operators. However, Smart Meters introduce many privacy issues if consumption data is analysed.  ...  In addition to privacy, it is equally important to preserve efficiency to carry on with monitoring operations, so further control requirements and communication protocols are also studied.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The first author is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education through the National F.P.U. Program under Grant Agreement No. FPU15/03213.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.pmcj.2017.03.008 fatcat:77lfptdl2ffapcwjum4i6m4hou

A framework for privacy-preserving data sharing in the Smart Grid

Khalid Alharbi, Xiaodong Lin, Jun Shao
2014 2014 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC)  
During my PhD research I learned many new things, and without the people surrounding me I could not enjoy from this period of my life.  ...  This thesis would not have been possible without the help and support of my supervisor, my thesis committee members, and my colleagues in Information Forensics and Security Laboratory (IFS Lab).  ...  faulty or intact smart meters) and could be isolated from smart grid.  ... 
doi:10.1109/iccchina.2014.7008274 dblp:conf/iccchina/AlharbiLS14 fatcat:updxhhwzzveubptzfxg5vkysfe

Techniques, Taxonomy, and Challenges of Privacy Protection in the Smart Grid [chapter]

Suleyman Uludag, Sherali Zeadally, Mohamad Badra
2015 Computer Communications and Networks  
In particular, the deployment of smart meters whereby energy consumption information can easily be collected leads to major public hesitations about the technology.  ...  The Smart Grid (SG) is no exception with its key characteristics aimed at supporting bi-directional information flow between the consumer of electricity and the utility provider.  ...  Secret sharing has been exploited in [141] and [142] to develop a secure and distributed protocol with privacy-preserving aggregation of SG metering data.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-08470-1_15 fatcat:eidtx25w2nc6rpl2b6uvcrblqi

Towards Privacy Protection in Smart Grid

Sherali Zeadally, Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, Cristina Alcaraz, Mohamad Badra
2012 Wireless personal communications  
To protect such sensitive information it is imperative that privacy protection mechanisms be used to protect the privacy of smart grid users.  ...  As a result, consumer privacy becomes an important concern when collecting energy usage data with the deployment and adoption of smart grid technologies.  ...  Sherali Zeadally was partially supported by a District of Columbia NASA Space Grant and an NSF TIP grant (Award Number 1036293) during the course of this work.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11277-012-0939-1 fatcat:zmzarxpk6zhtnajle2mg36jsqu

Security Challenges in Smart Grid Implementation [chapter]

Sanjay Goel, Yuan Hong
2015 SpringerBriefs in Cybersecurity  
The most prevalent threat to the consumer is breach of privacy of the data and malicious control of personal devices and appliances.  ...  While such an infrastructure supports the requirements of the smart grid, the TCP/IP protocol that drive communication today would not provide the requisite security required for communication among power  ...  Note that trade-off between privacy and utility exists in any privacy-preserving technique, including smart grid/metering [40] . Sankar et al.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-6663-4_1 fatcat:ahwbvbahkff6ljhex5poab4hkm

Selecting Privacy Solutions to Prioritise Control in Smart Metering Systems [chapter]

Juan E. Rubio, Cristina Alcaraz, Javier Lopez
2017 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Both privacy and performance are essential for the rapid adoption of Smart Grid technologies.  ...  The introduction of the Smart Grid brings with it several benefits to society, because its bi-directional communication allows both users and utilities to have better control over energy usage.  ...  Smart Grid.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-71368-7_15 fatcat:t5zazzonnvannm53tostyilfwy

Recent Advances in Wireless Communication Protocols for Internet of Things

Jiangchuan Liu, Feng Wang, Xiaoqiang Ma, Zhe Yang
2017 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing  
The paper "Privacy-Preserving Meter Report Protocol of Isolated Smart Grid Devices" proposes an efficient privacypreserving meter report protocol for the isolated smart grid devices, which consists of  ...  The authors design a cloud orchestration architecture as an epic predictor of behaviors of smart devices by extracting their application characteristics and resource utilization.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2017/8791485 fatcat:slfvwashqjep7blfkfpkkc7mse

The Challenges of Privacy and Access Control as Key Perspectives for the Future Electric Smart Grid

Anna Triantafyllou, Jose Antonio Perez Jimenez, Alejandro del Real Torres, Thomas Lagkas, Konstantinos Rantos, Panagiotis Sarigiannidis
2020 IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society  
The Electric Smart Grid (ESG) is referred to as the next generation electricity power network.  ...  This study presents a comprehensive overview of the latest privacy-preserving mechanisms and policies in the ESG, while promoting the employment of modern access control techniques towards preventing personal  ...  Another privacy preserving clustering algorithm used in the process of mining large data-sets of smart grid is proposed in [83] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/ojcoms.2020.3037517 fatcat:2qhvityrlrdjvawlkx54wmpkna

Securing smart grid: cyber attacks, countermeasures, and challenges

Xu Li, Xiaohui Liang, Rongxing Lu, Xuemin Shen, Xiaodong Lin, Haojin Zhu
2012 IEEE Communications Magazine  
The objective of privacy preservation is therefore to hide the link between high-frequency metering data and smart meters' HFIDs.  ...  For the sake of privacy preservation, each smart meter transmits two types of data, privacysensitive raw metering data (to the control center) and privacy-insensitive metering data summary (to the utility  ... 
doi:10.1109/mcom.2012.6257525 fatcat:hpitd2pqffgozaf7tuli325xvy

Enhancing The Privacy of Smart-Grid Infrastructure – A Network Security Perspective

Faizullah Khan
2019 Journal of Applied and Emerging Sciences  
The smart-grid adopts smart-meters which basically collect vast amount of data to provide a holistic view of the connected load behavior and preferences pattern related to power and water consumption.  ...  Since, the smart-grid uses existing public networks the utilities do not have the burden of installing any new infrastructure (except for installing the smart-meters), thus an added advantage.  ...  By considering the large scale of the smart grid deployments, a single software vulnerability in a device, such as a smart meter, can be used to compromise millions of devices.  ... 
doi:10.36785/jaes.92326 fatcat:epdj5figvzeadai2aaulsfzmyi

Secure Information Aggregation for Smart Grids Using Homomorphic Encryption

Fengjun Li, Bo Luo, Peng Liu
2010 2010 First IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications  
In this way, our approach supports efficient data aggregation in smart grids, while fully protecting user privacy.  ...  This approach is especially suitable for smart grids with repetitive routine data aggregation tasks. 978-1-4244-6511-8/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE  ...  Among these topics, we are particularly interested in security and privacy of smart grids.  ... 
doi:10.1109/smartgrid.2010.5622064 fatcat:fon5seg4rndf7igw5xlnbykguq

Preserving data integrity for smart grid data aggregation

Fengjun Li, Bo Luo
2012 2012 IEEE Third International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm)  
In smart grid systems, secure in-network data aggregation approaches have been introduced to efficiently collect aggregation data, while preserving data privacy of individual meters.  ...  Next, to defend against suspicious/compromised meters and external attacks, we present a hop-by-hop signature scheme and an incremental verification protocol.  ...  It is critical to transmit metering data from distributed smart meters to the control center at utility in a secure and privacy-preserving manner.  ... 
doi:10.1109/smartgridcomm.2012.6486011 dblp:conf/smartgridcomm/LiL12 fatcat:svs7n5pcrves3kvjin2a5ostly
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