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Preprint: Privacy-preserving IoT Data Sharing Scheme [article]

Ali Abdullah S. AlQahtani, Hosam Alamleh, Reem Alrawili
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Using broadcast signals to measure Received Signal Strength Indicator values and Machine Learning models this paper implements an IoT data sharing scheme based on something that is in an IoT devices environment  ...  Data sharing can be granted using different factors one of which is something in a users or an IoT devices environment which is in this paper broadcast signals.  ...  IoT Data Sharing Two mechanisms were proposed for privacy-preserving data sharing in cloud-assisted IoT, which are encrypted data to a recipient [6] , [7] .  ... 
arXiv:2209.13073v1 fatcat:kk7nnhexwrby3ik3woubelnk7a

Real Medical Data Processing and Prediction of Early Disease Using Sensors, Internet of Things (IoT) and R Programming Techniques

Pavan HVS, Maruti P, Viswanadh NR, Puhazholi
2018 Journal of Biosensors & Bioelectronics  
Puhazholi her valuable steering, consistent encouragement, personal caring, timely facilitate and providing me with a wonderful atmosphere for doing analysis.  ...  All through the work, in spite of her busy schedule, she has extended cheerful and cordial support to Maine for finishing this analysis work.  ...  Firstly, we are able to utilize wearable devices to gather users data, and so as to guard users privacy, we tend to use NTRU mechanism to form positive the transmission of users knowledge to cloudlet in  ... 
doi:10.4172/2155-6210.1000254 fatcat:4ea2tlde65eqdkf44l7xej7frq


2020 EPRA international journal of research & development  
Privacy protection and intrusion avoidance for cloudlet- based medical data sharing data collected from patients through wearable devices ( such as heartbeat, blood pressure, etc.) must be passed to cloud-run  ...  recommendations to protect outsourcing data.  ...  Firstly, we can utilize wearable devices to collect users' data, and in order to protect users privacy Cost and detection rate of the entire IDS system.  ... 
doi:10.36713/epra5789 fatcat:kuwkwgnyajfy3pfsoflqiqmtu4

Federated Learning for Privacy-Preserving Open Innovation Future on Digital Health [article]

Guodong Long, Tao Shen, Yue Tan, Leah Gerrard, Allison Clarke, Jing Jiang
2021 arXiv   pre-print
In particular, this game-changing collaborative framework offers knowledge sharing from diverse data with a privacy-preserving.  ...  Federated learning is a new machine learning paradigm to learn a shared model across users or organisations without direct access to the data.  ...  In the cross-device setting, patients can benefit through shared information from wearable devices.  ... 
arXiv:2108.10761v1 fatcat:lp4wuhb4sre7toacoba6upfcxq

A new privacy framework for the management of chronic diseases via mHealth in a post-Covid-19 world

Farad Rafique Jusob, Carlisle George, Glenford Mapp
2021 Journal of Public Health  
Requirements for a new framework were then specified leading to its development and comparison with existing frameworks. A novel future-proof privacy framework was developed and illustrated.  ...  Using existing regulatory frameworks for privacy and privacy threats/concerns from research studies, privacy principles and their resulting requirements were identified.  ...  It allows patient data to be shared (especially with third parties) whilst still preserving patient privacy.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10389-021-01608-9 pmid:34178579 pmcid:PMC8213038 fatcat:zfqsworlojblzcoe4fnw3nhwdi

Analysis of Privacy-Preserving Edge Computing and Internet of Things Models in Healthcare Domain

Naif Almusallam, Abdulatif Alabdulatif, Fawaz Alarfaj, Osamah Ibrahim Khalaf
2021 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine  
The paper closes with a summary and discussion of the challenges of safeguarding privacy in IoT and edge healthcare solutions which need to be resolved for future applications.  ...  This paper discusses the current landscape of privacy-preservation solutions in IoT and edge healthcare applications.  ...  The private data of patients/users which are collected by wearable devices are accessed by edge nodes for further calculations.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2021/6834800 pmid:35003323 pmcid:PMC8739545 fatcat:wio3dibh6ralzniuqwj4tcfwc4

Federated learning for privacy-preserving data access

Małgorzata Śmietanka, Hirsh Pithadia, Philip Treleaven
2021 International Journal of Data Science and Big Data Analytics  
This paper discusses federated learning as a solution for privacy-preserving data access and distributed machine learning applied to distributed data sets.  ...  Companies need to manage data access: firstly within their organizations (so they can control staff access), and secondly protecting raw data when collaborating with third parties.  ...  For example, mobile phone users can benefit from obtaining well-trained model without sending their personal data to the cloud. • Privacy-preserving data infrastructure -Framework for building collaborative  ... 
doi:10.51483/ijdsbda.1.2.2021.1-13 fatcat:b4rbxexaerburf5xrscizs27ae

Blockchain for Healthcare: Securing Patient Data and Enabling Trusted Artificial Intelligence

H. S. Jennath, V S Anoop, S Asharaf
2020 International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence  
It also helps the user to understand the revenue models that could be built on top of this framework for commercial data sharing to build trusted AI models.  ...  The audit trail of the data access captured using Blockchain provides the data owner to understand the exposure of the data.  ...  of health records, and security and privacy concerns about wearables and smart devices for mobile health data capture and processing.  ... 
doi:10.9781/ijimai.2020.07.002 fatcat:4pendnhr6rd3jd2dz7ns5ke4qa

Pervasive User Data Collection from Cyberspace: Privacy Concerns and Countermeasures

Yinhao Jiang, Mir Ali Rezazadeh Baee, Leonie Ruth Simpson, Praveen Gauravaram, Josef Pieprzyk, Tanveer Zia, Zhen Zhao, Zung Le
2024 Cryptography  
Interconnecting devices and networks provides convenient platforms for information exchange and facilitates pervasive user data collection. This new environment presents serious privacy challenges.  ...  The very items that facilitate connectivity simultaneously increase the risk of privacy breaches. The data gathered to provide services can also be used for monitoring and surveillance.  ...  Unauthorised Data Access in Smart Devices Smart devices and wearable gadgets, which play a pivotal role in health monitoring, are increasingly vulnerable to unauthorised data access.  ... 
doi:10.3390/cryptography8010005 fatcat:xo3mmrddvfhkrpzn4mcknv2p6q

Patient Privacy Decision Making in the Health Big Data Era

Jieun Shin
2017 International Conference on Information Systems  
However, in practice, privacy issues are key challenges since these devices are mutually connected to share data, which have not been adequately examined in the literature.  ...  This paper provides a new framework for sharing participants' health information by considering the individuals' own decisionmaking process, which meets individual privacy boundaries.  ...  This paper will provide a new framework for sharing participants' data by providing individuals' own decision-making process, which meets the individual privacy boundary, and it will further investigate  ... 
dblp:conf/icis/Shin17 fatcat:s3vmkxdtvvcsxm2jmxm5bn3stu

A Framework for Secure Healthcare Data Management using Blockchain Technology

Ahmed I. Taloba, Alanazi Rayan, Ahmed Elhadad, Amr Abozeid, Osama R. Shahin, Rasha M. Abd El-Aziz
2021 International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications  
In this paper, a blockchain-based security framework has been proposed to secure the EHR and provide a safe way of accessing the clinical data of the patients for the patients and their caretakers, doctors  ...  This paper also establishes how the proposed framework helps doctors, patients, caretakers, and external authorities to securely store and access patients' medical data in EHR.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank the Deanship of Scientific Research at Jouf University for supporting this work by Grant Code: (DSR-2021-02-0375).  ... 
doi:10.14569/ijacsa.2021.0121280 fatcat:rwuggn674ndt3fmaiisdekss64

Privacy-Preserving Internet of Things: Techniques and Applications

2019 International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology  
Hence, it is necessary to preserve the privacy of data collected by IoT devices.  ...  In this paper, we present a detailed investigation of the existing approaches to preserve the privacy of data in IoT applications.  ...  This framework is designed for weaker identity IoT end devices. Secure communications between the IoT devices are equipped with secret sharing scheme.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijeat.f8830.088619 fatcat:onkuoapbkzhdtggza6ib7jj5ka

Privacy in the age of Pervasive Internet and Big Data Analytics – Challenges and Opportunities

Saraswathi Punagin, Arti Arya
2015 International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science  
The article reviews current privacy challenges, existing privacy preserving solutions and their limitations.  ...  We survey privacy risks associated with personalization in Web Search, Social Networking, Healthcare, Mobility, Wearable Technology and Internet of Things.  ...  The framework lets patients the right to grant and revoke access to their PHR files.  ... 
doi:10.5815/ijmecs.2015.07.05 fatcat:twrxbhfuznbbdnzlceviavgqpu

CommunityAI: Towards Community-based Federated Learning [article]

Ilir Murturi, Praveen Kumar Donta, Schahram Dustdar
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Federated Learning (FL) has emerged as a promising paradigm to train machine learning models collaboratively while preserving data privacy.  ...  In response to these challenges, we present a novel framework for Community-based Federated Learning called CommunityAI.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT Research has partially received funding from grant agreement No. 101079214 (AIoTwin) and by EU Horizon Framework grant agreement 101070186 (TEADAL).  ... 
arXiv:2311.17958v1 fatcat:mjqzmpq2pjgebc4kvuhyvnz6ha

SynergyLegal Game [article]

Barbara Lazarotto, Cristian Lepore, Aizhan Abdrassulova
2023 Zenodo  
The ensuing interactions foster engaging discussions, transforming the game into a forum for intellectual exploration.  ...  Armed with skill cards that furnish essential information, participants must develop a solution to the challenges before them.  ...  Mission 17 To address concerns about user privacy and informed consent in data sharing practices, HealthTrack, the wearable device company, can adopt a comprehensive strategy.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.10408885 fatcat:ugiedlsyorgz7o2vxop3dprwtu
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