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Adjusted Location Privacy Scheme for VANET Safety Applications

Ruqayah Al-ani, Bo Zhou, Qi Shi, Thar Baker, Mohamed Abdlhamed
2020 NOMS 2020 - 2020 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium  
Thus, in this paper, we first discuss three privacy schemes (RSP, SLOW and CAPS), which adopted silent periods but in different concepts. Then, we improve the privacy and safety level of CAPS.  ...  A privacy simulator PREXT is used to evaluate and compare the performance of schemes.  ...  These data can be exchanged with neighbouring vehicles via a Vehicular Ad hoc NETwork (VANET), which helps in improving road safety [3] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/noms47738.2020.9110362 dblp:conf/noms/Al-aniZSBA20 fatcat:afabefuk2bbejijjbr7dcubqaq

Security schemes based on conditional privacy-preserving vehicular ad hoc networks

Mahmood A. Al-shareeda, Mohammed Anbar, Murtadha A. Alazzawi, Selvakumar Manickam, Iznan H. Hasbullah
2021 Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science  
VANET communication not only offers the drivers and passen-gers with the various safety related services but also provides a wide range of valuable applications.  ...  Besides, a comparison be-tween these schemes related to the model of security and privacy requirements, attacks, and performance parameters is provided.  ...  Also, the repeated disconnection could be the result of too few numbers of vehicles on the road. e) Driver safety: The main advantage of VANETs is providing comfort applications and improve the traffic  ... 
doi:10.11591/ijeecs.v21.i1.pp479-488 fatcat:4255hmzzinacpgkm7uzgch7bru

A Survey of Security Services, Attacks, and Applications for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs)

Sheikh, Liang, Wang
2019 Sensors  
Third, we discussed the latest simulation tools and the performance of the authentication schemes in terms of simulation tools, which was followed by the VANET applications.  ...  All the security attacks in VANETs and their related countermeasures are discussed with respect to ensuring secure communication.  ...  Acknowledgments: We would like to thank Amelia Regan from the University of California, Irvine. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s19163589 fatcat:gh4aysf2l5ecjbq7xh5nr3wpx4

Cyber Security Issues and Solution in Vehicular Networks

A. Manikandan
2022 Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Neural Network  
Vehicle Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs), which share traffic-related information between cars and infrastructure and aid to enhance driver safety and road safety, are capable of and viable for implementing Intelligent  ...  Thus, the hottest study field right now is assuring the security and privacy of traffic-related information in VANETs.  ...  VANET Components The on-board OBU's traffic-related data is received, processed, and sent to other cars and RSU via the dedicated short-range communication (DSRC) protocol [16] .  ... 
doi:10.55529/jaimlnn.26.43.54 fatcat:chb5yzth6bfh3occffirirdoty

An Empirical Study on Issues Challenges Tools and Techniques of Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network Communications

. Ravi Kumar D.N.S, Sathyabama Institute of Science & Technology
2019 International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering  
VANET collects and allots safety information's so as to minimalize the sum of accidents on a huge scale.  ...  It is very demanding to found and reserve endwise networks in a Vehicle Ad-Hoc Network (VANET) as a consequence of high vehicle speed, extended inter-vehicle distance and fluctuating vehicle density.  ...  for huge parking slots ; scheme No comparison with other parking spaces Provision a privacy preserving scheme in term of coverage of the drivers ratio [37] VANET Identity privacy In a distributed Analysis  ... 
doi:10.30534/ijatcse/2019/83842019 fatcat:qn6twa6egvberm73nsj4itn5ii

Privacy Preserving Schemes in Vanets: A Review

Shazia Sulthana
2018 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) can significantly improve traffic safety and privacy of driver.  ...  VANET Networks uses the privacy preserving schemes to improve traffic safety, mobility, and environmental protection with enhancing services.  ...  Classification Of The Privacy Preserving Schemes During the last decade, there are number of research work related to PPA in VANETs.  ... 
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2018.3354 fatcat:l4o24cgj4baafpfeemnmkobh74

A Comprehensive Survey on VANET Security Services in Traffic Management System

Muhammad Sameer Sheikh, Jun Liang
2019 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing  
Finally, we discuss the comfort and safety applications of VANETs.  ...  Recently, vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) embark a great deal of attention in the area of wireless and communication technology and are becoming one of the prominent research areas in the intelligent  ...  In recent years, several research works have been done in terms of security and privacy of the VANET system, which ensures vehicle safety and improves the traffic flow.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2019/2423915 fatcat:4dool3bba5ea7h6muysjtzpxfq

Security and Privacy in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network and Vehicle Cloud Computing: A Survey

Muhammad Sameer Sheikh, Jun Liang, Wensong Wang
2020 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing  
They receive a great deal of attention from researchers around the world since they are new technologies, and they can improve road safety and enhance traffic flow by utilizing the vehicles resources and  ...  Vehicular networks are becoming a prominent research field in the intelligent transportation system (ITS) due to the nature and characteristics of providing high-level road safety and optimized traffic  ...  Chen and Wei [100] presented a trust scheme based on beacon mechanism to improve the location privacy in VANETs.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2020/5129620 fatcat:6akm5x43pnegdkcu4xe4tewe5u

Security Challenges of Location Privacy in VANETs and State-of-The Art Solutions: A Survey

Shawal Khan, Ishita Sharma, Mazzamal Aslam, Muhammad Zahid Khan, Shahzad Khan
2021 Future Internet  
The novelty of this paper is that it specifically reviews location privacy in VANETs in terms of operational and safety concerns.  ...  VANETs play a vital role in providing safety and comfort to drivers in vehicular environments. They provide smart traffic control and real-time information, event allocation.  ...  Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/fi13040096 fatcat:5cl757byajfdfcuhczua4762hy

Distributed Aggregation Of Attributed Based Signature Scheme For Authenticated Communication In Vanet

S. Keerthana, T. Geetha
2018 Zenodo  
The vehicles can send safety related messages like speed, location of the vehicle, dangerous road conditions to any nearby vehicles and to the RSU and vice versa.  ...  In VANET, each vehicle broadcasts a message to nearby vehicles and RSUs every few hundreds of milliseconds. A vehicle or an RSU may receive hundreds of messages in a short period.  ...  vehicles can send safety related messages like speed, location of the vehicle, dangerous road conditions to any nearby vehicles and to the RSU and vice versa.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1154901 fatcat:omwetjognnhipbfg5x7akrorby

An Analytic Study of Security Solutions for VANET

Indu Bhardwaj, Sibaram Khara
2015 International Journal of Computer Applications  
So, using VANET can increase safety and traffic optimization. Similar to other technologies, in VANET there are some important and noticeable issues. One of the most important of them is Security.  ...  This paper presents a review of security requirements, attacks and security challenges to implement the security measures in the VANET.  ...  Absence of road traffic safety takes a toll of precious human lives. Other negative consequences are related with time wastage, fuel waste and environmental pollution etc.  ... 
doi:10.5120/ijca2015907563 fatcat:eal65oqxxregpgq5mf22lcjq7q

Design of Secure and Application-Oriented VANETs

Yi Qian, Nader Moayeri
2008 VTC Spring 2008 - IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference  
The proposed framework consists of two basic components: an application-aware control framework and a unified routing scheme.  ...  Our study can provide a guideline for the design of a more secure and practical VANET.  ...  CONCLUSIONS VANET is a promising wireless communication technology for improving highway safety and information services.  ... 
doi:10.1109/vetecs.2008.610 dblp:conf/vtc/QianM08 fatcat:palgxea5snfofmmf4o7ujqmwam

Cloud Computing in VANETs: Architecture, Taxonomy, and Challenges

Ahmed Aliyu, Abdul Hanan Abdullah, Omprakash Kaiwartya, Yue Cao, Mohammed Joda Usman, Sushil Kumar, D. K. Lobiyal, Ram Shringar Raw
2017 IETE Technical Review  
Section 4 presents a taxonomy of CC-V with qualitative and critical review of related literature.  ...  In this paper, a qualitative review of cloud computing in VANETs has been presented.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT The research is supported by Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOE) and conducted in collaboration with Research Management Center (RMC) at University Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) under VOT NUMBER  ... 
doi:10.1080/02564602.2017.1342572 fatcat:ooyjke73gzedvi7wugizvim4km

A Survey on Location Privacy Attacks and Prevention Deployed with IoT in Vehicular Networks

Nadeem Ahmed, Zhongliang Deng, Imran Memon, Fayaz Hassan, Khalid H. Mohammadani, Rizwan Iqbal, Ali Kashif Bashir
2022 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing  
This enables to improve user privacy and security of location-based services for IoT in VANET.  ...  In VANETs, location privacy is the most crucial piece of information, and its protection is the top priority.  ...  VANET privacy attacks specifically relate to the unlawful collection of confidential vehicle information.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2022/6503299 fatcat:jpop34jbwvgerhpidkvnouzp34

Security Attacks and Challenges of VANETs : A Literature Survey

Abdul Quyoom, Aftab Ahmad Mir, Dr. Abid Sarwar
2020 Journal of multimedia information system  
A detailed discussion and analysis of various possible attacks based on security services are also presented that address security and privacy concern in VANETs.  ...  Finally a general analysis of possible challenges is mentioned. This paper can serve as a source and reference in building the new technique for VANETs.  ...  It is essential to realize that the ITS aims to improve road safety and provides a comfortable travel experience to driver and passengers [1] , [8] .  ... 
doi:10.33851/jmis.2020.7.1.45 fatcat:l7cekl3hnzcwvhmqebhuhog4si
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