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44,179 Hits in 2.6 sec

Developing neural networks library in RSCAD for real-time power system simulation

Bipul Luitel, Ganesh Kumar Venayagamoorthy, Gabriel Oliveira
2013 2013 IEEE Computational Intelligence Applications in Smart Grid (CIASG)  
Therefore integration of computational intelligence based tools in power system simulation tools is an important aspect of smart grid research.  ...  The neural networks component is then used to predict the speed deviation of a generator in a multi-machine power system.  ...  intelligent methods of monitoring and control for handling the complexity of large networks such as the smart grid.  ... 
doi:10.1109/ciasg.2013.6611509 dblp:conf/ciasg/LuitelVO13 fatcat:3by5f2dsbzem7nhopyq2x276re

Short Term Electricity Load Forecasting using Smart Grid AI-Prediction Simulator (SGAIPS)

Fouad Mountassir, Mohammed Bousmah
2021 International Journal of Computer Applications  
These techniques play an important role in the construction of next generation of Smart Grid.  ...  For this purpose, we have developed, a new Smart Grid Artificial Intelligence Prediction Simulator called SGAIPS, that can provide a systematic short term electricity load forecasting based on Smart meters  ...  The Smart Grid Artificial Intelligence Prediction Simulator Model.  ... 
doi:10.5120/ijca2021921589 fatcat:3cyv2f4h5vhkdgrn5rcr36hfkm

Identification of the K-most Vulnerable Entities in a Smart Grid System [article]

Sohini Roy, Arunabha Sen
2020 arXiv   pre-print
Validation of the model [1] and the results of the ILP based solution is done by simulating a smart grid system of IEEE 14-Bus using MATPOWER and Java Network Simulator (JNS).  ...  A smart grid system can be considered as a multi-layered network with power network in one layer and communication network in the other.  ...  The predicted damages are compared with the simulated results for a smart grid system of IEEE-14Bus.  ... 
arXiv:2008.08074v1 fatcat:cyvrlrcycjcpnbeqocytcjggwi

Real Time Energy Management and Load Forecasting in Smart Grid Using CompactRIO

K. Thiyagarajan, R. Saravana Kumar
2016 Procedia Computer Science  
Load forecasting is done by past and present data of electrical load connected with the grid using artificial neural networks.  ...  A console is created to monitor the electrical load connected with the smart grid.  ...  Load Forecasting Using of artificial neural network prediction of future load of the system done. For this training the neural network using of past data of loads.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.procs.2016.05.250 fatcat:y62uk7bjirainiu6sv7xrl4tvm

Simulation Model of a Smart Grid with an Integrated Large Heat Source

Lubomir Vasek, Viliam Dolinay, Vladimir Vasek
2014 IFAC Proceedings Volumes  
The purpose of this research is to improve an existing simulation model to provide a tool for effectively dealing with heating requirements in Intelligent Cities and Smart Grid Systems.  ...  The results provide valuable information regarding the possibility of using large heating sources and address their role in Intelligent Cities and Smart Grids.  ...  The simulated course -i.e. the minimum demands of a Smart Heat Grid is caused by the sunny day, which made full use of solar energy in the Smart Heat Grid.  ... 
doi:10.3182/20140824-6-za-1003.01145 fatcat:npzq35rpvfhthnqrofldppabzy

Smart Grid for a Sustainable Future

G. M. Shafiullah, Amanullah M. T. Oo, A. B. M. Shawkat Ali, Peter Wolfs
2013 Smart Grid and Renewable Energy  
Smart grid will also bring benefits of seamless integration of renewable energy sources to the power networks.  ...  Therefore, at the start of the 21 st Century, Government, utilities and research communities are working jointly to develop an intelligent grid system, which is now known as a smart grid.  ...  of RE into the future smart grid power system.  ... 
doi:10.4236/sgre.2013.41004 fatcat:hthwckqsmzd6rce3igxpjvrvpm

Reactive Security for Smart Grids Using Models@run.time-Based Simulation and Reasoning [chapter]

Thomas Hartmann, Francois Fouquet, Jacques Klein, Gregory Nain, Yves Le Traon
2014 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
In this paper we present a novel approach combining a Models@run.time-based simulation and reasoning engine with reactive security techniques to intelligently monitor and continuously adapt the smart grid  ...  We claim that, due to the nature of smart grids, unforeseen attacks and failures cannot be effectively countered relying solely on proactive security techniques.  ...  for an action and thus predict the network load.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-10329-7_9 fatcat:ouun2tqsqnc3jf7lae2m7afuea

An Overview of Digital Twins Application Domains in Smart Energy Grid [article]

Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Marcel Antal, Ioan Salomie, Claudia Antal, Arcas Gabriel Ioan
2021 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, we will provide an overview of the Digital Twins application domains in the smart grid while analyzing existing the state of the art literature.  ...  The Digital Twins offer promising solutions for smart grid challenges related to the optimal operation, management, and control of energy assets, for safe and reliable distribution of energy.  ...  The simulation environment is modeled using a system of systems approach while hardware in the loop is used to run and control the simulation.  ... 
arXiv:2104.07904v1 fatcat:ih2xuwscibf63pmp43l4esw7yi

Overview of Research Challenges towards Smart Grid Quality by Design

David Gešvindr, Barbora Buhnova, Jan Rosecky
2014 Proceedings of the 2014 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems  
In this paper, we draw upon our involvement in the modelling and simulation of the Smart Grid in the Czech Republic, and elaborate possible directions of Smart Grid modelling and analysis research to reach  ...  Power distribution systems worldwide are entering one of the biggest transformations since their inception.  ...  Related work: Although numerous overview papers have been published in the Smart Grid domain, the discussion of research questions and challenges towards mature Smart Grid design is not receiving systematic  ... 
doi:10.15439/2014f318 dblp:conf/fedcsis/GesvindrBR14 fatcat:nklee4fxlrf4vaxmdfvrxmrfge

A Self-Updating K-Contingency List for Smart Grid System [article]

Sohini Roy, Arunabha Sen
2021 arXiv   pre-print
grid using a co-simulation system formed by MATPOWER and Java Network Simulator (JNS).  ...  The validation of the work is done by comparing the contingency list obtained for different K values using the MIIM model on a smart grid of IEEE 14-Bus system with that obtained by simulating the smart  ...  The predicted damages are compared with the simulated results for a smart grid system of IEEE-14Bus.  ... 
arXiv:2101.08896v2 fatcat:kjhonpuqenfctjenpxfmytrgs4

Novel Simulation Approaches for Smart Grids

Eleftherios Tsampasis, Lambros Sarakis, Helen Leligou, Theodore Zahariadis, John Garofalakis
2016 Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks  
This approach of hybrid simulation/co-simulation of (a) smart power grids; (b) smart buildings, which are of significant importance for the performance of city distribution grids; and (c) cyber-physical  ...  simulation are decoupled from power or network simulators and implemented as  ...  Author Contributions: Eleftherios Tsampasis worked on the smart grid co-simulation platforms assessment, on the implementation of the testbed for the validation of key functionality of the proposed system  ... 
doi:10.3390/jsan5030011 fatcat:iay4rblwdndwvfwm4np4pfzyu4

Smart grid analysis and management in Colombia towards ETAP Real Time solution

R. Franco-Manrique, E. Gómez-Luna, C. A. Ramos-Sánchez
2018 Ingeniare : Revista Chilena de Ingeniería  
ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to present the advances in the implementation of the Smart Grids (SGs) in the whole world span and the prospectus of Colombia towards the implementation of new solutions  ...  RESUMEN Este artículo presenta los avances de implementación de las llamadas Redes Inteligentes o Smart Grids en el mundo entero y el prospecto que tiene Colombia hacia la implementación de nuevas soluciones  ...  Company for its support in the elaboration of this paper.  ... 
doi:10.4067/s0718-33052018000400599 fatcat:zswpmd4t3zazle6spplgbljdea

An early warning system against malicious activities for smart grid communications

Zubair Fadlullah, Mostafa Fouda, Nei Kato, Xuemin Shen, Yousuke Nozaki
2011 IEEE Network  
We verify the effectiveness of the proposed early warning system through computer-based simulations.  ...  The evolution of M2M has also begun in developing a smart power grid framework, referred to as the smart grid (SG) [2, 3] .  ...  Design Guidelines for Smart Grid Early Warning System The main goal of an early warning system is to reliably predict problems in the SG communication network and raise alerts about them.  ... 
doi:10.1109/mnet.2011.6033036 fatcat:oemtm5mj5vdzro2la74232kbxy

Webinar "Co-Simulation based Assessment Methods" [article]

Rishabh Bhandia, Arjen van der Meer, Peter Palensky, Edmund Widl, Thomas I. Strasser, Nabil Akroud, Kai Heussen, Tue Vissing Jensen, Van Hoa Nguyen
2019 Zenodo  
Smart Grid systems constitute of models interconnected across different domains.  ...  Work done in the ERIGrid project focuses on development of advanced simulation-based methods to test and validate smart grid scenarios.  ...  Validation of Smart Grids -Status Quo and Future Research Trends C.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.2634039 fatcat:tomzoyhlibecje2x6ikkjv2o6e

State-of-the-Art Impacts of Smart Grid in the Power Systems Operation and Expansion Planning

Gabriel Apoena de Oliveira, Leonel João Muthemba, Clodomiro Unsihuay-Vila
2018 Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology  
In this article, a state-of-the-art review on the impacts of Smart Grid in the operation and planning of the expansion of the Electric Power System is presented.  ...  The concept of Smart Grid is increasingly integrated in conventional networks, and the impact that this new technology generates on operation and planning must be investigated.  ...  The result of the planning of Smart Grids is to determine the type of optimal distribution network (AC, DC or hybrid), type energy resources to the DG and energy storage system and distributed capacity  ... 
doi:10.1590/1678-4324-smart-2018000400 fatcat:giawbeewcnevpeiu2prsdpd3ba
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