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35,819 Hits in 6.3 sec

Predictive intelligence to the edge through approximate collaborative context reasoning

Christos Anagnostopoulos, Kostas Kolomvatsos
2017 Applied intelligence (Boston)  
Such novel approximate reasoning paradigm is achieved through a contextualized, collaborative belief-driven clustering process, where clusters of devices are formed according to their belief on the presence  ...  Keywords Collaborative event inference · Federated reasoning · Edge predictive intelligence · Optimal stopping theory · Adaptive vector quantization · Type-2 fuzzy logic inference Appl Intell (2018) 48  ...  The energy consumption C c refers to the Predictive intelligence to the edge through approximate collaborative context reasoning communication overhead cost for nodes during the clustering eras due to  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10489-017-1032-y fatcat:j23gdptrjfaadc5tr5eertunla

Leveraging Edge Computing through Collaborative Machine Learning

Kurt Portelli, Christos Anagnostopoulos
2017 2017 5th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud Workshops (FiCloudW)  
The Internet of Things (IoT) offers the ability to analyze and predict our surroundings through sensor networks at the network edge.  ...  To facilitate this predictive functionality, Edge Computing (EC) applications are developed by considering: power consumption, network lifetime and quality of context inference.  ...  Using incremental machine learning on the network edge, our methodology exploits the relationship of the context collected to extract knowledge and predict new context.  ... 
doi:10.1109/ficloudw.2017.72 dblp:conf/ficloud/PortelliA17 fatcat:qsssrhgmxfg5lazgax4dsc3uka

The link prediction problem for social networks

David Liben-Nowell, Jon Kleinberg
2003 Proceedings of the twelfth international conference on Information and knowledge management - CIKM '03  
We formalize this question as the link prediction problem, and develop approaches to link prediction based on measures for analyzing the "proximity" of nodes in a network.  ...  Given a snapshot of a social network, can we infer which new interactions among its members are likely to occur in the near future?  ...  We thank Paul Ginsparg for generously providing the bibliographic data from the arXiv.  ... 
doi:10.1145/956863.956972 dblp:conf/cikm/Liben-NowellK03 fatcat:n5mxjlhgyjdpdmvwqsnxo75gfa

The link prediction problem for social networks

David Liben-Nowell, Jon Kleinberg
2003 Proceedings of the twelfth international conference on Information and knowledge management - CIKM '03  
We formalize this question as the link prediction problem, and develop approaches to link prediction based on measures for analyzing the "proximity" of nodes in a network.  ...  Given a snapshot of a social network, can we infer which new interactions among its members are likely to occur in the near future?  ...  We thank Paul Ginsparg for generously providing the bibliographic data from the arXiv.  ... 
doi:10.1145/956958.956972 fatcat:tj47bh7ctzehlmd3qn4gzzylxy

Guest Editorial Special Issue on Edge Intelligence for Sustainable Smart Environments

Carlo Mastroianni, Franco Cicirelli, Min Jia, Sabita Maharjan, Ian Taylor
2022 IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking  
user needs through a more sustainable use of environmental resources; (iii) based on predictions performed by Edge Intelligence algorithms, data and computation can be brought closer to the sites where  ...  Edge Intelligence derives from the convergence of Edge Computing with the exploitation of artificial intelligence methodologies and cognitive technologies, involving sensing/actuation, learning and reasoning  ... 
doi:10.1109/tgcn.2022.3148565 fatcat:b4uruwbajbfrphj2mj5k6q32xy

Intelligent Computing: The Latest Advances, Challenges and Future [article]

Shiqiang Zhu, Ting Yu, Tao Xu, Hongyang Chen, Schahram Dustdar, Sylvain Gigan, Deniz Gunduz, Ekram Hossain, Yaochu Jin, Feng Lin, Bo Liu, Zhiguo Wan (+9 others)
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Intelligent computing is still in its infancy and an abundance of innovations in the theories, systems, and applications of intelligent computing are expected to occur soon.  ...  Intelligent computing has greatly broadened the scope of computing, extending it from traditional computing on data to increasingly diverse computing paradigms such as perceptual intelligence, cognitive  ...  He used that model to make predictions, reason, and act.  ... 
arXiv:2211.11281v1 fatcat:e2dtzov2v5bthboxdtdb4i6tiy

Correction to: Predictive intelligence to the edge: impact on edge analytics

Natascha Harth, Christos Anagnostopoulos, Dimitrios Pezaros
2017 Evolving Systems  
Our idea is based on the capability of the edge nodes to (1) monitor the evolution of the sensed time series contextual data, (2) locally determine (through prediction) whether to disseminate contextual  ...  We propose a lightweight, distributed, predictive intelligence mechanism that supports communication efficient aggregation and predictive modeling within the edge network.  ...  to SANs and ENs to collaboratively support edge analytics.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s12530-017-9210-z fatcat:m4m57npzpjhljnvznipuiukhhe

Predictive intelligence to the edge: impact on edge analytics

Natascha Harth, Christos Anagnostopoulos, Dimitrios Pezaros
2017 Evolving Systems  
Our idea is based on the capability of the edge nodes to (1) monitor the evolution of the sensed time series contextual data, (2) locally determine (through prediction) whether to disseminate contextual  ...  We propose a lightweight, distributed, predictive intelligence mechanism that supports communication efficient aggregation and predictive modeling within the edge network.  ...  to SANs and ENs to collaboratively support edge analytics.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s12530-017-9190-z fatcat:qfcv34btffhnvdvum36x6wq2ee

Intelligent Sensing Scheduling for Mobile Target Tracking Wireless Sensor Networks [article]

Longyu Zhou, Supeng Leng, Qiang Liu, Haoye Chai, Jihua Zhou
2021 arXiv   pre-print
To address the problems, this paper proposes a new hierarchical target tracking structure based on Edge Intelligence (EI) technology.  ...  The structure integrates the computing resource of both mobile nodes and edge servers to provide efficient computation capability for real-time target tracking.  ...  # Mobile node with computing capacity Invading target with context, image, and video Sensing link transmission link (static node to mobile node) Intelligent cloudlet Intelligent edge  ... 
arXiv:2108.01885v1 fatcat:5y6dzkotfrcsjfgbka7osgo63q

Deep Learning for Edge Computing Applications: A State-of-the-art Survey

Fangxin Wang, Miao Zhang, Xiangxiang Wang, Xiaoqiang Ma, Jiangchuan Liu
2020 IEEE Access  
Meanwhile, these devices will generate massive amounts of valuable data at the network edge, calling for not only instant data processing but also intelligent data analysis in order to fully unleash the  ...  Fortunately, the emerging edge computing sheds a light on the issue by pushing the data processing from the remote network core to the local network edge, remarkably reducing the latency and improving  ...  efficiency. 3) CONTEXT-AWARE SERVICE Context-aware computing [25] is playing an important role in IoT and edge computing applications, since good modeling and reasoning of collected data can highly  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.2982411 fatcat:43atfhktujbuxns2bsl2cfpnay

Editorial: Data-Driven Cognitive Manufacturing—Applications in Predictive Maintenance and Zero Defect Manufacturing

Dimitris Kiritsis, Oscar Lazaro, Melinda Hodkiewicz, Jay Lee, Jun Ni
2021 Frontiers in Computer Science  
The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and associated computing continuum Cloud and Edge Technologies and Industrial AI (Artificial Intelligence) provide valuable data for Predictive Maintenance and  ...  All of the above is making the smart maintenance and manufacturing development with increasing "cognitive" and "predictive" characteristics to augment the human-machine collaboration.  ...  AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS All authors listed have made a substantial, direct and intellectual contribution to the work, and approved it for publication.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fcomp.2020.633850 doaj:fd39552cfb6349d0a5662811216b2fed fatcat:f64k2nynpne2jjlflx7ssc7lji

The link-prediction problem for social networks

David Liben-Nowell, Jon Kleinberg
2007 Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology  
We formalize this question as the linkprediction problem, and we develop approaches to link prediction based on measures for analyzing the "proximity" of nodes in a network.  ...  Given a snapshot of a social network, can we infer which new interactions among its members are likely to occur in the near future?  ...  We thank Paul Ginsparg for generously providing the bibliographic data from the arXiv. An  ... 
doi:10.1002/asi.20591 fatcat:hgdlaifdcjeotcaiosmm7v7wra

Toward Collaborative Intelligence in IoV Systems: Recent Advances and Open Issues

Sedeng Danba, Jingjing Bao, Guorong Han, Siri Guleng, Celimuge Wu
2022 Sensors  
We discuss existing studies about enabling collaborative intelligence in IoV systems by focusing on collaborative communications, collaborative computing, and collaborative machine learning approaches.  ...  While a large number of interesting IoV applications are expected, it is more challenging to design an efficient IoV system compared with conventional Internet of Things (IoT) applications due to the mobility  ...  The future service demand is predicted after predicting the future traffic flow through the deep spatiotemporal residual network. (2) Initialize the edge content caching scheme according to the above selection  ... 
doi:10.3390/s22186995 pmid:36146341 pmcid:PMC9503948 fatcat:ukgdnfjodvbjjgf6fha2cbq5xu

A Context-aware Task Offloading Scheme in Collaborative Vehicular Edge Computing Systems

2021 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems  
Hence, this paper studies an efficient offloading decision and resource allocation scheme in collaborative vehicular edge computing networks with multiple SCs and multiple MEC servers to reduce latency  ...  On this basis, an autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model is employed to predict idle computing resources according to the base station traffic in different periods.  ...  Resource Prediction In context-aware collaborative vehicular edge computing networks, the SDN controller can monitor MEC servers load changes in real time.  ... 
doi:10.3837/tiis.2021.02.001 fatcat:qw4y3a2t5ndwnmrfxs36dmwzjy

Internet of Robotic Things Intelligent Connectivity and Platforms

Ovidiu Vermesan, Roy Bahr, Marco Ottella, Martin Serrano, Tore Karlsen, Terje Wahlstrøm, Hans Erik Sand, Meghashyam Ashwathnarayan, Micaela Troglia Gamba
2020 Frontiers in Robotics and AI  
IoRT applications can make use of the individual, collaborative, and collective intelligence of robotic things, as well as information from the infrastructure and operating context to plan, implement and  ...  The emergence of "intelligent things" (static or mobile) in collaborative autonomous fleets requires new architectures, connectivity paradigms, trustworthiness frameworks, and platforms for the integration  ...  As the computing power of the edge increases, edge intelligence becomes common, and intelligent edge plays an important supporting role to improve the performance of edge intelligence.  ... 
doi:10.3389/frobt.2020.00104 pmid:33501271 pmcid:PMC7805974 fatcat:oejpeyynjndnxcq7jsdcotv7ua
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