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A Neuron Model with Spatially Distributed Synaptic Input

Russell D. Fernald
1971 Biophysical Journal  
The model consists of two terminal electronic analogue circuits with inputs controlled by a LINC computer. One terminal represents the inside of a membrane patch, the other represents the outside.  ...  Two circuit designs are used: one simulates spike-generating regions of the neuron, the other simulates subthreshold activity in inexcitable regions.  ...  Spikes Control of Inputs to the Model The inputs to the neuron model are controlled by a computer program. The same program has a provision to compute simultaneously appropriate spike histograms.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0006-3495(71)86218-5 pmid:4325425 pmcid:PMC1483967 fatcat:dvptpljatzff3fhdpohjd2mi2u

Learning by the Dendritic Prediction of Somatic Spiking

Robert Urbanczik, Walter Senn
2014 Neuron  
We present a simple compartmental neuron model together with a non-Hebbian, biologically plausible learning rule for dendritic synapses where plasticity is modulated by these three factors.  ...  Recent modeling of spike-timing-dependent plasticity indicates that plasticity involves as a third factor a local dendritic potential, besides pre-and postsynaptic firing times.  ...  Here we present a compartmental neuron model and derive from first principles a plasticity rule in which the voltage modulation of synaptic plasticity has a functional interpretation.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2013.11.030 pmid:24507189 fatcat:rut3fvbfzjahdod7nlfp2p4t5y

An Increase in AMPA and a Decrease in SK Conductance Increase Burst Firing by Different Mechanisms in a Model of a Dopamine Neuron In Vivo

C. C. Canavier, R. S. Landry
2006 Journal of Neurophysiology  
A stylized, symmetric, compartmental model of a dopamine neuron in vivo shows how rate and pattern can be modulated either concurrently or differentially.  ...  If two or more parameters in the model are varied concurrently, the baseline firing rate and the extent of bursting become decorrelated, which provides an explanation for the lack of a tight correlation  ...  M E T H O D S Compartmental model The three-compartment model of Komendantov et al. (2004) was used with a few modifications (see Fig. 1 ).  ... 
doi:10.1152/jn.00704.2006 pmid:16885519 pmcid:PMC2531289 fatcat:tbrnoyfp3jac5neeojumic7qcq

Computational Analysis of the Impact of Chronic Stress on Intrinsic and Synaptic Excitability in the Hippocampus

Rishikesh Narayanan, Sumantra Chattarji
2010 Journal of Neurophysiology  
Here we examine the validity of this framework using biophysical models of hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons.  ...  Using this algorithm, we build a biophysically realistic computational model to analyze the effects of stress on intrinsic and synaptic excitability.  ...  Furthermore, atrophy causes an Modulation of individual currents required for maintaining firing rate and firing pattern homeostasis in a neuron with 35% atrophy.  ... 
doi:10.1152/jn.00913.2009 pmid:20457854 pmcid:PMC2888238 fatcat:6uryor4zencavfsspizyosl2uq

Direct Current Stimulation Alters Neuronal Input/Output Function

Belen Lafon, Asif Rahman, Marom Bikson, Lucas C. Parra
2017 Brain Stimulation  
Results-We show for the first time that DCS modulates the likelihood of neuronal firing for a given and fixed synaptic input.  ...  Objective-Test if the neuronal input/output function is affected by DCS Methods-Using rat hippocampal brain slices and computational modeling, we provide evidence for how DCS modulates the neuronal I/O  ...  Acknowledgments We greatly acknowledge Gregory Kronberg for helpful discussions and proofreading the manuscripts.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.brs.2016.08.014 pmid:27717601 pmcid:PMC5774009 fatcat:dgqda6sus5hiplqvuocbjwl7h4

A modeling based study on the origin and nature of evoked post-synaptic local field potentials in granular layer

Harilal Parasuram, Bipin Nair, Giovanni Naldi, Egidio D'Angelo, Shyam Diwakar
2011 Journal of Physiology - Paris  
In the first, we used a single granule neuron as a model kernel for reconstructing population activity. The second technique consisted using a detailed network model.  ...  Understanding population activities of underlying neurons reveal emergent behavior as patterns of information flow in neural circuits.  ...  SR/CSI/49/2010 and the Sakshat Project of National Mission on Education through ICT, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Department, Government of India.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jphysparis.2011.07.011 pmid:21843640 fatcat:yg55zftepbc3xl4r5ttc6agwxy

Distinct current modules shape cellular dynamics in model neurons

Adel Alturki, Feng Feng, Ajay Nair, Vinay Guntu, Satish S. Nair
2016 Neuroscience  
The methodology also helped reveal that a single core compartment model could capture multiple neuronal properties.  ...  for several classes of neurons.  ...  So, this neuron had two zones, one below -52.5 mV for the passive module, and one above it for the spiking module.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2016.08.016 pmid:27530698 pmcid:PMC5086448 fatcat:ir2vlclmjvfzxmnf4hoehrxcui

A two-compartment model of synaptic computation and plasticity

Rudi Tong, Nigel J. Emptage, Zahid Padamsey
2020 Molecular Brain  
Here we present a two-compartment model of the synapse in which the presynaptic terminal first acts to filter presynaptic input before the postsynaptic terminal, acting as a gain controller, amplifies  ...  The synapse is typically viewed as a single compartment, which acts as a linear gain controller on incoming input.  ...  For instance, consider a pair of neurones for which burst firing in the presynaptic neurone is predictive of the occurrence of a postsynaptic spike.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s13041-020-00617-1 pmid:32434549 fatcat:agtebhcavbei7klpl33lpqkw3y

Independence of the unimodal tuning of firing rate from theta phase precession in hippocampal place cells

Zhihua Wu, Yoko Yamaguchi
2009 Biological cybernetics  
a reduced CA1 two-compartment neuron model.  ...  There are two prominent features for place cells in rat hippocampus.  ...  The first author was supported by the Knowledge Innovation Engineering Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences (grant KSCX2-YW-R-39) and National Science Foundation of China (grants 30630028 and 30770495  ... 
doi:10.1007/s00422-009-0359-9 pmid:20041262 fatcat:tmigjn35ireubjup7wuxfp3rfa

Multistability in a neuron model with extracellular potassium dynamics

Xing-Xing Wu, J. W. Shuai
2012 Physical Review E  
The bifurcation structure and spiking frequency of the two models are studied.  ...  We adopt a physiologically relevant hippocampal CA1 neuron model in a zero-calcium condition to better understand the function of extracellular potassium in neuronal seizurelike activities.  ...  A particular color denotes a certain type of neuronal firing pattern: green (gray) for a singlet spiking (1s), orange (medium gray) for doublet spiking (2s), and blue (dark gray) for triplet spiking (3s  ... 
doi:10.1103/physreve.85.061911 pmid:23005131 fatcat:pgxdidmphnf4hiqhtmh5b54c6i

Dendrites: bug or feature?

Michael Häusser, Bartlett Mel
2003 Current Opinion in Neurobiology  
We discuss how dendritic compartments and the interactions between them help to enhance the computational power of the neuron and define the rules for the induction of synaptic plasticity.  ...  The integrative properties of dendrites are determined by a complex mixture of factors, including their morphology, the spatio-temporal patterning of synaptic inputs, the balance of excitation and inhibition  ...  Acknowledgements We thank the Human Frontier Science Program, the European Union, Wellcome Trust and Gatsby Foundation for support, and Mark Farrant, Mickey London, Troy Margrie, and Arnd Roth for comments  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0959-4388(03)00075-8 pmid:12850223 fatcat:lvly5l6evfe5pdhaiu4k6wneyy

Modeling Single-Neuron Dynamics and Computations: A Balance of Detail and Abstraction

A. V. M. Herz, T. Gollisch, C. K. Machens, D. Jaeger
2006 Science  
Dendritic inward currents play a major role in the control of spiking (6) or the modulation of responses to synchronous inputs (11) .  ...  Level I: Detailed compartmental model of a Purkinje cell. Fig. 2 . 2 Diversity of neural response patterns.  ... 
doi:10.1126/science.1127240 pmid:17023649 fatcat:anqfygl275hibbqz3o7vkark2u

Modulatory effects of inhibition on persistent activity in a cortical microcircuit model

Xanthippi Konstantoudaki, Athanasia Papoutsi, Kleanthi Chalkiadaki, Panayiota Poirazi, Kyriaki Sidiropoulou
2014 Frontiers in Neural Circuits  
To this end, we constructed a PFC microcircuit, consisting of pyramidal neuron models and all three different interneuron types: fast-spiking (FS), regular-spiking (RS), and irregular-spiking (IS) interneurons  ...  the FS model input to the pyramidal neuron models greatly limited the biophysical modulation of persistent activity induction, decreased the ISIs and neuronal synchronicity during persistent activity,  ...  MODEL PREDICTIONS AND FUTURE USES Our model generates two important predictions that could be tested experimentally.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fncir.2014.00007 pmid:24550786 pmcid:PMC3907788 fatcat:gpzxs4ousreyzelbnpdqw6n7b4

Electrical Coupling Between Model Midbrain Dopamine Neurons: Effects on Firing Pattern and Synchrony

Alexander O. Komendantov, Carmen C. Canavier
2002 Journal of Neurophysiology  
We modified a multi-compartment model of DA neuron by adding a spike-generating mechanism and electrically coupling the dendrites of two such neurons through gap junctions.  ...  The firing patterns exhibited by the two model neurons included low frequency (2-7 Hz) spiking, high-frequency (13-20 Hz) spiking, irregular spiking, regular bursting, irregular bursting, and leader/follower  ...  Model interpretations and predictions This paper presents results using a specific model of a system of two coupled dopamine neurons.  ... 
doi:10.1152/jn.00255.2001 pmid:11877524 fatcat:ex5ix2boivao3fdawyjzhs57di

Gating of steering signals through phasic modulation of reticulospinal neurons during locomotion

Alexander K. Kozlov, Andreas A. Kardamakis, Jeanette Hellgren Kotaleski, Sten Grillner
2014 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America  
The neural control of movements in vertebrates is based on a set of modules, like the central pattern generator networks (CPGs) in the spinal cord coordinating locomotion.  ...  Sensory feedback is not required for the CPGs to generate the appropriate motor pattern and neither a detailed control from higher brain centers.  ...  The large-scale simulations were performed on resources provided by the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing at the Center for High Performance Computing.  ... 
doi:10.1073/pnas.1401459111 pmid:24550483 pmcid:PMC3948313 fatcat:3bbhnf2t3jchzcxufvjkmhqyki
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