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Prediction of protein-protein interactions based on elastic net and deep forest [article]

Bin Yu, Cheng Chen, Zhaomin Yu, Anjun Ma, Bingqiang Liu, Qin Ma
2020 bioRxiv   pre-print
Secondly, elastic net is utilized to optimize the initial feature vectors and boost the predictive performance. Finally, GcForest-PPI model based on deep forest is built up.  ...  Prediction of protein-protein interactions (PPIs) helps to grasp molecular roots of disease. However, web-lab experiments to predict PPIs are limited and costly.  ...  Then using 329 elastic net to find effective, significant, and valuable feature subset. Finally, the GcForest-PPI 330 model is constructed based on deep forest.  ... 
doi:10.1101/2020.04.23.058644 fatcat:p6aolklvj5bofjqgylsuw2zjom

Interpreting the contributions of transcript features to protein abundance prediction models [article]

Himangi Srivastava, Edward Lau
2022 bioRxiv   pre-print
Network analysis reveals a proteome-wide interdependency of protein abundance on the transcript levels of interacting proteins.  ...  Transcripts that contribute to non-cognate protein abundance primarily involve those encoding known interaction partners and protein complex members of the protein of interest.  ...  Acknowledgments This work was supported in part by NIH Office of the Director award R03-OD032666 and NIH/NHLBI award R00-HL144829 to E.L.  ... 
doi:10.1101/2022.03.14.484316 fatcat:oxltszsyp5ayzotdncrcfxr2nu

Algorithms for Drug Sensitivity Prediction

Carlos De Niz, Raziur Rahman, Xiangyuan Zhao, Ranadip Pal
2016 Algorithms  
A comparative analysis of the prediction performance of four representative algorithms, elastic net, random forest, kernelized Bayesian multi-task learning and deep learning, reflecting the broad classes  ...  We first discuss modeling approaches that are based on genomic characterizations alone and further the discussion by including modeling techniques that integrate both genomic and functional information  ...  Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/a9040077 fatcat:5txgj6a2dbhe5mrmkvsxxcomuq

A Machine Learning Approach to Unmask Novel Gene Signatures and Prediction of Alzheimer's Disease Within Different Brain Regions [article]

Abhibhav Sharma, Pinki Dey
2021 bioRxiv   pre-print
Here, we employ the ensemble of random-forest and regularized regression model (LASSO) to the AD-associated microarray datasets from four brain regions - Prefrontal cortex, Middle temporal gyrus, Hippocampus  ...  Although numerous studies have attempted to identify the genetic risk factor(s) of AD, the interpretability and/or the prediction accuracies achieved by these studies remained unsatisfactory, reducing  ...  The Elastic Net classifier obtained excellent performance in the majority of scenarios, followed by the random forest classifier and SVM.  ... 
doi:10.1101/2021.03.03.433689 fatcat:tueep4u6nzcepjv5y4uw7wko2q

Network-based drug sensitivity prediction

Khandakar Tanvir Ahmed, Sunho Park, Qibing Jiang, Yunku Yeu, TaeHyun Hwang, Wei Zhang
2020 BMC Medical Genomics  
Next, we present a large-scale comparative study among the proposed network-based methods, canonical prediction algorithms (i.e., Elastic Net, Random Forest, Partial Least Squares Regression, and Support  ...  Conclusions Network-based feature selection method and prediction models improve the performance of the drug response prediction.  ...  The full contents of the supplement are available at https ://bmcme dgeno mics.biome dcent ral.com/artic les/suppl ement s/volum e-13-suppl ement -11.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s12920-020-00829-3 pmid:33371891 fatcat:bhbxbj4xorbmhauzjahb6mifta

Machine Learning and Integrative Analysis of Biomedical Big Data

Bilal Mirza, Wei Wang, Jie Wang, Howard Choi, Neo Christopher Chung, Peipei Ping
2019 Genes  
In this review, we discuss state-of-the-art ML-based approaches for tackling five specific computational challenges associated with integrative analysis: curse of dimensionality, data heterogeneity, missing  ...  Integrative analysis of multi-omics and clinical data is key to new biomedical discoveries and advancements in precision medicine.  ...  In [50] , Linked Data, biomedical ontologies and ontology-based annotations were integrated, facilitating functional prediction and the predictions of protein-protein interaction (PPI), drug target relations  ... 
doi:10.3390/genes10020087 pmid:30696086 pmcid:PMC6410075 fatcat:vopnjgke4fculmr7t3n43ewfiy

A deep auto-encoder model for gene expression prediction

Rui Xie, Jia Wen, Andrew Quitadamo, Jianlin Cheng, Xinghua Shi
2017 BMC Genomics  
This new deep learning model is a regression-based predictive model based on the MultiLayer Perceptron and Stacked Denoising Auto-encoder (MLP-SAE).  ...  Using the MLP-SAE model with dropout, we show that gene expression quantifications predicted by the model solely based on genotypes, align well with true gene expression patterns.  ...  NIH (R01GM093123 to JC), NSF (DBI1149224 to JC, DGE-1523154 and IIS-1502172 to XS), and U.S. Department of Education (GAANN fellowship to AQ).  ... 
doi:10.1186/s12864-017-4226-0 pmid:29219072 pmcid:PMC5773895 fatcat:rx74p4ha6zboppnp2bi3swf3g4

Deep graph embedding for prioritizing synergistic anticancer drug combinations [article]

Peiran Jiang, Shujun Huang, Zhenyuan Fu, Zexuan Sun, Ted M. Lakowski, Pingzhao Hu
2019 arXiv   pre-print
The graph in this study was a multimodal graph, which was constructed by integrating the drug-drug combination, drug-protein interaction, and protein-protein interaction networks.  ...  Currently, it has not been fully explored to integrate multiple networks to predict synergistic drug combinations using recently developed deep learning technologies.  ...  Funding This research was supported in part by Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Mitacs and University of Manitoba.  ... 
arXiv:1911.10316v1 fatcat:crbwxw6uljhhrmit6oiuvimvei

A Methodology for the Prediction of Drug Target Interaction using CDK Descriptors [article]

Tanya Liyaqat and Tanvir Ahmad and Chandni Saxena
2022 arXiv   pre-print
To meet these challenges, we propose a DTI prediction model built on molecular structure of drugs and sequence of target proteins.  ...  Although certain methods have been developed for this cause, numerous interactions are yet to be discovered, and prediction accuracy is still low.  ...  As a result, high-efficiency computational prediction techniques to investigate drug target interactions based on Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) have sparked a lot of attention in recent  ... 
arXiv:2210.11482v1 fatcat:uttvgq4smrbtxcnfen7v5dxxoa

Machine‐learning scoring functions for structure‐based drug lead optimization

Hongjian Li, Kam‐Heung Sze, Gang Lu, Pedro J. Ballester
2020 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. Computational Molecular Science  
Against the expectations of many experts, SFs employing deep learning techniques were not always more predictive than those based on more established machine learning techniques and, when they were, the  ...  A classical SF assumes a predetermined theory-inspired functional form for the relationship between the features characterizing the structure of the protein-ligand complex and its predicted binding affinity  ...  A GBDT-based SF yielded R p = 0.77, outperforming three baseline ML-based SFs using Elastic Net, SVM, and RF.  ... 
doi:10.1002/wcms.1465 fatcat:qnrk4qw3h5gjtcxncourqzhkxe

Pan-cancer proteomic map of 949 human cell lines reveals principles of cancer vulnerabilities [article]

Emanuel Goncalves, Rebecca C Poulos, Zhaoxiang Cai, Syd Barthorpe, Srikanth Manda, Natasha Lucas, Alexandra Beck, Daniel Bucio-Noble, Michael Dausmann, Caitlin Hall, Michael Hecker, Jennifer Koh (+18 others)
2022 bioRxiv   pre-print
Integrating multi-omics, drug response and CRISPR-Cas9 gene essentiality screens with a deep learning-based pipeline revealed thousands of protein-specific biomarkers of cancer vulnerabilities.  ...  Further, random downsampling to only 1,500 proteins had limited impact on predictive power, consistent with protein networks being highly connected and co-regulated.  ...  Acknowledgments We thank Ricard Argelaguet for helpful comments and discussions on the implementations of the MOFA analysis, and Keith Ashman for discussions on optimizing the bank of mass  ... 
doi:10.1101/2022.02.26.482008 fatcat:nuibkaf7araqvgfdrjpdkfiz6q

A novel artificial intelligence protocol to investigate potential leads for Parkinson's disease

Zhi-Dong Chen, Lu Zhao, Hsin-Yi Chen, Jia-Ning Gong, Xu Chen, Calvin Yu-Chian Chen
2020 RSC Advances  
Acknowledgements This work was supported by Guangzhou science and technology fund (Grant No. 201803010072), Science, Technology & Innovation Commission of Shenzhen Municipality (JCYL 20170818165305521)  ...  Notes and references  ...  Those interactions are based on the structure of target protein and compounds, and the more interactions between them, the better activity it will be.  ... 
doi:10.1039/d0ra04028b pmid:35520357 pmcid:PMC9054719 fatcat:gxd7dojadjgixc3hojvgtxdypq

ADH-PPI: An Attention based Deep Hybrid Model for Protein Protein Interaction Prediction

Muhammad Nabeel Asim, Muhammad Ali Ibrahim, Muhammad Imran Malik, Andreas Dengel, Sheraz Ahmed
2022 iScience  
Protein-protein interaction (PPI) prediction is essential to understand the functions of proteins in various biological processes and their roles in the development, progression, and treatment of different  ...  However, these approaches have limited predictive performance due to the use of in-effective statistical representation learning methods and predictors that lack the ability to extract comprehensive discriminative  ...  Declaration of Competing Interest The authors declare no competing interests.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.isci.2022.105169 pmid:36267921 pmcid:PMC9576568 fatcat:d2yc7hfu6net5oqdsfqga7mf6y

Enhancing Student Competency Models for Game-Based Learning with a Hybrid Stealth Assessment Framework

Nathan Henderson, Vikram Kumara, Wookhee Min, Bradford W. Mott, Ziwei Wu, Danielle Boulden, Trudi Lord, Frieda Reichsman, Chad Dorsey, Eric N. Wiebe, James C. Lester
2020 Educational Data Mining  
Stealth assessment models utilize students' observed gameplay behaviors using challenge-and session-based features to predict students' learning outcomes on identified concepts.  ...  We present single-task and multi-task models for predicting students' mastery of concepts and the results suggest that the hybrid stealth assessment framework outperforms individual models and holds significant  ...  Any opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.  ... 
dblp:conf/edm/HendersonKMMWBL20 fatcat:32zhsartevhzlkkv7byqcmxim4

Precision Psychiatry Applications with Pharmacogenomics: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Approaches

Eugene Lin, Chieh-Hsin Lin, Hsien-Yuan Lane
2020 International Journal of Molecular Sciences  
diagnosis prediction, and the detection of potential biomarkers.  ...  In this review, we focus on the latest developments for precision psychiatry research using artificial intelligence and machine learning approaches, such as deep learning and neural network algorithms,  ...  In the predictive model, the adaptive elastic net employs elastic net estimates as the initial weight [26, 45] .  ... 
doi:10.3390/ijms21030969 pmid:32024055 pmcid:PMC7037937 fatcat:wc3cjt6dxncjlhyilafo743lvy
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