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18,211 Hits in 6.1 sec

Efficient 3D object tracking approach based on convolutional neural network and Monte Carlo algorithms used for a pick and place robot

Yan Zhang, Chen Zhang, Rico Nestler, Maik Rosenberger, Gunther Notni, Bernhard Zagar, Pawel Mazurek, Maik Rosenberger, Paul-Gerald Dittrich
2019 Photonics and Education in Measurement Science 2019  
Considering such limitations, this paper presents a robot vision system based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Monte Carlo algorithms.  ...  Currently, Deep Learning (DL) shows us powerful capabilities for image processing. But it cannot output the exact photometric process parameters and shows non-interpretable results.  ...  METHOD OVERVIEW In this section we explain the 3D object detection system based on deep learning approach and classic method. This system is to support a pick and place robot.  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.2530333 fatcat:6xo343h7wbgidgq5hzntzc4d4y

Localising Faster: Efficient and precise lidar-based robot localisation in large-scale environments [article]

Li Sun, Daniel Adolfsson, Martin Magnusson, Henrik Andreasson, Ingmar Posner, Tom Duckett
2020 arXiv   pre-print
Our method leverages learning-based localisation and filtering-based localisation, to localise the robot efficiently and precisely through seeding Monte Carlo Localisation (MCL) with a deep-learned distribution  ...  This paper proposes a novel approach for global localisation of mobile robots in large-scale environments.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT We thank NVIDIA Co. for donating a high-power GPU on which this work was performed.  ... 
arXiv:2003.01875v2 fatcat:md6fxm4bfveevhlj233bs3di6i

Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation in Sparse LiDAR Feature Environments

Phuc Thanh-Thien Nguyen, Shao-Wei Yan, Jia-Fu Liao, Chung-Hsien Kuo
2021 Applied Sciences  
To solve the kidnapped-robot problem, we use a learning-based classifier to detect the repetitive pattern scenario (e.g., long corridor) regarding 2D LiDAR features for switching the localization system  ...  In the industrial environment, Autonomous Guided Vehicles (AGVs) generally run on a planned route.  ...  In Section 3, the improved Pure Pursuit algorithm using turning prediction-based speed adjustment is introduced. the deep learning-based selection strategy using 2D LiDAR point-cloud features for localization  ... 
doi:10.3390/app11135963 fatcat:j2dz7pvvgbehfi5n3pukluzfxa

Semiparametric Deep Learning Manipulator Inverse Dynamics Modeling Method for Smart City and Industrial Applications

Nan Liu, Liangyu Li, Bing Hao, Liusong Yang, Tonghai Hu, Tao Xue, Shoujun Wang, Xingmao Shao
2020 Complexity  
SDL is a type of deep learning framework, designed for optimal inference, combining the Rigid Body Dynamics (RBD) model and Nonparametric Deep Learning (NDL) model.  ...  In smart cities and factories, robotic applications require high accuracy and security, which depends on precise inverse dynamics modeling.  ...  In this work, a method that is based on deep learning and semiparametric approach is presented. e method is formalized in the framework of what is called Semiparametric Deep Learning (SDL), designed for  ... 
doi:10.1155/2020/9053715 fatcat:vcise27nsfgdtnibwrt4p37o7e

YOLOv5 Model Application in Real-Time Robotic Eggplant Harvesting

E. Kahya, F. F. Ozduven, Y. Aslan
2024 Journal of Agricultural Science  
YOLOv5 (nano-small-medium and large models) was used for the deep learning method. All training and test metric values of the models were analyzed.  ...  Deep learning is a powerful tool for automation in agriculture with applications ranging from disease identification and crop yield detection to fruit ripeness classification.  ...  Another area where deep learning finds wide application is the automation of industries.  ... 
doi:10.5539/jas.v16n2p9 fatcat:azaz3hypg5h6fk5jiahapx4i3a

Bin-Picking for Planar Objects Based on a Deep Learning Network: A Case Study of USB Packs

Tuan-Tang Le, Chyi-Yeu Lin
2019 Sensors  
Different from other research that has mainly focused on 3D information, this study first applies an instance segmentation-based deep learning approach using 2D image data for classifying and localizing  ...  Random bin-picking is a prominent, useful, and challenging industrial robotics application.  ...  Acknowledgments: The authors wish to thank Joel Vidal Verdaguer, a member of AIRLab, for providing useful information and the code for communicating with the robot, which served as the foundation for the  ... 
doi:10.3390/s19163602 fatcat:ttef24pmq5elboxekxrvgu2oa4

Variable Compliance Control for Robotic Peg-in-Hole Assembly: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach [article]

Beltran-Hernandez Cristian Camilo, Damien Petit, Ixchel G. Ramirez-Alpizar, Kensuke Harada
2020 arXiv   pre-print
Our proposed learning framework for position-controlled robots was extensively evaluated on contact-rich insertion tasks on a variety of environments.  ...  The main contribution of this work is a learning-based method to solve peg-in-hole tasks with position uncertainty of the hole.  ...  Therefore, we focus on industrial robot manipulators, which are mainly position-based-controlled. Abu-Dakka et al. [23] proposed a learning method based on iterative learning control (ILC).  ... 
arXiv:2008.10224v2 fatcat:qqsyum7m6falxdjsuiw662676a

The Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)-An Overview

Samer Karam, Bashar Alsadik
2021 Surveying and Geospatial Engineering Journal  
One of the most interesting developed positioning techniques is what is called in robotics as the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping SLAM.  ...  Definitely, positioning and mapping is one of the main tasks for Geomatics engineers, and therefore it's of high importance for them to understand the SLAM topic which is not easy because of the huge documentation  ...  DEEP LEARNING FOR SLAM In recent years, research regarding SLAM is applied using deep learning techniques to replace the traditional visual odometry approach which is based on geometric processing.  ... 
doi:10.38094/sgej1027 fatcat:o6s4zqia3rbe5fhu73nnpithwu

Vision-Based Intelligent Perceiving and Planning System of a 7-DoF Collaborative Robot

Linfeng Xu, Gang Li, Peiheng Song, Weixiang Shao, Yu-Ting Bai
2021 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience  
In this paper, an intelligent perceiving and planning system based on deep learning is proposed for a collaborative robot consisting of a 7-DoF (7-degree-of-freedom) manipulator, a three-finger robot hand  ...  Besides, a faster and more precise planning process was proposed. Deep learning based on a new CNN (convolution neural network) was designed to realize intelligent grasping planning for robot hand.  ...  In this research, the performance of the new intelligent planning method for robot hand based on deep learning and trajectory planning for manipulator based on the combination of RRT and interpolation  ... 
doi:10.1155/2021/5810371 pmid:34630547 pmcid:PMC8497130 fatcat:4kskk7glmresvonw7namb4pk7a

Analysis of Current Situation, Demand and Development Trend of Casting Grinding Technology

Haigang Liang, Jinwei Qiao
2022 Micromachines  
Although applications for online detection and constant grinding contact force control exist in industry, there are challenges in material removal prediction and three-dimensional high-precision matching  ...  The research direction of casting polishing has mainly focused on online robot detection, material removal prediction, constant grinding contact force control, and high-precision matching.  ...  In view of the small workspace and poor flexibility, industrial robot grinding based on the compliant control theory adopts force and position control for grinding.  ... 
doi:10.3390/mi13101577 fatcat:5kw2vzw6cngklbwyon6xfj4ucm

Review on Fault Diagnosis and Fault-Tolerant Control Scheme for Robotic Manipulators: Recent Advances in AI, Machine Learning, and Digital Twin [article]

Md Muzakkir Quamar, Ali Nasir
2024 arXiv   pre-print
The overarching goal of this article is to present a comprehensive perspective on the current state of fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control within the context of robotic manipulators, positioning  ...  This journey encompasses the transition from model-based and signal-based schemes to the role of sensors, setting the stage for an exploration of the present-day paradigm shift enabled by AI, ML, and DTT  ...  This allows the DT to detect and mitigate positioning errors by adjusting motor angles. While in [266] a DT-enabled system for 3D positioning and error compensation in robotic arms is designed.  ... 
arXiv:2402.02980v1 fatcat:yoltttvtdvcqth6z6odppenhj4

Research on grasping model based on visual recognition robot arm

Yuchen Wu
2024 Applied and Computational Engineering  
elements on the robotic arm for use.  ...  This article mainly systematically describes the research based on the visual recognition robotic arm.  ...  CNN model is one type of neural model for deep learning, which is based on convolution, padding, and pooling.  ... 
doi:10.54254/2755-2721/41/20230703 fatcat:oedn5efqmbatzh36j3qtjt7mnu

2020 Index IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering Vol. 17

2020 IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering  
Automatic Polyp Recognition in Colonoscopy Images Using Deep Learning and Two-Stage Pyramidal Feature Prediction.  ...  ., +, TASE April 2020 847-857 Automatic Polyp Recognition in Colonoscopy Images Using Deep Learning and Two-Stage Pyramidal Feature Prediction.  ...  ., +, TASE Jan. 2020 41-55 PROLOG A System Architecture for CAD-Based Robotic Assembly With Sensor-Based Skills.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tase.2020.3037603 fatcat:kyt63444lfc45amrjebyjw34qu

An Overview of Perception and Decision-Making in Autonomous Systems in the Era of Learning [article]

Yang Tang, Chaoqiang Zhao, Jianrui Wang, Chongzhen Zhang, Qiyu Sun, Weixing Zheng, Wenli Du, Feng Qian, Juergen Kurths
2020 arXiv   pre-print
First, we delineate the existing classical simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) solutions and review the environmental perception and understanding methods based on deep learning, including deep  ...  With the applications of deep learning and reinforcement learning, the perception and decision-making abilities of autonomous systems are being efficiently addressed, and many new learning-based algorithms  ...  are proposed based on deep learning.  ... 
arXiv:2001.02319v3 fatcat:z3zhp2cyonfqtlttl2y57572uy

AMID: Accurate Magnetic Indoor Localization Using Deep Learning

Namkyoung Lee, Sumin Ahn, Dongsoo Han
2018 Sensors  
Geomagnetic-based indoor positioning has drawn a great attention from academia and industry due to its advantage of being operable without infrastructure support and its reliable signal characteristics  ...  AMID manifested the proposed features and deep learning as an outstanding classifier, revealing the potential of accurate magnetic positioning with smartphone sensors alone.  ...  Data Collection and Noise Reduction Deep learning usually requires a large amount of training data.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s18051598 pmid:29772794 pmcid:PMC5982601 fatcat:sbnjhrdj2vct3dl7bm3r3dy2ya
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