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Recommender Systems for the People - Enhancing Personalization in Web Augmentation

Martin Wischenbart, Sergio Firmenich, Gustavo Rossi, Manuel Wimmer
2015 ACM Conference on Recommender Systems  
Therefore, we present a novel approach to empower user script developers to build more personalized augmenters by utilizing collaborative filtering functionality as an external service.  ...  Thus, script writers can build recommender systems into arbitrary websites, in fact operating across multiple website domains, while guarding privacy and supplying provenance information.  ...  Since we base on established item-item collaborative filtering algorithms, the evaluation of prediction accuracy was not a goal for this paper.  ... 
dblp:conf/recsys/WischenbartFRW15 fatcat:gthli4muvrac5h6yjgpnu623ja

Recommender Systems for Software Project Managers [article]

Liang Wei, Luiz Fernando Capretz
2021 arXiv   pre-print
The design of recommendation systems is based on complex information processing and big data interaction.  ...  This personalized view has evolved into a hot area in the past decade, where applications might have been proved to help for solving problem in the software development field.  ...  By using Lenskit and Mahout framework and API, this experiment explores the model of user-based collaborative filtering and item-based collaborative filtering algorithms [13].  ... 
arXiv:2108.04311v1 fatcat:kwxlipm7cbbwdm7qdvgfdudjqu

Book Recommendation System using Matrix Factorization

K. Venkata Ruchitha
2021 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
By victimisation filtering strategies for pre-processing the information, recommendations area unit provided either through collaborative filtering or through content-based Filtering.  ...  In recent years, recommender systems became more and more common and area unit applied to a various vary of applications, thanks to development of things and its numerous varieties accessible, that leaves  ...  Recommender systems operate via machine learning algorithms. Typically, these algorithms may be classified into 2 classescontent-based and collaborative filtering.  ... 
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2021.36025 fatcat:prj7lnn6tzclzhrkzt4ualrgmi

Vote Goat

Jeffrey Dalton, Victor Ajayi, Richard Main
2018 The 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development in Information Retrieval - SIGIR '18  
The demonstration provides an interactive movie recommendation system using a speech-based natural language interface.  ...  In this demonstration we introduce Vote Goat, a conversational recommendation agent built using Google's Di-alogFlow framework.  ...  Instead of a single model or framework, Vote Goat supports multiple recommendation algorithms and libraries: Tensorflow-based neural collaborative filtering models served via Google CloudML [5] , PyTorch  ... 
doi:10.1145/3209978.3210168 dblp:conf/sigir/DaltonAM18 fatcat:hsijellginhozf6y4qxp3i3kzm

Communicating online information via streaming video: the role of user goal

Muhammad Aljukhadar, Sylvain Senecal
2017 Online information review (Print)  
There are various ways and methods used in video recommendation which are purely statistical. These would give recommendations to users based on either their previous search or other criteria.  ...  In this paper we propose a user specific category based promotion, we propose and provide for characterization of individual content as well as social attributes that help distinguish each user class.  ...  an item (content-based approaches) or the user's social environment (collaborative filtering approaches).  ... 
doi:10.1108/oir-06-2016-0152 fatcat:zvbsvyeqszgkjfih4bf2nqwjqi

TRIPLE Delieverable 5.7: Additional Services Updated

Luca De Santis, Maxi Schramm, Christopher Kittel, Jan Konstant, Peter Kraker, Simone Kopenik, Dieter Theiler, Gael Van Weyenbergh, Andrew Pomazanskyi
2023 Zenodo  
The work has been organised in the following 6 tasks: ● T5.1: Third-party applications integration ● T5.2: Recommender system ● T5.3: Trust building system ● T5.4: Visualisation ● T5.5: Open annotation  ...  receive in their personal page dedicated documents suggestions, according to their previous history of interactions with GoTriple.  ...  • "research-item-most-popular" recommends documents to a user using the most popular algorithm • "research-item-personalized" recommends documents to a user using a collaborative filtering algorithm •  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7701285 fatcat:3vc6yeie6baslncdlkuejl4keq

A building permit system for smart cities: A cloud-based framework

Magdalini Eirinaki, Subhankar Dhar, Shishir Mathur, Adwait Kaley, Arpit Patel, Akshar Joshi, Dhvani Shah
2018 Computers, Environment and Urban Systems  
In this paper we propose a novel, cloud-based framework to support citizens and city officials in the building permit process.  ...  The proposed framework is completely cloud-based, such that any city can deploy it with lower initial as well as maintenance costs.  ...  In order to generate permit recommendations, we employed item-based collaborative filtering.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2018.03.006 fatcat:suc3t5dwi5cdnjyhtsf7b67chi

Application Programming Interface for the Cloud-Based Management of Gamified eGuides

Artur Kulpa, Jakub Swacha
2020 Information  
and gamification functionality provided on a cloud.  ...  The popularity of smartphones and widespread access to mobile internet removed earlier barriers to reliance on mobile applications run on visitors' own devices for guidance in tourist attractions.  ...  project and subcontractors who knowingly or not contributed to the requirement elicitation and testing processes of the eMused.eu API.  ... 
doi:10.3390/info11060307 fatcat:pgiz3he3c5bxddajbgpell2ama


Alessandro Cappelletti, Raman Kazhamiakin, Chiara Leonardi, Elena Not, Diego López de Ipiña, Julen Badiola, Daniel Andrés Silva, Pauli Misikangas
2021 Zenodo  
actually listed in the initial repository available online at https://demo.interlink-project.eu/catal.  ...  Deliverable D3.2 is a deliverable of type OTHER and is constituted by the collection of knowledge and software resources that implement the INTERLINKERs made available in the first version of the INTERLINK  ...  Figure 1 shows the graphical interface of the INTERLINKERs catalogue, as has been implemented in the first prototype of the INTERLINK Collaborative Environment (T4.4), where items can be filtered according  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.10670124 fatcat:tmnncityqvevhdiraos2olscw4

E-Learning Recommendation System for Big Data Based on Cloud Computing

Mounia Rahhali, Lahcen Oughdir, Youssef Jedidi
2021 International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET)  
This system used big data tools such as Hadoop and Spark to enhance data collection, storage, analysis, processing, optimization, and visualization, furthermore based on cloud computing infrastructure  ...  To fix this problem, this paper proposes a model of an E-learning recommendation system that will suggest and encourage the learner in choosing the courses according to their needs.  ...  Content-based filtering Fig. 2. Collaborative filtering Fig. 4 . 4 Fig. 4.  ... 
doi:10.3991/ijet.v16i21.25191 fatcat:6wpafrtjcfanjeuq5bchfdim3e

A Context-Aware Recommender System for Personalized Places in Mobile Applications

Soha A.El-Moemen, Taysir Hassan, Adel A.Sewisy
2016 International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications  
Places are recommended based on what other users have visited in the similar context conditions. Recommender system puts rates for each place in each context for each user.  ...  The aim of the work in this paper is to make a context-aware recommender system, which recommends places to users based on the current weather, the time of the day, and the user's mood.  ...  Often the application of recommender systems uses Collaborative filtering and content of the list.  ... 
doi:10.14569/ijacsa.2016.070360 fatcat:wnpz6tzw5vc3tlueajklofhrhu

Using social data as context for making recommendations

Salma Noor, Kirk Martinez
2009 Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Context, Information and Ontologies - CIAO '09  
Web-based knowledge systems support an impressive and growing amount of information.  ...  This work bridges the gap between the user and system searches by analyzing the virtual existence of a user and making interesting recommendations accordingly.  ...  The cold-start problem is recommending items of interest to new users who do not have any related preferences in their profile.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1552262.1552269 fatcat:oe4hdaaqprc4nlbocbwyeadjdy

Recommender systems for IoT enabled quantified-self applications

Seda Polat Erdeniz, Andreas Menychtas, Ilias Maglogiannis, Alexander Felfernig, Thi Ngoc Trang Tran
2019 Evolving Systems  
phones, genomic data, and cloud-based services.  ...  Next-generation QS applications could include more recommender tools for assisting the users of QS systems based on their personal self-tracking data streams from wearable electronics, biosensors, mobile  ...  Acknowledgements Open access funding provided by Graz University of Technology.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s12530-019-09302-8 fatcat:4gtq3rnnbnfgtf6njd7kwiyh7e

Machine learning based e-commerce application using progressive web apps for online shopping of seasonal fruits

Muthu M. Perumal, K. Kanagaraj
2022 International Journal of Health Sciences  
Here, the details of all kinds of seasonal fruits are collected along with the geo location tags and stored in the cloud to provide easy access to everyone.  ...  The application is developed using open cart framework, angular and uses the progressive web application development features.  ...  Based on the collaborative filtering technique the application recommends products based on user's interest and browsing history. For example, users who buys apple will also buy a mangoes.  ... 
doi:10.53730/ijhs.v6ns3.5809 fatcat:434wadmvsfcnzim5svmwppplyu

Improving Recommendation Systems with User Personality Inferred from Product Reviews [article]

Xinyuan Lu, Min-Yen Kan
2023 arXiv   pre-print
types contribute differently to recommendation performance: open and extroverted personalities are most helpful in music recommendation, while a conscientious personality is most helpful in beauty product  ...  Personality is a psychological factor that reflects people's preferences, which in turn influences their decision-making.  ...  Liangming Pan's efforts in his help in proofreading this work.  ... 
arXiv:2303.05039v2 fatcat:ztj2mpqocndm3hf5x2ccsbu6ce
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