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Performance comparison of overlaid bluetooth piconets (OBP) and bluetooth scatternet

Sewook Jung, A. Chang, M. Gerla
2006 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2006. WCNC 2006.  
We propose Overlaid Bluetooth Piconets (OBP) to interconnect piconets and form a virtual scatternet.  ...  If metadata shows existence of data to transfer, an inter-piconet connection is made and data is transferred. We compared throughput and efficiency of OBP with those of scatternet.  ...  OVERLAID BLUETOOTH PICONETS (OBP) Overlaid Bluetooth Piconets (OBP) does not require scatternet connection.  ... 
doi:10.1109/wcnc.2006.1683515 dblp:conf/wcnc/JungCG06 fatcat:cegqjogwanamzj36dorc7utfhe

New bluetooth interconnection methods: Overlaid Bluetooth Piconets (OBP) and Temporary Scatternets (TS)

Sewook Jung, Alexander Chang, Mario Gerla
2007 Computer Communications  
We propose Overlaid Bluetooth Piconets (OBP) and Temporary Scatternets (TS) to interconnect Piconets and form a virtual Scatternet.  ...  In this paper we introduce and illustrate the OBP and TS concepts. We then compare throughput and efficiency of OBP and TS with respect to Scatternet.  ...  Overlaid Bluetooth Piconets (OBP) Overlaid Bluetooth Piconets (OBP) does not require Scatternet connection.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.comcom.2007.06.007 fatcat:32eulw5r45bmrp7gobjcgtjyga

Video streaming over overlaid bluetooth piconets (OBP)

Sewook Jung, Alexander Chang, Mario Gerla
2006 Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on Wireless network testbeds, experimental evaluation & characterization - WiNTECH '06  
Overlaid Bluetooth Piconets (OBP) interconnects piconets and forms a virtual scatternet. This demo shows the possibility of using OBP instead of Scatternet for Video Streaming.  ...  In a large scale Bluetooth network, scatternet has been regarded as the only interconnection method among piconets. But, most Bluetooth devices do not support scatternet connection.  ...  Bluetooth Specification v2.0, 2004 [2] Sewook Jung, Alexander Chang, and Mario Gerla, "Performance comparison of Overlaid Bluetooth Piconets (OBP) and scatternet", IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking  ... 
doi:10.1145/1160987.1161021 dblp:conf/mobicom/JungCG06 fatcat:4vtssrp34zfbxjchy6ef2s7d2m

Peer to peer video streaming in Bluetooth overlays

Sewook Jung, Alexander Chang, Mario Gerla
2007 Multimedia tools and applications  
To overcome these problems, we propose Overlaid Bluetooth Piconets (OBP) and Simplified Overlaid Bluetooth Piconets (SOBP) that interconnect Piconets forming virtual Scatternets.  ...  In this paper, we compare via analysis and simulation the throughput and efficiency of OBP, SOBP and Scatternet for video applications.  ...  Overlaid Bluetooth Piconets (OBP) and Simplified Overlaid Bluetooth Piconets (SOBP) Overlaid Bluetooth Piconets (OBP) Overlaid Bluetooth Piconets (OBP) does not require Scatternet connection.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11042-007-0159-y fatcat:qn4wzise6bf4zgvwkuyreks2ha