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Igor Nevliudov, Oleksandr Tsymbal, Artem Bronnikov
2021 Сучасний стан наукових досліджень та технологій в промисловості  
for adaptive visual control systems, and develop a control model for a mobile robot in the space of a flexible integrated production systems and computer vision systems.  ...  The article solves the following tasks: analyze the application of visual control methods in robotics, consider methods for improving adaptive visual work control systems, formulate the basic requirements  ...  for adaptive visual control systems, to develop a model of mobile robot control in a flexible integrated production system based on object information computer vision systems.  ... 
doi:10.30837/itssi.2021.18.065 fatcat:i34jnnf34jbvnpowawptf5ohn4

Sub-goal based Robot Visual Navigation through Sensorial Space Tesselation

George Palamas, J. Andrew Ware Andrew
2013 International Journal of Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence (IJARAI)  
During the next step, a genetic algorithm evolves a navigation controller that the robot uses for visual servoing, driving through a set of nodes on the topological map.  ...  In this paper, we propose an evolutionary cognitive architecture to enable a mobile robot to cope with the task of visual navigation.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank all laboratory members for their valuable discussions through this research.  ... 
doi:10.14569/ijarai.2013.021106 fatcat:6eqnvhx3zjdypoypwboxua4w6y

Biological Models for Active Vision: Towards a Unified Architecture [chapter]

Kasim Terzić, David Lobato, Mário Saleiro, Jaime Martins, Miguel Farrajota, J. M. F. Rodrigues, J. M. H. du Buf
2013 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We apply a number of biologically plausible algorithms which address different aspects of vision, such as edge and keypoint detection, feature extraction, optical flow and disparity, shape detection, object  ...  recognition and scene modelling into a complete system.  ...  artificial intelligence methods based on ontologies and description logics [10] [11] [12] .  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-39402-7_12 fatcat:lll4p2mahzalbau23ewmxz5uhu

Ways to Tell Robots Where to Go - Directing Autonomous Robots Using Topological Instructions

D. Rawlinson, R. Jarvis
2008 IEEE robotics & automation magazine  
In contrast, visual recognition of the appearance of scenes or objects at junctions instantly provides high confidence, simply because more data is available, without the need for accuracy between landmarks  ...  The authors suggest the term topologically teleoperated to describe this method of controlling the robot.  ... 
doi:10.1109/mra.2008.921538 fatcat:ghzyw3zt6rbwzkxjskgwizecze

Review of Neurobiologically Based Mobile Robot Navigation System Research Performed Since 2000

Peter J. Zeno, Sarosh Patel, Tarek M. Sobh
2016 Journal of Robotics  
The main focus is to explore the functionality of the cognitive maps developed in these mobile robot systems with respect to route planning, as well as a discussion/analysis of the computational complexity  ...  This paper presents a literature survey of state-of-the-art research performed since the year 2000 on rodent neurobiological and neurophysiologically based navigation systems that incorporate models of  ...  Additionally, deep learning is key to place recognition for visual SLAM [74] . Importance of Visual Recognition in Navigation.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2016/8637251 fatcat:rbxddsgrwrhhzechpjoxz3rzvq

Fast Recognition Method of Football Robot's Graphics from the VR Perspective

Zhen Bai, Liang Wang, Sheng Zhou, Yuan Cao, Yin Liu, Jie Zhang
2020 IEEE Access  
the work of color image segmentation, edge extraction, straight line extraction, cross-line recognition and target post-recognition.  ...  The purpose of this article is to identify football and related environmental variables through its VR images under the current situation where the vision system has become the only way for football robots  ...  Among them, the target recognition ability in the soccer robot vision system is the basis for robot path planning, motion control and collaboration tasks [3] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.3020473 fatcat:jgigw7dngrcm3jduinbbjghcie

Robot Bionic Vision Technologies: A Review

Hongxin Zhang, Suan Lee
2022 Applied Sciences  
The visual organ is important for animals to obtain information and understand the outside world; however, robots cannot do so without a visual system.  ...  are selected, and the existing technologies are reviewed; their prospects are discussed from the perspective of visual bionic control.  ...  Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/app12167970 fatcat:keoakcg3kzh7bjfiptim7zffyq

Topological Planning with Transformers for Vision-and-Language Navigation [article]

Kevin Chen, Junshen K. Chen, Jo Chuang, Marynel Vázquez, Silvio Savarese
2020 arXiv   pre-print
Inspired by the robotics community, we propose a modular approach to VLN using topological maps.  ...  The plan is then executed with low-level actions (e.g. forward, rotate) using a robust controller.  ...  This work was funded through the support of ONR MURI Award #W911NF-15-1-0479.  ... 
arXiv:2012.05292v1 fatcat:v5gs3k7ybrbazo7wrqkwqnnbfm

Application Challenges from a Bird's-Eye View [chapter]

Davide Scaramuzza
2017 Computer Vision in Vehicle Technology  
, lane departure warning, traffic sign recognition), autonomous driving and robot navigation (with visual simultaneous localization and mapping) or unmanned aerial vehicles (obstacle avoidance, landscape  ...  It also serves as a reference for researchers of current developments and challenges in areas of the application of computer vision, involving vehicles such as advanced driver assistance (pedestrian detection  ...  Brown M, Hartley R and Nister D 2007 Minimal solutions for panoramic stitching Proceedings of the conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.  ... 
doi:10.1002/9781118868065.ch6 fatcat:fsljmro5izhh5mp4z3hcrgstby

Review on Panoramic Imaging and Its Applications in Scene Understanding [article]

Shaohua Gao, Kailun Yang, Hao Shi, Kaiwei Wang, Jian Bai
2022 arXiv   pre-print
We further offer a detailed analysis of applications of panoramic imaging in scene understanding for autonomous driving and robotics, spanning panoramic semantic image segmentation, panoramic depth estimation  ...  , panoramic visual localization, and so on.  ...  By combining algorithmic concepts from the fields of computer vision and robotics researches, such as template matching and point cloud registration, the method was used for star recognition.  ... 
arXiv:2205.05570v2 fatcat:2e7vucvlsfc5tlmdzacdbigpxq

Visual servoing of a wheeled mobile robot for intercepting a moving object

F. Capparella, L. Freda, M. Malagnino, G. Oriolo
2005 2005 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems  
In particular, the relative position of the ball is retrieved from the pan/tilt angles through simple geometry, and used to compute a control law driving the robot to the target.  ...  Various possible choices are discussed for the high-level robot controller.  ...  In [11] , a mobile robot tracks road edges in a panoramic image sequence.  ... 
doi:10.1109/iros.2005.1545274 dblp:conf/iros/CapparellaFMO05 fatcat:cojrkpirw5euba7mkzd2vufbuy

Vision-and-Language Navigation: Interpreting Visually-Grounded Navigation Instructions in Real Environments

Peter Anderson, Qi Wu, Damien Teney, Jake Bruce, Mark Johnson, Niko Sunderhauf, Ian Reid, Stephen Gould, Anton van den Hengel
2018 2018 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition  
of robotics, and artificial intelligence (AI).  ...  To determine W t+1 , for each scene the simulator includes a weighted, undirected graph over panoramic viewpoints, G = V, E , such that the presence of an edge signifies a robot-navigable transition between  ...  Snapshot of the visual diversity in the Matterport3D dataset, illustrating one randomly selected panoramic viewpoint per scene. Figure 10 .  ... 
doi:10.1109/cvpr.2018.00387 dblp:conf/cvpr/AndersonWTB0S0G18 fatcat:eobag4j63neunl3k3bmu2hfj7q

Papers by Title

2019 2019 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (ICCE-TW)  
Placement Control with Optimization Problem for Content Delivery Services User Review based Rating for E-Commerce Platform User-Specific Visual Attention Estimation Based on Visual Similarity and Spatial  ...  Power Transmission Detected by Antenna Evaluation of Digital TV Receivers with Noncompliant MPEG-2 Transport Streams Evaluation of edge cloud server placement for edge computing environments Examining  ... 
doi:10.1109/icce-tw46550.2019.8991721 fatcat:62376ymadzge3g5xomicr5tesq

Bioinspired Engineering of Exploration Systems for NASA and DoD

Sarita Thakoor, Javaan Chahl, M. V. Srinivasan, L. Young, Frank Werblin, Butler Hine, Steven Zornetzer
2002 Artificial Life  
We describe recent breakthroughs in exploring the feasibility of the unique blending of insect strategies of navigation with mammalian visual search, pattern recognition, and image understanding into hybrid  ...  A BEES approach to developing lightweight low-power autonomous flight systems should be useful for flight control of such biomorphic flyers for both NASA and DoD needs.  ...  of California, Berkeley, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and was sponsored by the NASA Intelligent Systems Program, the DARPA CBBS program contract N66001  ... 
doi:10.1162/106454602321202426 pmid:12650645 fatcat:xdvs2y4yufbrbkokdyrn7bjtai

OpenRatSLAM: an open source brain-based SLAM system

David Ball, Scott Heath, Janet Wiles, Gordon Wyeth, Peter Corke, Michael Milford
2013 Autonomous Robots  
RatSLAM is a navigation system based on the neural processes underlying navigation in the rodent brain, capable of operating with low resolution monocular image data.  ...  , and visualization.  ...  We would like to thank Samuel Brian for coding an iRat ground truth tracking system.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10514-012-9317-9 fatcat:sxh3mb6usnbpvpy7v66d7d6k74
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