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10,769 Hits in 5.6 sec

Accurate indoor localization for RGB-D smartphones and tablets given 2D floor plans

Wera Winterhalter, Freya Fleckenstein, Bastian Steder, Luciano Spinello, Wolfram Burgard
2015 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)  
Our technique employs a particle filter to estimate the 6DoF pose.  ...  Accurate localization in indoor environments is widely regarded as a key opener for various location-based services.  ...  For global localization, we initialized the particle filter with 200k particles, uniformly distributed over the whole floor plan in x and y.  ... 
doi:10.1109/iros.2015.7353811 dblp:conf/iros/WinterhalterFSS15 fatcat:jlbafgu4yvgpflaqorotkhxgkq

Multi-tasking SLAM

Arthur Guez, Joelle Pineau
2010 2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation  
Our approach combines a SLAM algorithm with an online POMDP approach to solve diverse navigation tasks, without prior training, in an unknown environment.  ...  This paper proposes a framework that balances localization, mapping, and other planning objectives, thus allowing robots to solve sequential decision tasks under map and pose uncertainty.  ...  We would also like to thank Gregory Dudek, Ioannis Rekleitis, Jordan Frank, and Robert West for their helpful suggestions and comments.  ... 
doi:10.1109/robot.2010.5509969 dblp:conf/icra/GuezP10 fatcat:xwzuewrxsbeaxa3cb5g3sdbtcu

Advances in Robot Programming by Demonstration

Rüdiger Dillmann, Tamim Asfour, Martin Do, Rainer Jäkel, Alexander Kasper, Pedram Azad, Aleš Ude, Sven R. Schmidt-Rohr, Martin Lösch
2010 Künstliche Intelligenz  
Robot Programming by Demonstration (PbD) has been dealt with in the literature as a promising way to teach robots new skills in an intuitive way.  ...  using particle filters.  ...  As probabilistic framework, a particle filter is used. In our earlier work [30] , we have introduced the integration of a 3D head/hand tracker as an extra cue into the particle filter.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s13218-010-0060-0 fatcat:qru3tgqdmfcktop4tuza4ql6jy

A Particle-Filter Approach for Active Perception in Networked Robot Systems [chapter]

João Messias, José J. Acevedo, Jesus Capitan, Luis Merino, Rodrigo Ventura, Pedro U. Lima
2015 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
This method is based on a particle-filter modeling a probability distribution of the position of the child.  ...  This paper proposes a method for active perception with the goal of finding one target, e.g., a child wearing a RFID tag.  ...  Planning the Motion of the Robot Given a non-parametric belief over the position of the target, which is continuously provided by the aforementioned particle filter during the execution of the ACP task  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-25554-5_45 fatcat:knnzyryihvgfjphygefipnreqm

Is The Leader Robot an Adequate Sensor for Posture Estimation and Ergonomic Assessment of A Human Teleoperator? [article]

Amir Yazdani, Roya Sabbagh Novin, Andrew Merryweather, Tucker Hermans
2021 arXiv   pre-print
We compare our approach with postures from a commercial motion capture system and also two least-squares optimization approaches for human inverse kinematics.  ...  We model the human using a redundant, partially-observable dynamical system and we infer the posture using a standard particle filter.  ...  Particle Filter for Posture Estimation We approximate the solution for the partially observable problem of posture estimation by using a particle filter [34] with some modifications.  ... 
arXiv:2002.10586v4 fatcat:lc4f52xjh5ehvnq73abslcwtoi

Online in-hand object localization

Maxime Chalon, Jens Reinecke, Martin Pfanne
2013 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems  
This paper presents a novel method based on a particle filter used to estimate online the object pose.  ...  The method greatly enhances the performance of common manipulation operations, such as a pick and place tasks, and boosts the sensing capabilities of the robot. 978-1-4673-6357-0/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE  ...  Motion planning and grasp planning developed at a similar speed. Most of the problems considered complex offline twenty years ago can be solved online.  ... 
doi:10.1109/iros.2013.6696778 dblp:conf/iros/ChalonRP13 fatcat:e2bewixpkvetvdk4bbxbsxpiiq

Hand–object configuration estimation using particle filters for dexterous in-hand manipulation

Kaiyu Hang, Walter G. Bircher, Andrew S. Morgan, Aaron M. Dollar
2019 The international journal of robotics research  
In the end, we evaluated our planning and control algorithm with handwriting tasks, and demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed framework.  ...  By modeling the grasp constraints, we present a particle filter-based framework to estimate the hand configuration.  ...  The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This work was supported by the National Science Foundation (grant number  ... 
doi:10.1177/0278364919883343 fatcat:ubqyh72x6jdntom4z4nwerk4li

WiFi based indoor localization with adaptive motion model using smartphone motion sensors

Xiang He, Jia Li, Daniel Aloi
2014 2014 International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE)  
A particle filter based estimator is used to seamlessly fuse the adaptive motion model with a WiFi based indoor localization system.  ...  The system applies Gaussian process regression to train the collected WiFi received signal strength (RSS) dataset, and particle filter for the estimation of the smartphone user's location and movement.  ...  In the online localization phase, they apply particle filter to determine the target location.  ... 
doi:10.1109/iccve.2014.7297659 dblp:conf/iccve/HeLA14 fatcat:bqc457qy2bdwloweukwzid7wm4

WiFi iLocate: WiFi based indoor localization for smartphone

Xiang He, Shirin Badiei, Daniel N. Aloi, Jia Li
2014 2014 Wireless Telecommunications Symposium  
The system applies Gaussian process regression to train the collected WiFi received signal strength (RSS) dataset, and particle filter for the estimation of the smartphone user's location and movement.  ...  The experiments carried with an iOS device in typical library environment illustrate that our system is an accurate, real-time, press-to-go system.  ...  In brief, we first import the floor plan into the system. With the floor plan display on the screen, we can set the survey points and scan WiFi.  ... 
doi:10.1109/wts.2014.6835016 dblp:conf/wts/HeBAL14 fatcat:5pg4jqoutrampdj7ujfqodmn7m

Mapping, localization and motion planning in mobile multi-robotic systems

William Rone, Pinhas Ben-Tzvi
2012 Robotica (Cambridge. Print)  
This paper reviews the state-of-the-art of mobile multi-robotic system research, with an emphasis on the confluence of mapping, localization and motion control of robotic system.  ...  Finally, specific applications of multi-robotic systems are also addressed in various contexts. is utilized during the planning process to communicate information to implement a global strategy. 22, 103  ...  the literature for localization is particle filtering.  ... 
doi:10.1017/s0263574712000021 fatcat:435nxpbmxrhr7ea22zldgk2ske

Cooperative AUV Navigation using a Single Maneuvering Surface Craft

Maurice F Fallon, Georgios Papadopoulos, John J Leonard, Nicholas M Patrikalakis
2010 The international journal of robotics research  
The second contribution of this paper is provide a quantitative performance comparison of three estimators: particle filtering (PF), Nonlinear Least Squares optimization (NLS), and the EKF for a mission  ...  A study of the system observability is presented so as to motivate both the choice of filtering approach and surface vehicle path planning.  ...  However the final NLS position estimates would not have been available online to the AUV for motion planning.  ... 
doi:10.1177/0278364910380760 fatcat:eg3zuoj3s5dbbe4rexzdbc6kxa

STORM: An Integrated Framework for Fast Joint-Space Model-Predictive Control for Reactive Manipulation [article]

Mohak Bhardwaj, Balakumar Sundaralingam, Arsalan Mousavian, Nathan Ratliff, Dieter Fox, Fabio Ramos, Byron Boots
2021 arXiv   pre-print
Sampling-based model-predictive control (MPC) is a promising tool for feedback control of robots with complex, non-smooth dynamics, and cost functions.  ...  We validate our approach by deploying it on a Franka Panda robot for a variety of dynamic manipulation tasks.  ...  A more global approach has been explored by reformulating standard motion planning methods to do feedback control via online replanning [35, 36, 37, 38, 39] .  ... 
arXiv:2104.13542v2 fatcat:3tfrs3eh3nex7fwicravdvr62a

Uncertainty-Aware Guidance for Target Tracking subject to Intermittent Measurements using Motion Model Learning [article]

Andres Pulido, Kyle Volle, Kristy Waters, Zachary I. Bell, Prashant Ganesh, Jane Shin
2024 arXiv   pre-print
This neural network (NN)-based motion model serves as the prediction step in a particle filter for target state estimation and uncertainty quantification.  ...  The computation of EER is performed in real-time by approximating the probability distribution of the state using the particle representation from particle filter.  ...  These information-driven planning approaches implemented with particle filters have been proven to be effective in other applications, including simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) [11] .  ... 
arXiv:2402.00671v1 fatcat:zno6agenkvgkvcjarztxocr3tm

Haptic Sequential Monte Carlo Localization for Quadrupedal Locomotion in Vision-Denied Scenarios [article]

Russell Buchanan, Marco Camurri, Maurice Fallon
2020 arXiv   pre-print
We have tested the approach online and onboard the ANYmal quadruped robot in two different scenarios: the traversal of a custom built wooden terrain course and a wall probing and following task.  ...  In both scenarios, the robot is able to effectively achieve a localization match and to execute a desired pre-planned path.  ...  [13] proposed a particle filtering method for online in-hand object localization that tracks the pose of an object while it is being manipulated by a fixed base arm.  ... 
arXiv:2005.01567v3 fatcat:3zwrr4ozknfi7fbb43bcnzwyy4

Integration of planning and execution in force controlled compliant motion

Wim Meeussen, Ernesto Staffetti, Herman Bruyninckx, Jing Xiao, Joris De Schutter
2008 Robotics and Autonomous Systems  
This paper presents the Compliant Task Generator: a new approach for the automatic conversion of a geometric path generated by a compliant path planner to a force based task specification for a compliant  ...  We fully automated the conversion process of the compliant planner output together with the added information about the dynamic interaction, to a force based task specification.  ...  Kalman filters and particle filters.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.robot.2007.09.009 fatcat:sc5jlbzwj5aj3j6muoqd5lv2eu
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