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22,648 Hits in 5.0 sec

A Conceptual Architecture for a Quantum-HPC Middleware [article]

Nishant Saurabh, Shantenu Jha, Andre Luckow
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Through an in-depth analysis of quantum applications, integration patterns and systems, we identified a gap in understanding Quantum-HPC middleware systems.  ...  With the increasing scale, middleware systems that facilitate the efficient coupling of quantum-classical computing are becoming critical.  ...  The authors generated parts of this text with OpenAI's language-generation models. Upon generation, the authors reviewed, edited, and revised the language.  ... 
arXiv:2308.06608v1 fatcat:4gy3j62ycbehzawm7yss4wotvy

Estimating the frame potential of large-scale quantum circuit sampling using tensor networks up to 50 qubits [article]

Minzhao Liu, Junyu Liu, Yuri Alexeev, Liang Jiang
2022 arXiv   pre-print
We apply the above methods to two problems: the Brown-Susskind conjecture, with local and parallel random circuits in terms of the Haar distance and the approximate k-design properties of the hardware  ...  Our tensor-network-based algorithm has polynomial complexity for shallow circuits and is high performing using CPU and GPU parallelism.  ...  Since the simulation of large circuits is expensive, we adaptively terminate simulations based on the calculated uncertainties in the frame potential.  ... 
arXiv:2205.09900v1 fatcat:pcprbd6jijemrpax7p3xzfdq6m

Strategies for quantum computing molecular energies using the unitary coupled cluster ansatz

Jonathan Romero, Ryan Babbush, Jarrod McClean, Cornelius Hempel, Peter Love, Alan Aspuru-Guzik
2018 Quantum Science and Technology  
The variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) algorithm combines the ability of quantum computers to efficiently compute expectation values with a classical optimization routine in order to approximate ground  ...  We introduce new strategies to reduce the circuit depth for the implementation of UCC and improve the optimization of the wavefunction based on efficient classical approximations of the cluster amplitudes  ...  We point out that our formulation of the analytical gradient can be adapted to other algorithms that employ a quantum-classical hybrid scheme such as the quantum approximate optimization algorithm [82  ... 
doi:10.1088/2058-9565/aad3e4 fatcat:wu4gqdyshfgf5mtxr6irsvn7za

Q^2Chemistry: A quantum computation platform for quantum chemistry [article]

Yi Fan, Jie Liu, Xiongzhi Zeng, Zhiqian Xu, Honghui Shang, Zhenyu Li, Jinlong Yang
2022 arXiv   pre-print
In this article, we present a versatile, extensible, and efficient software package, named Q^2Chemistry, for developing quantum algorithms and quantum inspired classical algorithms in the field of quantum  ...  In Q^2Chemistry, wave function and Hamiltonian can be conveniently mapped into the qubit space, then quantum circuits can be generated according to a specific quantum algorithm already implemented in the  ...  Acknowledgement This work was partially supported by the NSFC (21825302), by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (WK2060000018), by National Supercomputing Center in Jinan, and  ... 
arXiv:2208.10978v1 fatcat:io3g22zl55debnkvvcsco4vq3y

QPanda: high-performance quantum computing framework for multiple application scenarios [article]

Menghan Dou, Tianrui Zou, Yuan Fang, Jing Wang, Dongyi Zhao, Lei Yu, Boying Chen, Wenbo Guo, Ye Li, Zhaoyun Chen, Guoping Guo
2022 arXiv   pre-print
With the birth of Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices and the verification of "quantum supremacy" in random number sampling and boson sampling, more and more fields hope to use quantum computers  ...  This framework implements high-performance simulation of quantum circuits, a configuration of the fusion processing backend of quantum computers and supercomputers, and compilation and optimization methods  ...  In the simulation of quantum circuits, there are many high-performance optimization ideas, such as the parallelism of quantum gate computation, complex operation in quantum states or gates, and optimal  ... 
arXiv:2212.14201v1 fatcat:ribdhlv2fvhspg4d26vr4hgdb4

Software for Massively Parallel Quantum Computing [article]

Thien Nguyen, Daanish Arya, Marcus Doherty, Nils Herrmann, Johannes Kuhlmann, Florian Preis, Pat Scott, Simon Yin
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Recent advances in quantum computing hardware and algorithms have enabled a class of classically parallel quantum workloads, whereby individual quantum circuits can execute independently on many quantum  ...  Here, we present the full-stack software framework developed at Quantum Brilliance to enable multi-modal parallelism for hybrid quantum workloads.  ...  Acknowledgement This research used resources of the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre, which is supported by the Australian Government under the National Collaborative Re-  ... 
arXiv:2211.13355v2 fatcat:wxggdbfocbahnpvczngi7qiirq

Intel Quantum Simulator: A cloud-ready high-performance simulator of quantum circuits [article]

Gian Giacomo Guerreschi, Justin Hogaboam, Fabio Baruffa, Nicolas P. D. Sawaya
2020 arXiv   pre-print
Classical simulation of quantum computers will continue to play an essential role in the progress of quantum information science, both for numerical studies of quantum algorithms and for modeling noise  ...  Finally, we use IQS to emulate a scenario in which many quantum devices are running in parallel to implement the quantum approximate optimization algorithm, using particle swarm optimization as the classical  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank Aastha Grover who helped in releasing Intel Quantum Simulator open source at https: //github.com/iqusoft/intel-qs.  ... 
arXiv:2001.10554v2 fatcat:d5dhr4tedjdqngmoos67i2r4aa

Classically Optimal Variational Quantum Algorithms

Jonathan Wurtz, Peter Love
2021 IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering  
Hybrid quantum-classical algorithms, such as variational quantum algorithms (VQA), are suitable for implementation on NISQ computers.  ...  In VQA there is a trade-off between quality of solution and difficulty of circuit construction and optimization.  ...  In practice, any classical algorithm could integrate a similar scheme by running multiple algorithms in parallel and choosing the more optimal result, or use additional classical algorithms to improve  ... 
doi:10.1109/tqe.2021.3122568 fatcat:mr4njy37f5h7rhwxurods6uequ

Addressing hard classical problems with Adiabatically Assisted Variational Quantum Eigensolvers [article]

A. Garcia-Saez, J. I. Latorre
2018 arXiv   pre-print
We present a hybrid classical-quantum algorithm to solve optimization problems in current quantum computers, whose basic idea is to assist variational quantum eigensolvers (VQE) with adiabatic change of  ...  The rational for this new algorithm is to circumvent the problem of facing very small gradients in the classical optimization piece of a VQE, while being able to run in current hardware efficient devices  ...  This is reflected both in the quantum circuits we optimize, and in the classical numerical methods currently used.  ... 
arXiv:1806.02287v1 fatcat:qf6etcbxzzbglb34q5fvzhjhgy

Classically optimal variational quantum algorithms [article]

Jonathan Wurtz, Peter Love
2021 arXiv   pre-print
Hybrid quantum-classical algorithms, such as variational quantum algorithms (VQA), are suitable for implementation on NISQ computers.  ...  In VQA there is a trade-off between quality of solution and difficulty of circuit construction and optimization.  ...  In practice, any classical algorithm could integrate a similar scheme by running multiple algorithms in parallel and choosing the more optimal result, or use additional classical algorithms to improve  ... 
arXiv:2103.17065v1 fatcat:ydwtummegbgpzjvojw5r76wste

Accelerating the variational quantum eigensolver using parallelism [article]

Lana Mineh, Ashley Montanaro
2022 arXiv   pre-print
We run two-qubit circuits in parallel to solve a simple instance of the Hubbard model using the variational quantum eigensolver.  ...  We present results for running up to 33 circuits in parallel (66 qubits), showing that with the use of error mitigation techniques it is possible to make use of, and gain a real-time speedup from, parallelisation  ...  Noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) algorithms and hybrid quantum-classical algorithms such as the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) naturally lend themselves to parallelism, and are natural test  ... 
arXiv:2209.03796v1 fatcat:uddczean6rgwde3gbwe3t367pi

Asynchronous training of quantum reinforcement learning [article]

Samuel Yen-Chi Chen
2023 arXiv   pre-print
It has been demonstrated that classical RL can successfully complete many difficult tasks. A leading method of building quantum RL agents relies on the variational quantum circuits (VQC).  ...  In this paper, we approach this challenge through asynchronous training QRL agents. Specifically, we choose the asynchronous training of advantage actor-critic variational quantum policies.  ...  Hybrid algorithms that utilize variational quantum circuits (VQC) have proven to be effective in a variety of machine learning tasks.  ... 
arXiv:2301.05096v1 fatcat:q57awufvbngabgh5z2o3eyv6s4

Solving partial differential equations on near-term quantum computers [article]

Anton Simen Albino, Lucas Correia Jardim, Diego Campos Knupp, Antonio Jose Silva Neto, Otto Menegasso Pires, Erick Giovani Sperandio Nascimento
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Due to the exponential cost of simulating quantum algorithms, a reduced number of qubits had to be used in the simulations, causing a loss of precision in the results.  ...  In this work, we obtain the numerical temperature field to a thermally developing fluid flow inside parallel plates problem with a quantum computing method.  ...  Acknowledgements to the Supercomputing Center for Industrial Innovation (CS2i), the Reference Center for Artificial Intelligence (CRIA), and the Latin American Quantum Computing Center (LAQCC), all from  ... 
arXiv:2208.05805v1 fatcat:b6dlfhjyrbb2xbjbzktmciceby

Strategies for quantum computing molecular energies using the unitary coupled cluster ansatz [article]

Jonathan Romero, Ryan Babbush, Jarrod R. McClean, Cornelius Hempel, Peter Love, Alán Aspuru-Guzik
2018 arXiv   pre-print
The variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) algorithm combines the ability of quantum computers to efficiently compute expectation values with a classical optimization routine in order to approximate ground  ...  We introduce new strategies to reduce the circuit depth for the implementation of UCC and improve the optimization of the wavefunction based on efficient classical approximations of the cluster amplitudes  ...  The second subroutine consists of an optimization algorithm running on a classical computer.  ... 
arXiv:1701.02691v2 fatcat:n77x46iy45f4jgpzg5eujf7cqm

An adaptive variational algorithm for exact molecular simulations on a quantum computer

Harper R. Grimsley, Sophia E. Economou, Edwin Barnes, Nicholas J. Mayhall
2019 Nature Communications  
The variational quantum eigensolver, a leading algorithm for molecular simulations on quantum hardware, has a serious limitation in that it typically relies on a pre-selected wavefunction ansatz that results  ...  We present numerical simulations, including for a prototypical strongly correlated molecule, which show that our algorithm performs much better than a unitary coupled cluster approach, in terms of both  ...  In this paper, we presented ADAPT-VQE, a novel variational hybrid quantum-classical algorithm designed to achieve exact results at convergence.  ... 
doi:10.1038/s41467-019-10988-2 pmid:31285433 pmcid:PMC6614426 fatcat:wwmlp5ustvb3la6n3xjfmkxg3q
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