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33,794 Hits in 3.1 sec

Tuning the magnetization reversal process of FeCoCu nanowire arrays by thermal annealing

C. Bran, Yu. P. Ivanov, J. García, R. P. del Real, V. M. Prida, O. Chubykalo-Fesenko, M. Vazquez
2013 Journal of Applied Physics  
Despite the partial reduction of saturation magnetization and corresponding shape anisotropy after annealing at 500 C, larger coercivity, 0.36 T, and squareness ratio, M r /M s ¼ 0.98, were obtained.  ...  Arrays of hexagonally ordered Fe 28 Co 67 Cu 5 nanowires with tailored diameter from 18 to 27 nm were prepared by electroplating into anodic alumina templates and annealed in the temperature range of 300  ...  However, although not detected by XRD, some other oxides may be present in the sample after annealing.  ... 
doi:10.1063/1.4816479 fatcat:smue775eyjem5lzklnn45d3g7u

Distributed data processing within dense networks of wireless sensors using parallelized model updating techniques

Andrew T. Zimmerman, Jerome P. Lynch, Peter J. Shull, H. Felix Wu, Aaron A. Diaz, Dietmar W. Vogel
2008 Nondestructive Characterization for Composite Materials, Aerospace Engineering, Civil Infrastructure, and Homeland Security 2008  
Using a novel parallel simulated annealing search method optimized for in-network execution, this algorithm efficiently assigns model parameters so as to minimize differences between an analytical model  ...  In this study, a parallelized model updating algorithm is designed for implementation within a network of wireless sensing prototypes.  ...  Lynch) for sponsoring the research presented. Additional support has been provided to Andrew T. Zimmerman by the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship (NDSEG) Program.  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.776470 fatcat:fn445musereejcutedknepxpua

Properties of dislocation half loops inAu(100): Structure, formation energy, and diffusion barrier

F. El Gabaly, R. Miranda, J. de la Figuera
2004 Physical Review B  
This represents a very efficient way of moving mass parallel to the surface under applied stress, where a net movement of hundreds of atoms can take place with barriers smaller than that for the diffusion  ...  Dislocation half-loops intersecting the surface have been detected by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy after mild sputtering on Au͑100͒.  ...  FIG. 3 . 3 (Color online) (a) Width-to-span relationship for V-shaped simulated half-loops (empty diamonds) and for experimentally generated mesas (filled circles, from Ref. 9).  ... 
doi:10.1103/physrevb.70.012102 fatcat:hirbxspiffaqljdbg5g6b7jcxe

Synthesis of Nano-Oxide Precipitates by Implantation of Ti, Y and O Ions in Fe-10%Cr: Towards an Understanding of Precipitation in Oxide Dispersion-Strengthened (ODS) Steels

Stéphanie Jublot-Leclerc, Martin Owusu-Mensah, Vladimir A. Borodin, Joël Ribis, Ludovic Largeau, Ryan Schoell, Djamel Kaoumi, Marion Descoins, Dominique Mangelinck, Aurélie Gentils
2022 Materials  
A fine control of the processes of synthesis would enable the optimization of pertinent properties for use in various energy systems.  ...  In contrast, when implantation starts with Ti, the precipitation of yttria during subsequent high-temperature annealing is totally suppressed, and corundum Cr2O3 precipitates instead.  ...  They also thank David Troadec of IEMN Lille (France) for the preparation of FIB lamellae for TEM observations.  ... 
doi:10.3390/ma15144857 pmid:35888322 pmcid:PMC9322691 fatcat:wu6g3qfe3zcvjjqxgzppe5equy

3D SIMULATION STUDY OF INHOMOGENEOUS MICROSTRUCTURE AND ITS EVOLUTION (advantages of visual simulation technique in stereological analysis)

Xiaoyan Song, Markus Rettenmayr, Guoquan Liu
2011 Image Analysis and Stereology  
In the stereological analysis of a non-random microstructure and its evolution kinetics, the visual simulation technique showed apparent advantages for sampling, detection and measuring.  ...  The simulation results were well verified by experiments with an aluminum alloy containing Al3Zr particles that had been subjected to deformation and annealing for recrystallization.  ...  Experiments were carried out for validation purpose. The deformed sample shown in Fig. 1b was at 380°C during 3 hours annealed for recrystallization.  ... 
doi:10.5566/ias.v22.p163-169 fatcat:jvmowbhusndpdhon6liidgnby4

A Parallel Simulated Annealing Architecture for Model Updating in Wireless Sensor Networks

A.T. Zimmerman, J.P. Lynch
2009 IEEE Sensors Journal  
In this study, a novel parallelization of the simulated annealing stochastic search algorithm is presented and used to update structural models by comparing model predictions to experimental results.  ...  Wireless sensing networks forego the high data transfer rates associated with cabled sensors in exchange for low-cost and low-power communication between a large number of sensing devices, each of which  ...  Law (Stanford University) for their assistance with the experimental portion of this study.  ... 
doi:10.1109/jsen.2009.2019323 fatcat:2puuw3eerfhnvnh5ciqswqelq4

Smooth curve extraction by mean field annealing

Laurent H�rault, Radu Horaud
1995 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence  
Mean field annealing may well be viewed as a deterministic approximation of stochastic methods such as simulated annealing.  ...  Second, we suggest a combinatorial optimization method for solving the figure-ground problem, namely mean field annealing which combines mean field approximation and annealing.  ...  Therefore the synchronous parallel implementation of mean field annealing is expected to be 50N times faster than the parallel implementation of simulated annealing.  ... 
doi:10.1007/bf01530832 fatcat:emf6htp6aff5pmcknopbmf6oiy

Figure-ground discrimination: a combinatorial optimization approach

L. Herault, R. Horaud
1993 IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence  
ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments and suggestions, their colleagues for many enlightful dicussions and suggestions, and especially J.  ...  The annealing schedules are the same for the three algorithms, and they approximate the one proposed by Geman and Geman [ll] for simulated annealing.  ...  We will see that this basic version is not convenient for an annealing to proceed. We currently use a parallel version of the algorithm by using a large number of demons.  ... 
doi:10.1109/34.232076 fatcat:teulrh2br5e5lgryofhg64tdqm

Pattern formation in SiSb system

A. Csik, G. Erdélyi, G.A. Langer, L. Daróczi, D.L. Beke, J. Nyéki, Z. Erdélyi
2005 Vacuum  
In pictures, taken by means of cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM), stripe-shaped contrast, with three maxima, parallel with the interfaces can be seen.  ...  Thermal annealing of Si/Si 1-x Sb x /Si amorphous thin film tri-layer samples (x=18 and 24 at%Sb) under 100 bar Ar pressure results in an interesting pattern formation.  ...  No such stripes could be detected when the samples of the same geometry and composition were 3 annealed in vacuum.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.vacuum.2005.08.014 fatcat:cnohw37rgvao7hm4vuvdogjj5u

Object tracking and detection after occlusion via numerical hybrid local and global mode-seeking

Zhaozheng Yin, Robert T. Collins
2008 2008 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition  
To recover from these inevitable tracking failures, we consider object detection as a global optimization problem and solve it via Adaptive Simulated Annealing (ASA), a method that avoids becoming trapped  ...  Acknowledgments We thank David Capel for his helpful discussions. This work was funded under the NSF Computer Vision program via grant IIS-0535324 on Persistent Tracking.  ...  We also have introduced a method for global object detection by performing cluster analysis on the sampling map generated by Adaptive Simulated Annealing.  ... 
doi:10.1109/cvpr.2008.4587542 dblp:conf/cvpr/YinC08 fatcat:ysyehs6xq5fsfhjtfecif42r5q

Carbon Deposition on Hematite (α-Fe2O3) Nanocubes by Annealing in the Air: Morphology Study with Grazing Incidence Small Angle X-ray Scattering (GISAXS)

Chang-Yong Kim
2020 Condensed Matter  
The current study provides new approach for in-situ characterization of carbon deposition on a uniform shape nanoparticle through monitoring of deposited carbon thickness.  ...  GISAXS simulations from morphologies of nanocube with 38 nm side-length and core-shell (nanocube-core and 7 nm thick carbon-shell) reproduced measured patterns from the vacuum- and the air-annealed nanocubes  ...  Acknowledgments: The research described in this paper was performed at the Canadian Light Source, a national research facility of the University of Saskatchewan, which is supported by the Canada Foundation for  ... 
doi:10.3390/condmat5030054 doaj:bd200f14f2ed4f618931ced1418d1ec5 fatcat:s6xoq2ffujhrtlupgjsiknpgki

Texture development and coercivity enhancement in cast alnico 9 magnets

Wenyong Zhang, Shah Valloppilly, Xingzhong Li, Lanping Yue, Ralph Skomski, Iver Anderson, Matthew Kramer, Wei Tang, Jeff Shield, David J. Sellmyer
2018 AIP Advances  
The e-beam used for Fig. 3 is parallel to the <002> direction or field direction.  ...  Then draw annealing was done at 660 • C for 3 h and at 580 • C for 6 h.  ... 
doi:10.1063/1.5007171 fatcat:yskhfpkmeractbh3fnatkyt25y

Polarization memory of photoluminescence related with Si nanoparticles embedded into oxide matrix

K. V. Michailovska
2015 Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics  
After annealing in vacuum for 15 min at the temperature 975 °C, SiO x films were decomposed to SiO 2 with Si nanoclusters embedded in the oxide matrix.  ...  Fig. 6 . 6 Dependence of the normalized PL intensity on the angle (θ) between excitation and detection polarizations for continuous nc-Si−SiO x sample annealed in vacuum, then treated with HF vapor. 1  ...  − simulation results, 2 − experimental values.  ... 
doi:10.15407/spqeo18.03.324 fatcat:r4gpvfgetzdlhnfikc5aspc6am

Design and Fabrication of Micro Hemispheric Shell Resonator with Annular Electrodes

Renxin Wang, Bing Bai, Hengzhen Feng, Ziming Ren, Huiliang Cao, Chenyang Xue, Binzhen Zhang, Jun Liu
2016 Sensors  
On the glass layer, the metallization patterns are demonstrated as S-shaped to improve metal malleability during annealing.  ...  The shell is M-shaped, and the shell material is fused silica. Compared with Pyrex glass, fused silica glass has higher Q-factor, which is important for the inertial component.  ...  Design and Simulation The Relationship between Driving Force and Electrode Gap To simplify the case, a parallel plate capacitor is taken as an example.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s16121991 pmid:27897977 pmcid:PMC5190972 fatcat:5xxguoxfznhzhkidix3zoj63aa

Thermal instability of implanted Mn ions in ZnO

J. A. Sans, G. Martínez-Criado, J. Susini, R. Sanz, J. Jensen, I. Minguez, M. Hernandez-Velez, A. Labrador, P. Carpentier
2010 Journal of Applied Physics  
The postgrowth thermal annealing in O 2 atmosphere induces a change in the coordination of a large amount of Mn cations, corresponding to ␣-Mn 2 O 3 .  ...  The results of micro-x-ray absorption spectroscopy indicate that Mn ions are located in substitutional sites without detectable traces of secondary phases.  ...  The experimental data present a similar spectral shape compared with the theoretical simulation for Mn in ␣-Mn 2 O 3 phase.  ... 
doi:10.1063/1.3275890 fatcat:i6ru26aobvfxfhmw7f53arg2de
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