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Thwarting Malicious Adversaries in Homomorphic Encryption Pipelines

Sylvain Chatel
cryptography, food, and bread recipes; Theresa Stadler for the amazing discussions about research and life; Jean-Philippe Bossuat for his always prompt and insightful advice with Lattigo and views about FHE  ...  As such, PELTA is a critical building block to ensure the security of HE pipelines against a malicious adversary, particularly in multiparty scenarios.  ...  A shield protecting MFHE pipelines against malicious adversaries. Ideally 2 λ times the variance of the ciphertext's noise, with λ the security level.  ... 
doi:10.5075/epfl-thesis-9845 fatcat:lxs32rscyjejlehyff4anmwuwm