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PCW-Net: Pyramid Combination and Warping Cost Volume for Stereo Matching [article]

Zhelun Shen, Yuchao Dai, Xibin Song, Zhibo Rao, Dingfu Zhou, Liangjun Zhang
2022 arXiv   pre-print
To tackle these problems, we propose PCW-Net, a Pyramid Combination and Warping cost volume-based network to achieve good performance on both cross-domain generalization and stereo matching accuracy on  ...  First, we construct combination volumes on the upper levels of the pyramid and develop a cost volume fusion module to integrate them for initial disparity estimation.  ...  Conclusion In this paper, we have proposed a pyramid combination and warping cost volume based network, i.e., PCW-Net, for accurate and robust stereo matching.  ... 
arXiv:2006.12797v3 fatcat:7ldmvfzrqzecjjbblcvwoxjtry

Deep Learning-Based Stereopsis and Monocular Depth Estimation Techniques: A Review

Somnath Lahiri, Jing Ren, Xianke Lin
2024 Vehicles  
Over the years, stereo depth estimation has been provided with various training modes, such as supervised, self-supervised, and unsupervised, before deploying it for real-time performance.  ...  These modes are to be used depending on the application and/or the availability of datasets for training.  ...  To deal with the trade-off between the performances based on stereo-matching and cross-domain generalization, "PCW-Net: Pyramid Combination and Warping Cost Volume for Stereo Matching" [70] suggests  ... 
doi:10.3390/vehicles6010013 fatcat:ytrmbbjucva7jnnluw23yu2elu

Left-right Discrepancy for Adversarial Attack on Stereo Networks [article]

Pengfei Wang, Xiaofei Hui, Beijia Lu, Nimrod Lilith, Jun Liu, Sameer Alam
2024 arXiv   pre-print
Stereo matching neural networks often involve a Siamese structure to extract intermediate features from left and right images.  ...  Additionally, we extend our approach to include a proxy network black-box attack method, eliminating the need for access to stereo neural network.  ...  PCW-Net [29] similarly adopts the concept of disparity refinement by concatenating the left feature, the warped right feature and the difference between them to construct the cost volume for refinement  ... 
arXiv:2401.07188v1 fatcat:keejk67d6ncnfj4zu4nqvbg2a4