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Seasonal Cycles of Along-Track Tropical Cyclone Maximum Intensity

Daniel M. Gilford, Susan Solomon, Kerry A. Emanuel
2019 Monthly Weather Review  
Because no individual V max is tied directly to the mean along-track PI, we illustrate the intramonthly variability of along-track PI with its IQR.  ...  Beyond these outliers, along-track PI performs well as a predictor of the high percentiles of V max , acting as a consistent limit on climatological tropical cyclone wind speeds during the NA hurricane  ... 
doi:10.1175/mwr-d-19-0021.1 fatcat:tuxknmjrifdmrprzfqpt3wvo44


Sabrina L. Savage, Gordon Holman, Katharine K. Reeves, Daniel B. Seaton, David E. McKenzie, Yang Su
2012 Astrophysical Journal  
The inflow speeds of these pairs are measured to be 10^2 km/s with outflow speeds ranging from 10^2-10^3 km/s - indicating acceleration during the reconnection process.  ...  Using the inflow speeds and a range of Alfven speeds, we estimate the Alfvenic Mach number which appears to decrease with time.  ...  The average inflow speeds and the initial outflow speeds (derived by fitting a 2-D polynomial to the outflow tracks) are provided.  ... 
doi:10.1088/0004-637x/754/1/13 fatcat:lnzwst5rgfftzhzo3e27zto7a4

Traffic Regulation via Controlled Speed Limit

Maria Laura Delle Monache, Benedetto Piccoli, Francesco Rossi
2017 SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization  
We study an optimal control problem for traffic regulation via variable speed limit.  ...  We aim at minimizing the L 2 quadratic error to a desired outflow, given an inflow on a single road.  ...  Instead, [23, 24, 25] use model predictive control (MPC) to optimally coordinate variable speed limits for freeway traffic with the aim of suppressing shock waves.  ... 
doi:10.1137/16m1066038 fatcat:4alqm46wvbejnah7n77tbnc2cm

Traffic regulation via controlled speed limit [article]

Maria Laura Delle Monache, Benedetto Piccoli, Francesco Rossi
2016 arXiv   pre-print
We study an optimal control problem for traffic regulation via variable speed limit.  ...  The traffic flow dynamics is described with the Lighthill-Whitham-Richards (LWR) model with Newell-Daganzo flux function.  ...  Instead, [23, 24, 25] use model predictive control (MPC) to optimally coordinate variable speed limits for freeway traffic with the aim of suppressing shock waves.  ... 
arXiv:1603.04785v1 fatcat:7ij3c4l6b5fyxflomlglesnloa

Object-Based Algorithm for the Identification and Tracking of Convective Outflow Boundaries in Numerical Models

Hristo G. Chipilski, Xuguang Wang, David B. Parsons
2018 Monthly Weather Review  
A novel object-based algorithm capable of identifying and tracking convective outflow boundaries in convection-allowing numerical models is presented in this study.  ...  These applications are illustrated for a retrospective case study simulated with a convection-allowing ensemble prediction system.  ...  The second dynamical constraint imposes an upper limit on the object's propagation speed and is denoted as V 1 O .  ... 
doi:10.1175/mwr-d-18-0116.1 fatcat:itwfluaow5b2vimts6vtkusxh4

Surface circulation in the Gulf of Cadiz: 2. Inflow-outflow coupling and the Gulf of Cadiz slope current

Alvaro Peliz, Patrick Marchesiello, A. Miguel P. Santos, Jesus Dubert, Ana Teles-Machado, Martinho Marta-Almeida, Bernard Le Cann
2009 Journal of Geophysical Research  
It is speculated that the cycle in the observed currents is associated with variability in the inflow/outflow coupling system, rather than driven by seasonally changing wind forcing.  ...  Observations, both original and revisited, and realistic numerical modeling are used together to describe the structure and variability of the slope current system above the Mediterranean outflow.  ...  jet of about 20-30 km wide with depths of around 200-300 m, and with speeds in the order of 0.2-0.3 m/s.  ... 
doi:10.1029/2008jc004771 fatcat:tnthd5yprffudhg46wgmw4f72m

Optimal Control of Freeway Networks with Bottlenecks and Static Demand

A. Hegyi, B. De Schutter, J. Hellendoorn
2005 Transportation Research Record  
We consider optimally coordinated freeway traffic control for networks containing bottlenecks with capacity drop and hysteresis behavior.  ...  We develop an approach that addresses these problems, where we use a generalized representation of flow-limiting control measures and bottlenecks.  ...  Note that for variable speed limits, the speed limit value must be lower than the critical speed in order to limit the flow.  ... 
doi:10.3141/1925-04 fatcat:ezjqjds7frfv5p7o2ymwthhpja

On the behaviour of stellar winds that exceed the photon-tiring limit

Allard Jan van Marle, Stanley P. Owocki, Nir J. Shaviv
2009 Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society  
Typically, these winds have a very high density but a terminal flow speed well below the escape speed at the stellar surface.  ...  At larger distances, the flow eventually becomes uniformly outward, though still quite variable.  ...  AC K N OW L E D G M E N T S This work was carried out with partial support from NSF grant AST-0507581. NJS wishes to thank the support of ISF grant 1325/06. We thank J. MacDonald, N.  ... 
doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2008.14366.x fatcat:txqayyu4srab5mw6p4gm3tffoe

Observations of inertial currents in a lagoon in southeastern Iceland using terrestrial radar interferometry and automated iceberg tracking

Denis Voytenko, Timothy H. Dixon, Mark E. Luther, Chad Lembke, Ian M. Howat, Santiago de la Peña
2015 Computers & Geosciences  
Over our 43.5-h observation period, the lagoon has clockwise circulation with current speeds of order 3-8 cm/s and occasional strong glacier outflows of up to ∼15 cm/s.  ...  The currents driven by the glacial outflows appear to be dominantly inertial.  ...  Acknowledgments We thank the Jökulsárlón lagoon staff for their help with data collection. We also thank Björn Oddsson for his assistance with logistics in the field.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2015.05.012 fatcat:cubs4mguejbnno6j3335okrfua

Interbasin Differences in the Relationship between SST and Tropical Cyclone Intensification

Gregory R. Foltz, Karthik Balaguru, Samson Hagos
2018 Monthly Weather Review  
First, variability of SST along TCs' tracks is lower in the Atlantic.  ...  Finally, SST tends to vary out of phase with vertical wind shear and outflow temperature in the western Pacific.  ...  Because SST decreases northward, outflow temperature tends to vary out of phase with SST along western Pacific TCs' tracks.  ... 
doi:10.1175/mwr-d-17-0155.1 fatcat:7ci5zce2fbh4dmoftduf5eofke

Satellite‐derived characteristics of Saharan cold pool outflows during boreal summer

Thomas Caton Harrison, Richard Washington, Sebastian Engelstaedter
2020 Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres  
Propagation speeds decay exponentially through their lifetime, but on average speeds are 1.5 m/s higher at night. 22.5% of the observed events exceed a total travelled distance of 300 km, with an overwhelming  ...  As such, the role of CPOs in the observed variability of dust through the monsoon season remains unclear. To remedy these issues, an improved observational benchmark is needed.  ...  Each individual case is then reviewed with manual analysis of SEVIRI imagery to check that the outflow boundary did indeed pass over the station. Meteorological variables used to detect the passage  ... 
doi:10.1029/2020jd033387 fatcat:gvyosbjh3fa2zilc3gywigovna

Optimal inflow control of production systems with finite buffers

Simone Göttlich, Patrick Schindler
2014 Discrete and continuous dynamical systems. Series B  
We introduce the optimal inflow control problem for buffer restricted production systems involving a conservation law with discontinuous flux.  ...  Based on an appropriate numerical method inspired by the wave front tracking algorithm, we present two techniques to solve the optimal control problem efficiently.  ...  We introduce a variable f n out that limits the outflow in a following way: (OUTFLOW): F n N = min{aρ n N , f n out } ∀n = 1, . . . , N T − 1.  ... 
doi:10.3934/dcdsb.2015.20.107 fatcat:yr7yxpblzfgatp4qfq4kvlwnye

Observations and modelling of microphysical variability, aggregation and sedimentation in tropical anvil cirrus outflow regions

M. W. Gallagher, P. J. Connolly, I. Crawford, A. Heymsfield, K. N. Bower, T. W. Choularton, G. Allen, M. J. Flynn, G. Vaughan, J. Hacker
2012 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics  
Ice Water Content) in the anvil Ci cloud decreased, but also that the average particle size (weighted by number) remained relatively constant along the length of the anvil outflow.  ...  Aircraft measurements of the microphysics of a tropical convective anvil (at temperatures ~−60 °C) forming above the Hector storm, over the Tiwi Islands, Northern Australia, have been conducted with  ...  Within track 2, IWCs peaked at >1 g m −3 but showed greater variability. n 0 values (not shown) remained reasonably consistent across the outflow (albeit with small scale variations) as did values of λ  ... 
doi:10.5194/acp-12-6609-2012 fatcat:yzgowrw7hbbojir4w5t5psbbu4

Modelling Backward Travelling Holes in Mixed Traffic Conditions Using an Agent Based Simulation [chapter]

Amit Agarwal, Gregor Lämmel, Kai Nagel
2016 Traffic and Granular Flow '15  
Space corresponding to a leaving vehicle is not available immediately on the upstream end of the link, instead the space travels backward with a constant speed. This space is named as 'hole'.  ...  The sensitivity of the presented approach is tested with the help of flow density contours.  ...  This branch is then met with the upward sloping free flow branch at a capacity below the outflow capacity.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-33482-0_53 fatcat:yazpjhet6fazfewrbmmztyraae

Perimeter gating control and citywide dynamic user equilibrium: A macroscopic modeling framework

Deepak Ingole, Guilhem Mariotte, Ludovic Leclercq
2020 Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies  
It tracks vehicle traveled distance inside the reservoir while assigning the same instantaneous speed to all vehicles defined by the MFD.  ...  The presented simulation results show that the perimeter gating control helps to maintain congestion at the desired level with significant improvements in the total time spent and the mean speed in the  ...  We design two PI controllers with the anti-windup scheme 180 and saturation limits on manipulated variables; routing discipline is designed based on UE obtained by exact predictive travel time.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.trc.2019.11.016 fatcat:mbjzppdzsjhnjackbaetfhkqsy
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