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Deep reinforcement learning in medical imaging: A literature review [article]

S. Kevin Zhou, Hoang Ngan Le, Khoa Luu, Hien V. Nguyen, Nicholas Ayache
2021 arXiv   pre-print
Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) augments the reinforcement learning framework, which learns a sequence of actions that maximizes the expected reward, with the representative power of deep neural networks  ...  We then cover existing DRL applications for medical imaging, which are roughly divided into three main categories: (I) parametric medical image analysis tasks including landmark detection, object/lesion  ...  It also invokes orthographic projection to generate 2D images that are fed into the Q function.  ... 
arXiv:2103.05115v1 fatcat:ocr6kq7atnbhxazj7twvvhl5uy

Abstracts: Asian Oceania Conference of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine

Jianan Li
2008 Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine  
With the theme "to bring the traditional to the modern for a better quality of life for the disabled", this conference will provide an opportunity for exchange and communication among physiatrists and  ...  The city was founded in 472 BC, and was the capital city of China for six dynasties. Nanjing is a poem that carries on for thousand years and a book to be read time and time again.  ...  A cooperative project of the department for PRM and the Faculty of Interior Design performed a joint project aiming at "Improving of the design of the rehabilitation centre of Hanover Medical University  ... 
doi:10.2340/16501977-0197 fatcat:7syjdznu6nfkfes7vwbwsbpviy

Acoustical measurements on stages of nine U.S. concert halls

A. C. Gade, John S. Bradley
1993 Journal of the Acoustical Society of America  
For most measurements, no statistically significant differences were found between octave band IACC values for the two microphone locations.  ...  By 1980 the understanding of acoustics for concert halls had reached an interesting stage.  ...  sears have replaced the missing cells and intense labeling of F-actin was seen in the Deiter's cells bodies and phalangeal processes.  ... 
doi:10.1121/1.406640 fatcat:omothtjqojcofd5ypx2oubadsy

Effects of measurement procedure and equipment on average room acoustic measurements

A. C. Gade, John S. Bradley, Gary W. Siebein
1993 Journal of the Acoustical Society of America  
For most measurements, no statistically significant differences were found between octave band IACC values for the two microphone locations.  ...  By 1980 the understanding of acoustics for concert halls had reached an interesting stage.  ...  sears have replaced the missing cells and intense labeling of F-actin was seen in the Deiter's cells bodies and phalangeal processes.  ... 
doi:10.1121/1.406634 fatcat:rah72seo75gtpgirf4x2ngcg24

Statistical relations among architectural features and objective acoustical measurements of concert halls

Gary W. Siebein, Wei‐hwa Chiang, Gary S. Madaras, Harold W. Doddington, Wilhelm K. Schwab, John S. Bradley, A. C. Gade
1993 Journal of the Acoustical Society of America  
For most measurements, no statistically significant differences were found between octave band IACC values for the two microphone locations.  ...  By 1980 the understanding of acoustics for concert halls had reached an interesting stage.  ...  sears have replaced the missing cells and intense labeling of F-actin was seen in the Deiter's cells bodies and phalangeal processes.  ... 
doi:10.1121/1.406641 fatcat:2ulfax5x7rg3nogxaiinu4epfe

Comparisons of auditorium acoustics measurements as a function of location in halls

John S. Bradley, A. C. Gade, Gary W. Siebein
1993 Journal of the Acoustical Society of America  
For most measurements, no statistically significant differences were found between octave band IACC values for the two microphone locations.  ...  By 1980 the understanding of acoustics for concert halls had reached an interesting stage.  ...  sears have replaced the missing cells and intense labeling of F-actin was seen in the Deiter's cells bodies and phalangeal processes.  ... 
doi:10.1121/1.406637 fatcat:qm3xseekvjgtpaucjdpbkm3o2y

Bodies in balance: the art of Tibetan medicine

2014 ChoiceReviews  
Theresia Hofer, who, after years of research on the topic led this project, which required four years of intense preparation.  ...  For example, moxa placed on the vertebrae should be the size of a fingertip, while moxa for the head, arms, and front of the body should be slightly smaller, the size of a little fingertip.  ...  According to Balzhir Zhargalov, who has been working on his family's genealogy for more than 30 years, there were seven brothers and seven sisters .  ... 
doi:10.5860/choice.186236 fatcat:mjslenswfzdtxjr6pqarlth5iq

Unravelling reading : evaluating the effectiveness of strategies used to support adults' reading skills

Susan Eunice Partridge
level, recommendations for more effective teaching and learning.  ...  In the tradition of action research, the study seeks to bring about positive change on an individual level for each learner, improvements in practice at a pedagogical level for teachers and, at a policy  ...  The research project will follow the Open University Data Protection code of practice applying to both manual and computer records.  ... 
doi:10.21954/ou.ro.0000bfda fatcat:wmgtgrortnfevlrpxxepdh5i4m

LANGUAGE IN INDIA Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow

M Thirumalai, B Mallikarjun, Sam, B A Sharada, A R Fatihi, Lakhan, Marie Jennifer, G Bayer, L Baskaran, C Ramamoorthy, Subburaman, N Pillai (+5 others)
2017 unpublished
Acknowledgement My grateful thanks are due to Professor Becca McBride, Calvin College for her insightful guidance in writing this article.  ...  At present a team from CEN, Amrita University is involved in building onto-thesaurus for Tamil as a part of the project entitled "Computing Tools for Tamil Language teaching and learning".  ...  It allows students to improves their idea by learning from others since there will be pool of ideas during the writing activity.  ... 

The Phonetics of the Qur'ānic pharyngealised sounds: acoustic and articulatory studies

Saeed Saad Saeed Alsurf
The chapter introduces Tajwīd as the representational and traditional phonetic system for the recitation of the Qur'ān.  ...  Chapter Three explores Qur'ānic pharyngealisation; known as Tafxīm, with a particular emphasis on the seven Qur'nic pharyngealised consonant and vowel sounds, and discusses the most appropriate name for  ...  This is related to one leading principle of OT labelled as richness of the base."  ... 
doi:10.25949/19434662 fatcat:c4npvbffpzb7vfwjg5hswkjo6u

Inventing health : tradition, textiles and maternal obligation in the Kingdom of Tonga

Heather Young-Leslie
ervision by HEATHER YOUNG LESLIE entitled INVENTING HEALTH: TRADITION, TEXTILES AND MATERNAL OBLIGATION IN THE KINGDOM OF TONGA b e a c c e p t e d in partial fulfillment o f th e r eq u ire m en ts for  ...  At his maximum, the king is reputed to have weighed over 200 kg., some 444 lbs.  ...  I suggest that the diagnostic labels fakatonga and fakapalangi developed in much the same process as descriptive labels for head lice, pineapples and pandanus.  ... 
doi:10.7939/r3-1zjd-hf33 fatcat:zkzpbbne6zblnnfpkdjzb6iw6i

Computational approaches to semantic change

(:Unkn) Unknown, Universitätsbibliothek Der FU Berlin, Nina Tahmasebi, Lars Borin, Adam Jatowt, Yang Xu, Simon Hengchen
Ever since, the study of semantic change has progressed steadily, accumulating a vast store of knowledge for over a century, encompassing many languages and language families.  ...  This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, CNCS -UEFISCDI, CoToHiLi project, number PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-1544, within PNCDI III.  ...  for almost 50 years.  ... 
doi:10.17169/refubium-32258 fatcat:3ho6mc4by5e2lffgr3g3hditgm

Trading Spaces: The Archaeology of Interaction, Migration, and Exchange [article]

Margaret Patton, Jessica Manion, University Of Calgary, University Of Calgary
Ángel Garcia Cook for permitting me to present unpublished excavation data from Cantona and for his unflagging support throughout every stage of this project.  ...  Bettcher for reading several drafts of this paper and for providing her valuable comments and editorial assistantship.  ...  It also exhibits some of the largest and most extensive exposures of obsidian banding in the project area and, as a result, is the area with the most intensive and extensive evidence for prehispanic quarrying  ... 
doi:10.11575/prism/33367 fatcat:4t462pusg5c7jah662re4lgg7a