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Organizing a network of databases using probabilistic reasoning

Mei-Ling Shyu, Shu-Ching Chen, R.L. Kashayp
SMC 2000 Conference Proceedings. 2000 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 'Cybernetics Evolving to Systems, Humans, Organizations, and their Complex Interactions' (Cat. No.00CH37166)  
For this purpose, a probabilistic network that organizes a network of databases and manages the data in the databases is proposed in this paper.  ...  An example is included to illustrate how to model each database into an MMM and how to organize the network of databases into a probabilistic network.  ...  An Example A simple example with four databases is used to illustrate how to organize these databases into a probabilistic network.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icsmc.2000.886406 dblp:conf/smc/ShyuCK00 fatcat:pwjf3sh7i5cmtnifofsnv5caku


Gabriele Kern-Isberner, Dan Wu
2007 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning  
The view of the next papers is a bit more general, as their authors consider various aspects of probabilistic networks.  ...  the authors, PC members and chairs of one year in the organization of the following year.  ...  They use a paraconsistent approach to integrate different knowledge bases and conduct reasoning even with the presence of inconsistent information in the database.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ijar.2006.10.001 fatcat:tedk7havrzeyzmzabcidr2cn5a

On Uncertain Probabilistic Data Modeling

Teng Lv, Ping Yan, Weimin He
2016 International Journal of Database Theory and Application  
Organizations. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Probabilistic models in relational databases are given in Section 2. XML probabilistic data models are given in Section 3.  ...  Probabilistic graphs are a natural model representation in many applications, such as mobile ad-hoc networks, social networks, traffic networks, biological networks, genome databases, medical records,  ... 
doi:10.14257/ijdta.2016.9.12.17 fatcat:p6kufmldwfhwrdeit3nntpxmsi

Probabilistic Reasoning in Bayesian Networks: A Relational Database Approach [chapter]

S. K. Michael Wong, Dan Wu, Cory J. Butz
2003 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We adapt a method for answering queries in database theory to the setting of probabilistic reasoning in Bayesian networks.  ...  Probabilistic reasoning in Bayesian networks is normally conducted on a junction tree by repeatedly applying the local propagation whenever new evidence is observed.  ...  In this paper, by exploring the intriguing relationship between Bayesian networks and relational databases [5] , we propose a new approach for probabilistic reasoning by treating it as a database query  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-44886-1_54 fatcat:dnld6soryrb3hl4vzw4cp3puha

A Reference Architecture for Probabilistic Ontology Development

Richard Haberlin, Paulo Cesar G. da Costa, Kathryn B. Laskey
2013 Semantic Technologies for Intelligence, Defense, and Security  
Representation of uncertainty in real-world problems requires probabilistic ontologies, which integrate the inferential reasoning power of probabilistic representations with the first-order expressivity  ...  The use of ontologies is on the rise, as they facilitate interoperability and provide support for automation.  ...  Multi-Entity Bayesian Network (MEBN) learning also takes advantage of the structure associated with a relational database.  ... 
dblp:conf/stids/HaberlinCL13 fatcat:wa3t3j6mzbgzvkr3qdvgzmb2a4

Kognitor: Big Data Real-Time Reasoning and Probabilistic Programming

Arinze Anikwue, Boniface Kabaso
2021 International Journal on Data Science and Technology  
To handle uncertainty in big data, probabilistic reasoning is used to develop probabilistic models that specify generic knowledge in different topics.  ...  Evaluation of this framework is also presented in this paper using a case study to highlight the crucial potential of probabilistic programming to achieve simplification of model development and enable  ...  Figaro allows the design of a probabilistic model using either Bayesian network, Markov models, or a combination of both.  ... 
doi:10.11648/j.ijdst.20210702.12 fatcat:7qaf6rnotrfzlokoa4a54sm4nu

Models and Issues on Probabilistic Data Streams with Bayesian Networks

Hideyuki Kawashima, Ryo Sato, Hiroyuki Kitagawa
2008 2008 International Symposium on Applications and the Internet  
This paper proposes the integration of probabilistic data streams and relational database by using Bayesian networks that is one of the most famous techniques for expressing uncertain contexts.  ...  A Bayesian network is modeled as an abstract data type in an object relational database, and we define signatures to extract a probabilistic relation from a Bayesian network.  ...  When a SPE receives an event, possible events can be reasoned from it, and the result of reasoning can be used for the estimation or anticipation of the physical world.  ... 
doi:10.1109/saint.2008.108 dblp:conf/saint/KawashimaSK08 fatcat:igjju2m6bralrc2zjjeut6a74a

Truth maintenance system with probabilistic constraints for enhanced level two fusion

Subrata Das, D. Lawless
2005 2005 7th International Conference on Information Fusion  
Inconsistencies in the SA BN are resolved by a combination of techniques including sensitivity analysis, default reasoning, consistency 'forcing', or seeking new evidence.  ...  The approach is applicable to any relational database by converting database entries into evidence for the probabilistic constraints.  ...  Joseph A. Karakowski, of the US Army CECOM, at Fort Monmouth, NJ, for his support on this project.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icif.2005.1591966 fatcat:qmhmibrcyveafgapbufdz3gjvi

An Extended Maritime Domain Awareness Probabilistic Ontology Derived from Human-aided Multi-Entity Bayesian Networks Learning

Cheol Young Park, Kathryn Blackmond Laskey, Paulo C. G. Costa
2016 Semantic Technologies for Intelligence, Defense, and Security  
For this reason, a process for Human-aided MEBN Learning in PSAW (HMLP) was suggested. In previous work, we used UMP-ST to develop the PROGNOS probabilistic ontology.  ...  PR-OWL is a language that extends OWL with semantics based on Multi-Entity Bayesian Networks (MEBN), a Bayesian probabilistic logic.  ...  MFrags in an MTheory are used to generate instances of fragments of BN. The fragments of BN are combined to form a Bayesian network, called a situation-specific Bayesian Network (SSBN).  ... 
dblp:conf/stids/ParkLC16 fatcat:dfdhm6xhfjhgjgbdmlaomyysae

Belief networks revisited

Judea Pearl
1993 Artificial Intelligence  
in uncertain environments, and to study causation, nonmonotonicity, action, change, and attention, l The following is a brief personal account of the development of belief networks, both before and after  ...  the publication of Fusion, although space permits but a sketchy account of the wealth of recent developments in this area. 2  ...  , including probabilistic, graphical, correlational, and database dependencies.  ... 
doi:10.1016/0004-3702(93)90169-c fatcat:wbbmxq64rzf5hkorhzjdhn7rgy

Applicability of Data Mining Technique Using Bayesians Network in Diagnosis of Genetic Diseases

Hugo Pereira
2013 International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications  
So, it has been used classification techniques based in decision trees, probabilistic networks (Naïve Bayes, TAN e BAN) and neural MLP network (Multi-Layer Perception) and training algorithm by error retro-propagation  ...  Described tools capable of propagating evidence and developing techniques of generating efficient inference techniques to combine expert knowledge with data defined in a database.  ...  For the extraction of knowledge from the organized data are used mining tools known as data (MD), which may incorporate statistical techniques, probabilistic inferences and / or of AI, capable of providing  ... 
doi:10.14569/ijacsa.2013.040107 fatcat:4ftmqtydyfe5hfzrziog3yd5uu

Envisioning uncertainty in geospatial information

Kathryn Blackmond Laskey, Edward J. Wright, Paulo C.G. da Costa
2010 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning  
Use of a Bayesian approach also drives a requirement for appropriate probabilistic information in geospatial data quality metadata.  ...  Although maps have always been a focal point for developing situational awareness, the dawning era of network-centric operations brings the promise of unprecedented battlefield advantage due to improved  ...  An automated system can store probabilistic knowledge as metadata in a PR-OWL probabilistic ontology, and use a reasoning tool such as UNBBayes-MEBN to construct a Bayesian network at each pixel to combine  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ijar.2009.05.011 fatcat:a7p63yzuhfdp5f2tg5ib2gstre

Designing an Internet-based group decision support system

Kung-Jeng Wang, Chen-Fu Chien
2003 Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing  
reasoning model for a certain situation or by a Bayesian network-based reasoning model for a probabilistic situation.  ...  Two major functionalities are identified and developed-(i) an information classification and retrieval module that supports the collection of opinions and ideas sharing from an organization.  ...  Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge the helpful comments and suggestions of the two anonymous referees and the editor, Professor W.G. Sullivan. This  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0736-5845(02)00063-7 fatcat:ealqhh3uznfp3kg3nsictiqagi

Motion Planning In Metabolic Pathways Using Probabilistic Roadmap and A* Algorithms

Angela Makolo, Obotu Ojobo
2020 Zenodo  
The probabilistic roadmap (PRM) algorithm is then used to construct the roadmap (graph) using its local planner function while modelling a group of pool metabolites as obstacles.  ...  Choice pathways from KEGG database in KGML format (i.e. xml format for KEGG) were used to test the system, which revealed that the results were consistent with other pathway search tools with reasonable  ...  However it infers pathways across all of the data in KEGG, but for some applications, researchers may be only interested in the metabolic network of a single organism or several related organisms.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4431060 fatcat:fy55bffmnvddvhyyghkg3yh3qm

Link and Node Prediction in Metabolic Networks with Probabilistic Logic [chapter]

Angelika Kimmig, Fabrizio Costa
2012 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Here we start to investigate two fundamental problems concerning automatic metabolic networks curation, namely link prediction and node prediction using ProbLog, a simple yet powerful extension of the  ...  Information on metabolic processes for hundreds of organisms is available in public databases. However, this information is often incomplete or affected by uncertainty.  ...  Acknowledgments A. Kimmig is supported by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO Vlaanderen). F.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-31830-6_29 fatcat:tqtgc5g7rbheznqtqokhoi5tpy
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