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Web 3.0 in Decision Support Systems

Ahmet Doğan, İsmail Söylemez, Uğur Özcan, Selçuk Kürşat İşleyen
2019 Figshare  
Machines can contact both with people or machines in Web 3.0.Web 3.0 in Decision Support Systems that is new developing web technologies help the decision maker for decision making process.  ...  Web 3.0 is the last evolution of web that requires Web 2.0 technologies, semantic web and artificial intelligence.The Web 3.0 technology is a system that includes Web 2.0 technologies (that provides rich  ...  Web 3.0 technology is given in detail according to Web 2.0, semantic web and artificial intelligence. Decision Support Systems DSS facilitates decision making process for organizations.  ... 
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.7565897 fatcat:hwex75hpdne4th43vrmn2irqke

Evolutionary Information and Decision Support Systems: An Integration Based on Ontologies [chapter]

Maria V. Hurtado, Jose Parets
2001 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Systems and Decision Support Systems must be modeled.  ...  One of the main motivations of our emphasis on Semantic Views building is the possibility of sharing and reusing knowledge between the Information System, the Decision Support System and other external  ...  Consequently, a new semantic representation can be considered in order to take into account the evolution of both kinds of systems (Information and Decision Support).  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-45654-6_12 fatcat:dztd3qfoave6fou4ishuakdij4

Use semantic decision tables to improve meaning evolution support systems

Yan Tang, Robert Meersman
2010 International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems  
Meaning Evolution Support Systems have been recently introduced as a real-time, scalable, community-based cooperative systems to support the ontology evolution.  ...  We embed Semantic Decision Tables in DOGMA-MESS to illustrate our approach. Semantic Decision Tables play the roles in both top-down and bottom-up processes of the meaning evolution cycle.  ...  Acknowledgements The research is partly supported by the EC Prolix project. Use Semantic Decision Tables to Improve Meaning Evolution Support Systems  ... 
doi:10.1504/ijaacs.2010.030314 fatcat:qvevyowk4nahdispdxq5r4ggby

Semantic Web Tools and Decision-Making [chapter]

Francisco Antunes, Manuela Freire, João Paulo Costa
2014 Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing  
use.  ...  In this paper the general objectives of the semantic web tools are reviewed and characterized, as well as the categories of decision support tools, in order to establish an intersection of utility and  ...  Acknowledgements: This work has been partially supported by FCT under project grant PEst-C/EEI/UI0308/2011.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-07179-4_31 fatcat:fkgidorpdnedvp6ztslcqvyhf4

A Semantic Data Model: Meaning Making from Data Structures in the SQL Server

Sanjay Ramesh, Anthony Henderson
2018 Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Business Intelligence  
The paper will discuss various decision support and semantic approaches to information design and delivery and argue that the traditional modes of solution delivery do not include meaning making of the  ...  Using Christian Fürber's methodology on semantic programming, the analytics team developed a semantic model that enabled detailed definition of fields and the discovery of information using semantic search  ...  LITERATURE REVIEW It is useful to understand the evolution of major data models as each generation of information theorists allowed greater support for databases.  ... 
doi:10.20473/jisebi.4.2.106-115 fatcat:vj2q6qqx7ng2jjt23rv2vp5xda

Towards Group Decision Making via Semantic Decision Tables and Blackboards

Cristián Vásquez, Yan Tang Demey
2013 Web Science Conference  
In this paper, we explore the idea of using artifacts called Blackboards for Decision Tables to support collaborative and incremental evolution of a network of Semantic Decision Tables, which we expect  ...  In these environments, coming up with coherent collective decision systems is difficult, especially in environments where central "authorities" are lacking.  ...  In this paper, we will use semantic decision tables as the studied models.  ... 
dblp:conf/websci/VasquezD13 fatcat:jvp4rmice5h3vl2alqriuisw44

Implementing the Main Functionalities Required by Semantic Search in Decision-Support Systems

Sabina-Cristiana Necula
2014 International Journal of Computers Communications & Control  
As a conclusion, we demonstrate that in order to improve decision-making semantic search there is a need of special constructions that a query language must support.  ...  This paper exploits different semantic web technologies and builds a prototype of semantic web mashup functionality based on an architecture proposed by us.  ...  Introduction The main problem treated by the present article is: improving Decision Support Systems (DSS) means improving search which leads to the semantic interoperability problem.  ... 
doi:10.15837/ijccc.2012.5.1349 fatcat:f7jcl3itgrhhvd6e77ng4icw5q

Cognitive Twins for Supporting Decision-Makings of Internet of Things Systems [article]

Jinzhi Lu, Xiaochen Zheng, Ali Gharaei, Kostas Kalaboukas, Dimitris Kiritsis
2020 arXiv   pre-print
Cognitive Twins (CT) are proposed as Digital Twins (DT) with augmented semantic capabilities for identifying the dynamics of virtual model evolution, promoting the understanding of interrelationships between  ...  Based on the comparison between DT and CT, we infer the CT is a more comprehensive approach to support IoT-based systems development than DT.  ...  Acknowledgement The work presented in this paper was supported by the EU H2020 project (869951) FACTLOG-Energy-aware Factory Analytics for Process Industries and EU H2020 project (825030) QU4LITY Digital  ... 
arXiv:1912.08547v5 fatcat:xw27fgusavhe3hr7nfuauylpvq

Monitoring Software Quality Evolution by Analyzing Deviation Trends of Modularity Views

Tianmei Zhu, Yijian Wu, Xin Peng, Zhenchang Xing, Wenyun Zhao
2011 2011 18th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering  
We conduct an empirical study on three open-source systems, which confirms that continuous monitoring of deviation trends of modularity views can provide useful feedbacks for future evolution decisions  ...  In this paper, we propose an approach for monitoring the degradation trends of software design in evolution and providing useful feedbacks for evolution decisions.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT The work presented in this paper is supported by Natural Science Foundation of China under grants 90818009, 60903013.  ... 
doi:10.1109/wcre.2011.35 dblp:conf/wcre/ZhuWPXZ11 fatcat:jt6oy4t7lbcgvjr23acbmmhsle

Semantic web and decision support systems

Francisco Antunes, Manuela Freire, João Paulo Costa
2015 Journal of Decision Systems  
Acknowledgements 15 This work was partially supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under project grant PEst-OE/EEI/UI308/2014.  ...  Table 1 . 1 Intersection of the semantic web and decision support.  ...  systems (KMDSS): systems 40 that support decision-making in aiding knowledge storage, retrieval, transfer and application, by means of supporting individual and organisational memory and inter-group  ... 
doi:10.1080/12460125.2015.1087293 fatcat:6oq24q2hcvhkblt4bui456kbgi

An Overview of Semantically-Based TCM Telemedicine Systems [chapter]

Jackei H. K. Wong, Wilfred W. K. Lin
2015 IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology  
With the application of semantic network and ontology, knowledge and experience will then be kept and stored in a semantic manner, which facilitates effective and efficient knowledge exchange and sharing  ...  The underlying principles of such a TCM telemedicine system were briefly explored.  ...  It is useful to compare the TCM Curative and Decision Support System with the 3 Layer Architecture of the UMLS consultation system.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-25261-2_2 fatcat:l7pixjze6zgopjw7br7rbrgvxa

Knowledge Evolution System for Dynamic Emergency Planning and Response

Saravanan Muthaiyah, Murali Raman, Magiswary Dorasamy
2010 2010 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences  
This paper suggests the use of multi-agent systems for implementation of a more reliable and dynamic emergency planning and response system that can support the evolutionary nature of knowledge in emergencies  ...  We demonstrate how multi-agents are implemented for knowledge evolution and change management using the JADE platform.  ...  Groupware, decision support systems, expert systems and other forms of collaborative systems are examples of technology related to knowledge management [1] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/hicss.2010.463 dblp:conf/hicss/MuthaiyahRD10 fatcat:rurme4x4hfbvhdv6cvagecvqwe

The semantic learning organization

Miguel‐Ángel Sicilia, Miltiadis D. Lytras, Miltiadis D. Lytras
2005 Learning Organization  
In this paper, the potential role of the Semantic Web as a driver for enhanced learning organizations is analyzed, and a conceptual framework for the notion of a semantic learning organization is provided  ...  Such an approach to achieving a "semantic learning organization" gives a complementary perspective to existing "educational Semantic Web" propositions.  ...  Decision-making Decision making can be informed by gathering relevant information for the decision at hand by using ontologies as the link between organization-wide information repositories.  ... 
doi:10.1108/09696470510611375 fatcat:li5jo6filjhblnv66wyedxbt74

Traceability in the Co-evolution of Architectural Requirements and Design [chapter]

Antony Tang, Peng Liang, Viktor Clerc, Hans van Vliet
2011 Relating Software Requirements and Architectures  
We demonstrate an implementation of semantic wiki that supports traceability of co-evolving requirements specifications and architecture design.  ...  In this scenario, many people are involved in the development of the system, and the knowledge used in the development is discovered incrementally over time.  ...  , and NSFC under Grant No.60903034, QuASAK: Quality Assurance in Software architecting process using Architectural Knowledge.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-21001-3_4 fatcat:j3xv4ej4rvhbtp5r3wlmvpcduy

The Social Representation of IT Governance: The Standpoint of IT Professionals

Luiz Antonio Joia, Valéria Cristina Salvador Torres
2022 BAR: Brazilian Administration Review  
Empirical data were collected via online questionnaires answered by IT professionals, being subsequently analyzed by means of the social representation theory (SRT) operationalized via the words evocation  ...  Peripheral system elements The Decision, Guidelines, and Standardization semantic categories, located in the lower right quadrant in Table 4 , were identified as components of the peripheral system of  ...  ITG is the system by which current and future IT use is guided International Organization and controlled.  ... 
doi:10.1590/1807-7692bar2022210044 fatcat:dbonlgobenekxozvozrdleizvi
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