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Online Scheduling of Equal-Length Jobs: Randomization and Restarts Help [chapter]

Marek Chrobak, Wojciech Jawor, Jiří Sgall, Tomáš Tichý
2004 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We consider the following scheduling problem. The input is a set of jobs with equal processing times, where each job is specified by its release time and deadline.  ...  The goal is to determine a single-processor, non-preemptive schedule that maximizes the number of completed jobs. In the online version, each job arrives at its release time.  ...  We wish to express our gratitude to the anonymous referees, whose numerous and insightful suggestions helped us simplify some arguments and significantly improve the presentation of the paper.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-27836-8_32 fatcat:5ptyjqpd5rglpn4tuccy37nxpq

Online Scheduling of Equal‐Length Jobs: Randomization and Restarts Help

Marek Chrobak, Wojciech Jawor, Jiří Sgall, Tomáš Tichý
2007 SIAM journal on computing (Print)  
We consider the following scheduling problem. The input is a set of jobs with equal processing times, where each job is specified by its release time and deadline.  ...  The goal is to determine a single-processor, non-preemptive schedule that maximizes the number of completed jobs. In the online version, each job arrives at its release time.  ...  We wish to express our gratitude to the anonymous referees, whose numerous and insightful suggestions helped us simplify some arguments and significantly improve the presentation of the paper.  ... 
doi:10.1137/s0097539704446608 fatcat:qx76wez7mrfx5lkl4j27pvidq4

Online Scheduling of Bounded Length Jobs to Maximize Throughput [article]

Christoph Durr, Lukasz Jez, Nguyen Kim Thang
2009 arXiv   pre-print
We consider an online scheduling problem, motivated by the issues present at the joints of networks using ATM and TCP/IP.  ...  More formally, we consider the online scheduling problem with preemptions, where each job j is revealed at release time r_j, has processing time p_j, deadline d_j and weight w_j.  ...  Let b = f ( , 0), a = max{e, b} and c = f ( , a). At time s we release a job A of length a + c and deadline s + a + b + c, as well as a job B of length a + b and tight deadline.  ... 
arXiv:0902.2209v3 fatcat:xcfd5du3gvcpnnzlltg542aktu

Fault-tolerant parallel scheduling of arbitrary length jobs on a shared channel [article]

Marek Klonowski, Dariusz R. Kowalski, Jarosław Mirek, Prudence W.H. Wong
2018 arXiv   pre-print
We have n arbitrary length jobs to be scheduled on m identical machines, f of which are prone to crashes by an adversary.  ...  We also prove that randomization helps even more, but only against a non-adaptive adversary; in the presence of more severe adaptive adversary, randomization does not help in any setting.  ...  We also showed that randomization helps in case of the non-adaptive adversary, lowering the cost of preemptive scheduling to the absolute lower bound L+Ω(m √ L+mα), while it does not help against more  ... 
arXiv:1710.07380v4 fatcat:id6v7t3myvbpnmuhlcixmer3qy

A Reinforcement Learning Approach to job-shop Scheduling

Wei Zhang, Thomas G. Dietterich
1995 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence  
We apply reinforce merit learning methods to learn domain-specific heuristics for job shop scheduling A repair-based scheduler starts with a critical-path schedule and incrementally repairs constraint  ...  load processing task The evaluation function is trained on problems involving a small number of jobs and then tested on larger proble ms The TD sclied uler performs better than the best known existing  ...  Acknowledgements I he authors thank Rich Sutton and Monte Zweben for several helpful discussions The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of NASA grant NAG 2-630 from NASA Ames Research Center Additional  ... 
dblp:conf/ijcai/ZhangD95 fatcat:pvo4xtfc3zatxdmbg62sktusau

Models and Strategies for Variants of the Job Shop Scheduling Problem [chapter]

Diarmuid Grimes, Emmanuel Hebrard
2011 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
In this paper, we introduce an adaptation of this technique for an important subclass of job shop scheduling problems (JSPs), where the objective function involves minimization of earliness/tardiness costs  ...  Recently, a variety of constraint programming and Boolean satisfiability approaches to scheduling problems have been introduced.  ...  The latter (in italic font, and referred to as HTS+ in Table 5 ) were run "without limit of computation time".  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-23786-7_28 fatcat:sjpglua3pfd4nijqrya2dgpvqe

An Efficient Search Method for Job-Shop Scheduling Problems

L. Shi, Y. Pan
2005 IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering  
Motivated by recent success of local search methods in solving the job-shop scheduling problem, we propose a new diversification technique based on relaxing and subsequently reimposing the capacity constraints  ...  One of the remaining obstacles, however, is the fact that scheduling problems arising from many production environments, including job-shops, are extremely difficult to solve.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT We would like to thank the associate editor and two anonymous referees for their helpful comments and suggestions, which have helped strengthen the content and presentation of this paper  ... 
doi:10.1109/tase.2004.829418 fatcat:pxjoc3bi45e2biysem7f3sorsy

Deep Reinforcement Learning Guided Improvement Heuristic for Job Shop Scheduling [article]

Cong Zhang, Zhiguang Cao, Wen Song, Yaoxin Wu, Jie Zhang
2024 arXiv   pre-print
Recent studies in using deep reinforcement learning (DRL) to solve Job-shop scheduling problems (JSSP) focus on construction heuristics.  ...  We design a Graph Neural-Network-based representation scheme, consisting of two modules to effectively capture the information of dynamic topology and different types of nodes in graphs encountered during  ...  This research was also supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 62102228, and the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province under Grant ZR2021QF063.  ... 
arXiv:2211.10936v3 fatcat:hcpkivoitrflho7givld2zz56y

On-line scheduling of parallel jobs with runtime restrictions

Stefan Bischof, Ernst W. Mayr
2001 Theoretical Computer Science  
We assume that there is not su cient knowledge about the running times and the number of jobs generated in order to precompute a schedule for such applications.  ...  on the runtime ratio of all generated jobs.  ...  Acknowledgements We would like to thank Klaus Jansen for helpful suggestions for the analysis of the LEVEL(FF) algorithm, and JiÄ rà Sgall and an anonymous referee for their valuable comments.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0304-3975(00)00260-7 fatcat:bohibnemzfcrxbxbr2mhpojnuy

Self-regulation and Autonomy in the Job Search: Key Factors to Support Job Search Among Swiss Job Seekers

Tawanna R Dillahunt, Lucas Siqueira Rodrigues, Joey Chiao-Yin Hsiao, Mauro Cherubini
2022 Interacting with computers  
We introduce the concept of self-regulation to the TPB as an explanatory construct and contribute design and theoretical implications to support autonomy among job seekers with less control of their job  ...  Using the theory of planned behavior (TPB), we sought to understand how the tools affected job search self-efficacy, subjective norms and job search attitudes—the three factors that influence a job seekers  ...  We also would like to thank Aarti Israni, Alex Lu, Marianne Schmid Mast, Dinesh Babu Jayagopi, Rafael Lalive and Mingzhi Cai for providing feedback on an earlier version of the article.  ... 
doi:10.1093/iwc/iwac008 fatcat:pui6rbu4zbaoldb6km6jons7l4

Truth and Regret in Online Scheduling [article]

Shuchi Chawla, Nikhil Devanur, Janardhan Kulkarni, Rad Niazadeh
2017 arXiv   pre-print
Selfish clients submit jobs, each with an arrival time, deadline, length, and value.  ...  The service provider's goal is to implement a truthful online mechanism for scheduling jobs so as to maximize the social welfare of the schedule.  ...  Scheduling algorithms with random restarts Robustness of the benchmark.  ... 
arXiv:1703.00484v1 fatcat:btsht2ncibardb4si3fz4et6eu

Mathematical modeling and multi-objective evolutionary algorithms applied to dynamic flexible job shop scheduling problems

Xiao-Ning Shen, Xin Yao
2015 Information Sciences  
New jobs are assigned random weights such that the weights of 20% of jobs are 1, 60% are 2, and 20% are 4 [26].  ...  [38] focused on the implementation concept of a discrete event simulation based "online near-real-time" dynamic scheduling system using conjunctive simulated scheduling.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ins.2014.11.036 fatcat:olk63x4qkfgnplmt54rbyjcwr4

Flexible job-shop scheduling problem with resource recovery constraints

Jobish Vallikavungal Devassia, M. Angélica Salazar-Aguilar, Vincent Boyer
2018 International Journal of Production Research  
Developing, in such an environment, a detailed schedule of the tasks to be performed helps maintain efficiency and control operations.  ...  N 5 : Swapping two jobs A subsequence of operations from solution x 0 is randomly selected such that its length is approximately 15% of the total number of operations.  ... 
doi:10.1080/00207543.2017.1420262 fatcat:mgip25ejvvbjdkq6uipm7yizje

Monte-Carlo Tree-Search for Leveraging Performance of Blackbox Job-Shop Scheduling Heuristics [article]

Florian Wimmenauer, Matúš Mihalák, Mark H. M. Winands
2022 arXiv   pre-print
We consider such a setting with a black-box job-shop system and an unknown scheduling heuristic that, for a given permutation of jobs, schedules the jobs for the black-box job-shop with the goal of minimizing  ...  The performance of the black-box heuristic depends on the order of the jobs, and the natural problem for the manufacturer is to find an optimum ordering of the jobs.  ...  Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Michael Leer and Andreas Schuhmacher for their help on the industrial case study.  ... 
arXiv:2212.07543v1 fatcat:rxv4rbfnknav7gcot3nfw4rary

A global-local neighborhood search algorithm and tabu search for flexible job shop scheduling problem

Nayeli Jazmin Escamilla Serna, Juan Carlos Seck-Tuoh-Mora, Joselito Medina-Marin, Norberto Hernandez-Romero, Irving Barragan-Vite, Jose Ramon Corona Armenta
2021 PeerJ Computer Science  
solutions called smart-cells generates and shares information that helps to optimize instances of the FJSP.  ...  The Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem (FJSP) is a combinatorial problem that continues to be studied extensively due to its practical implications in manufacturing systems and emerging new variants,  ...  of the paper, and approved the final draft.  ... 
doi:10.7717/peerj-cs.574 pmid:34141895 pmcid:PMC8176541 fatcat:e37mso4ybjcntevlmw7dvp2a2u
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