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11,182 Hits in 5.6 sec

Safe Reinforcement Learning Using Probabilistic Shields (Invited Paper)

Nils Jansen, Bettina Könighofer, Sebastian Junges, Alex Serban, Roderick Bloem, Laura Kovács, Igor Konnov
2020 International Conference on Concurrency Theory  
We introduce the concept of a probabilistic shield that enables RL decision-making to adhere to safety constraints with high probability.  ...  This paper concerns the efficient construction of a safety shield for reinforcement learning.  ...  Shielding and probabilistic specifications The difference and novel contribution of this paper with the aforementioned papers is rooted in the consideration of stochastic behavior, which is natural to  ... 
doi:10.4230/lipics.concur.2020.3 dblp:conf/concur/0001KJSB20 fatcat:tzfcbfjalnekfdclxw765oc23u

Power-Aware Mobile Multimedia: a Survey (Invited Paper)

Jiucai Zhang, Dalei Wu, Song Ci, Haohong Wang, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos
2009 Journal of Communications  
In [15], an offline C OMMUNICATION S YSTEM linear programming method has been proposed to deter- A conceptual power-aware mobile multimedia system mine  ...  As a result, the receiver can negotiate with the media server/proxy to have a desired complexity level based on their resource constraints.  ... 
doi:10.4304/jcm.4.9.600-613 fatcat:fvqqtlrpbzcvxa2yvbnwlzj7ke

Aspects of wind energy characteristics in transmission related optimisation models: Invited panel discussion paper

Daniel J. Burke, Mark J. O'Malley
2011 2011 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting  
This invited panel paper discussion will outline a number of aspects of wind energy characteristics relevant to the optimal wind/transmission model formulation task.  ...  Optimization constraint matrix structure and techniques to exploit it will be shown to be of considerable importance for this type of problem.  ...  EPRI Knoxville USA (formerly of the Electricity Research Centre, University College Dublin), to the guidance and implementation of the stochastic unit commitment study-cases in Section IV of this panel paper  ... 
doi:10.1109/pes.2011.6039055 fatcat:bzys7hyp6rc5do6uwjscg3qj5e

Mitigating hard capacity constraints with inventory in facility location modeling

Kayse Lee Maass, Mark S. Daskin, Siqian Shen
2015 IIE Transactions  
"Risk Optimization in Probabilistic Programs with Single or Multiple Chance Constraints," 24.  ...  Matrix operations, basic convex analysis, mathematical modeling with emphasis on linear programming; introduction to integer programming, network optimization, and dynamic programming; simplex algorithms  ... 
doi:10.1080/0740817x.2015.1078015 fatcat:hag2xzcyrjhvhl2rqzx3dtu4wa

Special Issue on Event-Triggered Control and Filtering of Distributed Networked Systems

Qing-Long Han, Lei Ding, Xiaohua Ge
2020 IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man & Cybernetics. Systems  
controller for a class of continuous-time constrained input nonlinear systems with unknown dynamics, where an online data-driven identifier using an event-sampled critic-only adaptive dynamic programming  ...  This Special Issue starts with the invited survey paper "Dynamic Event-Triggered Distributed Coordination Control and Its Applications: A Survey of Trends and Techniques" by Ge et al., which provides an  ... 
doi:10.1109/tsmc.2020.3010238 fatcat:7uxtwnnbgrgl5mfx45f2hsfxgy

The Seventeenth International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS-07)

Mark Boddy, Maria Fox, Sylvie Thiébaux
2008 The AI Magazine  
The conference was co-located with the Thirteenth International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP-07).  ...  The program consisted of tutorials, workshops, system demonstrations, a doctoral consortium, and three days of technical presentations mostly in parallel sessions.  ...  The program featured three invited plenary presentations, the latter two of which were joint with CP-07.  ... 
doi:10.1609/aimag.v29i3.2162 fatcat:gootkj3xqvfadceypalmxoy7oy

Front Matter, Table of Contents, Preface, Organization, List of Authors

Ioannis Chatzigiannakis, Michael Mitzenmacher, Yuval Rabani, Davide Sangiorgi, Marc Herbstritt
2016 International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming  
This volume of the proceedings contains all contributed papers presented at the conference together with the papers and abstracts of the invited speakers.The program of ICALP 2017 also included presentation  ...  ., they are available online and free of charge. In response to the call for papers, a total 459 submissions were received: 296 for track A, 108 for track B, and 55 for track C.  ... 
doi:10.4230/lipics.icalp.2016.0 dblp:conf/icalp/X16 fatcat:lzsx5hctcfe3tndgnxm7h7cru4

Regression From Uncertain Labels and Its Applications to Soft Biometrics

Shuicheng Yan, Huan Wang, Xiaoou Tang, Jianzhuang Liu, Thomas S. Huang
2008 IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security  
constraints.  ...  These two tasks are generally formulated as the automatic design of a regressor from training samples with uncertain nonnegative labels.  ...  Online.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tifs.2008.2006585 fatcat:kkj6ydw76fgetm5jxmisl2lbje

[Front cover]

2021 2021 IEEE 10th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference (DDCLS)  
The DDCLS'21 technical program comprises 10 regular sessions, 22 invited sessions, 1 best paper award session and 2 poster sessions.  ...  Zhang Technical Program Chair Dear Friends and Colleagues, Invited Session Chairs Prof.  ...  RC often suffers the robustness problem, including stability robustness against uncertain parameters of systems and performance robustness against uncertain or time-varying period-time of external signals  ... 
doi:10.1109/ddcls52934.2021.9455714 fatcat:7re73ov7xnelhdz7xhnko4j6dq

Network-Constrained Robust Unit Commitment for Hybrid AC/DC Transmission Grids [article]

L. P. M. I. Sampath, M. Hotz, H. B. Gooi, W. Utschick
2018 arXiv   pre-print
Therewith, the optimal schedule is computed subject to the feasibility of AC network constraints (AC-NCs) at predetermined uncertain realizations.  ...  by the uncertain demand and the fluctuating power output of renewable energy sources (RESs).  ...  Consequently, its network constraints and hence (8) is approximated with the decoupled network representation for the ACG. The resulting linear program is solved using CPLEX.  ... 
arXiv:1811.08754v1 fatcat:37ju3lbdd5c6lbffa6d6jb77ra

The AAAI-13 Conference Workshops

Vikas Agrawal, Christopher Archibald, Mehul Bhatt, Hung Bui, Diane J. Cook, Juan Cortés, Christopher Geib, Vibhav Gogate, Hans W. Guesgen, Dietmar Jannach, Michael Johanson, Kristian Kersting (+11 others)
2013 The AI Magazine  
in Computational Biology (WS-13-06); Combining Constraint Solving with Mining and Learning (WS-13-07); Computer Poker and Imperfect Information (WS-13-08); Expanding the Boundaries of Health Informatics  ...  The AAAI-13 Workshop Program, a part of the 27th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, was held Sunday and Monday, July 14–15, 2013 at the Hyatt Regency Bellevue Hotel in Bellevue, Washington, USA  ...  The workshop program comprised two invited talks and six peer-reviewed research papers.  ... 
doi:10.1609/aimag.v34i4.2511 fatcat:lv4sqkibebcfpmu7ne64fenqt4

Advances in Supply Chain Finance and FinTech Innovations Overview

Panos Kouvelis, Ling Dong, Danko Turcic
2020 Foundations and Trends® in Technology Information and Operations Management  
ISSN paper version 1571-9545. ISSN online version 1571-9553. Also available as a combined paper and online subscription.  ...  Least Squares Monte Carlo and Approximate Linear Programming with an Energy Real Option Application Operations Research. 60(3): 566-580. Kouvelis, P. and W. Zhao (2016).  ...  For example, the story associated with the well-known newsvendor model is one of stocking for an upcoming selling season that will happen x units of time from now, where x is exogenous.  ... 
doi:10.1561/0200000096 fatcat:abuac3msqnb5pa3gqbyhzj2c6i

Nursing education and complexity pedagogy: Faculty experiences with an e-learning platform

Gail Joyce Mitchell, Beryl Pilkington, Christine M. Jonas-Simpson, Isolde Daiski, Nadine L. Cross, Nancy Johnston, Caroline P. O'Grady, Eva H. Peisachovich, Sannie Y. Tang
2016 Journal of Nursing Education and Practice  
Methods: The approach is non-linear and student-centered.  ...  Individual faculty first wrote about their experiences of e-learning with complexity pedagogy and then collaborated to generate this descriptive report.  ...  and with the lack of time constraints, like a week for each discussion."  ... 
doi:10.5430/jnep.v6n5p60 fatcat:uuly5apgpfa35l27fkhpvlvbwy

Simulation education in the Internet age: Some experiences on the use of pure online and blended learning models

Pau Fonseca, Angel A. Juan, Lluis M. Pla, Sara V. Rodriguez, Javier Faulin
2009 Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)  
In the paper, several course designs are covered and main difficulties associated with these online courses are highlighted and discussed.  ...  In this paper we analyze several cases related to three different Spanish universities that make use of the World Wide Web to teach simulation courses online.  ...  The MISIO course begins with a general overview of the OR discipline and with an analysis of the basic linear programming concepts and techniques.  ... 
doi:10.1109/wsc.2009.5429336 dblp:conf/wsc/FonsecaJPRF09 fatcat:opv5p66o5fhktigj6iu3i663xa

Artificial Intelligence for Low-Resource Communities: Influence Maximization in an Uncertain World [article]

Amulya Yadav
2019 arXiv   pre-print
Each uncertain edge in the input network is randomly kept with probability u(e), or removed with probability 1 − u(e), to get an instantiated network with no uncertain edges.  ...  We suggest an ongoing public awareness campaign in the agencies working with this program to help overcome such fears and to encourage participation.  ... 
arXiv:1912.02102v1 fatcat:rtpw6mmupncydpxsw2b6q2lvra
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