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Online Accumulation: Reconstruction of Worm Propagation Path [chapter]

Yang Xiang, Qiang Li, Dong Guo
2008 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
This paper introduces the Accumulation Algorithm which can efficiently tracing worm origin and the initial propagation paths, and presents an improved online Accumulation Algorithm using sliding detection  ...  Results indicate that the online Accumulation Algorithm can accurately tracing worms and efficiently containing their propagation in an approximately real-time manner.  ...  Conclusions Online tracing the evolution of a worm outbreak reconstructs not only patient zero (i.e., the initial victim), but also the infection node list in evolution process.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-88140-7_15 fatcat:y3fzbt4hhzaobnyzvdrmt4dzm4

Reconstruction of Worm Propagation Path Using a Trace-back Approach [article]

Sara Asgari, Babak Sadeghiyan
2021 arXiv   pre-print
The results show that our algorithm can reconstruct the propagation path of worms with high recall and precision, on average around 0.96.  ...  Worm origin identification and propagation path reconstruction are essential problems in digital forensics. However, a small number of studies have specifically investigated these problems so far.  ...  It reconstructed the propagation path of the worm by walking backward in time along paths of flows.  ... 
arXiv:2108.07432v1 fatcat:ywqfi3jjg5hj3bdpae7hja42fu

Online identification of hierarchical heavy hitters

Yin Zhang, Sumeet Singh, Subhabrata Sen, Nick Duffield, Carsten Lund
2004 Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement - IMC '04  
In this paper, we focus on online identification of 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional hierarchical heavy hitters (HHHs), arguably the two most important scenarios in traffic analysis.  ...  We show that the problem of HHH detection can be transformed to one of dynamic packet classification by taking a top-down approach and adaptively creating new rules to match HHHs.  ...  , malicious activities such as denial of service attacks (DoS) [23] , and worm propagation [28] .  ... 
doi:10.1145/1028788.1028802 dblp:conf/imc/ZhangSSDL04 fatcat:faww7qvzefbhnmngpoe62m3twq

Treatise Online, no. 8, Part E, Revised, Volume 4, Chapter 9F: Functional morphology of the Paleozoic stromatoporoid skeleton

Colin Stearn
2011 Treatise Online  
The formation of some growth modules that project into the surrounding sediment in some laminate stromatoporoids may be difficult to reconstruct (Fig. 5,2, Fig. 6 ,2), but sediment must have accumulated  ...  SKELETAL FRAGMENTS AND PROPAGATION The highly branched forms and rapid growth rates of many modern scleractinians allow them to overgrow and shade their competitors and to propagate new colonies by fragmentation  ... 
doi:10.17161/to.v0i0.4077 fatcat:uj57wj3yjzchzjoy3pqnjh5kem

Privacy and security in online social networks: A survey

Imrul Kayes, Adriana Iamnitchi
2017 Online Social Networks and Media  
Online Social Networks (OSN) are a permanent presence in today's personal and professional lives of a huge segment of the population, with direct consequences to offline activities.  ...  Built on a foundation of trust-users connect to other users with common interests or overlapping personal trajectories-online social networks and the associated applications extract an unprecedented volume  ...  Thus, a fresh start to reconstruct the collection should be started from the beginning.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.osnem.2017.09.001 fatcat:xme5wwkyfbhnpgoiwgadknageq

Privacy Management of Multi User Environment in Online Social Networks (OSNs)

P. Amrutha
2013 IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering  
Online Social Networks (OSNs) are inherently designed to enable people to share personal and public information and make social connections with others.  ...  To this end, we propose an approach to enable the protection of shared data associated with multiple users in OSNs.  ...  Leena Ragha, Head of the Department of Computer Engineering, Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology and Prof.  ... 
doi:10.9790/0661-1320107 fatcat:rdpsdcqelbbzvkg5rm4og4tzba

Environmental Aspects of Zoonotic Diseases

Robert Armon, Uta Cheruti
2012 Water Intelligence Online  
This is an Open Access book distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licence (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), which permits copying and redistribution for non-commercial purposes, provided the  ...  In humans, ingested eggs will develop into mature larvae but not into mature worms (see below life cycle).  ...  The soil in the anthrax-affected region had been disturbed recently due to improvements in the irrigation system and reconstruction of channels and drainage systems.  ... 
doi:10.2166/9781780400761 fatcat:bydnntwffrhixnioaryjvwoexi

Opposing Bonsais

Mario Wenning, Universidad Loyola Andalusia, Seville, Spain
2021 Kritike: An Online Journal of Philosophy  
KRITIKE and the Department of Philosophy of the University of Santo Tomas do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles published.  ...  The copyright of an article published by the journal remains with its author; users are required to acknowledge the original authorship.  ...  The privileging of contemplative life dates back to ancient Greece, specifically to the tradition propagated by Plato and Aristotle.  ... 
doi:10.25138/15.3.cp fatcat:hkgixnp5iragve6twqjs7i25gm

A survey on data analysis on large-Scale wireless networks: online stream processing, trends, and challenges

Dianne S. V. Medeiros, Helio N. Cunha Neto, Martin Andreoni Lopez, Luiz Claudio S. Magalhães, Natalia C. Fernandes, Alex B. Vieira, Edelberto F. Silva, Diogo M. F. Mattos
2020 Journal of Internet Services and Applications  
Additionally, we explore the data preprocessing, feature engineering, and the machine learning algorithms applied to the scenario of wireless network analytics.  ...  We present the primary methods for sampling, data collection, and monitoring of wireless networks and we characterize knowledge extraction as a machine learning problem on big data stream processing.  ...  Acknowledgements We acknowledge colleagues of the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Samsung R&D Institute, and Universidade Federal de Juíz de Fora (UFJF) for their incentives and suggestions.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s13174-020-00127-2 fatcat:kpx2fyxxkreevga6r22nqdj6rq

SHELF: Preserving Business Continuity and Availability in an Intrusion Recovery System

Xi Xiong, Xiaoqi Jia, Peng Liu
2009 2009 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference  
Current intrusion recovery techniques often do not preserve the accumulated useful state of running applications and have very limited system availability when performing recovery routines.  ...  SHELF uses quarantine methods to prevent infection propagation so that uninfected and recovered objects can provide availability during the recovery phase.  ...  In some business services like online banking and MMO game hosting, a small amount of loss of business continuity and availability may cause great loss of money.  ... 
doi:10.1109/acsac.2009.52 dblp:conf/acsac/XiongJL09 fatcat:sms5irelbvgqpfehtar4bah5vq

Intrinsically aggregation-prone proteins form amyloid-like aggregates and contribute to tissue aging in C. elegans [article]

Chaolie Huang, Sara Wagner-Valladolid, Amberley D Stephens, Raimund Jung, Chetan Poudel, Tessa Sinnige, Marie C Lechler, Nicole Schlörit, Romain F Laine, Claire H Michel, Michele M Vendruscolo, Clemens F Kaminski (+2 others)
2018 bioRxiv   pre-print
In neurodegenerative diseases and amyloidoses, specific proteins self-assemble into amyloid fibrils and accumulate as pathological solid aggregates in a variety of tissues.  ...  later stages of life.  ...  The amyloid fibrils accumulate as pathological deposits in a variety of different tissues.  ... 
doi:10.1101/417873 fatcat:wiopa7phtzctziiwabgrzqk42u

HiFIND: A high-speed flow-level intrusion detection approach with DoS resiliency

Zhichun Li, Yan Gao, Yan Chen
2010 Computer Networks  
To the best of our knowledge, HiFIND is the first online DoS resilient flow-level intrusion detection system for high-speed networks (e.g.  ...  Global-scale attacks like worms and botnets are increasing in frequency, severity and sophistication, making it critical to detect outbursts at routers/gateways instead of end hosts.  ...  Scans are probably the most common type of intrusion. Most of them are caused by either worm propagation or botnet sweeps.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.comnet.2009.10.016 fatcat:ea7kqydptjd5xkxeqdr5itaysq

Dimensionality and Dynamics in the Behavior of C. elegans

Greg J. Stephens, Bethany Johnson-Kerner, William Bialek, William S. Ryu, Olaf Sporns
2008 PLoS Computational Biology  
Here we show that the space of shapes adopted by the nematode C. elegans is surprisingly low dimensional, with just four dimensions accounting for 95% of the shape variance, and we partially reconstruct  ...  Stimulus-dependent correlations among the different modes suggest that one can generate more reliable behaviors by synchronizing stimuli to the state of the worm in shape space.  ...  Chapman for help in the initial building of the worm tracker and for programming the thinning algorithm used for real-time processing.  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000028 pmid:18389066 pmcid:PMC2276863 fatcat:erbdwjlmzrctjhyjqapxmmh7hy

Integrative approaches for finding modular structure in biological networks

Koyel Mitra, Anne-Ruxandra Carvunis, Sanath Kumar Ramesh, Trey Ideker
2013 Nature reviews genetics  
Abstract | A central goal of systems biology is to elucidate the structural and functional architecture of the cell.  ...  An extreme case of negative genetic epistasis in which the mutation of two genes in combination, but not individually, causes a lethal phenotype.  ...  Acknowledgements We gratefully acknowledge US National Institutes of Health (NIH) grants P41 GM103504 and P50 GM085764 in support of this work.  ... 
doi:10.1038/nrg3552 pmid:24045689 pmcid:PMC3940161 fatcat:4b5rihmvyzefrm3om7vzanvqc4

Using malware for software-defined networking–based smart home security management through a taint checking approach

Ping Wang, Kuo-Ming Chao, Chi-Chun Lo, Wen-Hui Lin, Hsiao-Chung Lin, Wun-Jie Chao
2016 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks  
of Science and Technology of Taiwan under grant nos MOST 104-2632-E-168-001, MOST 104-2218-E-001-002 and MOST 105-2410-H-168-002.  ...  Funding The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This work was supported jointly by TWISC@NCKU and the Ministry  ...  and mitigation, 16, 17 worm propagation 18 and botnet protection, 19 have been suggested by several researchers.  ... 
doi:10.1177/1550147716662947 fatcat:d63ugyia3ve3hd65oe3osqzuqi
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