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Hybrid Planning for Self-Optimization in Railbound Mechatronic Systems [chapter]

Philipp Adelt, Natalia Esau, Christian Hlscher, Bernd Kleinjohann, Lisa Kleinjohann, Martin Krger, Detmar Zimmer
2011 Intelligent Mechatronics  
For this purpose it relies on historic data and on the two fuzzy models for the shuttle and the track.  ...  Optimization techniques are used to identify the best suited controller configurations due to the objective functions.  ...  It is simultaneously a monograph because it presents several new results and ideas and further developments and explanation of existing algorithms which are brought together and published in the book for  ... 
doi:10.5772/15451 fatcat:wqmp3jabmzde5d5tnydfj4egmy

Greenhouse climate hierarchical fuzzy modelling

Paulo Salgado, J.Boaventura Cunha
2005 Control Engineering Practice  
A large-scale model can be easily readable if it is partitioned into several independent smaller models to represent functional relations of the processes involved in the system.  ...  This new methodology was tested to split the inside greenhouse air temperature and humidity flat fuzzy models into fuzzy sub-models, which have alike counterpart on the physical sub-models. r  ...  Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Portuguese Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT), under the project SAPIENS-POCTI/33574/99.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.conengprac.2004.05.007 fatcat:6h4hesyn65b5zhs5hhnufew63y

Obstacle Avoidance of Mobile Robot Based on Behavior Hierarchy by Fuzzy Logic

Tae-Seok Jin
2012 International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems  
The navigation strategy is based on the combination of fuzzy rules tuned for both goal-approach and obstacle-avoidance.  ...  Instead of using "sensor fusion" method which generates the trajectory of a robot based upon the environment model and sensory data, "command fusion" method is used to govern the robot motions.  ...  Fuzzy logic is particularly well suited for implementing such controllers due to its capabilities of inference and approximate reasoning under uncertainty.  ... 
doi:10.5391/ijfis.2012.12.3.245 fatcat:76thhyvc65fbtllkepang4qhe4

Fuzzy behavior hierarchies for multi-robot control

Edward Tunstel, Marco A. A. de Oliveira, Sigal Berman
2002 International Journal of Intelligent Systems  
This article presents an approach to hierarchical control design and synthesis for the case where the collection of subsystems is comprised of fuzzy logic controllers and fuzzy knowledge-based decision  ...  The approach is used to implement hierarchical behavior-based controllers for autonomous navigation of one or more mobile robots.  ...  Acknowledgment The work described in this article was started at the Center for Autonomous Control Engineer  ... 
doi:10.1002/int.10032 fatcat:dsz4cd25prbmtodu7yhjntbehu

A context switchable fuzzy inference chip

Qi Cao, Meng Hiot Lim, Ju Hui Li, Yew Soon Ong, Wil Lie Ng
2006 IEEE transactions on fuzzy systems  
A context refers to a situation or scenario of an application requiring specific domain knowledge. In particular, our focus is on the class of applications involving embedded fuzzy control.  ...  The chip architecture is described and details on the design of the chip is presented.  ...  From simulations on control applications presented in Section V, the error due to hierarchical averaging has no noticeable effect on the functional performance of the RFIC. F.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tfuzz.2006.876735 fatcat:rgxj5ptlwrgmfmhxrlt6kfigli

Hierarchical Fuzzy Signature and Neuro-Fuzzy Hybrid System for QMS Control

Raouf Ketata, National Institute of Applied Science and Technology (INSAT), Hajer Ben Mahmoud, Hela Lassoued
2021 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering  
Hence, to provide the control of QMS problem insurance, two approaches are investigated which are Hierarchical Fuzzy Signature (HFS) and NeuroFuzzy Hierarchical Hybrid system (NFHH), respectively.  ...  However, NFHH reaches the best accuracy, reduces the number of neurons and uses the parameters that keep the universal approximated property of neural networks and fuzzy systems.  ...  Its hierarchical structure is able to treat fuzzy variables. Therefore, it reduces the complexity of the number and meta-levels of inputs and outputs.  ... 
doi:10.46338/ijetae1121_17 fatcat:twltsnenpvb3ll7s32ld3ftw4q

Intellectual method of operational evaluation of the network element state to ensure the quality of services in corporate multiservice communications networks

Sergey Ageev, Vladimir Karetnikov, Evgeny Olkhovik, Privalov Andrey, A. Muratov, S. Ignatieva
2020 E3S Web of Conferences  
In the proposed approach, intelligent agents are created as hierarchical fuzzy situational networks, in which control solutions, in contrast to known methods based on the use of reference situations, are  ...  applied based on solving a hierarchical set of optimization problems using fuzzy mathematical programming methods.  ...  As noted in [28] [29] [30] , its application makes it possible to increase the PGA resistance to random errors in the estimation of the gradient of the quality functional.  ... 
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202020305017 fatcat:ncx7s4vhf5cyxfrlabw2n5kpge

Design and analysis of experiments in ANFIS modeling for stock price prediction

Meysam Alizadeh, Mohsen Gharakhani, Elnaz Fotoohi, Roy Rada
2011 International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations  
At the computational point of view, a fuzzy system has a layered structure, similar to an artificial neural network (ANN) of the radial basis function type.  ...  In this paper, we implement the design of experiment (DOE) technique to identify the significant parameters in the design of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems (ANFIS) for stock price prediction.  ...  In this way, it is quite worthwhile to determine which variables have the most relevance and the greatest influence on the behavior and the performance of the ANFIS.  ... 
doi:10.5267/j.ijiec.2011.01.001 fatcat:hks4fefyrjhmzckvrmu7lgkone

Enhancing community based health programs in Iran: a multi-objective location-allocation model

S. Khodaparasti, H. R. Maleki, S. Jahedi, M. E. Bruni, P. Beraldi
2016 Health Care Management Science  
The access and success efforts of CBOs vary, depending on the integration between health care providers and CBOs but also in relation to the community participation level.  ...  To achieve widespread results, it is important to carefully design an efficient network which can serve as a bridge between the community and the health care system.  ...  Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge Iran Drug Control Headquarters and the local State Welfare Organization in Shiraz for providing us with their data.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10729-016-9366-2 pmid:27115695 fatcat:igvpsqtnxbhrhgdrz7wlzimu3i

A generalized framework for ANFIS synthesis procedures by clustering techniques

Stefano Leonori, Alessio Martino, Massimiliano Luzi, Fabio Massimo Frattale Mascioli, Antonello Rizzi
2020 Applied Soft Computing  
The application of machine learning and soft computing techniques for function approximation is a widely explored topic in literature.  ...  Conversely, Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFISs) demonstrated to be very accurate models featured by a considerable degree of interpretability.  ...  The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.asoc.2020.106622 fatcat:7lx5tqhy75hz5ib4ski6jtiwjq

HFRBC-GA: A fuzzy classifier for energy systems applications

Eleonora D'Andrea, Beatrice Lazzerini
2013 2013 Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability (SustainIT)  
In order to guarantee high interpretability and to avoid the explosion of the number of rules, only the necessary partitions are built as the hierarchical level increases.  ...  The fuzzy classifier is actually the union of several fuzzy systems built on input domain regions increasingly smaller.  ...  Section II and III, present, respectively, the proposed hierarchical approach to fuzzy classifiers construction, and the application of the proposed approach to three real-world case studies regarding  ... 
doi:10.1109/sustainit.2013.6685191 dblp:conf/ifip6-3/DAndreaL13 fatcat:vxrxfvn4z5hellun7klfgs3aui


1998 International journal on artificial intelligence tools  
This granularity decision is made on the basis of specific criteria of control localization, knowledge decoupling and interaction minimization so as to identify the decision points of the overall functionality  ...  of the granularity level, i.e., the decision on decomposing the overall desired functionality physically or across tasks.  ...  Under this agent-based perspective, it is attempted to divide the universe of discourse into subsets, and to implement the subsystems that approximate this function in every one of these subsets.  ... 
doi:10.1142/s021821309800010x fatcat:kawf2ig4u5g3da6euf5nkf7utm

Soft computing and metaheuristics: using knowledge and reasoning to control search and vice-versa

Piero P. Bonissone, Bruno Bosacchi, David B. Fogel, James C. Bezdek
2004 Applications and Science of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Evolutionary Computation VI  
In the context of control problems, we describe the use of evolutionary algorithms to perform offline parametric tuning of fuzzy controllers, and the use of fuzzy supervisory controllers to perform on-line  ...  In the area of optimization, we illustrate the application of fuzzy controllers to manage the transition from exploration to exploitation of evolutionary algorithms that solve the optimization problem.  ...  In the second problem, we used a hierarchical fuzzy controller, whose KB encoded the heuristics for a fuzzy gain scheduling, to implement the meta-control.  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.512627 fatcat:s6re3edg4nfs7ca7rovxnoisie

A Comprehensive Review of Control Strategies and Optimization Methods for Individual and Community Microgrids

Navid Salehi, Herminio Martinez-Garcia, Guillermo Velasco-Quesada, Josep M. Guerrero
2022 IEEE Access  
Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICINN)-Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and the European Regional Development Funds  ...  (ERDF), by grant PGC2018-098946-B-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and by ERDF A way of making Europe.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2022.3142810 fatcat:sso4wmc5wzhzxbp6mt7i3kjl5y

An Improved Optimization Function to Integrate the User's Comfort Perception into a Smart Home Controller Based on Particle Swarm Optimization and Fuzzy Logic

Jonatha Rodrigues da Costa, Giovanni Cordeiro Barroso, Darielson Araújo de Souza, Josias Guimarães Batista, Antonio Barbosa de Souza Junior, Clauson Sales do Nascimento Rios, Felipe José de Sousa Vasconcelos, José Nogueira do Nascimento Júnior, Ismael de Souza Bezerra, Alanio Ferreira de Lima, Killdary Aguiar de Santana, José Raimundo de Oliveira Júnior
2023 Sensors  
The results show that it is more beneficial to use the proposed comfort function method only when the user requires SHC to prioritize comfort at the expense of financial savings.  ...  Therefore, this paper proposes the modeling of a comfort function that takes into account the user's perceptions using fuzzy logic.  ...  Both of the aforementioned controls are based on fuzzy logic. Finally, in [34] , a controller was proposed that considers DG and ESS to minimize the energy cost.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s23063021 fatcat:ezddys3tofh3fa5mb4qp5e5aba
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