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On the inference of ancestries in admixed populations

S. Sankararaman, G. Kimmel, E. Halperin, M. I. Jordan
2008 Genome Research  
On the inference of ancestries in admixed populations Sriram Sankararaman, 1, 4 Inference of ancestral information in recently admixed populations, in which every individual is composed of a mixed ancestry  ...  populations, and the inference of allele frequencies in one ancestral population given those in another.  ...  The value of this SNP depends on the values of the jth alleles in haplotypes 2i ‫מ‬ 1 and 2i: We now replace all X variables in previous equations with Y, and instead of Equation 1 we use which can be  ... 
doi:10.1101/gr.072751.107 pmid:18353809 pmcid:PMC2279254 fatcat:lll4cf2syjflzaqwr4rvalvy4m

Inferring ancestry in admixed populations using microarray probe intensities

Chen-Ping Fu, Catherine E. Welsh, Fernando Pardo-Manuel de Villena, Leonard McMillan
2012 Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedicine - BCB '12  
sequence of most likely ancestry states {f 1 , f 2 … f i … f n } at every marker, where f is one of m' states in F Distance Model • Find the set of ancestor intensities closest to the target sample's intensities  ...  in F at every marker Note: m' ≥ number of clusters at each marker (different ancestors may fall within the same cluster) • Find: Results We can refine breakpoints better v Results -Ancestry Inference  ... 
doi:10.1145/2382936.2382950 dblp:conf/bcb/FuWVM12 fatcat:qmy53j2dhraalexzbqp5dqy35i

On the Inference of Ancestries in Admixed Populations [chapter]

Sriram Sankararaman, Gad Kimmel, Eran Halperin, Michael I. Jordan
Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Inference of ancestral information in recently admixed populations, in which every individual is composed of a mixed ancestry (e.g., African Americans in the US), is a challenging problem.  ...  populations, and the inference of allele frequencies in one ancestral population given those in another.  ...  Our focus in the current paper is on the setting of recently admixed populations in which every individual is composed of a mixed ancestry (e.g., African Americans in the US, Hispanic populations, and  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-78839-3_37 dblp:conf/recomb/SankararamanKHJ08 fatcat:befj25b5c5g33cmzos6hx47hjq

Human genetic admixture through the lens of population genomics [article]

Shyamalika Gopalan, Samuel Patillo Smith, Katharine Korunes, Iman Hamid, Sohini Ramachandran, Amy Goldberg
2022 arXiv   pre-print
We also outline some challenges for admixture population genetics, including limitations of applying methods designed for single-ancestry populations to the study of admixed populations.  ...  The admixture process introduces unique patterns of genetic variation within and between populations, which in turn influences the inference of demographic histories, identification genetic targets of  ...  As demonstrated in the bottom panel of Figure 1 , no individual locus in a genome from an admixed population will enable inference of the demographic history of the admixed group.  ... 
arXiv:2109.12190v2 fatcat:rj4k6ltnbvejfcicuqekxsupqi

RFMix: A Discriminative Modeling Approach for Rapid and Robust Local-Ancestry Inference

Brian K. Maples, Simon Gravel, Eimear E. Kenny, Carlos D. Bustamante
2013 American Journal of Human Genetics  
Local-ancestry inference is an important step in the genetic analysis of fully sequenced human genomes.  ...  RFMix is capable of learning from the admixed samples themselves to boost performance and autocorrect phasing errors.  ...  Also, because local ancestry can be inferred on each chromosome in the genome independently, we describe the analysis of one chromosome in the genome.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ajhg.2013.06.020 pmid:23910464 pmcid:PMC3738819 fatcat:kixq4fkzjbcmxdam7vrki3jqeq

Models, methods and tools for ancestry inference and admixture analysis

Kai Yuan, Ying Zhou, Xumin Ni, Yuchen Wang, Chang Liu, Shuhua Xu
2017 Quantitative Biology  
In this review, we provide an overview of models, methods, and tools for ancestry inference and admixture analysis.  ...  Genetic admixture refers to the process or consequence of interbreeding between two or more previously isolated populations within a species.  ...  The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s40484-017-0117-2 fatcat:bu7w65axxzgz5jhdcskhcbxljy

Efficient inference of local ancestry

J. J. Yang, J. Li, A. Buu, L. K. Williams
2013 Bioinformatics  
Motivation: The inference of local ancestry of admixed individuals at every locus provides the basis for admixture mapping.  ...  Results: In this study, we developed a statistical method, efficient inference of local ancestry (EILA), which uses fused quantile regression and k-means classifier to infer the local ancestry for admixed  ...  Based on these assumptions, we infer local ancestry using three samples: one study sample of admixed individuals with unknown local ancestry and two reference samples from different ancestral populations  ... 
doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btt488 pmid:23958727 pmcid:PMC3799480 fatcat:qvwsmr6m4fgm5eoxhpbadl5wze

Sensitive Detection of Chromosomal Segments of Distinct Ancestry in Admixed Populations

Alkes L. Price, Arti Tandon, Nick Patterson, Kathleen C. Barnes, Nicholas Rafaels, Ingo Ruczinski, Terri H. Beaty, Rasika Mathias, David Reich, Simon Myers, Jonathan K. Pritchard
2009 PLoS Genetics  
HAPMIX will be of particular utility for mapping disease genes in recently admixed populations, as its accurate estimates of local ancestry permit admixture and case-control association signals to be combined  ...  Most methods require the use of unlinked markers; but, using all markers from genomewide scanning arrays, it should in principle be possible to infer the ancestry of even very small segments with exquisite  ...  Details of haplotype-based inference of local ancestry Modeling genetic variation in admixed populations.  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1000519 pmid:19543370 pmcid:PMC2689842 fatcat:gvziywsgobc5zfsmqbaa2lgg7m

Enhanced Methods for Local Ancestry Assignment in Sequenced Admixed Individuals

Robert Brown, Bogdan Pasaniuc, Alon Keinan
2014 PLoS Computational Biology  
Inferring the ancestry at each locus in the genome of recently admixed individuals (e.g., Latino Americans) plays a major role in medical and population genetic inferences, ranging from finding disease-risk  ...  Finally, we generalize CSVs to sub-continental population-specific variants (sCSVs) and show that in some cases it is possible to determine the sub-continental ancestry for short chromosomal segments on  ...  Acknowledgments We would like to acknowledge Kirk Lohmueller, John Novembre, Diego Ortega, Gleb Kichaev and Wen-Yun Yang for useful discussion that has greatly improved the quality of this manuscript.  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003555 pmid:24743331 pmcid:PMC3990492 fatcat:cziauqxsyfhbncec7dfwdyavs4

A Continuous Correlated Beta Process Model for Genetic Ancestry in Admixed Populations

Zachariah Gompert, Francesc Calafell
2016 PLoS ONE  
fixed in the admixed population.  ...  Similar variation was detected in the mouse hybrid zone, with notable constancy in regions of excess ancestry among admixed populations.  ...  Wrote the paper: ZG. Designed the software used in analysis: ZG.  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0151047 pmid:26966908 pmcid:PMC4788345 fatcat:r55r6cmld5enxlbkbaln4xma2e

Human genetic admixture

Katharine L. Korunes, Amy Goldberg, Gregory S. Barsh
2021 PLoS Genetics  
This process leads to subsequent shuffling of genetic ancestry through recombination, producing variation in ancestry between populations, among individuals in a population, and along the genome within  ...  Recent methodological and empirical developments have elucidated the genomic signatures of this admixture process, bringing previously understudied admixed populations to the forefront of population and  ...  Summaries of ancestry-such as the mean proportion of ancestry across individuals in a population, the proportion of ancestry at different genetic loci in a population, and the length of ancestry tracts  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1009374 pmid:33705374 pmcid:PMC7951803 fatcat:5prc4rr7qveejmunmw2i2lzlpa

Population Genetic Inference from Personal Genome Data: Impact of Ancestry and Admixture on Human Genomic Variation

Jeffrey M. Kidd, Simon Gravel, Jake Byrnes, Andres Moreno-Estrada, Shaila Musharoff, Katarzyna Bryc, Jeremiah D. Degenhardt, Abra Brisbin, Vrunda Sheth, Rong Chen, Stephen F. McLaughlin, Heather E. Peckham (+21 others)
2012 American Journal of Human Genetics  
We further infer that multiple periods of gene flow shaped the diversity of admixed populations in the Americas-70% of the European ancestry in today's African Americans dates back to European gene flow  ...  This heterozygosity ranged from a high of one heterozygous site per kilobase in west African genomes to a low of 0.57 heterozygous sites per kilobase in segments inferred to have diploid Native American  ...  De La Vega are or were employees of Life Technologies during this study. Archie Russell and Martin Reese are employees of Omicia. The Varimed database has been licensed to Personalis.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ajhg.2012.08.025 pmid:23040495 pmcid:PMC3484644 fatcat:mll2ikn2prb2ln73tmf6nqtg5q

Loter: A Software Package to Infer Local Ancestry for a Wide Range of Species

Thomas Dias-Alves, Julien Mairal, Michael G B Blum, Rasmus Nielsen
2018 Molecular biology and evolution  
Admixture studies rely on local ancestry inference for admixed individuals, which consists of computing at each locus the number of copies that originate from ancestral source populations.  ...  Here, we introduce Loter, an open-source software package that does not require any biological parameter besides haplotype data in order to make local ancestry inference available for a wide range of species  ...  We use the first 500, 000 SNPs of chromosome 6 to reconstruct ancestry tracts. We simulate 16 admixed individuals based on 20 genotypes from P. balsamifera and P. trichocarpa species.  ... 
doi:10.1093/molbev/msy126 pmid:29931083 pmcid:PMC6107063 fatcat:cbrhx2ykerhbrbvc2ibw3zqnoy

Loter: A software package to infer local ancestry for a wide range of species [article]

Thomas Dias-Alves, Julien Mairal, Michael G. B. Blum
2017 biorxiv/medrxiv   pre-print
Admixture studies rely on local ancestry inference for admixed individuals, which consists of computing at each locus the number of copies that originate from ancestral source populations.  ...  Here, we introduce Loter, an open-source software package that does not require any biological parameter besides haplotype data in order to make local ancestry inference available for a wide range of species  ...  We use the first 500, 000 SNPs of chromosome 6 to reconstruct ancestry tracts. We simulate 16 admixed individuals based on 20 genotypes from P. balsamifera and P. trichocarpa species.  ... 
doi:10.1101/213728 fatcat:5k3fsj4cfrbzvbqidaftbdk7ke

XGMix: Local-Ancestry Inference With Stacked XGBoost [article]

Arvind Kumar, Daniel Mas Montserrat, Carlos Bustamante, Alexander Ioannidis
2020 bioRxiv   pre-print
The severe under-representation of the majority of the world's populations in genetic association studies stems in part from an addressable algorithmic weakness: lack of simple, accurate, and easily trained  ...  methods for identifying and annotating ancestry along the genome (local ancestry).  ...  Fortunately, an algorithmic solution exists to the problem of complex genomic covariance structures in admixed and diverse populations: local ancestry inference (LAI) (figure 1).  ... 
doi:10.1101/2020.04.21.053876 fatcat:njcnjlxvwnewrfwuxzb4a6k2dy
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