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On the Efficiency and Robustness of Vibration-based Foundation Models for IoT Sensing: A Case Study [article]

Tomoyoshi Kimura, Jinyang Li, Tianshi Wang, Denizhan Kara, Yizhuo Chen, Yigong Hu, Ruijie Wang, Maggie Wigness, Shengzhong Liu, Mani Srivastava, Suhas Diggavi, Tarek Abdelzaher
2024 arXiv   pre-print
This paper demonstrates the potential of vibration-based Foundation Models (FMs), pre-trained with unlabeled sensing data, to improve the robustness of run-time inference in (a class of) IoT applications  ...  More specifically, we present a case study in a real-world setting to evaluate a simple (vibration-based) FM-like model, called FOCAL, demonstrating its superior robustness and adaptation, compared to  ...  INTRODUCTION The paper presents a real-world case study of a target classification application, based on seismic and acoustic sensing, that demonstrates how a self-supervised neural network model pre-trained  ... 
arXiv:2404.02461v1 fatcat:apbgootsajcp5a74574jqm3ama

Development of Drone-Mounted Multiple Sensing System with Advanced Mobility for In Situ Atmospheric Measurement: A Case Study Focusing on PM2.5 Local Distribution

Hirokazu Madokoro, Osamu Kiguchi, Takeshi Nagayoshi, Takashi Chiba, Makoto Inoue, Shun Chiyonobu, Stephanie Nix, Hanwool Woo, Kazuhito Sato
2021 Sensors  
Moreover, we developed four prototype brackets with optimal assignment of sensors, devices, and a camera for mounting on a drone as a unified system platform.  ...  This study was conducted using a drone with advanced mobility to develop a unified sensor and communication system as a new platform for in situ atmospheric measurements.  ...  As a case study focusing on PM 2.5 local distribution prediction, we obtained 2.60, 1.97, and 14.74 µg/m 3 for the lowest E RMS .  ... 
doi:10.3390/s21144881 fatcat:5lmos2pb45dehdfv7c62sthbxi

Kinetic energy harvesting based sensing and IoT systems: A review

Zijie Chen, Fei Gao, Junrui Liang
2022 Frontiers in Electronics  
Furthermore, some recent studies focus on utilizing the generated energy to power a whole IoT sensing system.  ...  The concept of self-powered sensing is clarified, and advanced studies of KEH-based sensing in different fields are introduced.  ...  Then, the concept and cutting-edge studies of KEH-based sensors and IoT sensing systems are focused on and proposed in detail.  ... 
doi:10.3389/felec.2022.1017511 fatcat:mokbso5vt5d3vd6bbgjiabc754

A Multi-Usable Cloud Service Platform: A Case Study on Improved Development Pace and Efficiency

John Lindström, Anders Hermanson, Fredrik Blomstedt, Petter Kyösti
2018 Applied Sciences  
The case study, spanning three contexts, concerns a multi-usable cloud service platform for big data collection and analytics and how the development pace and efficiency of it has been improved by 50-75%  ...  the technology, business model, business setup, and organization all go hand in hand during the development and later operation, as all 'components' are required for a successful result. and simultaneous  ...  Anders Hermanson and Fredrik Blomstedt have provided data and access to the case study descriptions as well as their figures. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/app8020316 fatcat:76fjalgnjbhzbbgsjovccvuthm

Sensing, Computing, and Communication for Energy Harvesting IoTs: A Survey [article]

Dong Ma, Guohao Lan, Mahbub Hassan, Wen Hu, Sajal K. Das
2019 arXiv   pre-print
With the growing number of deployments of Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure for a wide variety of applications, the battery maintenance has become a major limitation for the sustainability of such  ...  Next it reviews the advancements in efficient checkpointing and timekeeping for intermittently powered IoT devices.  ...  However, placing checkpoints purely based on CFG may not be energy efficient in some cases.  ... 
arXiv:1905.03949v2 fatcat:xqzuk3c6mjf5bpagdtkfdsro6e

Robust Navigational Control of a Two-Wheeled Self-Balancing Robot in a Sensed Environment

Celestine Iwendi, Mohammed A. Alqarni, Joseph Henry Anajemba, Ahmed S. Alfakeeh, Zhiyong Zhang, Ali K. Bashir
2019 IEEE Access  
Finally, in a SE, the robot can communicate with any of the Internet of Things (IoT) devices (mobile phone or Personal Computer) which have a Java-based transmission application installed and through Bluetooth  ...  on 32-bit microcontroller in a sensed environment (SE).  ...  The IoT devices considered in this paper communicates and are controlled through a Java-based program configured to and interconnects the IoT devices for an efficient Robotic-IoT transmission and control  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2019.2923916 fatcat:aklrlqrkmrfntecxc2ffz3ljlu

Healthcare Sensing and Monitoring [chapter]

George Vasilev Angelov, Dimitar Petrov Nikolakov, Ivelina Nikolaeva Ruskova, Elitsa Emilova Gieva, Maria Liubomirova Spasova
2019 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Remote healthcare monitoring, which is based on noninvasive and wearable sensors, actuators and modern communication and information technologies offers efficient solutions that allows people to live in  ...  The recent advances in electronics and microelectronics allow the development of low-cost devices that are widely used by many people as monitoring tools for well-being or preventive purposes.  ...  Our thanks to ICT COST Action IC1303: Algorithms, Architectures and Platforms for Enhanced Living Environments (AAPELE).  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-10752-9_10 fatcat:5r6eolv2z5evtijpuzvyn6vcoa

Emergent Technologies in Big Data Sensing: A Survey

Ting Zhu, Sheng Xiao, Qingquan Zhang, Yu Gu, Ping Yi, Yanhua Li
2015 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks  
cloud computing, serve as foundations and bases of big data in the world of sensing.  ...  When the number of data generating sensors increases and the amount of sensing data grows to a scale that traditional methods cannot handle, big data methods are needed for sensing applications.  ...  Conflict of Interests The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Acknowledgment This work is supported by the NSF Grant CNS-1503590.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2015/902982 fatcat:glpaj5hudfc57elhnwbnbewa7y

A Survey on Social-Physical Sensing: An Emerging Sensing Paradigm that Explores the Collective Intelligence of Humans and Machine [article]

Md Tahmid Rashid, Na Wei, Dong Wang
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Propelled by the omnipresence of versatile data capture, communication, and computing technologies, physical sensing has revolutionized the avenue for decisively interpreting the real world.  ...  In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of SPS, emphasizing its definition, key enablers, state-of-the-art applications, potential research challenges, and roadmap for future work.  ...  The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Government purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation here on.  ... 
arXiv:2104.01360v2 fatcat:lb6azrdxubasteb3xl5zusykga

The Artificial Intelligence of Things Sensing System of Real-Time Bridge Scour Monitoring for Early Warning during Floods

Yung-Bin Lin, Fong-Zuo Lee, Kuo-Chun Chang, Jihn-Sung Lai, Shi-Wei Lo, Jyh-Horng Wu, Tzu-Kang Lin
2021 Sensors  
In the present study, a scour monitoring system designed with vibration-based arrayed sensors consisting of a combination of Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) is developed and implemented  ...  The laboratory and field measurement results demonstrated the success of the early warning system for monitoring the real-time bridge scour-depth evolution.  ...  Acknowledgments: The authors acknowledge the Directorate General of Highways, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, and the National Applied Research Laboratories, Taiwan, for the valuable data  ... 
doi:10.3390/s21144942 fatcat:p5chlezknzcv5d273v3z2fvpbu

Edge Structural Health Monitoring (E-SHM) Using Low-Power Wireless Sensing

Tadhg Buckley, Bidisha Ghosh, Vikram Pakrashi
2021 Sensors  
Damage detection is often based on monitoring features computed from acceleration signals where data are extensive due to the frequency of sampling (~100–500 Hz).  ...  ., LoRa NB-IoT), there are inadequate demonstrative benchmarks for low-power SHM.  ...  comparative studies in the future for various deployments of edge SHM and establish the uncertainty bounds for detection and the demands for such detection for a range of application sectors or use cases  ... 
doi:10.3390/s21206760 pmid:34695973 pmcid:PMC8540573 fatcat:d5ggph5gsnhohgxpbokau6plta

Wireless sensing in high-speed railway turnouts with battery-free materials and devices

Yuhua Sun, Yan Yan, Song Tian, Gang Liu, Fei Wu, Ping Wang, Mingyuan Gao
2024 iScience  
This study presents a battery-free vibration-powered force sensing system (VFSS) that integrates structural loading, sensing, and energy harvesting.  ...  The proposed VFSS can sense a switching force of up to 4 kN in the high-speed railway turnout section, deliver 6.9 mW of average power over a broad frequency band (ca. 500 Hz) under a vibration amplitude  ...  solution for the energy supply of IoT-based microgrids for future green and sustainable transportation.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.isci.2023.108663 pmid:38155782 pmcid:PMC10753070 fatcat:dqarqhqftfdqfgqhl4d3eiborq

A wearable freestanding electrochemical sensing system

Yichao Zhao, Bo Wang, Hannaneh Hojaiji, Zhaoqing Wang, Shuyu Lin, Christopher Yeung, Haisong Lin, Peterson Nguyen, Kaili Chiu, Kamyar Salahi, Xuanbing Cheng, Jiawei Tan (+2 others)
2020 Science Advances  
The FESS serves as a foundation to realize a system-level design strategy, addressing the challenges of wearable biosensing, in the presence of motion, and integration with consumer electronics.  ...  Accordingly, a generalizable and disposable freestanding electrochemical sensing system (FESS) is devised, which simultaneously facilitates sensing and out-of-plane signal interconnection with the aid  ...  S11G ) and based on the Arrhenius model (39) ].  ... 
doi:10.1126/sciadv.aaz0007 pmid:32219164 pmcid:PMC7083607 fatcat:fohagl22ovbxbkpv4hyktyfmfy

An Efficient In-Situ Debris Flow Monitoring System over a Wireless Accelerometer Network

Jiaxing Ye, Yuichi Kurashima, Takeshi Kobayashi, Hiroshi Tsuda, Teruyoshi Takahara, Wataru Sakurai
2019 Remote Sensing  
Aiming at detection of debris flow occurrences in a mountainous area of Sakurajima, Japan, this study demonstrates an efficient in-situ monitoring system which employs state-of-the-art machine learning  ...  geo-informatics and sensing platforms to distill adequate information in the context of disaster monitoring.  ...  Acknowledgments: We thank the anonymous reviewers for their careful checking of our manuscript and their many insightful comments and suggestions.  ... 
doi:10.3390/rs11131512 fatcat:fsa47zwvufesnkgkkwofm5pxze

The Role of Advanced Sensing in Smart Cities

Gerhard Hancke, Bruno Silva, Gerhard Hancke, Jr.
2012 Sensors  
Ubiquitous sensing poses numerous challenges, which are of a technological or social nature. This paper presents an overview of the state of the art with regards to sensing in smart cities.  ...  In a world where resources are scarce and urban areas consume the vast majority of these resources, it is vital to make cities greener and more sustainable.  ...  Program (THRIP) managed by the National Research Foundation (NRF), financed by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), South Africa.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s130100393 pmid:23271603 pmcid:PMC3574682 fatcat:566gbsblrvfnbckzjmcuyx5bai
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