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On Quantum Decision Trees [article]

Subhash Kak
2017 arXiv   pre-print
Classical and quantum nodes can be distinguished based on certain correlations in their states. This paper investigates some properties of the states obtained in a decision tree structure.  ...  How these correlations may be mapped to the decision tree is considered. Classical tree representations and approximations to quantum states are provided.  ...  The decision tree for the quantum state (3) Since quantum objects are in a superposition state, the outcome of sampling depends on the conditions under which the experiment is being conducted and the  ... 
arXiv:1703.03693v1 fatcat:aolczxbiizddznod7dtip5vjju

Quantum Speedup Based on Classical Decision Trees [article]

Salman Beigi, Leila Taghavi
2019 arXiv   pre-print
Lin and Lin have recently shown how starting with a classical query algorithm (decision tree) for a function, we may find upper bounds on its quantum query complexity.  ...  , there is a quantum query algorithm for f which makes at most O(√(GT)) quantum queries where T is the depth of the decision tree and G is the maximum number of mistakes of the guessing algorithm.  ...  However, to not end up with the trivial upper bound of T (the depth of the decision tree) on the quantum query complexity, we equipped edges of the decision tree with some weights that are chosen based  ... 
arXiv:1905.13095v2 fatcat:lww6ngtagzghjdqa5emoqehf3a

Quantum Speedup Based on Classical Decision Trees

Salman Beigi, Leila Taghavi
2020 Quantum  
Lin and Lin \cite{LL16} have recently shown how starting with a classical query algorithm (decision tree) for a function, we may find upper bounds on its quantum query complexity.  ...  , there is a quantum query algorithm for f which makes at most O(GT) quantum queries where T is the depth of the decision tree and G is the maximum number of mistakes of the guessing algorithm.  ...  On the other hand, the depth of the decision tree is T = m + n.  ... 
doi:10.22331/q-2020-03-02-241 fatcat:fngjliso7fgdjhaicaxdx6r7gu

Time and Query Optimal Quantum Algorithms Based on Decision Trees [article]

Salman Beigi, Leila Taghavi, Artin Tajdini
2022 arXiv   pre-print
It has recently been shown that starting with a classical query algorithm (decision tree) and a guessing algorithm that tries to predict the query answers, we can design a quantum algorithm with query  ...  In this paper we show that, given some constraints on the classical algorithms, this quantum algorithm can be implemented in time Õ(√(GT)).  ...  z 1 z 2 z 3 z 4 Figure 6 : 46 Figure 6: Converting a non-binary decision tree to a binary one.  ... 
arXiv:2105.08309v2 fatcat:otrdtbz7enci5muxixp7p45ope

Time and Query-Optimal Quantum Algorithms Based on Decision Trees

Salman Beigi, leila Taghavi, Artin Tajdini
2022 ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing  
It has recently been shown that starting with a classical query algorithm (decision tree) and a guessing algorithm that tries to predict the query answers, we can design a quantum algorithm with query  ...  complexity \(O(\sqrt {GT}) \) where T is the query complexity of the classical algorithm (depth of the decision tree) and G is the maximum number of wrong answers by the guessing algorithm [3, 14].  ...  See [3] for more details on this. We now construct a NBSP based on a generalized decision tree T .  ... 
doi:10.1145/3519269 fatcat:vrpblkohgbh5vcan7gd4gqo5fa

The Improvement of Decision Tree Construction Algorithm Based On Quantum Heuristic Algorithms [article]

Ilnaz Mannapov
2022 arXiv   pre-print
This work is related to the implementation of a decision tree construction algorithm on a quantum simulator. Here we consider an algorithm based on a binary criterion.  ...  Also, we study the improvement capability with quantum heuristic QAOA. We implemented the classical and the quantum version of this algorithm to compare built trees.  ...  For example, the paper [25] proposes a quantum version of the decision tree.  ... 
arXiv:2212.14725v1 fatcat:h5xkc5ivbnaide6b2iwfkdhu4a

Improved Quantum Query Upper Bounds Based on Classical Decision Trees [article]

Arjan Cornelissen, Nikhil S. Mande, Subhasree Patro
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Given a classical query algorithm as a decision tree, when does there exist a quantum query algorithm with a speed-up over the classical one?  ...  We provide a general construction based on the structure of the underlying decision tree, and prove that this can give us an up-to-quadratic quantum speed-up.  ...  Note that a deterministic decision tree in fact computes a function, since each input reaches exactly one leaf on the computation path of the tree.  ... 
arXiv:2203.02968v1 fatcat:m2bniyjpd5b3fe4doefsozslrm

Design and Development of Nanoelectronic Binary Decision Tree Device based on CMOS and QCA (Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata) Nanotechnology

S. DevendraK.Verma, P. K. Barhai
2012 International Journal of Computer Applications  
Evolution of microelectronics towards miniaturization is one of the main motivations for Nanotechnology.  ...  Like Nanotechnology, QCA (Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata) is another alternate Technology having ability to reduce the Device-sizes beyond the CMOS Devices.  ...  Fig. 5 : 5 Fig. 5: Binary Decision Tree Fig. 7 :Fig. 8 :Fig. 9 : 789 Fig. 7: Binary Decision Tree -CMOS Circuit Fig. 10 : 10 Fig. 10: QCA Logic Circuit A QCA Binary Decision Tree as shown in Fig. 11  ... 
doi:10.5120/9297-3513 fatcat:2ulbnimp4vcjxalixnxldn4dbe

Quantum-inspired attribute selection algorithm: A Fidelity-based Quantum Decision Tree [article]

Diksha Sharma, Parvinder Singh, Atul Kumar
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Therefore, in this work, we propose to use fidelity as a quantum splitting criterion to construct an efficient and balanced quantum decision tree.  ...  An intriguing approach is to utilize the foundational aspects of quantum computing for enhancing decision tree algorithm.  ...  Constructing Quantum-Classical Decision Tree We now proceed to construct the full decision tree, which is based on quantum splitting criteria.  ... 
arXiv:2310.18243v1 fatcat:xy3yhivkuzc5fmtgelastkaq7u

Almost all decision trees do not allow significant quantum speed-up [article]

Ashley Montanaro
2012 arXiv   pre-print
The proof is based on showing that, with high probability, the average sensitivity of a random decision tree is high.  ...  We show that, for any d, all but a doubly exponentially small fraction of decision trees of depth at most d require Omega(d) quantum queries to be computed with bounded error.  ...  I would like to thank Tony Short for his interpretation of Lemma 6, and Ronald de Wolf for helpful comments on a previous version.  ... 
arXiv:1209.4781v1 fatcat:nypfqvhsijgkvblnyzkzhy4evi

Combinatorial Decision Dags: A Natural Computational Model for General Intelligence [article]

Ben Goertzel
2020 arXiv   pre-print
A novel computational model (CoDD) utilizing combinatory logic to create higher-order decision trees is presented.  ...  Extension to the quantum computing case is also briefly discussed.  ...  Spencer Brown's work on distinctions is also worth mentioning.  ... 
arXiv:2004.05268v1 fatcat:4bgj7tsj5bf6xclpzukipaozsa

Quantum decision tree classifier

Songfeng Lu, Samuel L. Braunstein
2013 Quantum Information Processing  
We also propose algorithms constructing the quantum decision tree and searching for a target class over the tree for a new quantum object.  ...  We study the quantum version of a decision tree classifier to fill the gap between quantum computation and machine learning.  ...  Constructing quantum decision tree We now construct the quantum decision tree t.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11128-013-0687-5 fatcat:p57ndybhgjbfra4b347wi4oeny

Classical-Quantum Separations in Certain Classes of Boolean Functions– Analysis using the Parity Decision Trees [article]

Chandra Sekhar Mukherjee, Subhamoy Maitra
2020 arXiv   pre-print
Our results highlight how different classes of Boolean functions can be analyzed for classical-quantum separation exploiting the parity decision tree method.  ...  tree method.  ...  Figure 10 shows the structure of the tree. Here T (φ(x).y + h(x)) denotes the parity decision tree (decision tree) for the quantum (classical) algorithm.  ... 
arXiv:2004.12942v3 fatcat:aft2yf4tmfh4hgz7aao6ms6lmu

Entropy lower bounds for quantum decision tree complexity

Yaoyun Shi
2002 Information Processing Letters  
In this note we address the problem of quantum decision tree complexity lower bounds for computing functions that have large image size.  ...  Quantum decision tree model The quantum decision tree model for the computation of f has three sets of qubits: P , Q, and R.  ...  The quantum decision tree complexity Q(f ) is defined to be the minimal T such that there is a quantum decision tree algorithm that computes f in T queries.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0020-0190(01)00191-0 fatcat:rrd6v4k6ybcz3ox33xohgk2pka

Representation of binary classification trees with binary features by quantum circuits

Raoul Heese, Patricia Bickert, Astrid Elisa Niederle
2022 Quantum  
To our knowledge, this is the first realization of a decision tree classifier on a quantum device.  ...  We propose a quantum representation of binary classification trees with binary features based on a probabilistic approach.  ...  Part of this work has been funded by the Competence Center Quantum Computing Rhineland-Palatinate.  ... 
doi:10.22331/q-2022-03-30-676 fatcat:5cq2vxgjsve3doevukqadpkoaa
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