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A Novel Association Rule Algorithm to Discover Maximal Frequent Item Set

Hartej Singh, Vinay Dwivedi
2016 International Journal of Computer Applications  
Association Rule mining is a sub-discipline of data mining. Apriori algorithm is one of the most popular association rule mining technique.  ...  extract maximal frequent itemset.  ...  To calculate the frequency count of ith itemset BT[mid,i], the length of Longest common subsequence (LCS) between it and every transaction in TT is evaluated one by one and if the length of longest  ... 
doi:10.5120/ijca2016908883 fatcat:lvfgi34nzzc6pnete4atcyz7eq

An Implementation of Frequent Pattern Mining Algorithm using Dynamic Function

Sunil Joshi, R. S . Jadon, R. C. Jain
2010 International Journal of Computer Applications  
We developed an algorithm (termed DFPMT-A Dynamic Approach for Frequent Patterns Mining Using Transposition of Database) for mining frequent patterns which are based on Apriori algorithm and used Dynamic  ...  Frequent patterns mining is the focused research topic in association rule analysis. Apriori algorithm is a classical algorithm of association rule mining.  ...  K K Shrivastava for discussing and giving us advice on its implementation.  ... 
doi:10.5120/1410-1904 fatcat:vgyxjuaz7va6ndpseed64wt5c4

On efficiently summarizing categorical databases

Jianyong Wang, George Karypis
2005 Knowledge and Information Systems  
However, most of the frequent itemset based clustering algorithms need to first mine a large intermediate set of frequent itemsets in order to identify a subset of the most promising ones that can be used  ...  Frequent itemset mining was initially proposed and has been studied extensively in the context of association rule mining.  ...  To achieve this goal, our solution to this problem formulation is that for each transaction we find one of the longest frequent itemsets that it contains and use this longest frequent itemset as the corresponding  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10115-005-0216-7 fatcat:kojdvgqlivc7nizel7twtslswa

Efficiently mining long patterns from databases

Roberto J. Bayardo
1998 SIGMOD record  
We present a pattern-mining algorithm that scales roughly linearly in the number of maximal patterns embedded in a database irrespective of the length of the longest pattern.  ...  In comparison, previous algorithms based on Apriori scale exponentially with longest pattern length.  ...  , and Dao-I Lin for sharing details of the experiments used to evaluate Pincer-Search.  ... 
doi:10.1145/276305.276313 fatcat:zkssnbomwra2xacqvsrxztngnq

Efficiently mining long patterns from databases

Roberto J. Bayardo
1998 Proceedings of the 1998 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data - SIGMOD '98  
We present a pattern-mining algorithm that scales roughly linearly in the number of maximal patterns embedded in a database irrespective of the length of the longest pattern.  ...  In comparison, previous algorithms based on Apriori scale exponentially with longest pattern length.  ...  , and Dao-I Lin for sharing details of the experiments used to evaluate Pincer-Search.  ... 
doi:10.1145/276304.276313 dblp:conf/sigmod/Bayardo98 fatcat:vu7yxs64k5b35jercnnlgrt6zi

Discovery of maximum length frequent itemsets

Tianming Hu, Sam Yuan Sung, Hui Xiong, Qian Fu
2008 Information Sciences  
Our algorithm generates the maximum length frequent itemsets by adapting a pattern fragment growth methodology based on the FP-tree structure.  ...  The use of frequent itemsets has been limited by the high computational cost as well as the large number of resulting itemsets.  ...  Then we review some related research on frequent itemset mining.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ins.2007.08.006 fatcat:7zd35qjfczd3tiufhourjj6acu

A comprehensive method for discovering the maximal frequent set

Nivedita Pandey
2012 IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering  
is to generate reliable association rules based on all frequent itemsets found in the first step.  ...  Identifying all frequent itemsets in a large database dominates the overall performance in the association rule mining.  ...  , the improvement is not clear when the length of the longest frequent itemset is relatively short.  ... 
doi:10.9790/0661-0743139 fatcat:sdno7ecewrbwhlwrx3a6aadiry

Generating non-redundant association rules

Mohammed J. Zaki
2000 Proceedings of the sixth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining - KDD '00  
We present a new framework for associations based on the concept of closed frequent itemsets.  ...  The number of non-redundant rules produced by the new approach is exponentially (in the length of the longest frequent itemset) smaller than the rule set from the traditional approach.  ...  At 40% support, the longest frequent itemset has length 7.  ... 
doi:10.1145/347090.347101 dblp:conf/kdd/Zaki00 fatcat:cx5mvmphwnbd7h464h42r2nyka

Extracting Frequent Gradual Patterns Using Constraints Modeling [article]

Jerry Lonlac, Saïdd Jabbour, Engelbert Mephu Nguifo, Lakhdar Saïs, Badran Raddaoui
2019 arXiv   pre-print
We show the practical feasibility of our SAT model by running experiments on two real world datasets.  ...  In this paper, we propose a constraint-based modeling approach for the problem of discovering frequent gradual patterns in a numerical dataset.  ...  The second one, allows us for a given gradual itemset s, to place uniquely one transaction in each position of the longest sequence of transactions respecting s.  ... 
arXiv:1903.08452v1 fatcat:fqw5rxh2zfclbac35fqqge7qpa

Cardinality Statistics Based Maximal Frequent Itemsets Mining [chapter]

Meera M. Dhabu, Parag S. Deshpande
2012 Communications in Computer and Information Science  
The only recourse is to mine the maximal frequent itemsets in the domain with very long patterns.  ...  Extracting frequent itemsets is an important task in many data mining applications.  ...  The first one is to mine only the maximal frequent itemsets [1, 6, 8, 9, 15] .  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-29166-1_3 fatcat:rzte5dbt4fdufkevidff6qd32i

PGLCM: Efficient Parallel Mining of Closed Frequent Gradual Itemsets

Trong Dinh Thac Do, Anne Laurent, Alexandre Termier
2010 2010 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining  
We present in this paper GLCM, the first algorithm for mining closed frequent gradual patterns, which proposes strong complexity guarantees: the mining time is linear with the number of closed frequent  ...  gradual itemsets.  ...  Introduction Frequent pattern mining is the component of data mining focused on extracting patterns that occur frequently in data.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icdm.2010.101 dblp:conf/icdm/DoLT10 fatcat:hnenn5b47fh6dh4dsh4dfsmali

PADS: a simple yet effective pattern-aware dynamic search method for fast maximal frequent pattern mining

Xinghuo Zeng, Jian Pei, Ke Wang, Jinyan Li
2008 Knowledge and Information Systems  
While frequent pattern mining is fundamental for many data mining tasks, mining maximal frequent patterns efficiently is important in both theory and applications of frequent pattern mining.  ...  The source code and the executable code (on both Windows and Linux platforms) are publicly available at  ...  Thus, the search space of max-pattern mining is the lattice of itemsets consisting of only frequent items, which is called the itemset lattice.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10115-008-0179-6 fatcat:zptyu23tvnckdakeflproqhiee

Frequent Pattern Discovery Without Binarization: Mining Attribute Profiles [chapter]

Attila Gyenesei, Ralph Schlapbach, Etzard Stolte, Ulrich Wagner
2006 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
In this paper we propose to overcome this limitation by introducing the concept of mining frequent attribute profiles that describes the relationships between the original attributes.  ...  Frequent pattern discovery has become a popular solution to many scientific and industrial problems in a range of different datasets.  ...  Based on the mining strategy by which frequent itemsets are discovered, two types of algorithm can be distinguished: breadth-first search and depth-first search.  ... 
doi:10.1007/11871637_52 fatcat:doy4zrf4hfdnxckq3lhawtkaay

Efficient Parallel Mining of Gradual Patterns on Multicore Processors [chapter]

Anne Laurent, Benjamin Négrevergne, Nicolas Sicard, Alexandre Termier
2012 Studies in Computational Intelligence  
However, due to the complexity of mining gradual rules, these algorithms cannot yet scale on huge real world datasets.  ...  In this paper, we thus propose to exploit parallelism in order to enhance the performances of the fastest existing one (GRITE) on multicore processors.  ...  Acknowledgements The authors would like to acknowledge Lisa Di Jorio for providing the source code of the implementation of the GRITE algorithm [Di Jorio et al., 2009] .  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-25838-1_8 fatcat:ezet7xkfgrgyrld4zrujqzt3qq

Towards a new approach for mining frequent itemsets on data stream

Chedy Raïssi, Pascal Poncelet, Maguelonne Teisseire
2006 Journal of Intelligent Information Systems  
Mining frequent patterns on streaming data is a new challenging problem for the data mining community since data arrives sequentially in the form of continuous rapid streams.  ...  In this paper we propose a new approach for mining itemsets.  ...  In this paper, we propose a new approach, called Fids (Frequent itemsets mining on data streams).  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10844-006-0002-3 fatcat:eyhcuaebdfbfliptnfr44gis2y
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