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A Kalman Filter for Amplitude Estimation in High-Speed Dynamic Mode Atomic Force Microscopy

Michael G. Ruppert, Kai S. Karvinen, Samuel L. Wiggins, S. O. Reza Moheimani
2016 IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology  
A fundamental challenge in dynamic mode atomic force microscopy (AFM) is the estimation of the cantilever oscillation amplitude from the deflection signal which might be distorted by noise and/or high-frequency  ...  In this work, the authors propose the estimation of amplitude and phase using a linear time-varying Kalman filter which is easily extended to multiple frequencies.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT The research was performed in the Laboratory for Dynamics and Control of Nanosystems (LDCN) at The University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW, Australia.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tcst.2015.2435654 fatcat:2h55ofgvybcg5nl2aapmsr5req

Direct Tip-Sample Force Estimation for High-Speed Dynamic Mode Atomic Force Microscopy

Kai S. Karvinen, Michael G. Ruppert, Kaushik Mahata, S. O. R. Moheimani
2014 IEEE transactions on nanotechnology  
We present new insights into the modeling of the microcantilever in dynamic mode atomic force microscopy and outline a novel high-bandwidth tip-sample force estimation technique for the development of  ...  technique on microcantilever dynamics and the amplitude demodulation technique.  ...  Furthermore, they are all cast within the framework of amplitude modulation atomic force microscopy, where there are strict limits on the achievable imaging bandwidth.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tnano.2014.2360878 fatcat:skimxpsbbzb35o642ppw7jfzx4

A high-bandwidth amplitude estimation technique for dynamic mode atomic force microscopy

K. S. Karvinen, S. O. R. Moheimani
2014 Review of Scientific Instruments  
While often overlooked, one of the prerequisites for high-speed amplitude modulation atomic force microscopy is a high-bandwidth amplitude estimation technique.  ...  We conclude with the design and implementation of a custom circuit to experimentally demonstrate the improvements and discuss its application in high-speed and multifrequency atomic force microscopy. ©  ...  We believe this technique could find application in both high-speed and multifrequency atomic force microscopy.  ... 
doi:10.1063/1.4865841 pmid:24593371 fatcat:buyybtbylzcvjjyfmjojehdgou

Note: Fast imaging of DNA in atomic force microscopy enabled by a local raster scan algorithm

Peng Huang, Sean B. Andersson
2014 Review of Scientific Instruments  
Instrum. 70, 4300 (1999); 10.1063/1.1150069 High-resolution imaging of single-stranded DNA on mica surface under ultrahigh vacuum conditions by noncontact atomic force microscopy  ...  Articles you may be interested in Stability, resolution, and ultra-low wear amplitude modulation atomic force microscopy of DNA: Small amplitude small set-point imaging Appl. Phys.  ...  CMMI-0845742 and by grants from the National Center for Research Resources (5R21RR025362-03) and the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (8 R21 GM103530-03) from the National Institutes of Health  ... 
doi:10.1063/1.4881682 pmid:24985865 pmcid:PMC4048448 fatcat:xlzkq555vfglrbqy5jwcjrtdta

Atomic-resolution noncontact atomic force microscopy in air

Yongho Seo, Hwansung Choe, Wonho Jhe
2003 Applied Physics Letters  
Atomic resolution by noncontact atomic force microscopy with a self-sensing quartz tuning fork is achieved in ambient conditions.  ...  We have employed a trident-shape quartz crystal resonator oscillating at 1 MHz with a high spring constant of 4ϫ10 5 N/m, allowing subnanometer resolution of the cleaved mica in air.  ...  Since the invention of scanning tunneling microscopy, 1 atomic resolution has been established, in a high vacuum condition, in atomic force microscopy ͑AFM͒ as well as in scanning tunneling microscopy  ... 
doi:10.1063/1.1606493 fatcat:ig5j2yyhwrbaheptc37nqbqhom

Transient Force Atomic Force Microscopy: A New Nano-Interrogation Method

Deepak R. Sahoo, Pranav Agarwal, Murti V. Salapaka
2007 American Control Conference (ACC)  
In these methods microcantilevers with high quality factor are employed for high force sensitivity but at the cost of speed due to dependence on steady-state signals.  ...  Atomic force microscopes (AFMs) are the primary investigation systems at the nanoscale.  ...  In this paper, the hitherto unexplored idea of transient force atomic microscopy (TF-AFM) that uses the transient part of cantilever response for imaging is reported.  ... 
doi:10.1109/acc.2007.4283047 dblp:conf/acc/SahooAS07 fatcat:z6ul7x7yzfgt5iyvar5czy44aa

High-speed atomic force microscopy with phase-detection

Donghyeok Lee, Hyunsoo Lee, N.S. Lee, K.B. Kim, Yongho Seo
2012 Current applied physics  
High-speed image with scan rate of 100 Hz was obtained which were controlled with phase shift as a feedback signal.  ...  In order to improve the scanning speed of tapping mode AFM, we have studied the phase-detection mode AFM with a high frequency (1.5 MHz) cantilever.  ...  Introduction Though the atomic force microscopy (AFM) is considered as a very essential technique for nano-characterization and nano-manipulation fields, its slow imaging rate is a critical disadvantage  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.cap.2011.12.024 fatcat:c3h5qkj2cvgwzmr2og3bgml3wq

Imaging Cellular and Viral Materials with Small Cantilevers Developed for High Speed Atomic Force Microscopy

Georg Fantner, Tzvetan Ivanov, Katerina Ivanova, David Gray, Ivo W Rangelow, Paul K Hansma, Angela M Belcher
2007 Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings  
High speed atomic force microscopy (AFM) holds the promise of investigating dynamic systems in real time with single molecule resolution.  ...  Atomic force microscopy has been successfully used for investigations of many biological systems and materials in real life conditions, but taking AFM images takes too long to follow many biologically  ...  Philipp Thurner for combining the individual tip slices into one 3D representation. We thank Veeco Instruments for help with instrumentation.  ... 
doi:10.1557/proc-1025-b03-03 fatcat:lbzyc4h4u5efzl5zjazra5azam

Fast-scanning shear-force microscopy using a high-frequency dithering probe

Yongho Seo, June H. Park, Jin B. Moon, Wonho Jhe
2000 Applied Physics Letters  
Therefore, it is desirable to enhance the speed for more extensive and practical uses. 1-6 Barrett and Quate 1 obtained a scanning speed of 1 mm/s by removing the feedback loop in contact-mode atomic force  ...  We have demonstrated high-speed scanning shear-force microscopy using a fiber tip attached to quartz crystal vibrating at 2.0 MHz resonance frequency.  ...  Kim for helpful discussions. This work was supported by the Creative Research Initiatives of the Korean Ministry of Science and Technology.  ... 
doi:10.1063/1.1334646 fatcat:fe4muwohfvcgnecy5nwkcsut3q

Torsional Resonance Mode Imaging for High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy

Lin Huang
2003 AIP Conference Proceedings  
The instrumentation of high-speed imaging has been a challenge for scanning probe-based technologies.  ...  Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) dynamics are improved over TappingMode due to the much faster response of the TR amplitude signal when the tip is interacting with a surface.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are indebted to Bob Daniels and Peter Neilson of Veeco Instruments Inc. for their technical assistance. We also appreciate the careful editing by Alan Rice, also of Veeco.  ... 
doi:10.1063/1.1639718 fatcat:weatr3dmijdmbanonpm7u4bs7e

Bimodal frequency-modulated atomic force microscopy with small cantilevers

Christian Dietz, Marcus Schulze, Agnieszka Voss, Christian Riesch, Robert W. Stark
2015 Nanoscale  
Small cantilevers with ultra-high resonant frequencies (1-3 MHz) have paved the way for high-speed atomic force microscopy.  ...  However, their potential for multi-frequency atomic force microscopy is unexplored.  ...  Herruzo and Amir Farokh Payam from the Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid for fruitful discussions. We also thank the Center of Smart Interfaces for financial support.  ... 
doi:10.1039/c4nr05907g pmid:25522181 fatcat:xubnwjdl6rbobg5bm6lou2qdue

Dynamics of Atomic Stick-Slip Friction Examined with Atomic Force Microscopy and Atomistic Simulations at Overlapping Speeds

Xin-Z. Liu, Zhijiang Ye, Yalin Dong, Philip Egberts, Robert W. Carpick, Ashlie Martini
2015 Physical Review Letters  
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and atomistic simulations of atomic friction with silicon oxide tips sliding on Au(111) are conducted at overlapping speeds.  ...  First observed using atomic force microscopy (AFM), atomic stick-slip often occurs when two clean surfaces, at least one of which is crystalline, slide in relative motion [4] .  ...  of high speed data acquisition electronics.  ... 
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.114.146102 pmid:25910138 fatcat:os7jh6o7m5cytopjul3esc5f7a

State estimation for high-speed multifrequency atomic force microscopy

Michael G. Ruppert, David M. Harcombe, S. O. Reza Moheimani
2016 2016 American Control Conference (ACC)  
A fundamental component in the z-axis feedback loop of an atomic force microscope (AFM) operated in dynamic mode is the lock-in amplifier to obtain amplitude and phase of the high-frequency cantilever  ...  We propose to estimate amplitude and phase of multiple frequency components with a linear time-varying Kalman filter which allows for an efficient implementation on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA  ...  CONCLUSION In this work, we propose a linear time-varying Kalman filter to estimate amplitude and phase of multiple frequencies related to cantilever higher eigenmodes for multifrequency Atomic Force Microscopy  ... 
doi:10.1109/acc.2016.7525311 dblp:conf/amcc/RuppertHM16 fatcat:mgk22xqccrdghmeqj5qpl4aquu

Lyapunov estimation for high-speed demodulation in multifrequency atomic force microscopy

David M Harcombe, Michael G Ruppert, Michael R P Ragazzon, Andrew J Fleming
2018 Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology  
This article proposes a model-based multifrequency Lyapunov filter implemented on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) for high-speed MF-AFM demodulation.  ...  An important issue in the emerging field of multifrequency atomic force microscopy (MF-AFM) is the accurate and fast demodulation of the cantilever-tip deflection signal.  ...  Introduction Atomic force microscopy (AFM) [1] has been integral in the field of nanoscale engineering since its invention in 1986 by Binnig et al.  ... 
doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.47 pmid:29515961 pmcid:PMC5815288 fatcat:6jusmfnkvzd67ovk3jxmcn457m

High Speed AFM Imaging of Glutamate Receptor Activation

Chandra Ramanujan, Nahoko Kasai, Jelena Baranovic, Keiichi Torimitsu, John F. Ryan
2011 Biophysical Journal  
In this investigation we have made single molecule measurements of homomeric GluA3 AMPAR reconstituted in mixedlipid supported membranes (ML-SLM) using both conventional and high-speed atomic force microscopy  ...  We use atomic force microscopy nanografting (AFM-NG) to fabricate innovative nano-arrays for immuno-assay, with complete and efficient control on protein/antibody immobilization.  ...  In this investigation we have made single molecule measurements of homomeric GluA3 AMPAR reconstituted in mixedlipid supported membranes (ML-SLM) using both conventional and high-speed atomic force microscopy  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.bpj.2010.12.1099 fatcat:pocvoqwqkfacrpmk2jvmta7dzy
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