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Xxxii Scar Open Science Conference 'Antarctic Science And Policy Advice In A Changing World - Conference Abstracts [article]

Eoghan Griffin, Renuka Badhe
2016 Zenodo  
Abstracts from the 2012 Open Science Conference of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), Antarctic Science and Policy Advice in a Changing World, held in Portland, Oregon, USA  ...  abstract: Since the production of the ADMAP-2001 map, more than 1.5 million line-km of new marine and airborne magnetic survey data, as well as much improved satellite magnetic observations from the Ørsted  ...  These new magnetic data together with survey data that were not previously in the public domain can significantly upgrade the ADMAP compilation for crustal studies of the Antarctic.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.53122 fatcat:o56w4vr3n5bsvkyj6vnetfem3e