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2,954 Hits in 4.8 sec

Object Detection in UAV Images via Global Density Fused Convolutional Network

Ruiqian Zhang, Zhenfeng Shao, Xiao Huang, Jiaming Wang, Deren Li
2020 Remote Sensing  
To address the above issues, we propose a novel global density fused convolutional network (GDF-Net) optimized for object detection in UAV images.  ...  The presented GDF-Net framework can be instantiated to not only the base networks selected in this study but also other popular object detection models.  ...  Different from early algorithms by selected features and background information, the deep learning based approaches automate object detection in UAV images and are transferable to different datasets.  ... 
doi:10.3390/rs12193140 fatcat:pw6ynhfd7fejhcijibrlixv6se

Special Section Guest Editorial: Feature and Deep Learning in Remote Sensing Applications

John E. Ball, Derek T. Anderson, Chee Seng Chan
2018 Journal of Applied Remote Sensing  
Most articles used or extended convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and were application oriented, with a few providing new deep learning models and modules.  ...  A common theme encountered was the use of nonremote sensing pretrained networks and transfer learning.  ...  Marcum et al. in "Rapid broad area search and detection of Chinese surface-to-air missile sites using deep convolutional neural networks" put forth a deep CNN-based chip detection followed by spatial clustering  ... 
doi:10.1117/1.jrs.11.042601 fatcat:pq3xg2sggfdtljjs3hrmp7tzdm

Deep Reasoning with Multi-Scale Context for Salient Object Detection [article]

Zun Li, Congyan Lang, Yunpeng Chen, Junhao Liew, Jiashi Feng
2019 arXiv   pre-print
To detect salient objects accurately, existing methods usually design complex backbone network architectures to learn and fuse powerful features.  ...  Such a deep inference module, though with simple architecture, can directly perform reasoning about salient objects from the multi-scale convolutional features fast, and give superior salient object detection  ...  Recently, convolutional neural networks (CNNs), especially the fully convolutional networks (FCNs), have been extensively utilized to learn more powerful features for salient object detection.  ... 
arXiv:1901.08362v2 fatcat:esln75k3unfgdphwu43w56hh7m

Video Salient Object Detection via Spatiotemporal Attention Neural Networks

Yi Tang, Wenbin Zou, Yang Hua, Zhi Jin, Xia Li
2019 Neurocomputing  
However, these deep learning models cannot adapt directly to the video saliency detection, even if transfer learning is introduced into this community.  ...  Both of streams are the modified VGG-based FCN, whose convolutional layers are replaced by the dilated ones in the last two convolutional blocks.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2019.09.064 fatcat:hmmvekkitbhz7ludfmy2fc6k34

WFNet: A Wider and Finer Network for Salient Object Detection

Jun Cen, Han Sun, Xinyi Chen, Ningzhong Liu, Dong Liang, Huiyu Zhou
2020 IEEE Access  
EDGE-BASED MODELS Many methods based on U-Net architecture have been proposed to detect salient objects [20] [21] [22] .  ...  FUSION-BASED MODELS The combination of different features is very effective for salient object detection.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.3039890 fatcat:cmyufuveb5c67bz5yvsih6o7t4

Survey on Semantic Segmentation using Deep Learning Techniques

Fahad Lateef, Yassine Ruichek
2019 Neurocomputing  
Many of these methods have been built using the deep learning paradigm that has shown a salient performance.  ...  Second, by providing an overview of the publicly available datasets on which they have been assessed. In addition, we present the common evaluation matrix used to measure their accuracy.  ...  , and transfer learning: using pre-trained model as a start point.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2019.02.003 fatcat:aelsfl7unvdw5j2rtyqhtgqrsm

Autonomous Multiple Tramp Materials Detection in Raw Coal Using Single-Shot Feature Fusion Detector

Dongjun Li, Guoying Meng, Zhiyuan Sun, Lili Xu
2021 Applied Sciences  
In this article, an object detection algorithm based on feature fusion and dense convolutional network is proposed, which is called tramp materials in raw coal single-shot detector (TMRC-SSD), to detect  ...  Especially in the detection of small objects, the detection accuracy has increased by 4.1 to 95.57%.  ...  On the other hand, the object detection technology based on deep learning improves the performance of the detector by learning from training data and by adaptively extracting stable image resources [14  ... 
doi:10.3390/app12010107 fatcat:g6y3h4den5eynk7rqwd2ad4msq

YOLO-DFAN: Effective High-Altitude Safety Belt Detection Network

Wendou Yan, Xiuying Wang, Shoubiao Tan
2022 Future Internet  
This paper proposes the You Only Look Once (YOLO) dependency fusing attention network (DFAN) detection algorithm, improved based on the lightweight network YOLOv4-tiny.  ...  In response to the difficulty of extracting the features of an object with a low effective pixel ratio—which is an object with a low ratio of actual area to detection anchor area in the YOLOv4-tiny network—we  ...  Deep-learning-based object detection algorithms are primarily divided into two categories: one-and two-stage.  ... 
doi:10.3390/fi14120349 fatcat:e6detw67xrgifhvzj3vodnuibi

A Review on Multiscale-Deep-Learning Applications

Elizar Elizar, Mohd Asyraf Zulkifley, Rusdha Muharar, Mohd Hairi Mohd Zaman, Seri Mastura Mustaza
2022 Sensors  
In general, most of the existing convolutional neural network (CNN)-based deep-learning models suffer from spatial-information loss and inadequate feature-representation issues.  ...  Multiscale representation enables the network to fuse low-level and high-level features from a restricted receptive field to enhance the deep-model performance.  ...  In order to utilize an effective transfer-learning-initialization method for these segmentation tasks, it is necessary to apply the dilated convolutions sequentially by adding the specified dilated rate  ... 
doi:10.3390/s22197384 pmid:36236483 pmcid:PMC9573412 fatcat:g74dirw2nvdudnkrl3atczm2va

Side-Scan Sonar Image Classification Based on Style Transfer and Pre-Trained Convolutional Neural Networks

Qiang Ge, Fengxue Ruan, Baojun Qiao, Qian Zhang, Xianyu Zuo, Lanxue Dang
2021 Electronics  
Therefore, a side-scan sonar image classification method based on synthetic data and transfer learning is proposed in this paper.  ...  neural network pre-trained on ImageNet is introduced for classification.  ...  learning machine KNN k-nearest neighbor attractor neural network  ... 
doi:10.3390/electronics10151823 fatcat:u7tbhjky6rcalnrxmw5qwkdpia

FE-RetinaNet: Small Target Detection with Parallel Multi-Scale Feature Enhancement

Hong Liang, Junlong Yang, Mingwen Shao
2021 Symmetry  
), which uses dilated convolution with different expansion rates to avoid multiple down sampling.  ...  effect on small targets, with APs increased by 3.2%.  ...  Target detection algorithms based on convolutional neural networks can be divided into two categories: one is a two-stage target detection model, such as R-CNN [1] , Fast R-CNN [2] , Faster R-CNN [3  ... 
doi:10.3390/sym13060950 fatcat:cs5pnmyoirc3nkmknfjn6pu6sa

An Efficient Object Detection Algorithm Based on Compressed Networks

Jianjun Li, Kangjian Peng, Chin-Chen Chang
2018 Symmetry  
In recent years, object detection algorithms based on convolutional neural networks have achieved excellent results.  ...  By learning the category distribution of the "teacher network", the knowledge of the "teacher network" is refined into a smaller model.  ...  Detector mAP (%) Operations (G-Ops) fps (s) Model Size (M) Our Network 72. 6 Conclusions In order to solve the low efficiency problem of object detection algorithms based on convolutional neural  ... 
doi:10.3390/sym10070235 fatcat:s4c23vnvdfgr5klpxonfiv3lau

FA-YOLO: An Improved YOLO Model for Infrared Occlusion Object Detection under Confusing Background

Shuangjiang Du, Baofu Zhang, Pin Zhang, Peng Xiang, Hong Xue, Yin Zhang
2021 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing  
Infrared target detection is a popular applied field in object detection as well as a challenge.  ...  Firstly, we use GAN to create infrared images from the visible datasets to make sufficient datasets for training as well as using transfer learning.  ...  Based on the YOLOv4 model, we used no transfer learning as the comparisons and just train the model on the infrared dataset. 1 .  ... 
doi:10.1155/2021/1896029 fatcat:5zbcdgftvjboljmhi7bjcduomu

Image Semantic Segmentation Fusion of Edge Detection and AFF Attention Mechanism

Yijie Jiao, Xiaohua Wang, Wenjie Wang, Shuang Li
2022 Applied Sciences  
objects, and by 3% for scenes with complex object edges.  ...  Deep learning has been widely used in various fields because of its accuracy and efficiency. At present, the improvement of image semantic segmentation accuracy has become the area of most concern.  ...  After the training, the model is transplanted to the semantic segmentation network through transfer learning, and the final training of the whole model is completed.  ... 
doi:10.3390/app122111248 fatcat:ywpl5qxnjbhyrfcrkbtzjgmx4u

Automatic Crack Detection on Road Pavements Using Encoder-Decoder Architecture

Zhun Fan, Chong Li, Ying Chen, Jiahong Wei, Giuseppe Loprencipe, Xiaopeng Chen, Paola Di Mascio
2020 Materials  
Inspired by the development of deep learning in computer vision and object detection, the proposed algorithm considers an encoder-decoder architecture with hierarchical feature learning and dilated convolution  ...  , named U-Hierarchical Dilated Network (U-HDN), to perform crack detection in an end-to-end method.  ...  Gao and Mosalam in [51] applied the transfer learning to detect damage images with structural method, and this method can reduce the computational cost by using the pre-trained neural network model.  ... 
doi:10.3390/ma13132960 pmid:32630713 fatcat:fgubiuizybfw5hsmh7l3ovohnu
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