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Obfuscating DSP Circuits via High-Level Transformations

Yingjie Lao, Keshab K. Parhi
2015 IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (vlsi) Systems  
Structural obfuscation is also achieved by the proposed methodology via high-level transformations.  ...  This paper presents a novel approach to design obfuscated circuits for digital signal processing (DSP) applications using high-level transformations, a key-based obfuscating finite-state machine (FSM),  ...  This paper, for the first time, presents design of obfuscated DSP circuits via high-level transformations that are harder to reverse engineer.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tvlsi.2014.2323976 fatcat:2dgji6k57zh4hh7xva2uvrsy7a

Protecting DSP circuits through obfuscation

Yingjie Lao, Keshab K. Parhi
2014 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)  
This paper presents a novel approach to protect digital signal processing (DSP) circuits through obfuscation by using high-level transformations.  ...  The goal is to design DSP circuits that are harder to reverse engineer. High-level transformations of iterative data-flow graphs have been exploited for area-speed-power tradeoffs.  ...  OBFUSCATION VIA HIGH-LEVEL TRANSFORMATIONS A.  ... 
doi:10.1109/iscas.2014.6865256 dblp:conf/iscas/LaoP14 fatcat:nujoytetczf6xbv4mgozlfysji

Hardware Obfuscation Driven by QR Pattern using High Level Transformations

Sharath Kumar D.R.V.A, Samskruti College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, India
2019 International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering  
The experimental evaluation is carried out for proving the logic obfuscation method using FIR DSP digital design.  ...  Experimental evaluations demonstrate the low area, power, and trade off the performance over security level of the proposed obfuscation technique.  ...  In this work, for the first time, we presents color QR pattern to obfuscate the DSP circuits via FSM state transformations which are harder to reverse engineer.  ... 
doi:10.30534/ijatcse/2019/0881.32019 fatcat:lf7zjbpnfzd7nozcanibgjxwim

Mode-based Obfuscation using Control-Flow Modifications

Sandhya Koteshwara, Chris H. Kim, Keshab K. Parhi
2016 Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Cryptography and Security in Computing Systems - CS2 '16  
• No existing methods of obfuscation target these specific concerns. Basic concepts • Folding: High-level transformation on circuits to create time-multiplexed architectures.  ...  parts in circulation, according to a 2010 estimate by SMT Corp., based in Sandy Hook, Conn)* Goals of obfuscation • Address obfuscation of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) circuits  ...  Analysis of Obfuscated Modes Obscurity of control-flow : • For C different control signals in the design, each is obfuscated to degree L using a L:1 mux.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2858930.2858934 dblp:conf/hipeac/KoteshwaraKP16 fatcat:6w4ex5j7sjd2zmni7xns5px3vq

Obfuscation Mechanism for DSP Protection

P. Sandeep, Mennaiah Batta, P. Shiva Rama Krishna, D Kiran Kumar, Vignan institute of technology and science
2020 International Journal of Engineering Research and  
The aim of the paper is to obfuscate the DSP circuits by using HLT transformations. By the obfuscation, we protect the hardware. The image scaling algorithms employed for confounding the circuits.  ...  The design aims at the HLT(high-level transformations) of repeated state graphs which have been utilized for speed, area and power compromises.  ...  applicable high-level transformation ought to be chosen consistent with the performance demand.Step3: Obfuscation via HLT techniques: -Suitable HLT techniques are applied.  ... 
doi:10.17577/ijertv9is050050 fatcat:q6i5gwr5fbh2dcpjqns23psetq

2020 Index IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics Vol. 66

2020 IEEE transactions on consumer electronics  
Wang, G., +, T-CE Aug. 2020 261-270 Integrated circuit design Enhanced Security of DSP Circuits Using Multi-Key Based Structural Obfuscation and Physical-Level Watermarking for Consumer Electronics  ...  Sengupta, A., +, T-CE May 2020 163-172 Integrated circuit yield Enhanced Security of DSP Circuits Using Multi-Key Based Structural Obfuscation and Physical-Level Watermarking for Consumer Electronics  ... 
doi:10.1109/tce.2020.3043154 fatcat:omfsm4ecsbfa5j62upx2p3w44y

TAO: Techniques for Algorithm-Level Obfuscation during High-Level Synthesis

Christian Pilato, Francesco Regazzoni, Ramesh Karri, Siddharth Garg
2018 2018 55th ACM/ESDA/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC)  
We propose TAO as a comprehensive solution based on high-level synthesis to raise the abstraction level and apply algorithmic obfuscation automatically.  ...  Finally, this is a promising approach to obfuscate large-scale designs despite the hardware overhead needed to implement the obfuscation.  ...  High-level transformations have been already proposed but only to obfuscate DSP circuits [9] . SAT-based attacks can extract these keys [16, 18] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/dac.2018.8465830 fatcat:l2lcr5yhorcfraxabwqbrd3clu

2019 Index IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics Vol. 65

2019 IEEE transactions on consumer electronics  
Groba, A.M., +, T-CE Feb. 2019 18-27 Protecting DSP Kernels Using Robust Hologram-Based Obfuscation.  ...  Yanambaka, V.P., +, T-CE Aug. 2019 388-397 Protecting DSP Kernels Using Robust Hologram-Based Obfuscation.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tce.2019.2952223 fatcat:y4lvedb7gbd3fbkzpnjhd5xt2i

Preventing Distillation-based Attacks on Neural Network IP [article]

Mahdieh Grailoo, Zain Ul Abideen, Mairo Leier, Samuel Pagliarini
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Moreover, the accuracy and prediction distributions are maintained, no functionality is disturbed, nor are high overheads incurred.  ...  We elaborate a threat model which highlights the difference between random logic obfuscation and the obfuscation of NN IP.  ...  In the second stage, the NN IP is typically converted from a high-level model to a C/C++ description [12] . In the third stage, the NN IP is obfuscated with poisoning the predictions.  ... 
arXiv:2204.00292v1 fatcat:oukjsnwbsjdgzkhyi6iu6rgvwu

Survey of hardware protection of design data for integrated circuits and intellectual properties

Brice Colombier, Lilian Bossuet
2014 IET Computers & Digital Techniques  
However, several published works propose different ways to protect design data including functional locking, hardware obfuscation, and IC/IP identification.  ...  Over the past ten years, the designers of integrated circuits and intellectual properties have faced increasing threats including counterfeiting, reverse-engineering and theft.  ...  Obfuscation/camouflaging Symmetric and asymmetric ciphering 3 900 slices N/C Xilinx Virtex IV [67] 2008 Obfuscation/camouflaging Key exchange via heat 225 slices 0,5mW Xilinx Spartan 3A  ... 
doi:10.1049/iet-cdt.2014.0028 fatcat:c2gzjh2mkbf7tjifyd44lrvrru

Secure and Reliable Biometric Access Control for Resource-Constrained Systems and IoT [article]

Nima Karimian, Zimu Guo, Fatemeh Tehranipoor, Damon Woodard, Mark Tehranipoor, Domenic Forte
2018 arXiv   pre-print
Aside from reducing the risk of compromising the biometric, the nature of obfuscation also provides protection against access control circumvention via malware and fault injection.  ...  Second, a major requirement of the proposed PUF/obfuscation approach is that a reliable (robust) key be generated from the users input biometric.  ...  An example of system-level obfuscation is presented in Fig. 1(b) . The key-controlled multiplexer (question mark box) conceals the interconnections among integrated circuits (ICs).  ... 
arXiv:1803.09710v1 fatcat:5c3s5oiqgbep7cpwzkeioluzpi

2019 Index IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems Vol. 38

2019 IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems  
Zhu, W., +, TCAD July 2019 1278-1290 High level synthesis ACHILLES: Accuracy-Aware High-Level Synthesis Considering Online Quality Management.  ...  A Study on the State of High-Level Synthesis. Lahti, S., +, TCAD May 2019 898-911 Hybrid Quick Error Detection: Validation and Debug of SoCs Through High-Level Synthesis.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tcad.2020.2964359 fatcat:qjr6i73tkrgnrkkmtjexbxberm

A survey of hardware Trojan threat and defense

He Li, Qiang Liu, Jiliang Zhang
2016 Integration  
Therefore, it is very important to analyze the specific HT threats existing in the whole life cycle of integrated circuits (ICs), and perform protection against hardware Trojans.  ...  Logic obfuscation Logic obfuscation (LO) is a probabilistic transform O that converts a source circuit F into a new circuit O(F) that has the same functionality as F but less intelligible in some senses  ...  Sequential logic obfuscation is another way to obfuscate IC designs by adding new states and transformations in the finite state machine (FSM) [71] [72] [73] .  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.vlsi.2016.01.004 fatcat:fms3p3j7m5f7flfpewrgbz5bpy

A Survey on Chip to System Reverse Engineering

Shahed E. Quadir, Junlin Chen, Domenic Forte, Navid Asadizanjani, Sina Shahbazmohamadi, Lei Wang, John Chandy, Mark Tehranipoor
2016 ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems  
In this paper, we will be presenting a survey of reverse engineering and anti-reverse engineering techniques on the chip, board, and system levels.  ...  [Li et al. 2012 ] present RE of gate-level netlists to derive the high-level function of circuit components based on behavioral pattern mining.  ...  High-Level Netlist Extraction from Gate-Level Schematic.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2755563 fatcat:uzdampyd6fc2fg2axhn7ydnioi

Multi-Tenant Cloud FPGA: A Survey on Security [article]

Muhammed Kawser Ahmed, Joel Mandebi, Sujan Kumar Saha, Christophe Bobda
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Hardware obfuscation or camouflage is a unique approach to obfuscate tenant circuits from malicious attackers.  ...  However, the improvement and development of high-level-synthesis (HLS) design tools e.g.  ... 
arXiv:2209.11158v1 fatcat:lncjxjjqhvbzznyihuxppo2i4e
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