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Testing Technique of BIST: A Survey

Sakshi Shrivastava, Paresh Rawat, Sunil Malviya
2017 International Journal of Computer Applications  
As the compactness of system-on-chip (SoC) increase, it becomes striking to integrate dedicated test logic on a chip.  ...  Starting with a broad idea of test problems, this survey paper focus on "Chip" Built in Self-Test (BIST) study and its promotion for board and system-level applications.  ...  Efficient reduce the More Huang Parallel hardware Complexity Transparent overhead and High BIST without power Method for losing fault requirement Multiple coverage Embedded Memory Buffers Jinkyu LFSR Reduce  ... 
doi:10.5120/ijca2017913133 fatcat:jpajhgrbxncwfnndzezx77bniq

Software-based self-testing methodology for processor cores

Li Chen, S. Dey
2001 IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems  
Application of the novel software-based self-test method demonstrates its significant cost/fault coverage benefits and its ability to apply at-speed test while alleviating the need for high-speed testers  ...  During the process of self-test, the test generation program expands the self-test signatures into test sets and the test application program applies the tests to the components under test at the speed  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank P. Sanchez and K. Sekar for their help with the picoJava processor core.  ... 
doi:10.1109/43.913755 fatcat:ors6roeymfgq5mmozi2mgg52te

Embedded hardware and software self-testing methodologies for processor cores

Li Chen, Sujit Dey, Pablo Sanchez, Krishna Sekar, Ying Cheng
2000 Proceedings of the 37th conference on Design automation - DAC '00  
Application of the novel softwarebased self-test method demonstrates its significant cost/fault coverage benefits and its ability to apply at-speed test while alleviating the need for high-speed testers  ...  Currently, Built-In Self-Test (BIST) is the primary self-test methodology available and is widely used for testing embedded memory cores.  ...  The outputs of the scan chains are compressed on-chip using a MISR. Test points may be inserted to improve the fault coverage.  ... 
doi:10.1145/337292.337599 dblp:conf/dac/ChenDSSC00 fatcat:m7k46u6t3ve37gn67e3bety56e

Scalable and Efficient Methods for Uncertainty Estimation and Reduction in Deep Learning [article]

Soyed Tuhin Ahmed
2024 arXiv   pre-print
estimation and reduction in deep learning, with a focus on Computation-in-Memory (CIM) using emerging resistive non-volatile memories.  ...  To address the challenges of deploying NNs in resource-constrained safety-critical systems, this paper summarizes the (4th year) PhD thesis work that explores scalable and efficient methods for uncertainty  ...  Furthermore, to reduce the testing overhead of large-scale NN models to an absolute minimum, we introduce the oneshot testing method that requires only a single test vector and a forward pass, as detailed  ... 
arXiv:2401.07145v1 fatcat:pg4eecawgzcyjf5r2ylx6wbnhm

DART: Dependable VLSI test architecture and its implementation

Yasuo Sato, Seiji Kajihara, Tomokazu Yoneda, Kazumi Hatayama, Michiko Inoue, Yukiya Miura, Satoshi Ohtake, Takumi Hasegawa, Motoyuki Sato, Kotaro Shimamura
2012 2012 IEEE International Test Conference  
The DART also equips a technique to improve the test coverage using the rotating test and a technique to consider the test environment such as temperature or voltage using novel ring-oscillator-based monitors  ...  Although many electronic safety-related systems require very high reliability, it is becoming harder and harder to achieve it because of transient faults such as soft errors or delay-related failures,  ...  Acknowledgements Many other people helped with our project, and the authors would particularly like to thank Prof. Fujiwara of Osaka Gakuin University, Dr. Uchiyama, Dr. Kanekawa and Mr.  ... 
doi:10.1109/test.2012.6401581 dblp:conf/itc/SatoKYHIMUHSS12 fatcat:xs4fs537tvflxfu7vnstxanree


Vishwani D. Agrawal
2018 Journal of electronic testing  
This issue features approximate computing, analog circuit diagnosis, memory testing, system-on-chip (SoC) test scheduling, hardware security, and fault tolerance. It contains nine articles.  ...  If we take advantage of relaxed requirements, we can design electronic circuits to reduce power and hardware or enhance performance.  ...  This issue features approximate computing, analog circuit diagnosis, memory testing, system-on-chip (SoC) test scheduling, hardware security, and fault tolerance. It contains nine articles.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10836-018-5743-8 fatcat:fpridvgrifdvdmt4mt52oj7eeq

MT-SBST: Self-test optimization in multithreaded multicore architectures

N. Foutris, M. Psarakis, D. Gizopoulos, A. Apostolakis, X. Vera, A. Gonzalez
2010 2010 IEEE International Test Conference  
In this paper, we present a novel self-test optimization strategy for multithreaded, multicore microprocessor architectures and apply it to both manufacturing testing (execution from on-chip cache memory  ...  reduce the overall test execution time and on the same time to increase the overall fault coverage.  ...  The SBST key idea is to exploit the instruction set architecture and on-chip programmable resources to execute effective self-test programs.  ... 
doi:10.1109/test.2010.5699277 dblp:conf/itc/FoutrisPGAVG10 fatcat:zmsqythtujchtoikemek7ifmbe

Weighted Random Pattern Generator by Using BIST

2015 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)  
In Built-In Self-Test (BIST),test patterns are generated and applied to the circuit-under-test (CUT) by on-chip hardware; minimizing hardware overhead is a major concern of BIST implementation.  ...  in power consumption and high fault coverage with minimum ****** of test patterns.  ...  Introduction A System-on-Chip (SoC) increasing capacity of system integration in modern semi-conductor processes, reduced time-to-market requirements, and decreasing system costs make multi core systems  ... 
doi:10.21275/v4i12.nov152188 fatcat:em4efhwlwfdb7gaxjbdla4icvq

Implementation of Low Power TPG using LFSR and single input changing generator (SICG) for BIST Application: A Review

Namratha M R, Jyothi Pramal, Praveen J, Raghavendra A Rao
A novel test pattern generator which is more suitable for built in self test (BIST) structures used for testing of VLSI circuits.  ...  The objective of the BIST is to reduce power dissipation without affecting the fault coverage.  ...  The main advantages of this method are reduction of the test data volume; require less time to test the application and its reusability for logic cores on a system-on-chip (SOC).  ... 
doi:10.17148/ijireeice.2015.3429 fatcat:36upg5ss4rfwvltaxo4cgvo2xa

Design and Development of a Modified AXI Based BIST Technique for Memory Architectures

2019 International journal of recent technology and engineering  
Built In Self Test (BIST) is a hardware memory test architecture deployed in many System on Chip devices to enable fault detection.  ...  This technique reduces the cost and time needed to test the memory systems. Different BIST modules need to be used to detect faults in different memories. As a result, design complexity increases.  ...  Built In Self Test (BIST) is a hardware memory test architecture deployed in many System on Chip devices to enable fault detection.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijrte.d4446.118419 fatcat:77axnucgyjberony2vjxs5ajoq

A Low-Cost At-Speed BIST Architecture for Embedded Processor and SRAM Cores

M.H. Tehranipour, S.M. Fakhraie, Z. Navabi, M.R. Movahedin
2004 Journal of electronic testing  
We have introduced a low-cost at-speed BIST architecture that enables conventional microprocessors and DSP cores to test their functional blocks and embedded SRAMs in system-on-a-chip architectures using  ...  A test algorithm which utilizes a mixture of existing memory testing techniques and covers all important memory faults is presented in this paper.  ...  Acknowledgment The authors would like to thank Professor Krishnendu Chakrabarty of ECE Department of Duke University for his useful suggestions.  ... 
doi:10.1023/b:jett.0000023679.08518.bf fatcat:ps3ege2h65cojbbtfoux5opp7a

International Test Conference

1986 IEEE Design & Test of Computers  
SUMMARY: The first session on the application of Artificial Intelligence to test concentrates on its use in the areas of test pattern generation, built-in self-test, and fault location. introduces a novel  ...  "Performance Assurance of Memories Embedded In VLSI Chips" Two diverse methods are proposed to assure performance characteristics of memories buried in random logic on the same chip.  ...  What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of these methods, and when is it best to use one approach over the other?  ... 
doi:10.1109/mdt.1986.294973 fatcat:6dlybbnmgjhqll6rte6uaisnyi

Power dissipation, variations and nanoscale CMOS design: Test challenges and self-calibration/self-repair solutions

Swarup Bhunia, Kaushik Roy
2007 2007 IEEE International Test Conference  
In this paper, we provide an overview of major low-power and variation-tolerant design techniques; discuss related test issues and focus on effectiveness of self-calibration/self-repair solutions to maintain  ...  Low-power and process-tolerant designs, however, impose new test challenges and may even have conflicting requirements for test -affecting delay fault coverage, I DDQ testability, parametric yield, and  ...  Novel DFT circuits can help in reducing the test time without affecting fault coverage. One such technique, referred as double sensing, is applied to test the read stability of SRAM cells.  ... 
doi:10.1109/test.2007.4437659 dblp:conf/itc/BhuniaR07 fatcat:bdsfonjkkrhnxeigu3gog4y6de

2001 technology roadmap for semiconductors

A. Allan, D. Edenfeld, W.H. Joyner, A.B. Kahng, M. Rodgers, Y. Zorian
2002 Computer  
Acknowledgments We acknowledge the efforts of the many individuals who contributed to making the 2001 edition of The International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors a successful endeavor.  ...  Test will continue to leverage functional test methodology as one opportunity to obtain the coverage required to guarantee outgoing product quality.  ...  DFTbased approaches require continued research to increase coverage of process defects by developing advanced methodologies to apply patterns based on existing fault models to designs and identifying novel  ... 
doi:10.1109/2.976918 fatcat:mv3q7f3l2zfjng2i5rvipkdhsi

Design and Analysis of Low Power Memory Built in Self Test Architecture for SoC based Design

Sowmithra Vennelakanti, S. Saravanan
2015 Indian Journal of Science and Technology  
This paper targets on the low power design of Memory Built In Self Test (MBIST) architecture for System on Chip (SoC) based design.  ...  Proposed address generator is developed with the blend of gray code counter and modulo counter. Bit reversing technique is adopted in this paper to generate the last pattern of gray code counter.  ...  Built In Self Test (BIST) techniques are found to be better alternative compared to external testing as they provide on chip test pattern generation and response analysis.  ... 
doi:10.17485/ijst/2015/v8i14/62716 fatcat:4y4zflqee5byvmiwrkd4huyw64
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