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Noise-Transfer2Clean: Denoising cryo-EM images based on noise modeling and transfer [article]

Hongjia Li, Hui Zhang, Xiaohua Wan, Zhidong Yang, Chengmin Li, Jintao Li, Renmin Han, Ping Zhu, Fa Zhang
2021 bioRxiv   pre-print
performance by correctly discovering the noise model of cryo-EM images and transferring the statistical nature of noise into the denoiser.  ...  To our knowledge, NT2C is the first denoising method that resolves the complex noise model in cryo-EM images.  ...  The key idea of NT2C is discovering the noise model of cryo-EM images over pure noise patches and transferring the statistical nature of noise into the denoiser, making the denoising based on noise's true  ... 
doi:10.1101/2021.05.10.443396 fatcat:hug6gzx6ardqtbvw5ev223lugy

Differentiable Electron Microscopy Simulation: Methods and Applications for Visualization [article]

Ngan Nguyen, Feng Liang, Dominik Engel, Ciril Bohak, Peter Wonka, Timo Ropinski, Ivan Viola
2022 arXiv   pre-print
, and (2) denoising the real data based on parameters trained from the simulated examples.  ...  On top of that, the simulator is differentiable, both its deterministic as well as stochastic stages that form signal and noise representations in the micrograph.  ...  Acknowledgment The authors would like to thank Sai Li and his team at School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University, China for sharing the SARS-CoV-2 cryo-EM data for this work.  ... 
arXiv:2205.04464v2 fatcat:r4kyvveyr5hanm7s442qk6ybh4