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Light-weight Grid Computing for Small Group Use Cases

Aiqiang ZHANG, Benda XU, Qimin ZHOU, Xu DENG
2019 Zenodo  
Computing resources of a single site are often limited and distributed computing is often inexpensive and flexible.  ...  For the cases when light-weight grid computing is more desirable, our project provides a performant solution in connecting and managing the distributive computing resources of a small group.  ...  Newer Is Sometimes Better: An Evaluation of NFSv4.1. SIGMETRICS Perform. Eval. Rev. 43, 1 (June 2015), 165-176.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3598966 fatcat:a25ccbjdhrdrnnkd2hkzctvd4i

Consolidating the interactive analysis and Grid infrastructure at DESY

Christoph Beyer, Thomas Finnern, Martin Flemming, Andreas Gellrich, Thomas Hartmann, Yves Kemp, Birgit Lewendel, Johannes Reppin, Krunoslav Sever, Sven Sternberger, Christian Voss, C. Doglioni (+5 others)
2020 EPJ Web of Conferences  
For Grid jobs start-up latencies are negligible and the primary focus is on an optimal utilization of the resources.  ...  Within WLCG, the DESY site in Hamburg is one of the largest Tier-2 sites with about 18500 CPU cores for Grid workloads.  ...  Thus, it is advisable to off-load for any significant data processing onto a better suited batch system.  ... 
doi:10.1051/epjconf/202024507003 fatcat:b6cj37pdizcltmzd77zjs62foa

Safe and effective fine-grained TCP retransmissions for datacenter communication

Vijay Vasudevan, Amar Phanishayee, Hiral Shah, Elie Krevat, David G. Andersen, Gregory R. Ganger, Garth A. Gibson, Brian Mueller
2009 Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2009 conference on Data communication - SIGCOMM '09  
For latency-sensitive applications, TCP timeouts in the datacenter impose delays of hundreds of milliseconds in networks with round-trip-times in microseconds.  ...  ., filesystem reads and parallel data-intensive queries), throughput is reduced by up to 90%.  ...  This material is based upon research supported in part by the National Science Foundation via grants CNS-0546551, CNS-0619525, CNS-0326453, and CCF-0621499, by the Army Research Office, under agreement  ... 
doi:10.1145/1592568.1592604 dblp:conf/sigcomm/VasudevanPSKAGGM09 fatcat:47agk5toonafvdh2owmh6trama

Safe and effective fine-grained TCP retransmissions for datacenter communication

Vijay Vasudevan, Amar Phanishayee, Hiral Shah, Elie Krevat, David G. Andersen, Gregory R. Ganger, Garth A. Gibson, Brian Mueller
2009 Computer communication review  
For latency-sensitive applications, TCP timeouts in the datacenter impose delays of hundreds of milliseconds in networks with round-trip-times in microseconds.  ...  ., filesystem reads and parallel data-intensive queries), throughput is reduced by up to 90%.  ...  This material is based upon research supported in part by the National Science Foundation via grants CNS-0546551, CNS-0619525, CNS-0326453, and CCF-0621499, by the Army Research Office, under agreement  ... 
doi:10.1145/1594977.1592604 fatcat:kdptglfl4zaxjllffrcbxah5yy

The Decentralized File System Igor-FS as an Application for Overlay-Networks

Kendy Kutzner
The next hop replies with an even better next hop, which is queried again (thin arrows in figure 3.3) . This process of iterative querying continues until no better next hop is found.  ...  Currently, the following features are designed and implemented for NFSv4.1 (sometimes also called pNFS for parallel NFS): • The file server is split into one meta-data server and one or more data servers  ...  Chapter 15 Conclusions Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.  ... 
doi:10.5445/ir/1000009668 fatcat:ziuklc4cnrhcxp7hjisnrgqhd4

Particle physics 2013 - Highlights and Annual Report

Thomas Schoerner-Sadenius, Manfred Fleischer, Michael Medinnis, Ilka Flegel
Moreover, DESY is currently preparing components for installation in the coming years and in particular during the next long LHC shutdown in 2018.  ...  Introduction | 5 Helmut Dosch Chairman of the DESY Board of Directors also at DESY for the restart of LHC operation in spring 2015.  ...  This precision is an order of magnitude better than what is possible at the LHC and, relative to the mass, far better than what is known for all other quarks.  ... 
doi:10.3204/desy_ar_et2013 fatcat:nyp7erut7ba5dnpsdzj7zsxeru