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Improving Neural Parsing by Disentangling Model Combination and Reranking Effects [article]

Daniel Fried, Mitchell Stern, Dan Klein
2017 arXiv   pre-print
Recent work has proposed several generative neural models for constituency parsing that achieve state-of-the-art results.  ...  We then demonstrate that the rescoring results are at least partly due to implicit model combination rather than reranking effects.  ...  In this paper, we present experiments to isolate the degree to which each gain occurs for each of two state-of-the-art generative neural parsing models: the Recurrent Neural Network Grammar generative  ... 
arXiv:1707.03058v1 fatcat:4hm7zlxs7jeupc43efwhjcyt64

Combining Improvements for Exploiting Dependency Trees in Neural Semantic Parsing [article]

Defeng Xie and Jianmin Ji and Jiafei Xu and Ran Ji
2021 arXiv   pre-print
However, it is unclear whether those methods which exploit such dependency information for semantic parsing can be combined to achieve further improvement and the relationship of those methods when they  ...  combine.  ...  Combining Improvements for Exploiting Dependency Trees in Neural Semantic Parsing  ... 
arXiv:2112.13179v1 fatcat:speapueqczbnrohirakzqxw4fq

Improving Neural Parsing by Disentangling Model Combination and Reranking Effects

Daniel Fried, Mitchell Stern, Dan Klein
2017 Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)  
Recent work has proposed several generative neural models for constituency parsing that achieve state-of-the-art results.  ...  We then demonstrate that the rescoring results are at least partly due to implicit model combination rather than reranking effects.  ...  In this paper, we present experiments to isolate the degree to which each gain occurs for each of two state-of-the-art generative neural parsing models: the Recurrent Neural Network Grammar generative  ... 
doi:10.18653/v1/p17-2025 dblp:conf/acl/FriedSK17 fatcat:cpifozyuuvcgzamzhtvxz5af7e

CYK Parsing over Distributed Representations

Fabio Massimo Zanzotto, Giorgio Satta, Giordano Cristini
2020 Algorithms  
With the recent development of deep learning techniques, several artificial intelligence applications, especially in natural language processing, have combined traditional parsing methods with neural networks  ...  These operations are compatible with recurrent neural networks. Preliminary experiments show that D-CYK approximates the original CYK algorithm.  ...  The parsing algorithm is based on the CYK method combined with a beam search strategy and applies the neural network component in a second pass to rerank the obtained derivations. Dyer et al.  ... 
doi:10.3390/a13100262 fatcat:wcovlq4ayjg3nfo4j6fud7eer4

An Empirical Study of Encoders and Decoders in Graph-Based Dependency Parsing

Ge Wang, Ziyuan Hu, Zechuan Hu, Kewei Tu
2020 IEEE Access  
In this paper, we empirically evaluate different combinations of neural and non-neural encoders with first-and second-order decoders to thoroughly examine their effect on parsing performance.  ...  FIGURE 4 : 4 Average UAS relative to the combination of the non-neural encoder and the first-order decoder.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.2974109 fatcat:xinalhfbsrgphnhfwdu3fzifky

Multi-Source Syntactic Neural Machine Translation

Anna Currey, Kenneth Heafield
2018 Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing  
We introduce a novel multi-source technique for incorporating source syntax into neural machine translation using linearized parses.  ...  This is achieved by employing separate encoders for the sequential and parsed versions of the same source sentence; the resulting representations are then combined using a hierarchical attention mechanism  ...  Related Work Seq2seq Neural Parsing Using linearized parse trees within sequential frameworks was first done in the context of neural parsing.  ... 
doi:10.18653/v1/d18-1327 dblp:conf/emnlp/CurreyH18 fatcat:xbfldf3tbzdsfc6zqiwztajzza

Multi-Source Syntactic Neural Machine Translation [article]

Anna Currey, Kenneth Heafield
2018 arXiv   pre-print
We introduce a novel multi-source technique for incorporating source syntax into neural machine translation using linearized parses.  ...  This is achieved by employing separate encoders for the sequential and parsed versions of the same source sentence; the resulting representations are then combined using a hierarchical attention mechanism  ...  of neural parsing.  ... 
arXiv:1808.10267v1 fatcat:4alp7j36u5ehlosve6siuekhse

Probabilistic Graph-based Dependency Parsing with Convolutional Neural Network

Zhisong Zhang, Hai Zhao, Lianhui Qin
2016 Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)  
This paper presents neural probabilistic parsing models which explore up to thirdorder graph-based parsing with maximum likelihood training criteria.  ...  Two neural network extensions are exploited for performance improvement.  ...  to combine manually specified representations with distributed neural representations as in .  ... 
doi:10.18653/v1/p16-1131 dblp:conf/acl/ZhangZQ16 fatcat:zvv2likasrc4xoqif35pu6zwwe

Syntactic Analysis of the Sentences of the Russian Language Based on Neural Networks

A.G. Sboev, R. Rybka, I. Moloshnikov, D. Gudovskih
2015 Procedia Computer Science  
The model of Russian language parser based on a combination of neural networks along with extraction of set of parameters which allows to establish relations with the minimal syntactic ambiguity is presented  ...  The parse tree of sentence is constructed in the format of Russian National Corpus (RNC).  ...  Syntactic analysis of the sentences of the Russian language based on neural networks Sboev A, et. al  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.procs.2015.11.033 fatcat:gxrdvzeqs5ghpgtumb2b4ksdmy

Parsing with Neural and Finite Automata Networks: A Graph Grammar Approach

Sanjay Bhargava, G. N. Purohit
2011 International Journal of Computer Applications  
In "Parsing with finite automata networks" finite automata are frequently combined using a set of rules for various operations like union, concatenation, and kleene closure; while in "Parsing with neural  ...  its validity) for parsing with (i) neural networks and (ii) finite automata networks.  ...  neural networks and natural language processing; incremental parsing; and neural networks and recurrent neural networks.  ... 
doi:10.5120/2878-3747 fatcat:ikw5hpj255acpmuucnd2giv2du

The Forest Convolutional Network: Compositional Distributional Semantics with a Neural Chart and without Binarization

Phong Le, Willem Zuidema
2015 Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing  
According to the principle of compositionality, the meaning of a sentence is computed from the meaning of its parts and the way they are syntactically combined.  ...  Current recursive neural network (RNN) approaches for computing sentence meaning therefore run into a number of practical difficulties, including the need to carefully select a parser appropriate for the  ...  Therefore, a good solution is to give 3 An indirect interaction can be set up through pooling. the system a set of parses and let it decide which parse is the best or to combine some of them.  ... 
doi:10.18653/v1/d15-1137 dblp:conf/emnlp/LeZ15 fatcat:ocbsimdx6zddrb7asnwlxehd6u

A Neural Probabilistic Structured-Prediction Model for Transition-Based Dependency Parsing

Hao Zhou, Yue Zhang, Shujian Huang, Jiajun Chen
2015 Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)  
Neural probabilistic parsers are attractive for their capability of automatic feature combination and small data sizes.  ...  We propose a neural probabilistic structured-prediction model for transition-based dependency parsing, which integrates search and learning.  ...  Related Work Parsing with neural networks.  ... 
doi:10.3115/v1/p15-1117 dblp:conf/acl/ZhouZHC15 fatcat:vpimiankpfdkjbjxwii4stesh4

Transition-based Dependency Parsing Using Two Heterogeneous Gated Recursive Neural Networks

Xinchi Chen, Yaqian Zhou, Chenxi Zhu, Xipeng Qiu, Xuanjing Huang
2015 Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing  
Recently, neural network based dependency parsing has attracted much interest, which can effectively alleviate the problems of data sparsity and feature engineering by using the dense features.  ...  DAG-GRNN models the feature combinations of the nodes whose dependency relations have not been built yet.  ...  Directed Acyclic Graph Structured Gated Recursive Neural Network Previous neural based parsing works feed the extracted features into a standard neural network with one hidden layer.  ... 
doi:10.18653/v1/d15-1215 dblp:conf/emnlp/ChenZZQH15 fatcat:4jlrld7pxvf4lfcqvzvg25vodm

The Meaning Factory at SemEval-2017 Task 9: Producing AMRs with Neural Semantic Parsing [article]

Rik van Noord, Johan Bos
2017 arXiv   pre-print
An ensemble combining our neural semantic parser with an existing, traditional parser, yields a small gain in performance.  ...  Although we improve on previous character-based neural semantic parsing models, the overall accuracy is still lower than a state-of-the-art AMR parser.  ...  The best result was obtained by combining the different methods. This model was then used to parse the evaluation data.  ... 
arXiv:1704.02156v2 fatcat:255exme54zhyfbctqhmec6bs4a

Combining Discrete and Continuous Features for Deterministic Transition-based Dependency Parsing

Meishan Zhang, Yue Zhang
2015 Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing  
We investigate a combination of a traditional linear sparse feature model and a multi-layer neural network model for deterministic transition-based dependency parsing, by integrating the sparse features  ...  into the neural model.  ...  Directly combining linear and neural features (This) We directly combine linear and neural features (Figure 1(e) ).  ... 
doi:10.18653/v1/d15-1153 dblp:conf/emnlp/ZhangZ15 fatcat:lwilj6x7fncw7fw7b6h5cyh7m4
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