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Network Protocols Designed for Optimizability

Jennifer Rexford
2006 2006 40th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems  
However, many of the existing protocols were not designed with optimization in mind, leading to computationally difficult optimization problems even for the simplest of objective functions.  ...  However, the protocols underlying today's data networks, such as the Internet, were not designed with manageability in mind.  ...  We believe that designing protocols with optimization in mind is a promising area for future research. Similarly, designing protocols with diagnosis in mind would be very useful.  ... 
doi:10.1109/ciss.2006.286491 fatcat:bsirx253ond3hgjw5syoamsmyu

Don't optimize existing protocols, design optimizable protocols

Jiayue He, Jennifer Rexford, Mung Chiang
2007 Computer communication review  
Realizing that optimization problems in network management are induced by assumptions adopted in protocol design, we argue that instead of optimizing existing protocols, protocols should be designed with  ...  Using examples from our past research on traffic management, we present principles that guide how changes to existing protocols and architectures can lead to optimizable protocols.  ...  Acknowledgment We would like to thank Constantine Dovrolis, Nick Feamster, Renata Teixeira and Dahai Xu for their feedback on earlier drafts.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1273445.1273452 fatcat:45c2oyn5nfhwbkbeismmukroty

Design for Optimizability: Traffic Management of a Future Internet [chapter]

Jiayue He, Jennifer Rexford, Mung Chiang
2010 Computer Communications and Networks  
Realizing that optimization problems in network management are induced by assumptions adopted in protocol design, we argue that instead of optimizing existing protocols, protocols should be designed with  ...  Using examples from our past research on traffic management, we present principles that guide how changes to existing protocols and architectures can lead to optimizable protocols.  ...  Acknowledgments We would like to thank Constantine Dovrolis, Nick Feamster, Renata Teixeira and Dahai Xu for their feedback on earlier drafts.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-1-84882-765-3_1 dblp:series/ccn/HeRC10 fatcat:atnokpad6fcc7n7xtdabik43mu


2024 Zenodo  
Specifically, three key algorithms are employed: (i) the Optimizable Efficient Linear Algorithm, (ii) the Optimizable Kernel Algorithm, and (iii) the Optimizable Neural Networks Algorithm, noted for its  ...  As a result, this paper presents a new IDS framework known as federatedsimple recurrent units (SRUs) designed to enhance security for IoT-based ICSs.  ...  Optimizable neural networks Optimizable neural networks refer to neural network architectures whose parameters are optimized to improve their performance for cyber-attack detection tasks.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.10876032 fatcat:fafanz44qngijd2clir3k3hr4y

Gaussian Regression Models for Evaluation of Network Lifetime and Cluster-Head Selection in Wireless Sensor Devices

Anna Merine George, Dr. S.Y. Kulkarni, Dr. Ciji Pearl Kurian
2022 IEEE Access  
The paper presents a model predictive approach for evaluating network lifetime and cluster head selection for a wireless sensor network.  ...  The study considers a machine learning approach to combine clustering with the optimal routing protocol.  ...  The design of energy balanced and energy-efficient routing protocols is required for increasing the lifetime of wireless sensor nodes.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2022.3152804 fatcat:xioffqqwn5a6hejlhw5m3pidce

BGP safety with spurious updates

Martin Suchara, Alex Fabrikant, Jennifer Rexford
2011 2011 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM  
In this new, more robust model of BGP behavior, we derive a necessary and sufficient condition for safety, which furthermore admits an efficient algorithm for checking BGP safety in most practical circumstances  ...  We also consider the implications of spurious updates for well-known results on dispute wheels and safety under filtering.  ...  Protocol designers, router designers, and network operators could strive to reduce the frequency and duration of spurious updates.  ... 
doi:10.1109/infcom.2011.5935137 dblp:conf/infocom/SucharaFR11 fatcat:os2zwkjwuzcqlhxh6elh4nmbxe

Machine-Learning-Based Darknet Traffic Detection System for IoT Applications

Qasem Abu Al-Haija, Moez Krichen, Wejdan Abu Elhaija
2022 Electronics  
decision tree (O-DT), optimizable k-nearest neighbor (O-KNN), and optimizable discriminant (O-DSC).  ...  The massive modern technical revolution in electronics, cognitive computing, and sensing has provided critical infrastructure for the development of today's Internet of Things (IoT) for a wide range of  ...  One of the configurations on which the Darknet is built is a Tor network [11] , which employs an onion routing protocol.  ... 
doi:10.3390/electronics11040556 fatcat:ltk2mqppizbndcufgxd3htx44y

GaussianAvatar: Towards Realistic Human Avatar Modeling from a Single Video via Animatable 3D Gaussians [article]

Liangxiao Hu, Hongwen Zhang, Yuxiang Zhang, Boyao Zhou, Boning Liu, Shengping Zhang, Liqiang Nie
2024 arXiv   pre-print
Our representation is further augmented with dynamic properties to support pose-dependent appearance modeling, where a dynamic appearance network along with an optimizable feature tensor is designed to  ...  . • We augment the animatable 3D Gaussians with dynamic properties to support pose-dependent appearance modeling, where a dynamic appearance network along with an optimizable feature tensor is designed  ...  For dynamic human appearance modeling, we leverage a dynamic appearance network along with an optimizable feature tensor to enhance the representation with dynamic properties.  ... 
arXiv:2312.02134v3 fatcat:fuckwxmtrbaphewke7273vln34

Outage and Throughput Analysis of Spectrum Sharing Cognitive Radio Network Incorporating Energy Harvesting Hybrid Relay

2019 International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology  
The relays follow adaptive hybrid protocol (AHR) for forwarding the received signal from source to destination.  ...  The results depict that the use of energy harvesting strategy in cognitive radio network can result in an energy-efficient solution for future wireless communication.  ...  INTRODUCTION Energy consumption has become a major concern in designing and working of wireless network.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijeat.b4429.129219 fatcat:umhk2vyzdvbefbfhamy6f3stha

Layering as Optimization Decomposition: Questions and Answers

Mung Chiang, Steven Low, A. Calderbank, John Doyle
2006 MILCOM 2006  
Network protocols may instead be holistically analyzed and systematically designed as distributed solutions to some global optimization problems in the form of generalized Network Utility Maximization  ...  Network protocols in layered architectures have historically been obtained on an ad-hoc basis, and much of the recent cross-layer designs are conducted through piecemeal approaches.  ...  than an ad hoc, process of designing layered protocol stack for wired and wireless networks.  ... 
doi:10.1109/milcom.2006.302293 fatcat:af724jimzbgvbaxulhtkuvjz3i

Track Everything Everywhere Fast and Robustly [article]

Yunzhou Song and Jiahui Lei and Ziyun Wang and Lingjie Liu and Kostas Daniilidis
2024 arXiv   pre-print
We propose a novel test-time optimization approach for efficiently and robustly tracking any pixel at any time in a video.  ...  While CaDeX++ incorporates a stronger geometric bias within its architectural design, it also takes advantage of the inductive bias provided by the vision foundation models.  ...  Acknowledgement We gratefully acknowledge the financial support through the NSF IIS-RI 2212433 grant, and a gift from AWS AI to Penn Engineering's ASSET Center for Trustworthy AI.  ... 
arXiv:2403.17931v1 fatcat:jm7ew22unjc2zf5cdmoudjvkqu

Efficient Classification of Enciphered SCADA Network Traffic in Smart Factory using Decision Tree Algorithm

Ahakonye Love Allen Chijioke, Cosmas Ifeanyi Nwakanma, Jae-Min Lee, Dong-Seong Kim
2021 IEEE Access  
Vulnerability detection in Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) network of a Smart Factory (SF) is a high-priority research area in the cyber-security domain.  ...  Choosing an efficient Machine Learning (ML) algorithm for intrusion detection is a huge challenge.  ...  speed. [17] presented an autoencoder-based IDS targeted at the Distributed Network Protocol 3 (DNP3) of a SCADA system.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2021.3127560 fatcat:kmrk7gbvlvfspaqc6mulojj2ga

Interpretable Deep Tracking [article]

Benjamin Thérien, Krzysztof Czarnecki
2022 arXiv   pre-print
To help bridge this gap, we design an end-to-end optimizable multi-object tracking architecture and training protocol inspired by the recently proposed method of interchange intervention training (IIT)  ...  Current end-to-end optimizable deep neural networks (DNNs) in 3D detection, multi-object tracking, and motion forecasting provide little to no explanations about how they make their decisions.  ...  The key idea of our design is the integration of a highly structured end-to-end optimizable tracker with SCMs that represent its decision-making domain knowledge.  ... 
arXiv:2210.01266v1 fatcat:a46jqx3k3ncv7icsxk5mt2txxy

Layering As Optimization Decomposition: Current Status and Open Issues

Mung Chiang, Steven H. Low, A. Robert Calderbank, John C. Doyle
2006 2006 40th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems  
Network protocols may instead be holistically analyzed and systematically designed as distributed solutions to some global optimization problems in the form of generalized Network Utility Maximization  ...  Network protocols in layered architectures have historically been obtained on an ad-hoc basis, and much of the recent cross-layer designs are conducted through piecemeal approaches.  ...  than an ad hoc, process of designing layered protocol stack for wired and wireless networks.  ... 
doi:10.1109/ciss.2006.286492 fatcat:griqjircfbfurhdwi4iibumzne

An Empirical Study of Market Inefficiencies in Uniswap and SushiSwap [article]

Jan Arvid Berg, Robin Fritsch, Lioba Heimbach, Roger Wattenhofer
2022 arXiv   pre-print
The Graph is a decentralized protocol for indexing and querying data from blockchains like Ethereum.  ...  A.3 Pool Network B Networks We show the networks used to find optimized routing in Figure 6 and the networks used to find cyclic arbitrage opportunities in Figure 7 .  ... 
arXiv:2203.07774v2 fatcat:44l3lpkmwff37ko2g4yvqnzope
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