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Nanotechnology, Biology, Ethics and Society: Overcoming the Multidisciplinary Teaching Challenges

Linda Vanasupa, Matthew Ritter, Barbara Schader, Katherine Chen, Richard Savage, Peter Schwartz, Lynne Slivovsky
2006 Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings  
Nanotechnology presents an additional challenge in that its underpinnings cross multiple traditional disciplinary boundaries.  ...  In this paper, we will present the design features of our sophomore-level course Nanotechnology, biology, ethics and society and some preliminary results.  ...  Using this data and the National Society of Professional Engineer's statement on ethics, identify the endpoint in a product life cycle for engineers' responsibility for the safety and welfare of the public  ... 
doi:10.1557/proc-0931-kk01-09 fatcat:3pzwd2t2czch3eergye47c3ski

Nanotechnology, ethics and policy education : research and pedagogy

Carl Mitcham, Corinne Packard, Laura Heller, Derrick Hudson, Cortney Holles, Wang Nan, Zhu Qin, Jason Delborne, Jennifer J. Schneider, Sandy Woodson, Colorado School Of Mines. Arthur Lakes Library, Colorado School Of Mines. Arthur Lakes Library
support for nanotechnology research; the pedagogy, practice and outcomes of the course modules and faculty workshop; and a review of the literature on social justice and ethics in nanotechnology with  ...  This panel discussion on the creation of interdisciplinary modules about the social, ethical, environmental, and economic impact of nanotechnology was presented in three parts: the background of federal  ...  the risks and benefits of nanotechnology for an NSF grant (Award #EEC-1138257).  ... 
doi:10.25676/11124/16999 fatcat:vgpmvafhrre45acmp5wpfnrfyq

Machines of life: catalogue, stochastic process modeling, probabilistic reverse engineering and the PIs- from Aristotle to Alberts [article]

Debashish Chowdhury
2012 arXiv   pre-print
It is written for non-experts and from a broad perspective, showing overlapping concepts from several different branches of physics and from other areas of science and technology.  ...  Just like their macroscopic counterparts, each of these nano-machines has an engine that "transduces" input energy into an output form which is then utilized by its coupling to a transmission system for  ...  machine" (or "prime motor") [231] from an engineer's perspective.  ... 
arXiv:1203.2673v2 fatcat:wo5wpdtzpvar7jl7eyskvesvzy

Economic Impacts and Commercialization of Nanotechnology [chapter]

Mihail C. Roco, William Sims Bainbridge
Nanotechnology: Societal Implications  
And we need to include diverse perspectives in decision making and in policy formation to help determine both paths to avoid and directions to pursue.  ...  Nanotechnology, biotechnology, and information and cognitive science are converging in laboratories with startling-and for some alarming-results. The pace and significance of discovery are dizzying.  ...  From an economic perspective, the emerging NanoEconomy promises to create more jobs, fuel more innovative products, perhaps heal and cure more patients, extending life and health.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-5432-7_1 fatcat:fsr25iy4nzgllkn5niicmenwr4

Broad Concerns about Nanotechnology Patents: Symptoms and Diagnosis

Dannie Jost, Thomas Cottier
We discuss the concerns that the patenting activity in the new nanotechnologies could blur the line between what is considered a discovery and what can be considered as an invention.  ...  these relate to chemistry and nanotechnology.  ...  Application of Nanotechnologies in the Food and  ... 
doi:10.7892/boris.83878 fatcat:yg5nsj2ge5fjxfyaafq6xbx5yu

Life Cycle Engineering 4.0: A Proposal to Conceive Manufacturing Systems for Industry 4.0 Centred on the Human Factor (DfHFinI4.0)

Susana Suarez-Fernandez de Miranda, Francisco Aguayo-González, Jorge Salguero-Gómez, María Jesús Ávila-Gutiérrez
2020 Applied Sciences  
DfHFinI4.0 can be integrated into the life cycle engineering of the enterprise reference architectures, thereby obtaining manufacturing systems for Industry 4.0 focused on the human factor.  ...  Engineering 4.0 environments are characterised by the digitisation, virtualisation, and connectivity of products, processes, and facilities composed of reconfigurable and adaptive socio-technical cyber-physical  ...  Activity theory [95] facilitates interactivity and assertive navigation, and encourages the engineer's creativity as an Operator 4.0, in the resolution of open and complex problems.  ... 
doi:10.3390/app10134442 fatcat:psfosw2mkbby3pm466iznceo7m

Risk and Responsibility: A Complex and Evolving Relationship

Céline Kermisch
2010 Science and Engineering Ethics  
This allows us to make their link with responsibility explicit and to determine if a shift in the connection between risk and responsibility can be outlined. (1) In the engineer's paradigm, the quantitative  ...  Since neither the concept of risk nor the concept of responsibility has an unequivocal definition, it is obvious that there is no single interpretation of their relationship.  ...  The author wishes to express special thanks to Ibo Van de Poel for his helpful suggestions on an earlier draft of this paper.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11948-010-9246-y pmid:21103951 pmcid:PMC3275725 fatcat:wsfeadyfdfdvbdhlspoe5vxose

[Front matter]

2018 2018 IEEE Nanotechnology Symposium (ANTS)  
Organizing Committee Chair Devika Sil (IBM) Assistant Chair Jingyun Zhang (IBM) Mona Ebrish (IBM) Review Committee Chair Hao Tang (IBM) Technical Committee Chair Cody Murray (IBM) Logistics and Supplies  ...  : Digital Disruption: An Engineer's Perspective on Life, the Internet of Things and the Importance of Play John Cohn, IBM 5:30 -6:00 pm Awards / Final Remarks Poster Session November 14, 2:00 -5:00 PM  ...  Bao, and K.  ... 
doi:10.1109/nanotech.2018.8653575 fatcat:7vqpsaj32bgmxobhl43tflxrmi

Synthetic biology for nanotechnology

Philip Ball
2004 Nanotechnology  
In this article I shall review what has been attained so far in this field, and look at some of the nanoscale possibilities that an engineering approach to cell biology might herald.  ...  The modification of biological structures has already been pursued for a variety of nanotechnological objectives; but synthetic biology could provide the tools and understanding needed both to develop  ...  Yet if it fulfils its promise of harnessing the versatility, artistry and inventiveness of life to the engineer's skills of design and planning, nanotechnology is just one of the applied sciences that  ... 
doi:10.1088/0957-4484/16/1/r01 fatcat:hkh4d73opvhz3kjzwi577vw6xi

"Product-Process-Machine" System Modeling: Approach and Industrial Case Studies [chapter]

Alexander Smirnov, Kurt Sandkuhl, Nikolay Shilov, Alexey Kashevnik
2013 Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing  
and assessing their effects, (b) from a technical perspective we propose to use a knowledge structure suitable for extension with domain specific components and (c) from an application perspective we show  ...  The paper presents an approach to a specific aspect of enterprise modeling, productprocess-machine modeling, derived from two real life case studies.  ...  technologies, system analysis and automation" of the Nanotechnology and Information technology Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-41641-5_18 fatcat:xk2yqmli3jcvhfzn545osmbmfm


Otávio Bueno
2006 Nanotechnology Challenges  
Drexler's main background is in engineering, and as we will see, it is from the perspective of an engineer that he approaches nanotechnology.  ...  What emerges from the exchange examined here is an interesting perspective on how scientific debates can be conducted and interpreted -and why, sometimes, it is so hard to settle them.  ...  As we saw, Drexler's vision for nanotechnology is one of atomic precision and perfect and complete control over molecular reactions. It is essentially an engineer's vision.  ... 
doi:10.1142/9789812773975_0003 fatcat:cwqkpze4o5a5fhp5mtj5yujjne


Cyrus C. M. Mody
2006 Nanotechnology Challenges  
In particular, nanotechnology orients much more strongly to the past and future than most traditional disciplines.  ...  This is especially true of nanotechnology, which, because of its roots in futurist traditions, employs unusual variants on classical determinist arguments.  ...  Indeed, at least since the founding of the US National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) in 2000, Drexler's perspective has continually faced challenges from all of the other stakeholders in the enterprise  ... 
doi:10.1142/9789812773975_0006 fatcat:xk53iw3dv5fixarvmwkfmxubmu

Engineering Biology and Society: Reflections on Synthetic Biology

Jane Calvert
2013 Science Technology & Society  
Synthetic biology, according to some definitions, is the attempt to make biology into an engineering discipline.  ...  I ask what is meant by this objective, which seems to have excited and energised many people and encouraged them to start working in the field.  ...  In nanotechnology we see the 'engineer's perspective on human minds and bodies as more or less well-designed technical products' (Nordmann 2007: 42) , and we should not be surprised if this is how engineers  ... 
doi:10.1177/0971721813498501 fatcat:xxeczpxwozfp7nzcjtohu22pum

National Geographic: understand civil engineering differently

Mike Murray, Stuart Ross
2014 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers : Bridge Engineering  
Undergraduate civil engineering students have access to a rich and diverse bank of textual and graphic knowledge concerning their chosen profession.  ...  The results from a pilot study and a content analysis of a number of editions from over a decade show that this periodical regularly carries themes directly concerning the impact of civil engineering in  ...  Indeed, Bourn and Sharma (2008) refer to an employer's perspective calling for engineering graduates to have an 'understanding of how the world works, economically, politically, socially, culturally,  ... 
doi:10.1680/ensu.13.00030 fatcat:lwtxl5cxrzgvjbstltmlorza7i

Unbounding the future: the nanotechnology revolution

1992 ChoiceReviews  
I think nanotechnology also is a perspective shifter. It is a set of technologies so fundamental as to amount to a whole new domain of back to basics.  ...  That convergence quickened the pace of anticipation and research. This book now takes an admirable next step.  ...  Acknowledgments Many professors and students at MIT and Stanford University have helped refine the technical ideas underlying this book.  ... 
doi:10.5860/choice.29-3855 fatcat:rau5y74cnnhcngoryh5la2v27e
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