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Qian Wang
2020 Zenodo  
Currently, the application of the network resources and various means of teaching such as multimedia into the classroom has led to the demonstration of multimodality in college English teaching.  ...  This paper analyzes the current status of college English teaching and the existing problems, elaborates the research trends of the theory of multimodal discourse analysis, and aims to explore the question  ...  This also provides possibility for the establishment of college English teaching mode based on multimodality discourse analysis theory.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3968157 fatcat:2bmcxckcdjdyjhnlri5sriekpy

A Study on English Translation Skills and Modes of Multimodal Network from the Perspective of Teaching Situation

Xinxin Guan, Qin Xing, Yuwei Zhang, Tao Zhou
2022 Advances in Multimedia  
From the perspective of situational teaching, this paper studies the skills and modes of English translation by multimodal network.  ...  With the in-depth research and continuous exploration of English translation skill patterns by multimodal networks, the scope of English translation skill analysis has been extended to other aspects besides  ...  Research Method English Translation Strategies Based on Multimodal Network.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2022/2899947 fatcat:pc7h5aefk5grzotoua5qkodgl4

Research on Flipped Classroom Teaching Mode From the Perspective of Multimodality

Yingjie Liu
2021 Theory and Practice in Language Studies  
With the help of multimodal theory and multimodal teaching ideas, this study constructs a flipped classroom teaching mode under the multimodal perspective, which takes the dynamic teaching structure as  ...  Multimodality provides a theoretical perspective and analytical framework for the teaching design of flipped classroom.  ...  Multimodal research focuses on social semiotics, systemic functional grammar and discourse analysis.  ... 
doi:10.17507/tpls.1110.13 fatcat:qhxl7ahmsrevffivjzyr33dpha

Spatial pedagogy: mapping meanings in the use of classroom space

F.V. Lim, K.L. O'Halloran, A. Podlasov
2012 Cambridge Journal of Education  
Specific spaces in the classroom take on certain meanings because of the nature of pedagogic discourse that occurs on the site and the positioning and distance of the site relative to the students and  ...  the teaching resources.  ...  Based on the analysis, meanings are ascribed to the different material sites in the classroom.  ... 
doi:10.1080/0305764x.2012.676629 fatcat:ovtpyliqvnde5d3do4vftallem

Construction and Research of Constructive English Teaching Model Applying Multimodal Neural Network Algorithm

Nan Zhang, Hao Wang, Gengxin Sun
2022 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience  
The interaction strategy proposed under the constructive English teaching model can effectively improve the interaction between teachers and students.  ...  Simulation experiments were conducted to build the proposed constructive English teaching model based on a multimodal neural network algorithm, and a test environment was built for use case testing.  ...  Analysis of Results Analysis of Multimodal Neural Network Algorithms.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2022/9144656 pmid:35665273 pmcid:PMC9162813 fatcat:hlfxnbekpvcsrpsvxz2in3sbgi

The Construction and Empirical Research of College English Multimodal Teaching from the Perspective of New Media

Shuting Cao, Rui Chen, Haiyuan Liu, Ruolin Shi, Wen Zhou
2022 Mobile Information Systems  
In order to analyze the multimodal discourse in college English teaching, this paper proposes a multimodal discourse method for college English teaching based on the new media context.  ...  Data analysis shows that under the condition of multimodal language input, the learning motivation of individual learners in the second language classroom presents a relatively stable dynamic development  ...  Among them, the social semiotics orientation is based on Hodge and Kress's social semiotics theory.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2022/7582536 fatcat:ub3jtdggijhbtmggy54rf737nq

Analysis of Multimodal Teaching of College English under the Background of Artificial Intelligence

Lu Niu, Jun Liu
2022 Security and Communication Networks  
Based on the analysis of the practical application dilemmas of multimodality in college English teaching culture, context, content (meaning + form), and expression, this article proposes a path to innovate  ...  multimodal discourse teaching in college English classroom in the era of artificial intelligence.  ...  communicate and interact in the social network environment. 4.4.3.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2022/3833106 fatcat:etttnzzjrbalnp3d7lfj3zssya

Application of Multimode Learning Environment Based on the Internet in College English Teaching

Xiaohua Long, Zhao Kaifa
2022 Journal of Environmental and Public Health  
the application and practice of multimode learning based on the Internet in college English teaching.  ...  With the support of models of teaching theory, multimode learning theory, and multimodality theory, using statistical analysis and qualitative and quantitative research methods, this article tries to explore  ...  and (3) teachers' team building in the process of applying network multimodal teaching theory to college English teaching classroom.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2022/8913927 pmid:36065170 pmcid:PMC9440800 fatcat:2bjrjmeq4zhh7gdxxvvpc7nboi

Exploring Multimodal Studies in the Classroom [chapter]

Reny Rahmalina, Aceng Ruhendi Syaifullah, Muh. Ardian Kurniawan, Wawan Gunawan
2023 Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research  
In an attempt to apprehend the empirical landscape of the evolving studies, the authors systematically reviewed the literature on multimodal composition occurring in the classroom across various conditions  ...  The authors provided the implications of the themes acquired and critical new directions for future multimodal research in the classroom.  ...  The analysis based on keywords in the articles of multimodal studies revealed some interesting issues. The multimodal studies in the classroom based on topics/keywords will be explained below.  ... 
doi:10.2991/978-2-38476-166-1_42 fatcat:ugs6iq7eyra6xkuccbzusib4sa


Mochammad Bayu Firmansyah
2018 ISLLAC Journal of Intensive Studies on Language Literature Art and Culture  
This exposure is based on three things, namely: (1) Multimodal definitions vary, (2) Higher education curriculum, and (3) Findings of research on multimodal utilization in learning.  ...  This issue then inspects the multimodal conception in order to formulate multimodal learning as an approach  ...  Based on this, Halliday's view can be one of the benchmarks to determine the development of multimodal theory.  ... 
doi:10.17977/um006v2i12018p040 fatcat:e4ccjn353bg23mhmvlqmq6f3em

A Multimodal Model for College English Teaching Using Text and Image Feature Extraction

Dan Zhao, Yafang Liu, Zhao Kaifa
2022 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience  
This paper investigates a multimodal model that incorporates text and image features, based on multimodal discourse theory, systemic functional linguistics theory, and foreign language teaching theory.  ...  As a result, many English teachers have begun to emphasize the use of multimodal teaching theory in their classrooms.  ...  , based on the multimodal discourse analysis theory, this paper first points out some existing problems by investigating and analyzing the present situation of multimodal discourse teaching in the college  ... 
doi:10.1155/2022/3601545 pmid:36017466 pmcid:PMC9398722 fatcat:2wi5kxyrsbebved2tnxqs4z74q

A Research on Status Quo of Multimodality and Multiliteracies Cultivating

Hua-fang HU
2017 DEStech Transactions on Social Science Education and Human Science  
On the basis of multimodal discourse theory, from several aspects including the teachers, teaching and online interactive teaching, this paper conducts an investigation on how to improve college English  ...  Multimodal teaching methods are widely recognized by the students. PPT teaching is just one way of multimodal discourse teaching which is different from multimodal discourse teaching.  ...  can improve my multiliteracies greatly. ④ PPT teaching can improve studying efficiency compared with the traditional classroom teaching. ⑤Using network resources and network technology for online interactive  ... 
doi:10.12783/dtssehs/etmi2016/11154 fatcat:edf2dfyba5bzjbxupo3kn4tidq

Study on the New Model of College English Teaching under the Setting of Multimodality

Qian Wang
2015 Universal Journal of Educational Research  
Currently, the application of the network resources and various means of teaching such as multimedia into the classroom has led to the demonstration of multimodality in college English teaching.  ...  Under the multimodality-based college English teaching model, teachers should concentrate on cultivating students' multi-literacy, coordinating different modalities, to achieve the teaching objectives.  ...  This also provides possibility for the establishment of college English teaching mode based on multimodality discourse analysis theory.  ... 
doi:10.13189/ujer.2015.030801 fatcat:47r3znfqojawpllylfptvm3dfy

Towards the Global Postgraduate: Dynamic Teaching-Learning Environments for Optimum Transfer of Knowledge

Shanthini Pillai, Angeline Wong Wei Wei, Mary Ellen Gidah
2012 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences  
classroom into a dynamic teaching-learning environment.  ...  postgraduate classroom, through various combinations of analysis, application, synthesis and evaluation.  ...  In a study on students' critical thinking skills, Miri et al. described a teacher's teaching strategy based on helping students make connections between the topic learned and life outside the classroom  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.09.272 fatcat:vbblivadgbentg3je266tgjati

Teaching Writing in the Cloud: Networked Writing Communities in the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Classrooms

Marohang Limbu
2012 Zenodo  
Based on the epistemic transformation, this article discusses potentials of teaching writing in the cloud, such as how instructors can welcome this epistemic shift in the writing classes; how instructors  ...  first-year composition classrooms.  ...  'real-world' social interaction alongside facilitating the formation of new contacts based on interest rather than physical proximity" (Kreps & Pearson, 2009, p. 158) .  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4252798 fatcat:nbk45sj6j5c2zngyd7467njy6q
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