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Embedded omni-vision navigator based on multi-object tracking

Huazhu Fu, Zuoliang Cao, Xiaochun Cao
2010 Machine Vision and Applications  
This paper presents an embedded omni-vision navigation system which involves landmark recognition, multi-object tracking, and vehicle localization.  ...  Dynamic navigator employs DSP tracker to follow the landmarks in real time during the arbitrary movement of the vehicle and computes the position for localization based on time sequence images analysis  ...  For localization, the navigator often needs more than two landmarks to track and the computation of Multi-object tracking is difficult with the common CPU based on x86 structure.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s00138-009-0245-4 fatcat:3dldxptxcndfje3f4wxg7dccgy

Dynamic Omnidirectional Vision Localization Using a Beacon Tracker Based on Particle Filter [chapter]

Zuoliang Cao, Xianqiu Meng, Shiyu Liu
2008 Computer Vision  
Vision-based navigation systems provide an interesting option for both indoor and outdoor navigation as they can also be used in environments without an external supporting infrastructure for the navigation  ...  www.intechopen.com Computer Vision 24 The navigation module consists of an embedded platform, multi-sensors and an internet port.  ...  Among them, research on RFID technology integrating stereo vision to localize an indoor mobile robot is included in this book.  ... 
doi:10.5772/6166 fatcat:mbihxkg5wfhv3nuurvqv5kotn4

Principal component filter banks for optimal multiresolution analysis

M.K. Tsatsanis, G.B. Giannakis
1995 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing  
Current research topics focus on transmitter and receiver diversity techniques for single-and multi-user fading communication channels, compensation of nonlinear amplifier effects, redundant precoding  ...  and space-time coding for block transmissions, multicarrier, and wide-band wireless communication systems.  ...  system, the problem of automatically detecting moving objects of interest, and the use of deformable models for tracking and manipulation of rigid and non-rigid objects.  ... 
doi:10.1109/78.403336 fatcat:hc5dh5b62ra45jzqc46unornwi

Expanding Navigation Systems by Integrating It with Advanced Technologies [chapter]

Menachem Domb
2020 Geographic Information Systems in Geospatial Intelligence [Working Title]  
For the rest of this chapter, we introduce various navigation implementations using alternate technologies integrated with GPS or operated as standalone devices.  ...  In the next section, we outline the limitations of GPS, and then we describe the integration of GIS, smartphones, and GPS to enable its use in mobile applications.  ...  Context-aware mobile wearable system with obstacle avoidance The system is composed of three embedded components; a map manager, a motion tracker, and a hindrance dodging [19] .  ... 
doi:10.5772/intechopen.91203 fatcat:gbb2jeylmffc3gqlmbahfy54ee

Embedded Vision for Self-Driving on Forest Roads [article]

Sorin Grigorescu, Mihai Zaha, Bogdan Trasnea, Cosmin Ginerica
2021 arXiv   pre-print
For achieving a high computation speed, we use a learning system to train a multi-task Deep Neural Network (DNN) for scene and instance segmentation of objects, while the keypoints required for simultaneous  ...  In order to protect and maintain these roads, we propose RovisLab AMTU (Autonomous Mobile Test Unit), which is a robotic system designed to autonomously navigate off-road terrain and inspect if any deforestation  ...  The handcrafted pipeline is used for computing FAST keypoint features which are tracked in the input video streams using the pyramidal approximation of the Lucas-Kanade feature tracker [7] .  ... 
arXiv:2105.13754v1 fatcat:rdzio22xxrbffhaizj4b2tuagi

User Interfaces for Mobile Augmented Reality Systems [article]

Steve Feiner
2003 International Conference on Vision, Video and Graphics  
This talk provides an overview of work that explores user interface design issues for mobile augmented reality systems, which use tracked see-through and hear-through displays to overlay virtual graphics  ...  Rule-based tracker control applies to outdoor as well as indoor navigation.  ...  tracking multiple objects reliably in 6DOF using a truly mobile system outdoors, we conducted that research indoors, making use of commercial wide-area ceiling trackers.  ... 
doi:10.2312/vvg.20031017 dblp:conf/vvg/Feiner03 fatcat:5mztekgvszg33ag6lyoyvxkit4

A survey of mobile and wireless technologies for augmented reality systems

George Papagiannakis, Gurminder Singh, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann
2008 Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds  
Recent advances in hardware and software for mobile computing have enabled a new breed of mobile AR systems and applications.  ...  In this paper we provide a survey of different mobile and wireless technologies and how they have impact AR.  ...  Acknowledgments The provided work has been partially supported by the EU FP6 IST Programme, in the framework of the INTERMEDIA Network of Excellence Project IST-38419. 6.  ... 
doi:10.1002/cav.221 fatcat:dlajxnbzifcl7inx6ofdle4ezu

Challenges and enablers of augmented reality technology for in situ walkthrough applications

Ivan Mutis, Abhijeet Ambekar
2020 Journal of Information Technology in Construction  
Performance features such as motion tracking, localization, error dispersion with respect to luminance, system processing speed, and ambiguity in the feature tracking are evaluated. i-Tracker contributes  ...  This project advances understanding of rapid implementations and the use of AR visualizations on job sites, utilizing significant progress in mobile and ubiquitous computing with faster central processing  ...  Observed latency with a few seconds of delay appeared when there were more than 100 objects stored and activated in the mobile device.  ... 
doi:10.36680/j.itcon.2020.003 fatcat:gvv4dumpnfbgpmmuezskrk43cu

DEEP-SEE: Joint Object Detection, Tracking and Recognition with Application to Visually Impaired Navigational Assistance

Ruxandra Tapu, Bogdan Mocanu, Titus Zaharia
2017 Sensors  
encountered during navigation in the outdoor environment.  ...  In this paper, we introduce the so-called DEEP-SEE framework that jointly exploits computer vision algorithms and deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to detect, track and recognize in real time objects  ...  The founding sponsors had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, and in the decision to publish the results.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s17112473 pmid:29143795 pmcid:PMC5713031 fatcat:2mmxvdtgvfapvbhlawuopdaac4

Towards Pervasive Augmented Reality: Context-Awareness in Augmented Reality

Jens Grubert, Tobias Langlotz, Stefanie Zollmann, Holger Regenbrecht
2017 IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics  
His current research interests include interaction with body proximate display ecologies, mobile augmented reality, around-device interaction, multi-display environments and cross-media interaction.  ...  Based our taxonomy and survey, we identify challenges for future research directions in Pervasive Augmented Reality. .  ...  In outdoor environments the proposed system makes use of a GPS sensor with inertial sensors for tracking the position.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tvcg.2016.2543720 pmid:27008668 fatcat:67p5saamwvcxbldfunln3xcdfu

Mobile Object Detection from an Embedded camera: how to minimize the latency time?

Michel Devy, Dora Luz Almanza Ojeda, Ariane Herbulot
2011 IFAC Proceedings Volumes  
mobile objects, and then the tracking procedure performed for every detected mobile object.  ...  Here two improvements are proposed: first, a probabilistic map is built in order to detect points in more probable regions where a mobile object could be found.  ...  objects from a mobile robot navigating in an outdoor open environment.  ... 
doi:10.3182/20110828-6-it-1002.03373 fatcat:mlzolyxknfchrpmmbzu6auj75m

TGRMPT: A Head-Shoulder Aided Multi-Person Tracker and a New Large-Scale Dataset for Tour-Guide Robot [article]

Wen Wang, Shunda Hu, Shiqiang Zhu, Wei Song, Zheyuan Lin, Tianlei Jin, Zonghao Mu, Yuanhai Zhou
2022 arXiv   pre-print
However, existing multi-object tracking (MOT) or multi-person tracking (MPT) methods are not applicable to TGR for the following reasons: 1. lacking relevant large-scale datasets; 2. lacking applicable  ...  In this work, we target the visual perceptual tasks for TGR and present the TGRDB dataset, a novel large-scale multi-person tracking dataset containing roughly 5.6 hours of annotated videos and over 450  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work is supported in part by the Cloud Brain Foundation Grants U21A20488 in Zhejiang Lab.  ... 
arXiv:2207.03726v1 fatcat:q5ztpekxwjca7erwnm5jveytva

A Survey of Augmented Reality Technologies, Applications and Limitations

D.W.F. Van Krevelen, R. Poelman
2010 International Journal of Virtual Reality  
Tracking is usually easier in indoor settings than in outdoor settings as the tracking devices do not have to be completely mobile and wearable or deal with shock, abuse, weather, etc.  ...  Common in indoor virtual or augmented environments is the use of additional orientation and position trackers to provide 6DOF hand tracking for manipulating virtual objects.  ... 
doi:10.20870/ijvr.2010.9.2.2767 fatcat:cjyqi6agargo5ki2wftmgnd4nu

Atom Tracker: Designing a Mobile Augmented Reality Experience to Support Instruction About Cycles and Conservation of Matter in Outdoor Learning Environments

Amy M. Kamarainen, Shari Metcalf, Tina A. Grotzer, Craig Brimhall, Chris Dede
2016 International Journal of Designs for Learning  
We describe a mobile augmented reality (AR) experience called Atom Tracker designed to help middle school students better understand the cycling of matter in ecosystems with a focus on the concept of conservation  ...  An augmented reality interface was chosen due to theoretical support for its utility in supporting interaction with multiple representations (both physical and virtual) of atoms and molecules, the ability  ...  Comic strip art used in EcoMUVE Atom Tracker was created by Singer Ko, through PublicVR.  ... 
doi:10.14434/ijdl.v7i2.19430 fatcat:yms2sn7a4bhxvahhicyn7ulrse

2D laser-based probabilistic motion tracking in urban-like environments

Marcelo Becker, Richard Hall, Sascha Kolski, Kristijan Maček, Roland Siegwart, Björn Jensen
2009 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering  
In this scenario, the use of mobile robotics technology onboard vehicles could reduce casualties. Obstacle motion tracking is an essential ability for car-like mobile robots.  ...  In order to overcome this problem, an obstacle motion tracking module based only on 2D laser scan data was developed.  ...  The staffs of EPFL and ETHZ are also due to gratitude for their priceless assistance and remarkable kindness.  ... 
doi:10.1590/s1678-58782009000200001 fatcat:uhdser47xjgw5cuvdr7yafb5we
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