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Point-of-Interest Recommendation [chapter]

2017 Encyclopedia of GIS  
and insect feeding patterns for mosquito-borne diseases.  ...  Similarly, the interactions that must be represented depend on the disease and the populations, including physical proximity for aerosol-borne disease, sexual contact for sexually transmitted diseases,  ...  IEEE, pp 1009-1016 Puri S, Prasad SK (2013) Efficient parallel and distributed algorithms for GIS polygonal overlay processing.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-17885-1_100975 fatcat:myyebmb3hrhgnpqmobyyvm2xum

Cross-Covariance Models [chapter]

2017 Encyclopedia of GIS  
The complexity of spatial data and intrinsic spatial relationships limits the usefulness of conventional data mining techniques for extracting spatial patterns.  ...  Acknowledgements We would like to thank Keith Harries, Dan Helms, Chris Maxwell and Susan Wernicke-Smith for providing comments on this entry in a very short time.  ...  In CAD, precision was represented as 64-bit units (double precision), and in GIS as 32-bit units (single precision).  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-17885-1_100240 fatcat:2ojzb7es7rhofinw4abol6dgc4

Data Semantics [chapter]

2017 Encyclopedia of GIS  
Web Mapping and Web Cartography Web Services, Geospatial Cross-References Internet-Based Spatial Information Retrieval Internet GIS  ...  Cross-References Data Infrastructure, Spatial Geography Markup Language (GML) Metadata and Interoperability, Geospatial National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) OGC's Open Standards for Geospatial Interoperability  ...  SPIX exploits two models for creating a routing tree, Rectangle Model and Angular Model.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-17885-1_100256 fatcat:npcac6ns2zdjfokmwpmzb2s6km

An approach for pipelining nested collections in scientific workflows

Timothy M. McPhillips, Shawn Bowers
2005 SIGMOD record  
Moreover, he thanks Gianluigi Greco for his recent contribution to the weighted extension, and Alfredo Mazzitelli for his valuable work in designing and implementing the tools for experiments.  ...  When you see these people, please thank them personally for their role in achieving quick reviews of submitted papers.  ...  Efficient parallel algorithms for Boolean and non-Boolean queries have been proposed in [18] and [16] .  ... 
doi:10.1145/1084805.1084809 fatcat:sgtpcat7vzc3veb4dx2jgskpte

Computer Graphics Proceedings of IRTG 1131-Visualization of Large and Unstructured Data Sets Workshop

Christoph Garth, Ariane Middel, Hans Hagen, Christoph Garth, Ariane Middel, Hans Hagen, Daniel Cremers, Barbara Hammer, Marc Langheinrich, Dorothea Wagner, Xiang Yang, Bernd Hamann (+37 others)
1998 Christoph Garth, Ariane Middel, Hans Hagen OpenAccess Series in Informatics Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik   unpublished
Abstract We present an interactive spherical terrain rendering system employing a hierarchical subdivision of the HEALPix coordinate system using quadtrees.  ...  In a real-world factory, the acoustic measurements obtained essential input data for simulation settings and validation data for simulation results.  ...  Imagery overlay In the rendering traversal, DEM and imagery database nodes are now visited in parallel.  ... 

Robotic isotropy and optimal robot design of planar manipulators

M.V. Kircanski
Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation  
DBMS, various data models, run-length encoding, quadtrees, data analysis-data layers, analysis of spatial and non-spatial data, data overlay and modeling, data processing: raster based and vector based  ...  , geographical concepts and terminology, advantages of GIS, basic components of GIS, commercially available GIS hardware and software, organization of data in GIS 2 GIS data 3 Data management  ...  Maps And GIS: Map scale, Classes of map, Mapping process, Coordinate systems, Map projection, Spatial framework for mapping locations, Topographic mapping, Attribute data for Thematic mapping 3.  ... 
doi:10.1109/robot.1994.351213 dblp:conf/icra/Kircanski94 fatcat:uawqnzropbgivcanzqihtimt2m

Proceedings High Altitude Revegetation Workshop No. 10 Edited By

Wendell Hassell, Susan Nordstrom, Warren Keammerer, Jeffrey Todd, Aylesworth Hall
studies. -79 -ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Information for this report was in part obtained from the following: Jacy Gibbs, Plant  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A special thanks goes to Climax Molybdenum Company and the Environmental Affairs staff of Climax's Henderson Mine and Mill for continued support of innovative and progressive environmental  ...  Multi-temporal imagery can be imported into a GIS as separate layers representing "snapshots" of an area at several dates.  ... 

Proceedings, MSVSCC 2016

Christian Trott of Sandia National Laboratories, for providing optimized versions of the Kokkos codes for us.  ...  I am very thankful for their reading and detailed comments on this paper as it evolved over several drafts.  ...  Conflict detection outputs a Boolean result, and conflict resolution and course correction output new waypoints for the vehicle.  ... 
doi:10.25776/e55g-8z13 fatcat:r674u2tdxngnxldoft34qtqv7i