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Scalable Distributed Optimization of Multi-Dimensional Functions Despite Byzantine Adversaries [article]

Kananart Kuwaranancharoen, Lei Xin, Shreyas Sundaram
2024 arXiv   pre-print
We show that these algorithms can mitigate the impact of up to F (unknown) Byzantine agents in the neighborhood of each regular agent.  ...  In this paper, we provide two resilient, scalable, distributed optimization algorithms for multi-dimensional functions.  ...  convex functions held by the agents in the presence of Byzantine faults.  ... 
arXiv:2403.06502v2 fatcat:irjxq72sjbenfp46x2c5ug257y

Resilient Multiscale Coordination Control against Adversarial Nodes

Yilun Shang
2018 Energies  
Multiscale consensus has been studied recently as a new concept in the field of multi-agent systems, which is able to accommodate many complicated coordination control tasks where values are measured in  ...  In this paper, we investigate the problem of resilient multiscale coordination control against a set of adversarial or non-cooperative nodes in directed networks.  ...  Conflicts of Interest: The author declares no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/en11071844 fatcat:ra5zgd2bgrar7kfwhgftxqi7qi

Resilient Multi-Dimensional Consensus in Adversarial Environment [article]

Jiaqi Yan, Xiuxian Li, Yilin Mo, Changyun Wen
2022 arXiv   pre-print
This paper considers the multi-dimensional consensus in networked systems, where some of the agents might be misbehaving (or faulty).  ...  ones in the absence of faulty nodes while also resisting the serious influence of the misbehaving ones in adversarial environment.  ...  This switching rule plays a vital role in enhancing the resiliency in adversarial environment while guaranteeing the optimality when no faulty agents exist, as will be proved soon.  ... 
arXiv:2001.00937v4 fatcat:w3kmyfr42fetzhil4efd7bnwkm

Resilient and constrained consensus against adversarial attacks: A distributed MPC framework [article]

Henglai Wei, Kunwu Zhang, Hui Zhang, Yang Shi
2023 arXiv   pre-print
There has been a growing interest in realizing the resilient consensus of the multi-agent system (MAS) under cyber-attacks, which aims to achieve the consensus of normal agents (i.e., agents without attacks  ...  Moreover, we show that the recursive feasibility of the associated DMPC optimization problem can be guaranteed.  ...  the presence of Byzantine attacks.  ... 
arXiv:2311.05935v1 fatcat:aabsuftke5gozhwyuytse2dita

Event-Triggered Resilient Average Consensus with Adversary Detection in the Presence of Byzantine Agents

Peng Zhang, Changqing Hu, Sentang Wu, Ruiyan Gong, Ziming Luo
2021 IEEE Access  
This paper addresses the problem of resilient average consensus in the presence of Byzantine agents in multi-agent networks.  ...  INDEX TERMS Multi-agent networks, resilient consensus, adversary detection, event-triggered, Byzantine agents.  ...  INTRODUCTION The consensus problem is widely recognized as one of the most fundamental problems in distributed multi-agent networks.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2021.3108639 fatcat:rbupfwpqvng67ojieom6aesbve

Cross-chain deals and adversarial commerce

Maurice Herlihy, Barbara Liskov, Liuba Shrira
2021 The VLDB journal  
We propose the notion of a cross-chain deal, a new way to structure complex distributed computations that manage assets in an adversarial setting.  ...  We also prove that some degree of centralization is required in the semi-synchronous communication model.  ...  Critically, our classification differs from that of BAR (and other standard models of Byzantine behavior) by not limiting the number of Byzantine parties.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s00778-021-00686-1 fatcat:sbnapgocdnbibddemyicwqq64m

Consensus of multi-agent networks in the presence of adversaries using only local information

Heath J. LeBlanc, Haotian Zhang, Shreyas Sundaram, Xenofon Koutsoukos
2012 Proceedings of the 1st international conference on High Confidence Networked Systems - HiCoNS '12  
This paper addresses the problem of resilient consensus in the presence of misbehaving nodes.  ...  These conditions are stated in terms of a novel graphtheoretic property referred to as network robustness.  ...  We refer to such a multi-agent network as being resilient to adversaries.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2185505.2185507 dblp:conf/hicons/LeBlancZSK12 fatcat:4hae6czrcvdmdiqhin3z3ci4km

An adversarially robust data-market for spatial, crowd-sourced data [article]

Aida Manzano Kharman, Christian Jursitzky, Quan Zhou, Pietro Ferraro, Jakub Marecek, Pierre Pinson, Robert Shorten
2023 arXiv   pre-print
In order to evaluate the resilience of the architecture, we characterise its breakdown points for various adversarial threat models in an automotive use case.  ...  We describe an architecture for a decentralised data market for applications in which agents are incentivised to collaborate to crowd-source their data.  ...  There also exists a class of probabilistic consensus mechanisms, such as FPC [48] , Optimal Algorithms for Byzantine Agreements [26] , Randomised Byzantine Agreements [65] and Algorand [31] .  ... 
arXiv:2206.06299v3 fatcat:g7j5dy442jd3zb5b42huztzuyu

Rational Protocol Design: Cryptography against Incentive-Driven Adversaries

Juan Garay, Jonathan Katz, Ueli Maurer, Bjorn Tackmann, Vassilis Zikas
2013 2013 IEEE 54th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science  
Existing work on "rational cryptographic protocols" treats each party (or coalition of parties) running the protocol as a selfish agent trying to maximize its utility.  ...  In this work we propose a fundamentally different approach that is better suited to modeling a protocol under attack from an external entity.  ...  Finally, we showcase our framework by using it to model a scenario in which a protocol for multi-party computation is run in the presence of an external attacker who gains utility by violating privacy  ... 
doi:10.1109/focs.2013.75 dblp:conf/focs/GarayKMTZ13 fatcat:x5kjoic45ndqlad5jf3qnqospq

Finite-time Guarantees for Byzantine-Resilient Distributed State Estimation with Noisy Measurements [article]

Lili Su, Shahin Shahrampour
2018 arXiv   pre-print
As opposed to fault-free networks, reaching agreement in the presence of Byzantine faults is far from trivial.  ...  A network of agents aims to collaboratively estimate the value of an unknown vector parameter, while an unknown subset of agents suffer Byzantine faults.  ...  Mitra and Sundaram [26] consider the more general LTI systems and characterize the fundamental limits on adversary-resilient algorithms.  ... 
arXiv:1810.10086v1 fatcat:lfzx6zr33rbzxeduogvqx2s2qu

Resilient Constrained Consensus over Complete Graphs via Feasibility Redundancy [article]

Jingxuan Zhu and Yixuan Lin and Alvaro Velasquez and Ji Liu
2022 arXiv   pre-print
For convex constrained sets with a singleton intersection, a sufficient condition on feasibility redundancy and set regularity for reaching a desired consensus exponentially fast in the presence of Byzantine  ...  agents is derived, which can be directly applied to polyhedral sets.  ...  The research on consensus in the presence of faulty processes can be dated back to [3] , [4] which established fundamental limits and impossibility results for complete communication graphs.  ... 
arXiv:2203.14123v1 fatcat:b65fzz62ovhylhmzngoibr2wyu

Byzantine Fault Tolerance in Distributed Machine Learning : a Survey [article]

Djamila Bouhata, Hamouma Moumen, Jocelyn Ahmed Mazari, Ahcène Bounceur
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) is one of the most challenging problems in Distributed Machine Learning (DML), defined as the resilience of a fault-tolerant system in the presence of malicious components  ...  We provide an illustrative description of the techniques used in BFT in DML, with a proposed classification of BFT approaches in the context of their fundamental techniques.  ...  The authors would also like to thank Professor Kamal Eddine Melkemi from the Department of Computer Science at Batna 2 University for useful discussion on machine learning and deep learning.  ... 
arXiv:2205.02572v2 fatcat:b7dwh5ajnjazpkwfsvsfoioe5u

A Survey of Graph-Theoretic Approaches for Analyzing the Resilience of Networked Control Systems [article]

Mohammad Pirani, Aritra Mitra, Shreyas Sundaram
2022 arXiv   pre-print
As the scale of networked control systems increases and interactions between different subsystems become more sophisticated, questions of the resilience of such networks increase in importance.  ...  Moreover, we discuss miscellaneous problems in the security of networked control systems which use graph-theory as a tool in their analyses.  ...  Remark 10 (Fundamental Limitation Revisited) Following the fundamental limitation discussed in Remark 5, one can easily argue that it is generally impossible to compute ψ * when there are adversarial agents  ... 
arXiv:2205.12498v1 fatcat:6s7dk4wsf5gmpbuzsklsca7v4e

Guest Editorial Distributed Signal Processing for Security and Privacy in Networked Cyber-Physical Systems

2018 IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks  
and optimal sensing/processing is the key concern.  ...  The articles appearing in the issue help illustrate the fundamental role that distributed signal processing plays for making networked CPSs secure and protect our privacy. A.  ...  The authors investi- gate the problem of resilient consensus under malicious attacks for multi-agent systems by considering a general attack model, where malicious agents can neighbor and collude with  ... 
doi:10.1109/tsipn.2018.2801659 fatcat:26xxtv2tavdlzit5qgj5gky2le

Social learning for resilient data fusion against data falsification attacks

Fernando Rosas, Kwang-Cheng Chen, Deniz Gündüz
2018 Computational Social Networks  
We analytically examine under which conditions local actions of individual agents can propagate through the network, clarifying the effect of Byzantine nodes that inject false information.  ...  Sensor nodes in our scheme act following social learning principles, resembling agents within a social network.  ...  Acknowledgements Fernando Rosas is supported by the European Union's H2020 research and innovation programme, under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 702981.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s40649-018-0057-7 pmid:30416937 pmcid:PMC6208803 fatcat:ektgo2mpcjbvhm63pi6dkwtu7m
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