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Motley: Benchmarking Heterogeneity and Personalization in Federated Learning [article]

Shanshan Wu, Tian Li, Zachary Charles, Yu Xiao, Ziyu Liu, Zheng Xu, Virginia Smith
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Personalized federated learning considers learning models unique to each client in a heterogeneous network.  ...  Motley aims to provide a reproducible means with which to advance developments in personalized and heterogeneity-aware federated learning, as well as the related areas of transfer learning, meta-learning  ...  Brendan Mcmahan, Sewoong Oh, Daniel Ramage, Keith Rush, and Ananda Theertha Suresh for helpful discussions and comments.  ... 
arXiv:2206.09262v6 fatcat:afgy6zutc5hxdbhc6ryw6dnwmy

PFLlib: Personalized Federated Learning Algorithm Library [article]

Jianqing Zhang, Yang Liu, Yang Hua, Hao Wang, Tao Song, Zhengui Xue, Ruhui Ma, Jian Cao
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Amid the ongoing advancements in Federated Learning (FL), a machine learning paradigm that allows collaborative learning with data privacy protection, personalized FL (pFL) has gained significant prominence  ...  Whereas traditional FL (tFL) focuses on jointly learning a global model, pFL aims to achieve a balance between the global and personalized objectives of each client in FL settings.  ...  However, these benchmarks and platforms still lack sufficient and up-to-date built-in SOTA pFL algorithms for researchers to learn, compare, and analyze.  ... 
arXiv:2312.04992v1 fatcat:2xhjulu4krhpbjws4iupqw53lm

Auxo: Heterogeneity-Mitigating Federated Learning via Scalable Client Clustering [article]

Jiachen Liu, Fan Lai, Yinwei Dai, Aditya Akella, Harsha Madhyastha, Mosharaf Chowdhury
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Federated learning (FL) is an emerging machine learning (ML) paradigm that enables heterogeneous edge devices to collaboratively train ML models without revealing their raw data to a logically centralized  ...  Heterogeneity across participants is a fundamental challenge in FL, both in terms of non-independent and identically distributed (Non-IID) data distributions and variations in device capabilities.  ...  Federated Learning FL is a distributed machine learning paradigm (Bonawitz et al., 2019; Kourtellis et al., 2020) with two key challenges: statistical and system heterogeneity.  ... 
arXiv:2210.16656v1 fatcat:ft7lw4wf5fhtjdhcedlzmr2zsm

Class Wars: The Dilemma of the Mass Tort Class Action

John C. Coffee
1995 Columbia Law Review  
Professor Trangsrud has made the case for consolidation in preference to a class action, and this position closely resembles an  ...  Under this compromise, even if the class action settlement were approved in 1995, "exposure only" class members who manifested injury in 2010 or 2015 could opt out at that point and pursue individual remedies  ...  Because of the inevitable heterogeneity among class members in personal injury class actions and also because of the uniquely exposed position of future claimants, the conflict problem is probably more  ... 
doi:10.2307/1123132 fatcat:gfxqcdyqkja65e4ygjiik46y4e

Reducing Efficiency of Connectivity-Splitting Attack on Newscast via Limited Gossip [chapter]

Jakub Muszyński, Sébastien Varrette, Pascal Bouvry
2016 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
thanks to the technical sponsorship offered by the World Federation on Soft Computing.  ...  His peregrinations have taken him on a tour through a motley assortment of faculties, including Arts, Medicine, Science and Social Sciences.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-31204-0_20 fatcat:27rnwllk75cv5kncys2u7utreq

D3.1 – State-of-the-Art and Market Analysis Report

ASSIST-IoT Consortium
2021 Zenodo  
Document with main results of SotA review and stakeholders and market analysis carried out.  ...  In Figure 43 [DI-10] we see comparison of the number of publications related to three concepts, federated databases, federated cloud and federated learning.  ...  It formally defines the following models: Centralized Learning, Distributed Learning, and Federated Learning.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.6705158 fatcat:xote6pjzubcvxo4aqxxbraooxi

Richard Ford's Frank Bascombe Trilogy and the Post-9/11 Suburban Novel

K. Knapp
2011 American Literary History  
a tranquil towny heterogeneity" (LOL 267).  ...  younger than 18-presaging a benchmark that the nation as a whole is projected to reach in just over a decade.  ... 
doi:10.1093/alh/ajr025 fatcat:vyv6o33usfcyjah72opfmhe2gu

Asian Social Science, Vol. 4, No. 11, November, 2008

Editor ASS
2009 Asian Social Science  
In fact, the tight policy has come into force early, and in 2007, the control frequency and intensity of the money policy were infrequent, and the inflation and fluidity still exist and even be more and  ...  The worry is not in the frequency and intensity of the implementation, but in the validity of the money policy.  ...  Some studies have found difference in language learning success related to personality (as noted in section 3 above) and teachers continue to regard personality as of considerable importance in learning  ... 
doi:10.5539/ass.v4n11p0 fatcat:x4myeajgzna4jogoxlcz6ylbsi

An Essay on the Nomination and Confirmation of the First Latina Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court: The Assimilation Demand at Work

Kevin R. Johnson
2011 Chicana/o-Latina/o Law Review  
ambiguous category of persons if there ever was one that fails to appreciate the great heterogeneity of phenotypes among persons of Mexican ancestryin making an immigration stop. 271 The rapid emergence  ...  Supreme Court, offers a benchmark for evaluating how far the U.S.  ... 
doi:10.5070/c7301021200 fatcat:kfgxbcxjynfg5c45cyozerl4me

Wittgenstein as Educator [chapter]

Jeff Stickney
2017 Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory  
Similarly, unlike in formal schooling (where preexisting goals have to be achieved and learning performances are evaluated with regard to preset benchmarking), engagement in wikilearning is based on real-world  ...  Likewise, the concept of learning covers a motley of processes, and we should resist the impulse to force them all into a single mold or two.  ...  In a circular fashion, "Man" presupposes that knowledge can only be produced by rational subjects, yet rationality is attributed only to select groups of persons (ex. colonizers, persons with property,  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-981-287-588-4_409 fatcat:saopv6vqaveebofi52nlhc772u

Bank Supervision and Administrative Law

Daniel K. Tarullo
2022 Columbia Business Law Review  
First, it describes the rationales for, and process of, bank supervision.  ...  administrative law arguments lodged by banking interests against key supervisory practices as the springboard for an analysis of why our largely "trans-substantive" administrative law can be problematic in  ...  Knowledge of banks' ratings is based on the author's personal experience working at the Federal Reserve. Cf. FED. DEPOSIT INS.  ... 
doi:10.52214/cblr.v2022i1.9983 fatcat:xprvlwb2trdbveegfjmhak7bia

One United People: The Federalist Papers and the National Idea

Herbert A. Johnson, Edward Millican
1991 Journal of American History  
and the other presidential election procedures, has a motley origin.  ...  In fact, their populations were often somewhat heterogeneous in the beginning.  ...  American nation and in reality had no love for the federal features of the new Constitution.  ... 
doi:10.2307/2079565 fatcat:wlnjn4h2gbdonoqquun256a4eu

Policy Debate | Education and Employment Mismatch

Mona Mourshed, Tom Isherwood, Ali Jaffer, Cheryl Lim, Beatriz Cardoso, Shailaja Fennell, Claudio de Moura Castro
2014 Revue Internationale de Politique de Développement  
the participants and administration, collecting both in-person and online responses from August to September 2012.  ...  on Skills Development is drafting empirical indicators for benchmarking and comparison.  ... 
doi:10.4000/poldev.1802 fatcat:kpogjcaqyjgmjh4khz2cg2f3ka

Early Childhood Education and Care [chapter]

2012 Education Today  
subject and reflect the spatialised nature of knowledge in this field which is, in fact, "motley" (Urban, 2006 (Urban, , 2007a (Urban, , 2007b .  ...  and personal attention to children.  ...  Cameron and Pamela Oberhuemer in two separate reports.  ... 
doi:10.1787/edu_today-2013-5-en fatcat:r6e5bfvowjhbdbgyxigoz6hflm

Early childhood education and care [chapter]

2016 OECD Factbook 2015-2016  
subject and reflect the spatialised nature of knowledge in this field which is, in fact, "motley" (Urban, 2006 (Urban, , 2007a (Urban, , 2007b .  ...  and personal attention to children.  ...  Cameron and Pamela Oberhuemer in two separate reports.  ... 
doi:10.1787/factbook-2015-69-en fatcat:lq436c5wy5d6hbzmqnziyv4lt4
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